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a girl who was suddenly mesmerized by a whole lot of celebrities |
A must-read story that went horribly wrong. (You’ll see what I mean) Roland always has a place in his heart for tall girls. Unfortunately, all the girls in his class are damn short! Then one day, the girl of his dreams came to the same class at him. Her name is Chiew Fang (she’s the tall girl I just mentioned). Instantly, Roland has a crush on her. Every time, he would just stare at her and would be often be scolded by teachers. Chiew Fang also noticed Roland. She was somehow interested in him. Maybe the way he looks? His hair style or is it his personality? On one faithful day, Roland decided to break the barrier; he walked to her and asked her out. She accepted and Roland leaped for Joy (not the girl name Joy………on the other hand it could be) they agreed to go for a movie and have a romantic walk home. That evening, they went to the cinema and bought two tickets for ‘Star Wars Episode 5: Return of the Sith’ the whole movie was a blast off………for Roland…..self-centered ass! Chiew Fang was hoping that he would do something ‘special’ on her. Like, put his hand around her shoulders, pretends to be afraid and wrapped his hands around her, this sort of crappy stuff. She was let down because all he does was saying ‘Cool!’, ‘My God! How did he do that?”, “Whoa!”, “Hey, go buy me some popcorns….thank you!” and “Stop talking!” (When Chiew Fang talks to him) The movie ended and it’s time for a romantic walk. Their body was like together but their souls were elsewhere. All through the journey, Chiew Fang hope that Roland would stop, tells her something romantic and passionately kiss her instead he was busy talking how the stupid Jedi swung his Light saber. They reached Chiew Fang’s home. With a broken heart, she waved goodbye at Roland. She was hoping that he would give her a good night kiss instead he said, “Hey, could you buy me the Star Wars’s DVD?” and before she could answer, he said, ”O.k. thanks! Bring to school tomorrow! Bye! Good night!” and walked away. That’s it! Chiew Fang has had enough of this. She took out a handkerchief and poured something on it (I think that it’s her pee). She then secretly followed Roland and when they were in a quiet place, she drugs him with the moist handkerchief. Roland tried to fight back but it’s useless because Chiew Fang had an advantage in height and Roland was unconscious minutes later. She then carried him on her shoulders and brought him to an abandon railway. There, she placed him on the train tracks, took of some handcuffs and cuffed him there. He was cuffed on all four of his legs and hand. Obviously she was going to rape him. She woke him up. She purposely did so to hear his screams. She bites his clothes of with her bare teeth and broke her two front teeth when she bit his zip! Oww! That hurts! Then she undressed herself and force Roland to suck her Pussy. Roland refused to do so, so she threatened him if he does not do it, she will not buy him the DVD. So, for the sake of his God-damned DVD which is not even out yet, he sucked and licked her pussy. Later, Roland’s cock erected. Chiew Fang immediately grabbed it and pushed it into her fucking vagina making squirmy sounds while doing it. The she moved around, shaking her bottom like a belly dancer. She ignored Roland’s shouts and moaned. She thought that he was screaming because it was painful. You know it’s not easy lying on train tracks while having sex with a big burden on top of you. Actually, it’s not because of that, it’s because from far, Roland could see a pair of lights heading his way. Right towards him! The ground began to shake. Chiew Fang sensed that something was not right. She looked back and saw a humongous train just 50 yards away. She jumps away from Roland and hid behind a bush. Roland is there screaming on top of his lungs begging the train to stop. “STOP! STOP!” he screamed but it was useless as the train’s engine sounds was much louder. Chiew Fang popped her head out form the bush to see Roland who was going to be flattened out by the huge train. Roland did all he could to stop the train from coming nearer and nearer. He pissed, he shouts, he cried, he shits, he sings (don’t know why the hell he did that) and lastly the thought of praying came to his mind. “Dear lord, please save me from this mayhem and I’ll be a good boy.”, and at the moment he said ‘AMEN!’ for some reasons, the train stops millimeters from him. He thanked God. And praised him with every praise he known. Well, what really happened was, the train ran out of coal and suddenly stopped, saving Roland’s life. Seeing that God was on his side, Chiew Fang quietly ran away, leaving Roland behind. Hmmmm…….I wonder how the hell is Roland going to free himself?........He can’t! Chiew Fang got the keys! For some reasons, the train started to work again (some idiot found another damn coal) and ran right through Roland, body parts splattered all over the place and blood covers the whole place. Later it stopped again……….God must have a grudge on him…. Chiew Fang was running none stop, she won’t concentrate on what was happening around her or where she was even when she’s heading straight to a brick wall. She knocked the brick wall leaving cracks and fainted. She broke her skull into tiny pieces and half of her bones. She also mangled almost all of her major organs. A tiny fly lands on her and she died straight away. So there you go 2 dead bodies in a single night. Since that there’s nothing left to say about the two odd couples, let’s move on to Adeline Ling and Yee Ping. A heart warming tale that touched the whole world and it’s now found in all libraries. It was a Saturday, Yee Ping and Adeline have discuss and agreed to finish the Geography project at Adeline’s house. They were to meet at about 2.00p.m. At precisely 2.00p.m., Yee Ping arrived and brought along her materials……….a scissor and a bottle of half-used glue. (WADDAHELL?) They went to Adeline’s room and start to do it. Little did they know that when they were down stairs, the infamous twins, Hayden Chin and Belden Chin also known as ‘The Chin Brothers’ climbed into her room through the window and hid under their bed. All day long, they can’t stop talking about boys……menstruation…….bras and panties…..Hayden and Belden got bored and fell asleep. They woke up at 9.00p.m. And they were still debating on ‘Pink color G-string is more alluring than Black laced panties.’ All this talk about undergarments turned Yee Ping and Adeline on. Their nipples got hard and pussy start to drool. They started kissing each other, licking each other with their tongues, fondling with their breast and harassing their pussy. Hayden and Belden got turned on too. They can’t possibly appear and join them, so they turned of the lights and came out. Yee Ping thought that it was Adeline who closed the lights and Adeline thought that Yee Ping’s the one who closed the light Then, Hayden and Belden tied them against the bed poles. And stripped them. Yee Ping and Adeline were still thinking that it was the other person doing that and played along. Hayden and Belden decided to switch on the lights to give them the shocks of their lives. But before doing so, they put on masks. A ‘Red Power Ranger’ one and a ‘Pikachu’ one. Then they turn on the lights and you can bet that Adeline and Yee ping were terrified. They were tied and can’t escape. They tried to scream but can’t cause their mouth was stuffed by Hayden’s and Belden’s under wears. For some sick reason, Adeline and Yee ping likes the taste of their under wears. They stripped them and unzipped. Their cocks look identical. D’uh! Yee ping and Adeline can’t make the difference between the poles of happiness. They look alike. It’s exactly the same, every vein, the size, the length, the thickness……it’s all the same. Red Ranger and Pikachu spread Adeline’s and Yee ping’s legs and entered them with brutal force. On their thighs were bruises. They thrusts and thrusts until it was broad day light. The whole night they were banging each other like a one night stand sex. Stopping a few time for bathroom breaks and for a drink. It’s impossible for them to sleep. Deep down, Adeline and Yee Ping enjoyed being rapped ‘bondage’ style by Hayden and Belden or should I say ‘The Red ranger’ and ‘Pikachu’. The next morning, they rest for a while and it was back to intense sex. Sweat rolls down from their foreheads and cum flows of from their dicks. It was all hot and steamy. The windows and mirrors were all foggy from the heat they generate while having wild sex. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, ‘KNOCK!’, ‘KNOCK!’. It was Adeline’s mother. Hayden and Belden got worried, untied them and jumped out from the window. ‘KNOCK! KNOCK!’ “Adeline! What are you doing in there?” her mother asked. “Uh…..Uh……nothing mom! I’ll be there in a moment!” she said, quickly entangle the ropes and wears her nightgown. “What?” she answered her mom. “Nothing, just to let you know that today I’ll be gone the whole day for some matters.” She said. “O.k., mom! Bye!” she replied. Then her mother left. Then their thirst for sex overcome them, they ripped each other clothes of and have wild raging lesbian sex. Up until there was a knock at the door. Adeline answered she was too concentrated in fucking that she has forgotten to put on some clothes. She opened the door and saw the postman with his mouth wide open. Then she realized that she was completely nude and used her hands to cover her breast ignoring her exposed pussy. The postman came in and shut the door. Adeline and Yee ping were afraid and naked. They sat at a corner waiting for that moment when the perverted postman comes and raped them. He got nearer and nearer and stopped them. You may assume that he’ll undressed himself and starts to fuck them. You’re wrong! He took out a Boom Box and placed a CD. Then he sang a song and danced a dance. For some reasons, Yee Ping and Adeline joined him too some time later! They sand and sang like they were pop stars! 2 naked chic and one mentally retarded postman standing at the living room singing to the top of their lungs. They dance to the beat and even wrote a new song which is modified from ‘Twinkle twinkle Little Star’ and now after it’s been through their hands it’s called “Twinkle twinkle little pussy’ It goes something like this……… ‘Twinkle twinkle little hole, How I wonder how you smell Up between your legs so tight. Like a diamond with lots of hair. Twinkle twinkle little hole How I wish I’m in you….’ THE END. Magnific! Coincidentally, an officer form the Sunflower society was on his daily routine of finding retards and whacko to be place in the treatment center. He heard strange voices and traces it to follow the source. He saw a semi-detached house. He peeped through one of the window and saw something beyond his imagination, two nude girls and a postman group together for a sing a long. The knocked down the door and did something shocking it shook the whole world! He joined the pathetic trio too! Now they were 4 members in this little song group. They sang as if they were the only ones on this world and sang they did. For some reasons, the cast of Sesame Streets (a children program) came too, Big Bird, The Cookie monster, Oscar(the ass who lives in the trash can), Hermit the frog, the fucking pig….. to cut it short, the whole cast of Sesame Street joined them. The house was packed, singing songs that were never heard before. Things got weirder! Now, the all members of ‘Hi-5’ (another children series) came too! Damn! What’s wrong with this world? And before they knew it, ‘Blues Clues’ (a damn kid show about a fucking blue dog) came too! Ma Tiu! The danced and sang like they were awards winner. The group tremble and shakes when they sang ‘we will we will rock you!’ Then, they heard gallops, they look outside and saw a mysterious white figure on top a white mare ridding towards them alongside with 5 other strangers. One with pointed ears, 3 as short as a dwarf, and one with long black silky hair. Then they realized that it was Gandalf ridding on his white horse! And Aragorn! And Gimli! And Legolas! And Frodo and Sam!! The Lord of The Rings came too! They tied their horse to the gate and went in. For a moment there was silence. Then Gandalf took of a CD from his cloak. It was the newest copy of Britney Spear’s greatest hits! Then they dance to the music. Frodo bought along his ring to rule them all, burn it (when it’s burn it glows) and treat it as a disco light. It was total mayhem! It’s a insult for Britney Spears! Out of nowhere, there was a strong gust of wind. A helicopter was landing right on top of Adeline’s lawn. Then some one came out! It was………….O my God! Britney Spears! She along with the united ‘Destiny Child’ singing their latest songs. Then on the pathway, a group of skateboarders were also heading this way! It’s Avril Lavigne! And her band! Before you can say What-the-hell-is-going-on! A limousine arrived and parked, out came the king of Pop! Michael Jackson! Who has just finished his trial regarding the molestation of a teenager years ago. He was walking here when suddenly his nose dropped down and he couldn’t find it! He bu kan yan, and left in his limousine. But he was replaced by Hillary Duff and Lindsay Lohan who wore matching dress. It was an extravagant fiesta! There were fireworks, balloons, bubbles, Viagra, ecstasy pills, and lollipops! Then suddenly Adeline felt weird and woke up she realized that she had an overdose of ecstasy pills. She rinse her face with cool water and as she turned the door knob and opened the door, she was Britney Spears, Big Bird, Puff Daddy, Eminem and a whole lot more!.............This was not a dream! It’s real! All real! The end |