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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #960775
A very violent and disturbing piece of Gundam Wing fanfiction. 2x1 NCS
2004 May the Third

Title: an untitled piece of violence

Author: J. Hotaru

Warnings: Angst, death, pain & suffering, suicide, NSC *not in that order*

Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys and I don’t like playing with them
this way.

An untitled piece of violence
by the gypsy firefly


Heero was startled awake, suddenly when strong hands grasped his wrists
fiercely, and pressed them into the pillow, on either side of his head.

The dark haired boy’s eyes shot open and a blurry pair of violet eyes
entered his field of vision. Those eyes held something feral, dangerous.

"Duo? What?" Heero’s lips were silenced with bruising force by the
braided youths mouth, Duo ground his lips against his unwilling victim,
drawing blood from Heero’s beautiful mouth.

Heero was afraid and confused. Why was Duo acting like this? What was
wrong with him? Why can’t I fight back? Heero’s thoughts ran wild as his
lungs burned with the need of life sustaining oxygen.

Duo withdrew his mouth then climbed on top of Heero’s trembling body,
planting himself on the Japanese boy’s hips. He leaned forward, barely
an inch of space between their noses. Heero drew in gasping breaths,
swallowing down huge mouthfuls of air, nearly hyperventilating.

Duo released his grip on Heero’s wrists and an instant later replaced
them with a pair of

Gundanium handcuffs. Securing the cuffs to the head board, Duo sat back
to inspect his work. Heero was panting and trembling, his deep Prussian
eyes nearly black with fear.

"Duo, wh..." This time Heero was silenced by a closed fisted punch to
the jaw. The force caused the short haired boy’s neck to snap to the
left. Head reeling, Heero could taste the blood in his mouth, where his
inner cheek was slashed by his teeth.

Swallowing convulsively on the blood filling his mouth, Heero gagged
then coughed violently. Rolling his tongue around his mouth, he pushed
the tooth that had been dislodged by the ferocity of Duo’s punch. The
tooth dribbled down his chin and dropped to the pillow in a thick trail of
saliva and blood.

"Shut up." Duo hissed, his hot alcohol scented breath searing Heero’s
ear. Sitting up straight and scooting back to straddled the Asian boy’s
toned thighs, the copper-chestnut haired man retrieved the dagger he
had placed on the bedside table earlier the savagely cut away the boxers
Heero usually slept in, seemingly uncaring that he was slicing flesh
and muscle along with the thin fabric.

Heero thrashed, kicked his unbound legs in attempt to dislodge the
American boy.

With one violent kick upwards he succeeded momentarily, knocking the
braided youth to the floor. The impact with the hard wood seemed to piss
Duo off.

Duo smiled, not his usual cheerful smile but something that terrified
the dark haired boy.

"That was very stupid," Duo began softly. "That was godammed fucking

Duo finished with an angry shout, as he picked himself off of the floor
then crouched down to retrieve the dagger from where if came to rest on
the area rug and in one lighting fast motion, he plunged the blade into
Heero’s ribcage, not stopping until he hit the mattress beneath the
Asian boy’s screaming body.

When Heero’s screams did not cease, Duo climbed on top of him, pressing
the blade deeper, then pressed his palm flat over Heero’s mouth and

"I said shut the fucking hell up!!" Duo screamed in Heero’s ear at the
top of his lungs.

Pressing the soles of his feet, flat against the mattress, Heero again
attempted to buck Duo off of him.

"Oh, no you don’t." Duo said, then lowered his free hand to the hilt of
the dagger and twisted the sharp object. Heero’s screams and coughs
were muffled by the hand the remained over his mouth. His punctured lung
filled with blood, then collapsed making breathing both difficult and

Duo released the dagger and moved the hand to the front of his
trousers, unzipping the fly and removing his hardened length. Heero eyes
snapped shut when he realized what Duo was about to do. Tears ran down his
bruised, blood stained cheeks, as Duo nudged Heero’s thighs apart with
his knees.

"Shh, baby." Duo whispered. But Heero could not stop whimpering and
crying. Agitated by Heero’s apparent refusal to follow the order, Duo
repositioned his hand and pinched Heero’s nose closed, cutting off the
Japanese boy’s oxygen supply.

Heero whimpered harder as his unpunctured lung burned with need.
Heero’s vital function’s began to slow down, he stopped thrashing, stopped
thinking, he even lost the strength to keep his eyes closed. Only when
the muffled whimpers and sobs ceased did Duo remove his hand.

"That’s better." Duo said soothingly, the evil smile still on his lips.
Shifting himself between Heero’s spread thighs, Duo thrust into the
smaller boy’s unprepared passage.

Heero’s body jerked and convulsed against the restraints once before
coming rest.

Duo thrust into the bleeding channel rapidly. The force of his thrusts,
lifting Heero’s prone body up off of the bed, He continued to pound
into the tight passage until he reached his climax, spurting his seed into
Heero’s ravaged body and promptly passing out.

Gasping, Duo collapsed on top of the Japanese youth and struggled to
catch his breath. He rolled over in his unconscious state to lie between
Heero and the wall

"Heero?" Duo whispered, when he came too. "Heero?" Duo repeated.

"Heero!, answer me please!" Duo cried as he sat up, he let out a
started sob when his eyes came to rest on Heero’s batter face. The Japanese
boy’s beautiful Prussian eyes were open, staring blankly at the ceiling
above. The dark blue eyes were dull and lifeless, dry tears encrusted
the black lashes causing them to clump and stick together.

Glancing down at his own body, Duo felt bile rise in his throat when he
spied his flaccid length hanging out of the open fly of his semen and
blood drenched jeans. With shaky fingers he placed his penis back into
his pants and zipped them back up. Duo choked back a sob when he
realized what he had done to Heero. His Heero. The only person in the entire
galaxy that he vowed never to hurt.

Duo scrambled away from Heero until he fell from the bed and did not
stop until he hit the wall. He hyperventilated, his eyes never leaving
the sight of the boy’s lifeless form. Duo’s movement on the bed had
caused Heero’s right hand to slip from the edge of the bed, The pale palm
swayed once before coming to rest, and remaining as still as the rest of
the body.

Sobbing uncontrollably, Duo stood and took a shaky step towards the
bed. Heero’s flesh

Was an unhealthy shade of gray, drying blood and contusions covered the
once bronzed skin. The prone boy’s lips, jaw and right cheek were
swollen and discolored.

Duo continued to stagger to the bed, his purple eyes transfixed on the
handle of the dagger that still protruded from Heero’s still chest.
Slim fingers wrapped around the dagger’s hilt, griping it firmly. Pulling
slowly the braided boy extracted the blade, revealing a gaping hole.

Duo’s shocked, violet orbs gazed in fascination at the blood stained
dagger, he turned it in his palm, hypnotized by the way the light played
on the blood and silver. The Deathscythe pilot dropped the blade
suddenly, as if he had been burned. He gasped as the well weighted knife
became embedded in the hard wood floor.

Approaching footsteps drew Duo’s soulless gaze to the door, the soft
voices of Wufei and Trowa filtered through the door. Suddenly afraid, Duo
lunged towards the bed, but he tripped over the dagger and fell hard to
the floor.

"Heero, Duo, are you alright in there?" Trowa called, tapping on the
door softly with his knuckles. Duo let out a strangled sob, pulling him
self to his feet.

"Duo? What’s wrong? I heard a cry. Dammit Duo answer me!" Trowa’s
knocking became insistent, and he jiggled the door knob.

"Wufei, something’s wrong. I need help!" Trowa called as he continued
to try and gain access to the locked bedroom.

Duo’s eyes darted back and forth between Heero’s body and the door; it
would not take long for the other two pilots to get the door open.
Gasping Duo watched as the door banged open and both Trowa and Wufei
stumbled in.

"Gods," Wufei breathed, when he spotted Duo’s bloody form, hovering
over a very obviously deceased Heero Yuy.

"Duo, what happened?" Trowa asked as he slowly inched towards the
braided boy. Duo in turn watched both men wearily, shaking his head slowly
from side to side.

"Duo?" Trowa began again, but was stopped when Duo screamed loudly.

"Noooooooo!" Duo plunged a hand under the pillow that Heero’s head
rested on and pulled out a hand gun.

Before either Wufei or Trowa could even act, Duo unlocked the safety
then shoved the barrel of the gun into his mouth and pulled the trigger.

Ending his life.

~ Owari~


for those who reag gw fanfiction, if you have read this before, under a diffrent name, don't worry. I am the author who wrote this, I simply have more then one pen name.
( i actually have 5 *snrk*)
© Copyright 2005 Jipushi Hotaru (hotaru at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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