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Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #961193
A battle between six space fighter-interceptors and three capital spaceships.
I am Lawrence Zeng; my call sign is ‘Cobra’. I wear photochromatic glasses. They darkened when the light became bright. I am a rookie space-pilot with the science police. This establishment is part of Insystem Security (ISS), the Solar System’s internal security department.
Humankind had started to colonise the Solar System in AD 2057. This venture led to the origin of security concerns with regard to interplanetary space travels.
I had undergone training as a recruit pilot for eight weeks. Even so, the rigours of space combat were demanding on my fellow pilots and me. We rocket jockeys had to wear special g-suits in order to withstand the g-forces of space manoeuvres. Our hand-eye co-ordination and peripheral vision had to be very good. It was no laughing matter to fight technologically advanced criminals. If we stopped to think where to fire the next shot at a criminal spaceship, we would be breathing vacuum. Thoughtless reaction is necessary.
Michael and Gabriel Archangelsky, two brothers, are my teammates. The Archangelsky Manoeuvre was named after Michael. He first used it to save six Space Guard patrol crafts from the pirate, Lucifer Gunstar. The manoeuvre required all six Space Guards to enter hyperspace just milliseconds before being hit by enemy fire.
The Mission Briefing Room of Solbase is one hundred square metres in floor area. Solbase was a space station orbiting Earth. Colonel Luke Peterson of the ISS was standing in front of a hologram projector. He is about to brief Michael and the rest of the Science Police.
“Pilots, Lucifer has commandeered three destroyer-class spaceships carrying three hundred X-ray Laser (XRL) mines,” Luke began. “These spaceships are equipped with four mass driver cannons (MDCs), four concussion missiles and two anti-spacecraft torpedoes each. One ship’s length is two hundred and fifty metres. Its width is fifty metres. Each ship can reach a speed of MACH 60.”
Meanwhile, a hologram showing a few profiles of one ship appeared. It looked like a wedge. The names of the ships were the Shiva, Kali, and Medusa.
“Intelligence told us that Lucifer and his pirates are going to attack the tenders Hera, Europa and Io. The time of his attack is 1800 hours. That’s about one hour and four minutes from now.”
Luke said, “Display Beta.” The hologram disappeared and a three-dimensional map of where the attack would occur appeared.
“The location will be the space between Moon orbit and Mars orbit.” He pointed at a point with a laser pointer. “It is designated Nav 1. This information will be loaded into your interceptor navigation computers.
“Michael, you and Gabriel will lead the mission to stop him. Lawrence, Andrew, Christopher and Nellie will accompany you. Your team is designated Mars Flight. You will be flying F-24C Raven medium attack interceptors. You will dock with the tender Hera and refuel. Then protect the tenders and capture the pirate ships. Reinforcement will arrive later.”
Luke gave assignments to other pilots and dismissed them. The mission alert klaxon blared loudly as we rushed to our Raven interceptors on the flight deck. The crew there had prepared the spaceships for us. Every one of us climbed up moveable stairs in to the cockpits. We put on our helmets after the technicians handed them to us. Then we powered up our fighters. The different systems turned on and our power plants hummed.
We taxied our Ravens to the launch tubes and waited for the clearance to launch.
“Mars Flight, you are cleared to launch,” the flight control officer said.
The message came through our earphones clearly. We pushed the throttle forward and pressed the acceleration button. The g-force pushed us against our seats as we blasted into space.
At 250 kilometres per second, we reached the location of the planned pirate attack very quickly. The trip was uneventful. I recalled the call signs of my teammates. Michael Archangelsky, also known as ‘Knight’ and his brother Gabriel ‘Guardian’ Archangelsky are our superiors. Andrew Godwin’s call sign was ‘Maverick’ while Christopher Chen’s was ‘Warrior.' Nellie Yang’s call sign was ‘Angel.' We were all good friends.
“Knight to tender Hera,” Michael switched on the comlink and said. “Landing instructions please.”
“Hera to Mars Flight,” Hera’s flight deck officer said. “You are cleared to land. Bays One to Six.”
The high speed of our interceptors consumed a lot of fuel. We were going to top up our fuel tanks in the Hera, and then patrol the space of these tenders. When we were three hundred metres away from the Hera, our automatic landing system switched on. Then we coasted into Bays One to Six.
We reported to the captain of the ship. She expressed her gratefulness to us for coming. Then we launched into space to protect the three ships. It was 1745 hours after we launched. Michael started to assign Lucifer’s ships as targets to us.
“Gabriel and I will attack the Shiva. Lawrence and Andrew will attack the Kali. Christopher and Nellie will attack the Medusa.”
We selected neutron torpedoes because we wished to recover all three ships as complete as possible. The radiation emitted by neutron torpedoes would kill the occupants of the ships. Damage to the ships would be minimal. We also selected mid-infrared advanced chemical laser (MIRACL) cannons.
“Targets, targets, targets,” I chanted as three red dots lit up my combat multiview display.
“Accelerate to attack speed,” Michael ordered.
We pushed the throttles and accelerated to 450 kilometres per second.
Mars Space - The Shiva
Lucifer was in the Shiva with a crew of thirty pirates. The Kali and Medusa also had sixty-two pirates onboard. He walked to a threat board station in the bridge.
“Ensign, can you identify those ships?” He asked the technician sitting at the station.
“Yes, they are the new F-24CRaven long-range fighter-interceptors,” she replied. “Each carries six neutron torpedoes and are armed with two Tan and Ban KX5 MIRACL (Mid-infrared Advanced Chemical Laser) cannons.” She pointed at the profiles and data on the screen.
Lucifer turned towards his weapons officer and said, “Activate all mass driver cannons.”
“Yes, sir!” the weapons officer said and flicked a few switches at her console.
“Select concussion missiles and anti-spacecraft torpedoes.”
She selected them by pressing a few buttons and said, “Projectiles selected.”
Mars Space - Raven 001
“Gabriel, go for the MDCs of the Shiva,” Michael said. “I’ll cover you.”
“Yes, Knight,” Gabriel said.
When we were in range, the three ships’ MDCs fired thousands of rounds at us. We swerved from side to side to avoid the flak. We were equipped with PAMSs (pseudo-atmospheric manoeuvring systems). Our fighters’ one hundred and fifty millimetre-armour shielded us from any hits.
“Maverick, cover me,” I said as I headed for the Kali. “I’m going for the port MDC.”
“Affirmative, Cobra,” Andrew said.
Gabriel headed for the bow MDC of the Shiva. She launched ten XRL mines. Some of them fired laser beams at us and exploded. The mirror shielding of our fighters deflected them.
“Take out the remaining mines,” Knight said. “Watch for missiles.”
“Roger,” the rest of us said.
I fired my cannons at a mine and destroyed it. Maverick destroyed two mines. Angel also destroyed two mines. We took care of the remaining XRL mines. Space blossomed with spherical explosions.
The Shiva fired a Space Wolf concussion missile at me. The missile lock-on light lit up on my reticulated gun sight. It showed that a missile was locked onto my fighter. I switched on electronic countermeasure (ECM) and took evasive actions. My ECM jammed the guidance system of the missile. My evasive actions caused the missile to lose its lock on my fighter. The missile flew past my fighter and detonated some distance away. Phew! That was a close one!
“Cobra, a missile has locked onto my fighter,” Andrew said calmly. “I am in need of your assistance.”
“Hang on, Maverick,” I said. Then I transferred power from the laser cannons to the engines. I went to Andrew’s help at full throttle.
Meanwhile, Andrew still could not shake off the missile. When I was within range of the missile, I recharged my cannons. My gun sight cross-hair turned green when the missile was at the centre of it. I fired one shot and destroyed the missile.
“Thank you, Cobra. I owe you one.”
“You’re welcome.”
Luckily for Christopher and Nellie, the enemy firepower was concentrated on the rest of us. That let them free to engage the Medusa.
“Angel, I will take care of the starboard MDC,” Christopher said. “Cover me.”
“Affirmative, Warrior,” Nellie replied.
Christopher banked towards the starboard MDC. It turned towards him. He centred the cannon on his reticulated gun sight and pressed the trigger. Twin laser beams speared and blew up the cannon.
The Medusa fired a missile at Nellie. She selected her fighter-interceptor’s chaff pod. Then she dropped it behind her ship. The missile headed for the chaff pod and detonated. Nellie kicked in her afterburners and followed Christopher.
With the starboard MDC destroyed, Chris and Nellie started their attack run on the bridge of the Medusa.
“Form on my wing, Angel,” Chris ordered as he armed his neutron torpedo launchers.
“Affirmative,” Nellie said and followed Chris.
“Prepare to fly more than 2,000 metres away from the three ships after launch of torpedo, Mars Flight,” Chris warned.
As Chris’ targeting sight turned red, he pressed the trigger. A torpedo flew towards the bridge of the Medusa.
“Torpedo launched,” he said.
All six Ravens fired their afterburners and flew away from the resulting explosion. They did not slow down until they were more than 2,000 metres away from it.
“Yeeha!” Chris shouted. “Mission accomplished.”
“All wings return to base,” Michael ordered.
“Yes, sir!” The rest of Mars Flight answered.
Mars Flight switched on their autopilot function and headed for Solbase. A company of science police arrived in armoured transport ships to board the three liberated ships. Colonel Peterson commended all six of us for our part in capturing the ships. This was what happened during the commendation ceremony. It was held in the multi-purpose hall in the space station.
“We are gathered here to commend the pilots of Mars Flight,” Luke said. “They have shown good skills and courage in capturing the three destroyer-class ships. They will be given the Titanium Medal of Valour.”
All six of us stood at attention before the other pilots. Then Luke and his lieutenant-colonel pinned the medals on our uniforms. The other pilots clapped their hands after that. Luke and his lieutenant-colonel joined in. It was a great day for the six of us.
© Copyright 2005 Lawrence Zeng (lawrchun at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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