Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/961933-Just-Like-That
Rated: E · Fiction · Family · #961933
A girl jus bout to start her life must make some changes when the unthinkable happens
Chapter 1

“Who knew this day would finally come.” Raleigh thought to herself. She stood in front of her mirror that evening after graduation. She is free from high school and now maybe, just maybe she can leave Parksville, North Carolina. Raleigh McCain has been waiting and dreaming of this day since she was a little girl. “Now my life can finally begin,” she said to herself. She looked at herself in her cap and gown one last time before she removed it then moved to her closet to pick out something cute and sexy to wear to the party tonight. As she was opening the door she started daydreaming about Ryan Scott. Ryan is the kind of guy that you just know will break your heart. But one look in his honey-brown eyes you know you got to at least try. Still lost in thought, Raleigh didn’t see anything fall out of her closet till she was laying on her back and it was on top of her.
“Wade, you’re such a brat. Get off of me.” She cried
Wade McCain is the type of brother you love to hate. Everyone thinks he’s sweet and innocent with his light blonde hair and blue eyes. A lot of people think he looks like Dad when he was twelve. Hopefully, Dad wasn’t the devil like Wade can be. I thought this as the monster rolled off of me laughing.
“I scared you big time Rye-burger.” He laughed and fell onto her canopy bed.
Pushing herself off the floor she asked, “Why do you feel the need to call me that?”
“Cause I know you hate it.” He said matter-of-fact.
“Which is why you shouldn’t.”
“Nope.” he said while shaking his head.
Rolling her eyes, she said “Well its stupid.”
“So are you.”
Looking into her closet she sighed, “Whatever Wade.”
“What you doing?” he asked as he walked up to stand beside her.
“Don’t worry about it nosey.”
“Trying to find something that Ryan likes?” he asked innocently.
Turning around quickly she asked, “How do you know about Ryan?”
“I’ve heard you and Tru talk bout him.”
“Andrew Wade McCain, get the HELL out of my room” she yelled while pointing to the door. Wade quickly ran to the door than looked back at his sister.
“I’m telling Mom you yelled AND cussed at me”
“Go ahead. I don’t care. And you know Mom won’t always be there to save you”
“I hate you. I wish you wasn’t my sister,” he yelled as he ran out the door.
Rolling her eyes Raleigh turned to her mirror picking up her brush she started brushing her long brown hair and thinking to herself “I really hate fighting with Wade, but he has become such a brat lately. And no matter what happens I’m the one mom always fusses at. ” Right when she was touching up on her make-up she heard her Mom at the bottom of the stairs yelling
“Raleigh Ann McCain, get your butt down here right NOW!”
Sighing she headed to her door “Always the same thing.”

“Then Mom starts fussing at me cause I yelled at the brat. He was the one hiding in my closet but in Mom’s eyes its all my fault.” Raleigh said later that night to her friend Tru James.
“Your mom has always taken Wade’s side. You should be use to it by now Rye” Tru said.
“Yeah, I know but it just makes me mad. Oh and get this then she tells me to be home no later than midnight. I just graduated and I’m eighteen. I think that’s a little to old for a curfew.”
“Let me guess your going to go home late just cause she wants you home at that time?” Tru asked.
“You know me to well” She said and laughed. “Alright enough of this depressing drama. Lets go party.”
“I’m right behind you girlfriend,” Tru yelled as Raleigh walked back inside where the party was taken place.
Raleigh and Tru walked thru the house and tried to find their friends. They finally saw them at the far end of the living room. Raleigh grabbed Tru’s hand so they wouldn’t get lost from each other as they walked thru all the bodies dancing in the middle of the living room which was turned into a dance floor. When they made it to their friends Tru jumped right into the conversation while Raleigh looked around the room trying to find Ryan. She knew he had to be there since it was his house and his party. She also noticed Ryan’s house was similar to her own house. A large living room, kitchen and dining room downstairs, and three bedrooms and three bathrooms upstairs. She stopped thinking about the house and started looking for Ryan again until her best guy friend Josh Bryant pulled her out of her search.
“Hey Rye, wanna dance?” He asked.
Josh is a good-looking guy and someone she would date, but since they have been friends since they were in diapers she didn’t see him in that way. Soon as they hit the floor they started dancing and Josh thought he was in heaven. Josh has always had a crush on Raleigh and everyone knows it but her. Luckily, none of their friends say anything about it. Josh looked down into Raleigh’s blue gray eyes and felt himself falling even more in love with her. He quickly snapped out of it before she caught him and tried to find something to talk about.
“So are you having fun?” he asked. Are you having fun? What kind of stupid question is that? He thought to himself.
“Yeah, I’m just still a little bummed about a fight mom and me had earlier.”
“I’m sorry. What happened?”
“I will tell you later. I don’t want to depress you too.” She said with a laugh.
“No its fine. You can tell me.”
“It was nothing really. Wade and me got into it, which is nothing new, as you know. He went and told on me which again is nothing new and mom yelled at me which once again is nothing new.” She said sadly.
Josh tried to think of something to say that would cheer her up because he could tell that the whole fight was bringing her down even if she tried to brush it off as if it was nothing.
“I’m sorry.” Wow great response Bryant! He thought to himself sarcastically.
Raleigh looked up at Josh and laughed a little “Its ok. Its nothing I haven’t been thru hundreds of times and probably will a few hundred more.”
“You know I just want you to be happy. If there is anything I can do I will do it.”
Raleigh looked up with a small smile on her face and said quietly “Oh my god”
Oh no did she figure out how I really feel. He wondered to himself. Before he could say or think anything else she said, “There he is. Thanks for the dance buddy.” She quickly kissed Josh on the cheek and walked off. Josh turned around and saw her walked up to Ryan. With his head down he walked back to his friends.

“Hey, where is Raleigh?” Tru asked as soon as he walked up.
“She ran off to flirt with pretty boy.” He answered sadly.
“I’m sorry sweetie.” She said as she hugged him. Oh great now I get pity. He thought to himself.
“Come on stud. Take me for a spin on the dance floor.” Tru said trying to cheer him up. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the floor before he could say no.
“Josh, you really need to tell Raleigh how you feel.”
“It doesn’t matter. She has the hots for Ryan.” He said bitterly.
“She might would have the hots for you if she knew how u felt. Have you ever thought about that?”
“Don’t give me false hope Tru. I can see how she likes Ryan. He’s tall and blonde.”
“So are you, and nice looking I might add.” Tru said with a smile.
“That maybe true but after all these years of being friends she has never tried to hook up with me.”
“Neither have you. You have always kept your feelings for her to yourself.”
“Its not to myself to much since everyone knows about it but her.” He said with a little laugh.
“Very funny smart guy. You knew what I meant.” Tru said laughing. Just then a flash of light brown hair went by and Josh turned his head to see Raleigh and Ryan slow dancing together. Which was weird since a fast song was playing. Tru saw the same thing and worry crossed her brown eyes as she turned back and saw the heartbroken look on Josh’s face. Josh turned around and walked outside with Tru close behind him.

As Raleigh was dancing with Ryan she couldn’t stop smiling. She has been daydreaming about this all night and it was finally happening. The only down side to this magical moment is that she felt bad for leaving Josh. I’m sure he understands. She thought to herself. She looked over to the side and saw Josh dancing with Tru. She smiled and thought to herself, now I don’t feel so bad. Hey, maybe I should hook them two up. Ryan pulled Raleigh closer to him. Raleigh stopped thinking about her two best friends and looked up at Ryan with a smile. She looked at his short blonde hair, honey brown eyes and soft full lips. She quickly looked back into his eyes before he caught her staring, but couldn’t get the thought of what it would be like to kiss Ryan out of her mind.
“So, Miss Raleigh, you having fun?” Ryan asked showing his cute dimpled smile.
“Yeah. This is a great party.” She answered.
“Great. You know I was really hoping you would come tonight.”
“Really? And why is that?” She asked and flashed him her “flirty smile”.
“Cause I think you’re a great girl and I want to get to know you better.” He answered shyly.
Raleigh blushed a little and said, “I’m glad I come tonight.”
Ryan looked at Raleigh and slowly lowered his head. Raleigh thought she had died and gone to heaven when Ryan’s lips met hers for a sweet and slow kiss. Ryan pulled back from the kiss and smiled sweetly at Raleigh. Ryan started to lean down for another kiss when one of his friends walked up.
“Yo man, it’s getting late so I’m heading out.” His friend said.
“A’ight man. Later.” Ryan said while slapping his hand for a high five. The word “late” rung in Raleigh’s head.
“What time is it?” She asked hoping it wasn’t to late. Although she was mad at her mom she really didn’t want to be grounded.
“It’s 11:30.” He said after looking at his watch.
“I need to get my friends and go home.” She said sighing.
“Do you really have to leave?” Ryan asked hopefully.
“Yeah.” She said sadly, “Mom and me had a fight earlier today and I was given a curfew. When she gets like that I don’t like to try and push her. Plus I really don’t wanna be grounded.” She explained.
“I guess you better go then. Wouldn’t want you to get grounded. If you was you couldn’t come over tomorrow.” He said with a smile.
Raleigh smiled back, “Sure what time?”
“How does around two sound?”
“Great, I will even help you clean up.
“I was thinking we could do something else.” He said with a smile.
“Like what?” Raleigh asked with a giggle.
“Something like this.” He said as he cupped her cheek with his hand and kissed her softly. Raleigh wanted to put her arms around his neck and deepen the kiss but she knew if she did she would never leave him. She slowly backed away and ended the kiss.
“I will see you tomorrow. Night Ryan.”
“Night Raleigh.” He said and kissed her quickly on the cheek as she walked away.
Raleigh looked in all the downstairs rooms pack with people, but couldn’t find her friends. She got to the back door and stepped into the cool night, She looked at all the people in the pool, standing on the deck and sitting in chairs, but didn’t spot her friends. She stepped out further on the deck to look. Finally she saw them off to the side from everyone talking. Hmm, wonder what they are talking about. She wondered to herself as she walked toward them.
“Josh, just tell her how you feel.” Tru told Josh for the hundred time that night.
“No, no, no tell Rye-Rye”
Since seeing Raleigh and Ryan slow dancing Josh has had one to many beers. It’s a good thing Raleigh is taking us home tonight. Tru thought who has had a few drinks herself. Josh looked up to see Raleigh walking up to them with a bright dreamy smile on her face. I love that smile. Hell, who am I kidding? I love everything about that girl. He thought to himself.
“She’s amazing.” Josh said quietly.
“Who is?” Raleigh asked as she walked up.
Oops guess that wasn’t as quiet as I thought, “Um… I mean… I was talking about…”
“The girl singing this song.” Tru said covering for Josh.
“Oh ok. Well let’s get out of here so I don’t get in more trouble.” Raleigh said.
The three friends got up and walked toward the front of the house where Raleigh parked her car. A few minutes later they located the car and got in. Raleigh pulled out into the road and hoped she wouldn’t be to late.
About 45 minutes later Raleigh pulled up in the driveway and noticed her parent’s car was gone.
“I guess they went out. Thank god they won’t know what time I made it home.” She said to herself.
She slowly got out of her car and walked thru the front door. She was on her way up the stairs to her room thinking about her night. She touched her lips and thought to herself, tonight was perfect. Nothing can mess up this night. Just then Wade comes running down the stairs almost knocking Raleigh down.
“Brat! Watch where you’re going.” Raleigh yelled.
“I was just seeing who was here. I thought mom and dad were home.” He said while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“No they are not home yet. Thank god. Where did they go?”
“They went out to eat. They said they would be home before 12. Wait, why are you glad they are not home yet.”
“No reason.” Raleigh said quickly, she knew if Wade finds out she missed curfew he would rat on her.
“Oh yeah. You was suppose to be home…” he looked at his watch, “45 minutes ago.” He finished with an evil grin.
“I swear if you tell on me Wade, you’re going to wish you was never born.”
“I’m going to tell mom you threaten me.”
“Whatever brat.” She rolled her eyes and started up the stairs again. She had taken a few steps when the doorbell rang. Who can that be? She wondered as she headed to the door. Wade made it to the door first. Raleigh quickly walked up behind him and saw a tall, dark haired police officer standing there.
“Miss Raleigh McCain?” he asked
“Yes?” she answered.
“Miss, my name is Officer Bob Shipps. May I come in?” he asked with a kind smile.
“Sure.” Raleigh stepped aside and pulled Wade with her.
“What’s wrong Mr. Shipps?” Wade asked. Leave it to Wade to be blunt. Raleigh thought.
“Its um… Its about your parents.” He said.
“Are they in jail?” Wade asked with a wide-eyed look. There goes that bluntness again.
“Um… Maybe we should talk alone Miss McCain.” Officer Shipps said.
“I’m sorry Mr. Shipps, but it’s both of our parents. Its only fair to tell both of us.” Raleigh and Wade might fight a lot, but she knew he had a right to know about whatever was going on.
“Very well then. There was a accident tonight and your parents were involved in it.” Officer Shipps said sadly.
“Oh my god! Are they ok?” Raleigh asked.
“What happened?” Wade asked.
“It seems a car was trying to pass and hit your parent’s car head-on.”
“Are they ok?” Raleigh asked again as she placed her hands on her little brother’s shoulders.
“No. They… um… They didn’t make it. I’m sorry. They…g-gone.” Officer Shipps said quietly.
“No.” Raleigh said softly. Wade jerked away from his sister and started yelling at the officer.
“NO! You’re lying. They’re not gone. They went out to dinner. They will be home soon.” Wade kept yelling and started sobbing.
Raleigh tried to grab her brother, but Officer Shipps grabbed him first. He wrapped his arms around the young boy and with a tear in his eyes told him over and over, “I’m sorry son, I’m sorry” That was the last thing Raleigh saw and heard before she blacked out.

Chapter 2
The morning sun slowly rose and shined in Raleigh’s eyes. She slowly woke up and felt a body lying beside her. She opened her eyes and saw a blonde kid and was confused. Then she realized it was Wade and they were lying in her parent’s bed. Why are we in our parent’s room and where is our parents? She wondered to herself. Slowly the night before replayed in her mind. She remembered coming home late and worried about getting in trouble. She remembered the police officer telling them their parents were killed in a car crash. At one point she remembers fainting and then coming to. She remembered the kind officer being there holding her sobbing baby brother. She remembered talks about calling family, making funeral plans and so on. She remembered the officer finally leaving and telling them to call if they needed anything. She remembered Wade and herself walking into their parent’s room and lying on their bed. She remembered holding Wade as he cried himself to sleep. She remembered everything but wish she remembered nothing at all.
Raleigh slowly got out of bed hoping not to wake her brother up. She carefully walked around her parent’s room touching her lovely parent’s belongings. Walking across the soft cream carpet she walked pass their bed which was against the wall under a small window. She walked to the big window with the comfy window seat that she has sat in so many times for so many reasons when she was younger. When she was sick her mother would sit with her in the window seat, when she got hurt they would sit in the window seat, if she were scared her mother would take her to the window seat. For a long time when she was younger she thought the window seat was magical, then when she got older she realized that was foolish thinking. She slowly sat down on the window seat and wished that it were magical. Sadly she got up and walked over to the table beside their bed and saw a picture in a frame. She slowly picked it up and saw it was a picture of her family at the beach that was taken last summer. That was our last family vacation. She thought to herself sadly. Tears come to her eyes as she touched her parent’s faces with her finger. She carefully placed the picture frame back on the table and wiped the few tears from her eyes. No time to cry right now. She thought to herself.
Raleigh walked down the stairs in a zombie-like state and walked into the kitchen. She walked to the refrigerator to find something to make for breakfast. That’s when she saw the note.
Hi babies,
Your father and I went out to eat. We’ll be back before 12
Love, mom & dad
Raleigh slowly backed away and bumped into something soft. She turned around and saw Wade. She quickly held back her tears.
“What’s wrong Raleigh?” He asked sounding like a little boy again.
Raleigh quickly grabbed the note before her brother could see it and replied casually, “Nothing sweetie.”
She placed the note in the back pocket of the jeans she had on last night, just realizing she never changed her clothes. She looked at her brother with a kind smile and asked, “You want something to eat?”
“No. I think I’m going to go lay back down.”
“Ok. You want me to come with you?”
Wade looked at his big sister with a heartbroken look and said quietly, “Yes.”
Raleigh about broke down because of the look he gave her. She held back her tears again as she followed Wade up the stairs and back into their parent’s room. They both carefully lay on the bed. Raleigh wrapped her arms around her brother and rested her head on top of his. Wade quietly cried himself to sleep and felt his sister rub his back. Raleigh slowly fell asleep as well with a tear in her eye.
The next time Raleigh woke up the bright sun was gone and in its place was darkness. She looked at the clock on the table beside the bed and saw it was almost 8:00. Before she could go off in thought she heard what had caused her to wake up in the first place. The phone ringing.
She jumped up and grabbed the phone quickly before it woke up Wade.
“Hello?” she said softly.
“Hey girlfriend. What’s up?” It was Tru she realized.
“Nothing much.”
“Where have you been all day? Don’t tell me you got grounded.” Tru said
“No. No I’m not grounded.” She said sadly wishing she were if that meant she could have her parents back.
“What happened then? What did they say?” Tru asked.
“My parents said nothing. They will never say anything ever again.” She said holding back her sob.
“Why? What’s wrong?” Tru asked confused at what her best friend was trying to say.
“They…they’re gone Tru. They’re gone and they are never coming back.” She said her voice cracking.
“WHAT? What are you talking about Rye?” Tru yelled still confused.
“They were in a wreck last night. And…and they are de- they are gone Tru” Raleigh couldn’t bring herself to say the “D” word.
“Oh my god Rye. Hold on I’m going to call Josh and we will be right over.”
“No. Don’t worry. I will just talk to you later.”
“NO!” Tru yelled, “We will be right over.” She quickly hung up the phone before Raleigh could say no again.
Tru hung up her phone and sighed before picking it back up and dialing Josh’s number. He answered it on the second ring.
“Hey Josh, its Tru.”
“What’s up girly?” He asked cheerfully.
“I’m on my way over. We HAVE to get to Raleigh’s fast.”
“Why? What’s wrong?” He asked starting to worry.
Tru took a deep breath and said, “Her and Wade needs us. Mr. And Mrs. McCain was in a wreck last night and they didn’t make it.” Tru couldn’t bring herself to say the “D” word either.
“Oh man. What happened?”
“I don’t know. After she told me that I told her we were coming over.” Tru sniffled, “I just can’t believe this. They were like my second parents. I can’t believe they are gone.” She finished on the verge of tears.
Josh’s heart went out to Raleigh, Wade, Tru and himself. He too was close to Raleigh’s parents.
“Tru,” He said softly, “I know your upset. We all are. But we need to hurry up and get to Raleigh and Wade.”
“I know. I will be over to get you shortly.”
“Alright.” He said
They both quickly hung up and sadly thought about the great loss they all suffered.

When Tru and Josh pulled up to Raleigh’s house they noticed no lights were on.
“My god it looks so cold and empty” Tru said sadly.
Josh didn’t comment but she knew he thought the same. They quietly walked to the front door and looked at each other before Josh softly knocked on the door. Quickly the door swung open and what they saw shocked them. Neat and clean Raleigh wasn’t so neat or clean at the moment. Her normally full beautiful brown hair hung limp in her face. She had mascara marks around her eyes and cheek. She still had on the black v-neck shirt and low-rider jeans from the party. Tru couldn’t believe just last night Raleigh was laughing, dancing and on top of the world.
“You must have been sitting on the door to answer it that quickly.” Josh said trying to lighten the mood.
Raleigh slowly shook her head, “I seen the car pull up.”
Not knowing what else to say, Josh stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her close to him hoping to give her comfort. She softly lowered her head and laid it on his chest. Tru wrapped her arms around Raleigh from behind, forming a group hug.
“I’m glad you two are here.” Raleigh said trying to gain strength from her two best friends.

Afterwards the three friends walked into the kitchen and sat down at the small table. Josh and Tru made sure they put Raleigh in the middle so she would have comfort on both sides.
“Would either of you like something to drink?” She asked. Both Tru and Josh noticed her voice didn’t sound the same. Before it was loud and confident, now it was soft and unsure.
“No, we’re fine.” Josh said, as Tru shook her head “no”.
Nothing else was said for a while. No one knew what to say or where to begin. Finally Josh laid his hand on top of Raleigh’s and broke the silence.
“Can you tell us what happened?”
“I came home late and they were gone,” her voice breaking.
“If you can’t say it, don’t worry about telling us now.” Tru said while grabbing her other hand.
“No, its ok. I’ve got to get use to saying it. I’ve got a lot of phone calls to make.”
“Don’t worry about all that. We will help you.” Josh said.
Silence took over the table again. Tru and Josh look at each then at Raleigh with her head down. Tru broke the silence this time asking where Wade is.
“He’s upstairs sleeping. That’s all he has basically been doing.” Raleigh answered.
Wanting to help somehow Tru suggest the siblings take a long shower, “I know it won’t solve anything, but maybe it will make u feel a little better.” She added.
“I will go get Wade to take his while your taking yours.” Josh volunteered.
“And I’ll order a pizza. You and Wade need to eat something.” Tru said while heading to the phone. To weak to argue Raleigh headed upstairs to shower, plus she deep down she knew her friends were right.

Raleigh quickly took a shower and headed back downstairs not wanting to be alone. When she walked into the kitchen her friends were sitting at the table like before. Only this time comforting Wade, where before it was her. She walked behind her brother and placed her hands on his shoulder. She was amazed how he looked nothing like the wild twelve year old he was just yesterday. He looks like he’s gotten younger since we got the terrible news, she thought to herself.
No one said a word, each one in his or her own thought. Suddenly the doorbell rang causing Raleigh to jump out of her thought. Josh quickly went to the door. Raleigh noticed Wade’s shoulders shaking. Looking down she realized he had started crying.
“What’s wrong sweetie?”
“Last time…doorbell…cop…mom and dad…gone…” He tried to explain thru his heartbreaking sob.
Moving her hands she went to hug him, but he jumped up and ran upstairs. Raleigh sighed and rubbed her forehead, “I got to go check on him.”
“Let me do it.” Tru said heading out of the kitchen.

Shortly after that Josh walked back in, “Where did everyone go?” He asked Raleigh as he laid the box of pizza on the table.
“Wade got upset when he heard the doorbell. Apparently hearing it reminds him of finding out about mom and dad last night. Tru ran upstairs to check on him.”
Josh pulled a chair out and placed his hand on her shoulder guiding her to sit down, “You need to sit. You look like your going to drop any minute.”
Without saying a word she sat down and laid her head down. She could hear Josh moving around. Before long she felt him sit beside her and softly say, “Here you go. Eat up.”
Raleigh raised her head; she looked into his blue eyes and whispered, “Thank you.”
Confused he asked, “For what?”
“You and Tru. Coming here. Taking care of me and Wade.”
“Don’t say that.”
Now it was Raleigh’s turn to be confused, “Why can’t I thank you?”
“Your not suppose to thank friends. We don’t do what we do for thanks. We do it cause your family is our family.” Leaning over Josh whipped a lone tear off Raleigh’s cheek.
“I still can’t believe they are gone.” She said softly feeling a few tears escape from her eyes.
Sadly Josh agreed, “I know. It’s going to be weird coming over and not seeing your mom baking some new cookie recipe she found.”
“Yeah” Raleigh said, “And somehow you and Tru knew when she was baking and would come over.”
“Then we would all fight over who got the last one.” Josh added
“When dad would come home they would all be gone.” Raleigh said with a small smile.
“And your mom would just laugh and start baking again.” Josh said with a smile on his face as well remembering the moment with Raleigh.
Silence took over again as they both thought about good memories.
“Do you remember the time when your parents wanted to have that dance contest because we were giving them a hard time about not being able to dance?” Josh said with a little laugh.
“Oh my goodness,” Raleigh said with a laugh, “They were trying so hard, but we were so right. They really couldn’t dance”
Raleigh and Josh looked at each other then busted outlaughing. They were laughing so hard they didn’t see Wade and Tru walk back into the room.
“What’s so funny?” Wade asked
Wiping tears from her eyes Raleigh said,” We are talking about the time we had the dance contest.”
“Oh” Wade said with a little giggle,” That was pretty funny.”
“Especially when your dad started doing the robot.” Tru added
Suddenly everyone started laughing. For the rest of the night the small group sat round the table sharing stories and memories. Some made them laugh and some made them cry. Somehow each story healed their hearts a little.

I know its not alot right now but more is to come. But i would still like some reviews and check back for more or i will let u know. Thanks! :)
© Copyright 2005 charisma_82 (charisma_82 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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