Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/965195-Who-am-I
by Shian
Rated: · Other · Biographical · #965195
How do you find yourself in a world you don't belong? Please Rate and give feedback
How do you find yourself in a world you don't belong? That was a major question I had to ask myself. I was born to a Native American mother and an Irish father. On the reserve I wasn't like everyone because my father was "White". Outside the reserve a was "just another Indian". The truth is I'm just like everyone else. I follow religion, I listen to music, I watch movies, and I have friends. Why are we so different? Growing up no one knew who they wanted to be. Guys were trashed for acting "black", girls were made fun of for acting "white". But how does a Native act? Should we dress in our tradition garb all the time? Everyone mimics what they like. If you like Goth style you mimic. If you like Grunge, mimic. I like to listen to Nirvana and I think Aerosmith rocks, but I was different because I wasn't up on the latest Tupac vs Biggie news. I have gotten rolled eyes and sighs of disgust when I tell someone where I'm from, and why? Because I don't worship the same God? In my opinion there is only one God, He goes by many names. Our God also had a son born to a virgin mother. Our Jesus (we call him the Peacemaker) joined our nations to stop wars and bloodshed. No one condemned him, no one persecuted him, he simply decided we were not in need of him anymore and left. We were left with instruction to call him back whenever we need him. But in other religions this is rediculed. Why? Because it is not the same. In high school I was called a pagan and told I worshipped a savage God. I was also told my religion was, pardon the language, a sack of shit because it was verbal, not written down. What was the Bible before it was written? Was it not a verbal account of events? We also had a story of a great flood. Our flood happened because people were raping our Earth and she needed to be renewed. No one built us an arc. We were told to climb upon our great turtle's back. This is also humerous to other religions. Our people didn't come from a single man and woman. Our Creator made us from the earth. A different color for every nation (ethnicity). Dark people were made from fertile soil, so the men would be good farmers and the women would be able to carry many children. Our Creator put them in the south, because there was more sun. Red people of clay, so they could build and blend into the earth, we were put in the west to endure the sun's rest. White people of sea foam to care for the North and keep the earth stable. Lastly Yellow people from corn husk to be put in the east, they would ensure the sun rise. According to this story the people's colors were to be put in a circle. White in the upper quadrant, yellow in the eastern, black in the lower, and red in the western. We are all connected and have no reason to dislike, judge or discriminate against each other. I believe many people have forgotten this. We are all people and we all feel, think and bleed. Why, then, are there so many that feel the need to discriminate? Why should anyone be superior to anyone else? No matter how you feel about someone or how they feel about you the fact will still remain, we are all human. We are all connected, in a perfect perspective, we are all the same
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