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by Carol
Rated: E · Short Story · Inspirational · #963052
The human spirit soars always!
As Myra was strolling in the garden, a small boy around thirteen years knocked at the front gate. He held a bunch of newspapers in his hands and said - "Madam, please buy my paper. I assure you it is better than the other newspapers."

Amused by the small boy's statement, she replied - "How can you be so sure? Tell me the difference between your paper and the other papers."

"Our paper is called Today's Voice. See, here this report says that the notorious Jafar extremists are responsible for the Health Minister's assassination. Now, the other newspaper here says that suspected extremists are responsible for the Health Minister's assassination."

"Alright boy, here take two rupees and give me Today's Voice". What's your name?"

"Here's the newspaper. I am Gufraan. People call me different names according to their wish. Some call me Gufu. But for me, names don't matter because God is always with us irrespective of whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Parsi etc." said Gufraan

Impressed by Gufraan's reply, Myra said patting his head - "Good. Now, I shall bring some tea and biscuits for you. Do wait here."

When she returned, she didn’t find Gufraan waiting. Myra went inside and started thinking about Gufraan. She wondered why the boy left without waiting. As she pondered, she reasoned that probably he had some other work to do.

The next day, as Myra was strolling in her garden, Gufraan knocked at the gate. She asked him to come in and he handed her the paper. Then she asked him - "Why did you go away yesterday when I asked you to wait?"

"Madam, I had money with me. So I thought when I can buy food with my own money, I shouldn't depend on you for the same." replied Gufraan.

"Where do you stay? Who all are there in your family?" asked Myra.

"I stay far across the street in the corner, with my younger sister and mother." said Gufraan.

"Where is your father"? asked Myra.

"Years back my father got killed in the Hindu-Muslim riots. I was very young then. He used to sell newspapers. One morning as he was on his rounds, there erupted a sudden Hindu-Muslim riot in the area near Charminar. I was with him. I saw Hindus hitting the Muslims with long sticks and vice-versa. I saw blood trickling by. People were running in all directions. Suddenly a man approached us and beat my father. Somehow, he didn't beat me. My father was wounded severely and I stayed with him. I saw blood oozing from his forehead. He held my hands and asked me to take care of my mother and sister and also asked me to continue the job. Then he closed his eyes." said Gufraan sadly.

"Oh! my God! I understand that. That was something very bad that happened to you. Now, would you wait here while I bring for you some tea and biscuits?" asked Myra.

“Alright Madam. I won't run away this time" said Gufraan.

Myra came back with the tea and biscuits and both of them started to eat. Her heart went out to the boy who had lost his father and wanted to be independent. Patting his head, Myra said -
"Come again tomorrow."

When Gufraan left, she felt soothed and happy. Myra felt that she should help the boy in some way. She felt that she should help the boy to continue his education and get a better job in life. Her thoughts went on randomly - "May be I should let the boy stay with me and help him to pursue his education. I should also educate his sister so that she too can be independent. I shall inform him tomorrow when he comes here."

So the next day, she waited for him in her garden. But Gufraan did not come. This continued for some days. Myra wondered what had happened to the boy and how to contact the boy.

Then, the next day, a small girl around eleven years, holding a bunch of newspapers, knocked at the gate. Myra asked her to come in.

"Madam, I am Nadia, Gufraan's sister." said the girl.

"Where is Gufraan? Why didn't he come?" asked Myra.

Tears filled her eyes. "Madam, when he was returning from your house, he saw people fighting in the Maula Ali street. They were shouting slogans like 'Jai Hindu', 'Jai Muslim' etc. Gufraan went into their midst and said that all people are equal and that one shouldn't differentiate between a Hindu and a Muslim. Hearing this, the people got more agitated. Instead of stopping their fight, some men started beating Gufraan with sticks. He was severely beaten and finally died." said Nadia.

"What! Oh! My God! Why did this happen to him? When I didn't have any problem with his religion, why did those men attack him? Humanity is the greatest religion Nadia. I am sorry to hear this. Gufraan was like a younger brother to me." replied Myra tearfully.

"Yes, Madam. Here, take this newspaper" said Nadia.

"Listen Nadia. Have your ever studied in a school? asked Myra.
"Yes, I studied till the fourth standard. Then I discontinued.” said Nadia.

"You should continue your schooling, Nadia. If you study hard and do well in your studies, you may get a good job in future. You will become independent just like Gufraan and you also will be able to look after your mother in a better way." said Myra enthusiastically.

“Yes Madam, you are right. I don't earn much. But I would love to study a lot. And in the future, if possible, I would also like to help my other friends who stay in our slums to study and get a job. In that way, they wouldn't have to depend on others for anything." said Nadia eagerly.

"I know you will do well and you also have a very generous nature. Nadia, do one thing. There is a night school nearby. It is just two blocks away from my house. I will enroll you in that school and the fees will be paid by me. You can study and also earn at the same time." said Myra.

"You are great, Madam. But why are you doing this for me?" asked Nadia.
"Well, Nadia said Myra patting her head affectionately, I studied in such a night school long time back. I know what it means to be poor. And look at me now. I can stand on my own feet." replied Myra.proudly.

"Is it so? Someday I hope to see all the children of our country educated and independent. And no one should be attacked or humiliated on the basis of their religion or other such things.” said Nadia.

"Yes, you are right, Nadia. That is my dream too. It is people like you and Gufraan whom we need now so that our nation progresses ahead in all fields of life. I am glad to have found you, Nadia" said Myra hugging her.

“The human spirit doesn’t accept defeat easily. Poverty does not always subdue the spark within oneself. Where there is a will, there is always a way.” thought Myra.
© Copyright 2005 Carol (smitha at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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