Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/960776-Digimon-Koji-and-the-Legend-of-Light
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #960776
Koji awakens something that slept for years, and take the Trials of Light to the Holy tomb
Digimon Frontier
Koji and the Legend of Light

(Chapter One)

Koji was sitting alone by the fire, as Takuya and the others were over by the lake they were camping at. Koji sighed, and layed back, putting his arms behind his head and staring at the darkening sky above, the star were just barely starting to shine. When he heard someone say his name in a quiet whisper. He sat up and saw that everyone was still watching the sunset over the mountain, no one was even near him. He ignored it and closed his eyes, he felt himself falling asleep, but then suddenly felt as if the ground had come out from under him he opened his eyes and jumped as he felt someone grab his arm.
"Whoa, slow down buddy... I was just going to wake you, the foods ready" Takuya said slowly, a concerned look resting on his face.
"Oh..." was all Koji could say as he sat up all the way, and saw everyone staring at him.
An hour later Koji lay awake watching the fire slowly go out... while everyone else slept. His thoughts wondered to the whisper he heard, "What was that?" He wondered aloud, turning and looking at the sky.
Koji closed his eyes finally, unable to keep them open much longer, he heard his name again, he sat up this time and looked around, the fire was completely out, and the area was darker than he had thought moments before, he saw in the shadows, something, but he couldn't make out a form. He slowly turned to Takuya, who was closest to him, and without looking away from where he saw the shadow, shook Takuya awake.
"What?" he said pushing Koji's hand off his should trying to turn away from him.
"Takuya somethings over there."
"Koji, I'm beat, this isn't time for getting back at me because of that joke I made earlier."
Koji hit Takuya hard on his side, forcing Takuya to sit up.
"Shh, I'm serious..." he whispered.
"What is it?" Takuya's voice became serious when he realized Koji wasn't joking around.
"I... Don't know..." Koji said, hearing the whisper again.
"Koji are you okay?" Takuya asked, a worried tone in his voice.
"Yeah, why?"
"Koji, your hand is shaking..." Koji looked away from the place where the shadow was and saw his hand was shaking, then clenched his fist, and pulled his hand close, "I'm fine..." Koji looked back and saw the shadow was gone.
"Koji, I... don't see anything... listen, I'll build the fire back up, and take my turn to watch guard, and you can get some sleep and take the morning shift.
Koji slowly agreed.

It was just before dawn, when Takuya shook Koji awake, "Hey Koji..."
Koji turned to Takuya, his eyes half opened. "You didn’t get any sleep did you?"
"No." was Koji’s tired, yet annoyed reply.
"You kept having those nightmares...?"
Koji sat up, and ignored Takuya’s concern. "Go on, get some sleep, at least one of us should before everyone else gets up." Koji sat close to the fire, ignoring Takuya’s stare.
"I’ll wake up Koichi or J.P., you need to get some sleep Koji, and you look horrible."
"Takuya, please just leave it alone, I’ll be fine."
"No. No you wont, Koji, listen to me; I’ll just wake someone else."
"I said no, Takuya." Koji ended the conversation.

After Takuya went to sleep, Koji stood up and walked over to the lake, and splashed water onto his face. He looked down and saw that he really did look terrible. He stood up and as he did he saw a digimon, with black wings and evil feature slip into the trees. He looked over at the others, and saw they were all asleep.

He slowly walked into the treed area, and in the distance saw the same digimon, it disappeared into thin air. Koji kept walking, periodically seeing black wings disappearing behind trees, finally Koji came to a huge white and silver stone building. It was a temple. It had old vines growing on it all over, and the stone was damaged and cracked in many places.
"What is this?" Koji whispered to himself. He saw two huge doors, they were made of thick stone, there was strange writing on the door, Koji slowely reached up and touched it, a image flashed through his mind, he back away.
"What...?" Koji looked from his hand up at the huge doors, "Who.. was that...?" Koji sighed shaking his head slightly.
Suddenly Koji heard a voice again, it wasn't saying his name, it was whispering things he couldn't here, suddenly the whisper got loud and all he could here was "Lucemon..." then it stopped, Koji was holding his head and fell to his knees.
"What's going on!?"
"Why don't you go inside and find the answers." A deep voice came from behind him, he turned around, as he stood up.
"Who are you?" Koji asked, backing up, pulling out his D-Tector.
"No need for violence. Not yet at least." He stepped out of the shadows. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Creepymon, I am not heere to hurt you. I am just wondering around, and saw that you were here, by the temple of light."
Koji raised an eyebrown, "Temple of Light?"
"Yes, this is where the body of the original worrior of light was buried, supposedly. No ones ever gone inside before, not wanting to take the chance of getting trapped within it's labrynth of passage ways, where there is only one path to the center of the temple, where the tomb rests."
Koji looked towards the door, and then back at creepymon.
"And so why would you tell me to go inside?"
"Because, you are the new warrior of light, if anyone could make it there, and still be alive, it would be you, wouldn't it?"
Koji looked at the doors again, and heard a familiar voice, it wasn't the same as before, it was something he knew, it was the voice of his mother. "Koji... Never give up, go forward and find the answers."
Koji turned around and saw creepymon was gone. Just then he heard a crunching sound, the doors slid open like a breeze.
He stared at the doors longingly...

Takuya rolled over towards the fire and saw it had got out cold, his sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Koji, what happened? Why'd you let the fire go out? Koji?" Takuya looked around.
Koichi opened his eyes and yawned.
"Do you know where Koji went?"
"What? No."
"Great. Come on, help me wake the others, we have to go find him, he was acting weird last night."
"Weird? How so?"
"He couldn't sleep, he kept having nightmares, and then he woke me up in the middle of the night saying he saw something. I didn't see anything."
"And what? He's just gone, what if something happened to him?" Koichi stood up quickly.
"Slow down, if something attacked him we would have heard, he probably hasn't gotten too far, let's hurry and go after him." Takuya started to wake Zoe up, and Koichi went over to J.P. and Tommy.

Koji started to feel light headed, and slowly look away from the door, "What was that voice...?"
Suddenly he heard someone in the bushes.
"Who's there?"
Nothing happened. Koji turned away his eyebrow raised. Then started to walk towards the doors. He kept looking back.
Suddenly he felt something grab onto his back, "Ah!" He yelled and then sighed with relief, then got angry. "GET OFF!" Bokomon and Neemon had worried looks on there faces.
"Dear boy! Do you know where you're about to go?"
"Don't try to stop me Bokomon!"
"What?! Stop you, heavens no! I want to come with you!"
"What? Why?" Koji asked a confused look on his face.
"What do you mean why? This is the Holy Temple of Light, brimming with Knowledge from years and years into the past! They say the Original Warrior of Light has slept in the middle of the temple since after Lucemon had been defeated! Do you know what it would make me, if I went in there and was able to write down the anceint writing that is said to be writen on the tomb and the walls around it? It would make me the first digimon ever to lay eyes on the tomb of light! I'd go down in history like the ancient warriors themselves!" Bokomon was on top of Koji's head now, his eyes beaming with excitement.
Neemon tried to get up by Bokomon but he pushed him down, and he fell by Koji leg, "What about me?"
"Bokomon! Get off me!"
Koji moved suddenly and sent Bokomon off balance, and he fell next to Neemon.
"You not coming!"
"What!? You aren't going in there without me!"

"No ones going anywhere until someone explaines where their going!" Takuya's voice came from behind. "What are you guys doing here? Koji why'd you run off like that?" Takuya looked up and saw the huge temple. "Wow... that things huge."
"I..." Koji stalled, not looking at Takuya as he looked back at him.
"Koji, you should run off like that, I've told you before, especially if your not going to get any sleep, and wake me up in the middle of the night saying you're seeing things."
"Takuya... I'm fine"
Koichi walked up behind Takuya along with the others, "Well, I'm not. Koji I was worried about you."

Koji turned back towards the door.
"What is this place?" Zoe asked as she walked up beside Takuya.
"It's a temple." Tommy said in awe as he stood in the back with J.P.
"No duh." J.P. said crossing his arms.

Koji started walking away from the others.
"Koji wait, where are you going?"
"Inside, where does it look like I'm going?"
"Not without me!"
"Wait, maybe we should talk about this before we all go rushing into this building that looks like it's about to fall in."
"No. We aren't going anywhere! I'm going in, alone."
"Don't argue."
"You didn't get any sleep last night! And you think you're going in there, alone?"
"Takuya I don't have time to deal with you."
Koji walked up to the open doors, and felt a chill run down his back, but then Bokomon and Neemon jumped up on his back, "Get off!"
"If you let us come, Takuya and the others will stay out here!"
"Trust me Takuya, everything will be fine!" Bokomon had a sparkle in his eyes, "Everything will be joyous!" Bokomon started laughing.
"Fine." Koji muttered.
"But--" Takuya sighed, "Fine. But call if you need any help..." he turned to the others. "I don't understand him, I have a real bad feeling about this." everyone nodded, and looked towards the door, Koji was gone.

As Koji walked along the passage way he started to have a headache. Bokomon was sitting on his shoulder daydreaming when Neemon asked, "Who wants to see a dead digimon? That's pretty creepy, haha!" Bokomon snapped his pants.
"You numb skull! This isn't any dead digimon this is the warrior of light!"
"But I though Koji was the warrior of light."
"Yes, but only because he uses the spirit of the digimon in this temple, get with it Neemon!"
"Would you guys stop it!" Koji said in a hushed whisper.
"Excuse me!"
"Shut it!"
"Fine." Bokomon crossed his arms.
"I... hear something..." Koji said slowly.
"You do?" Neemon asked loudly.
"Koji, I don't hear anything... Are you alright?"
Koji suddenly grabbed for the wall for support, Neemon lost his balance and fell off Koji's shoulder, landing by Koji's feet.
Koji fell to the ground unconsious, the last thing he heard was Bokomon yelling his name.

Koji slowly sat up, but realized through his trobbing head that he was laying somewhere outside, he then heard a voice, but it wasn't in his head, it was coming from behind him, he turned around slowly, his body ached. He stared in shock as he saw two digimon ingaged in a conversation, one he knew and the other he's never seen before.
"Lucemon!?" Koji said in disbelief.

"Lucemon! You... win...!" The other digimon was on his knees, beaten badly.
"You'll wish you had joined me a long time ago." Lucemon walked towards the digimon.
Koji stood up quickly. But everything went black; his head hurt, and when he opened his eyes he was laying on the ground, with Bokomon and Neemon standing next to him, worried looks on their faces.
"What happened?" he sat up looking over at Bokomon.
"You passed out... Are you alright? What happened Koji?"
"I... Don't know... I was outside... and I saw Lucemon-"
"What? My boy, you were just having a bad nightmare"
"Nightmare? Isn't it the middle of the day?" Neemon asked rubbing his head.
Bokomon reached over and snapped Neemon's pants, "Moron!" Bokomon turned back to Koji who was sitting up rubbing his head, "Koji, maybe we should go on..."
"What go on? Shouldn't we go back to the others before Koji passes out again?"
"What bad timing for you to actually be making since Neemon!" Bokomon scolwed.
"I'm fine." Koji stood up, "Let's go." Koji started walked again.

(Chapter Two)

Takuya sat outside staring impatiently at the temple. He was angry with Koji for just taking off, specially after what happened last night. He sighed as Koichi sat next to him.
"Koji's just being himself, as always, but this time..."
"Somethings wrong. I can feel it. If the way Koji was acting last night wasn't proof enough. The fact that we both feel somethings wrong is." Takuya frowned, "Lets go in after him."
"What? Really?" Koichi looked at Takuya a little taken aback.
"Why not?"
"Koji wanted to go in alone..."
"What does that matter? Koji doesn't want a lot of things, but when he gets them its not all bad."
J.P. and Tommy shook their heads, "Takuya's gonna get Koji mad at us." Tommy sighed.
"No kidding, if we go in there after him, not only is he going to be because we didn't listen to him, he's gonna think we don't trust him."
Zoe moaned, "We didn't need this right now, we gotta figure out what to do right now, and Koji's going off playing Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom."
Takuya rolled his eyes, "I'm going in after him now, I'll just say that we hadn't fully discussed everything before he left.
"Takuya, wait." Koichi stopped Takuya just before he went inside, "Lets go together, its stupid to split up--"
Just then a black orb of energy flew out of no where and destroyed the entrance to the temple, making the weak spots in the whole temple cave in.

Koji covered his head as small rocks and debris fell on him, Bokomon and Neemon were on his back as Koji ran forward, suddenly Koji felt the floor give way and they fell into another corridor, simular to the one above. Koji sat up and looked around. "What is this place?" he asked looking down at Bokomon and Neemon who were dazed laying on the floor next to him. He sat up, but felt the headache starting to grow stronger. He looked down the empty corridor, and then heard Bokomon's voice, it was a little hard to hear through the rumbling echoing through the whole temple.
"What on earth just happened! The temple is spontaniously conbusting!"
"No..." Koji frowned, "It was that digimon that told me to come in here... He doesn't want me to come out until I get to the center, if I'll even get out."
"What?!" Bokomon screamed, "What digimon!? What is this nonesense Koji!"
"There was a Digimon, he said his name was Creepymon. He told me to go inside, that I'd have the best chance of making it to the tomb, because I am the new worrior of light."
"So how is destroying the temple going to help him acheive whatever it is he wants by you getting to the center?"
"I think he's trying to block the exits."
"WHAT?! We must leave at once!" Bokomon jumped on Koji's back.
Neemon followed, "I'm too young to die!"
"I'm not leaving. I have to get to the center. Even if it does get me killed, you two should go and try to find a way out, before its too late."
"Have you gone mad my boy! Leave without you?"
"You wanna die in here Bokomon?" Koji looked at him.
Bokomon looked at Koji wide eyed, "Are you telling me you are willing to die in here? Just go see some dead digimon?"
"Its not that, somethings calling me... calling me to the center, thats what he meant when he told me I could get there." Koji knocked Bokomon and Neemon off of him and ran down the corridor, yelling for them to get out.
"Koji!!" Bokomon started running after him.
Neemon struggled to keep up yelling at Bokomon, "I don't think this is the way out Bokomon! Koji said he wasn't leaving and he went this way!"
"I know, but I can't leave him here, I promised Takuya I'd make sure he was safe!"
"Yeah right! You just want to get to that tomb, and Koji just said he knew how to find it!"
"Thats not whats important anymore Neemon! Somethings wrong with Koji he's not being himself!" Bokomon frowned in deep thought, "If somethings calling him to the tomb, it has to be the original worrior, but if Koji goes in there, it could be life threatening, even more so then the temple literally collapsing on top of us all.

Takuya and Koichi had fallen down and were coughing from the large amount of dust flying off the crumbled entrance to the temple. Takuya looked up as the dust cleared and saw a winged Digimon.
"Who are you!?" Takuya asked, standing up, "Why the heck did you do that?"
"No one will stop the original worrior from arising."
"What?" Koichi asked.
"Koji's Digimon spirit is possessing his will to see he's running into his own demise. All he knows is that he's having weird dreams, and that something is calling him to the center of that temple."
"His own demise, are you saying Koji is going to die?" Koichi looked at the Digimon with fear and anger.
"I am Creepymon by the way, me and Koji had a little chat, just before you all bardged in and I was unable to convience him to go in, luckly I had said enough that the feeling he had from his spirit made him lose sight of his better judgement."
"You tricked him. He has no idea whats going to happen." Takuya yelled.
"I couldn't very well let you go in and stop him from awaking the worrior, the 'true' worrior of light."
Takuya glared, "We'll get in there and save him, and you won't stop us!"
"Fine, lets see what will happen first, you find Koji and stop him, specially since you have no means of getting into the temple, before he can reach the tomb." Creepymon laughed menacingly and disappeared.
Takuya looked at the caved in entrance and said, "We have to get in there. We just have to!"

Chapter 3 coming relitively soon... lol.
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