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see the begining of a great adventure of 4 friends. |
The escape from Transylvania Paralyzed, after seeing Dracula’s undisputed power, Lester, Benedict and Ngin Jion was sitting there crying like little girls. After what he did to Jayme, Pulled his dick, twist his nipples and boiled his ass, Lester realized beating that bastard is impossible. So he started planning a escape because god knows what that pervert will do to them. “Pssss! Hey! Ngin Jion!” Lester called Ngin Jion “Snore……Snore(Sleeping)….” “Psssss…..Hey!!...Smack!!” Ngin Jion “TAMADEK!!!” “Do you have any ideas to create a distraction for Dracula so we could escape……………I know!! We striped ourselves and……….start acting like prostitute!! I bet that It will distract anyone!” Lester said. “Why distract when we could kill that moron!” Benedict said. “Hey! You stupid or what? After what he did to us! Never!!!”Ngin Jion said. “So………….Back to the original plan………….I need a volunteer!” Lester asked. “Hmmm…………………………………………(3 hours later) “I will do it!!”Benedict shouted. “You could masturbate and shoot your sperms toward Dracula! No man nor animal can triumph over those white armies!” Benedict said. “What about me?! There’s only one thing left to do!...........NothingLAh!!!!!” Ngin Jion complained. “You………ah-ha you go and save Jayme!” Benedict said. They put their hands together :”1,2,3 Power Rangers! Hiyaa!!!” Then Benedict started to unbutton his shirt and stripped his pants. Then he started acting like a horny prostitute while Lester started to masturbate. Then Njin Jion ran to Jayme’s direction……….(star wars theme song)……Suddenly.”Whoa!..........Boom!” Njin Jion fell down. “Damn it who tied my shoe laces?!” Njin Jion screamed. “Hahahahahaaha!!!!” “I’m ready!!! Your move now Benedict! Do your thing!! Show Dracula how a prostitute look like in Malaysia!!!” Lester said. “Yes sir!........My pleasure!” Benedict replied. (YMCA song started playing) “Hellooooo……(In an incredibly sexy tone)Ooooooo………..Dracula……….OO.o…….oooooooo….On the first time I laid my eyes on you………………..I fell deeply in love with you………….Oooooooo……Every night I can’t sleep….I can’t eat………I can’t play………..Cause I’d been thinking about you……………….SO now………..Fuck……Me………!!!” Benedict seduced. Then he started making weird sounds. “What the hell?!!” Dracula said. “But…….I like it! Come here Bumble Bee…..Honey……Cutie pie………” Continued Dracula. “Ben! I’m ready!” Lester told Benedict through telepath. “one more thing Drac!” Benedict said. “What dear?” “I want to show you something!” Benedict continued. He walk aside. “Spray’em!” Shouted Benedict. “What the hell?!” shouted Dracula. “Asta Labista Baby!” Lester screamed. “Squirt!......Squirt……Splash!. “Aaargghhh………I’m melting……”Dracula was drowing. Then suddenly Dracula rise up and approach Lester………. Hold his dick and screwed him! Lester struggle like there’s no tomorrow but to no avail cause Dracula’s grip was too strong. -Meanwhile with Ngin Jion- “Hey Jayme!” Ngin Jion Found Jayme. He untied Jayme from the table and remove the plugs from his nipples and dick. He carried Jayme to the exit. There he saw that Lester was in trouble, without hesitating…………..he ran towards dracula…………..Took out his vibrating pink dildo and stuff it into Dracula’s asshole. “Ooooooo…Shit!...............O my…………..O my….this is by far the worst day of my life!!”Shouted Dracula. Jayme fell down just as he was about to stand and was runnig towards the exit while he suddenly stepped on a banana skin and slipped down the stairs! “Slip……Holy Shit!........BING!BANG!BONG!!!!CRACK!” when he landed he damn well be unconscious. Although Ngin Jion saw this, he was too busy distracting Dracula using his Dildo. “Hey let me try! You go and save Jayme!” Benedict said. “But….But.I want to do it!!!”Ngin Jion replied. “For the sake of a virgin! Please!” Pleaded Benedict. “Fine! Only this time! But when we del with Mr.Frankestein! Ny turn!” Ngin Jion said. “Her! Grab this!” and handed Benedict the dildo. “Hiaaaaaaa…!” Shriek benedict. He tugged the dildo so hard that it snap into two ( One at his hand while the other one………….in Dracula’s ass) The pain was so unbearable that he had to let go of Lester. No man has ever survive those grueling hours with Dracula but amazingly, Lester did!!........... Must be all the protein bars he ate during lunch…….( Man1 they are good!) “Fuck!!!........Please….help me!!!!!!!!!”Dracula moaned. “Oooo….Poor baby..her let me help you!” Benedict said. ‘Thanks you’re goon guy……….” When suddenly out of nowhere Benedict took a broom and stuck it up Dracula’s ass. “ O my………………..” he screamed and fainted. “Can go liao!” benedict said. “Fine with me but beware of Dellon and Jossica. There are pretty sneaky” Jayme said. “Once I mistaken Jossica’s breast as a pillow……and you better believe that she got really angry!”Jayme continued. They found a lift but I wasn’t working. “Use the stairs!” Benedict said. “No way! I’m not carrying Jayme all the way down!” Ngin Jion complained. “O well…………Jayme!........Look!...nude Britney Spears!” Shouted Lester. “Where! Where!?” Jayme look aroung. Then Lester pushed him down the stairs. “TAMADEK....Dek…Dek..dek…dek….dek(Echoing) “ “Wow it’s really deep!” Ngin Jion said. When they are about to walk suddenly they spotted another lift and went don with it. They went to the ground floor and found Jayme lying there motionless. “Hey! You said that the lift wasn’t working1” Scolded Jayme. “We found another one!” Lester said. “Hey look! That room is bright! Let’s go in!” Benedict said. Jayme turned the door knob. Just at the moment they saw the content, A furious naked Jossica was Changing her clothes and she started throwing things at them. “Look! Her nipples are pierce!” Lester shouted! “what the hell?!! She got 3 nipples?!” Benedict was so shocked. Jossica was about to escape. Luckily Lester managed to grab her nipple rings and chained them to a post. If she thinks that ripping out her nipples is worth it for a escape that she won’t succeed………….Then she’s nuts! “You stay away!!” shouted Jossica. “Let my nipples go! They are harmless! Please anything but them!!” She continued. “Only on one condition……….You tell me how to escape!” Lester said. “Never!......Not in a million years.” Jossica replied in a stern voice. “Fine! You left me no choice!” Lester shouted. He took out some wires, hook it at Jossica’s nipple rings, connect it with a 12 Volts car engine and switch it on giving Jossica the shock of her life. “Wow! Your nipples turn from brown to crispy brown!” Jayme exclaimed. “Now tell us!” Benedict said. “No!” it was the same reply. “Then you shall suffer !!!!!!” Benedict threatened. He then took out 3 rubber bands, handed them to Lester and Jayme and lastly he took handfuls of pebbles and divided them. “Guys! You know what to do!” benedict said. “Hehehehe!” All of them laugh. “You’re in really deep trouble!” Lester said. “Ready………Pull………aim………….Fire. Pap!!” A head shot. “Wait! I got a plan! Fire on my command!” benedict said. “Ready.Aim.Fire……PAP!!..........Fire………PAP!!.PAP!.PAP!.PAP!... Ready aim fire!!!!!!!! The second round.Ready.Fire.Third time…Fourth time…………….(^ hours later)………Fire………PAP!.... Ready aim fire!!!!! “Damn I can’t take this anymore!” Shriek Jossica. “The way to get out is by……………by…………………….hmmm………………………………………………………………….Don’t know!” Jossica continued. “Huh?!! You don’t know!!!” Lester said. “You will be punished………….Again!” Benedict said. He then untied her and threw her into the same room with Dracula. “Nooooooo……….not Dracula…………” screamed Jossica. “See Ya!!” Jayme said. “I suggest that you get some rest before Dracula gets up! You will be exhausted after he does it with you……………………………I know!” Lester Advise. Suddenly, Dracula yawn……….”Yeah!..........Muahahahahahaahaha!” “NOooooooooooo…………………………………..” |