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Rated: 18+ · Other · Political · #961141
Angry Rant Contest

If one of my children came to me and said, “I want to be a politician when I grow up,” my first reaction would be, my God where did I go wrong as a mother. I’ve raised a child who wants to be a professional liar.

They wonder why people don’t vote, what the hell makes the difference. I think George W. Bush got reelected because people believe in the philosophy, the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.

Social security is a perfect example. Every four years someone tells us they are going to fix social security. Instead, it just keeps getting worse. Basically, this program started because the powers that be deemed us to be to stupid or lazy to plan for our retirement, so they would do it for us. Paying into social security is not optional, it’s the law. They said, they would take our money, invest it for us and then we would have funds to live on in our old age. Now they tell us, well we didn’t actually mean you would have enough to live off of, but merely a supplement to any other retirement plan we set up. It doesn’t really matter, because they have spent it all. Who gave them that right? Was there a vote somewhere along the line I missed where the American people said, yes, to spending our money anyway they want to?

The real hypocrisy of this situation is the politicians have their own retirement program. All government employees pay into, PERS, Public Employees Retirement System and guess what, it runs perfectly. Their money is invested, it grows and there are plenty of funds for everyone. They don’t give it away to anyone who wants it. Why is there one set of rules for them and another one for us? When they set up this program for themselves, why didn’t they include us? Why don’t they run social security the way they run PERS? Worst of all they are not the least bit sorry or ashamed of their behavior. They live under the delusion they are in a respectable profession.

I’m all for helping others, but can’t they get the money from some place else? Just add another category to the national budget. It doesn’t matter, they pay as much attention to the budget as they do the constitution. Wouldn’t it be great if we could operate our personal finances like they run the government? Buy anything we want. Tell our creditors we will pay them back, but we don’t and keep getting deeper in debt with them. Imagine, going to your employer and telling them, not asking, I’m giving myself a raise. I can’t live on what you pay me. Even though it doesn’t matter because we can spend as much as we want to regardless of our income.

These people work for us. We are their employers, but they tell us what to do, shouldn’t it be the other way around? I do believe there are some good politicians, like Fred Thompson, a Senator from Tennessee. Unfortunately, he quit after one term. He said, ”He wanted to get back to the reality of Hollywood.” In Hollywood we know these people are actors. They get paid to pretend to be something they are not. Politicians act like someone they are not, but profess to be honest. They don’t admit they are just pretending to give a damn about us.

The religious politicians, now there is a real oxymoron, anger me the most. Bill Mayer said it best, “they put their hand on the bible and swear to uphold the constitution, not the other way around.” They preach pro life. They have created a law to extend life to a person who is brain dead, is never going to get better and has no quality of life. Then they turn around, give people guns and send them to the other side of the world to kill people. How can they stand before the spouses and families of these fallen soldiers and profess to be pro life? They don’t just believe in God, they think they are God. They will determine who has a right to life and who doesn’t. We’d better all keep our fingers crossed our names don’t end up on their list of those not deserving of a life. Or on their list of those who must continue on, in an unconscious state.

They said we should trust them, we did. Then they promptly proved they are not trustworthy. Whenever I say or think of the word politician, it sounds exactly the same way Jerry Seinfield said Neuuuuman. How sad is that?
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