Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/960395-The-Decline-of-the-American-Family
by Nogeek
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Drama · #960395
The Kragen family are about to have their secrets exposed...
The Decline of the American Family

“Fuck you, you stupid bitch! Who the hell do you think you are?” he grunted angrily. It had been a voice of unbridled hurt; he always tried to act so strong, but it was so out of character.
“Why are you yelling? I’m not the one who did this; you were the one who went through my things! It’s not like I was lying…you did do all those things!
He turned away and she knew she had struck a nerve. That poor son of a bitch, she thought. It is never easy being a teenager…she supposed that it hadn’t changed much since her high school days. It wasn’t that long ago really.
Elizabeth and Neal sat off to the side, completely unaware of how deep this entire mess really went. Elizabeth had never seen anything so…raw. She sat next to her husband; quiet. She was so unsure if this was abnormal or a normal activity for these Northerners.
“Excuse me,” she asked, “Aren’t you gonna tell us what is going on here?” Her demeanor was that of a sweet little Southern girl, but she had deviated this before. She hadn’t a clue of what had occurred between her son and Natalie…that beautiful young woman! Something told her…instinct, perhaps…that something drastically warped had happened in the past month.
“Look,” Natalie said, annoyance clearly visible in her voice, “Let’s not talk about this anymore…I don’t feel comfortable. I think I should just get my things and go.”
Natalie had a dreadful feeling that they would make her stay and explain everything. This frightened her because if they discovered the entire story she would be guilty. She had been guilty before, but she had never been caught.
Neal sat and watched this, clueless about the significance of this event. Everything seemed to be unraveling, but, as always, Neal was oblivious to everything. In fact, he had a lingering feeling also. He had but one secret…a secret he preferred to keep quiet.
“Natalie…I may have done those things,” said Fred, the teenage boy, trying to conceal his anger, “-But let’s not forget that I’m not the only one who did anything.”
Natalie embraced her stomach while frustratingly chewing on her fingernails. She paced back and forth, to and fro…whatever. Her short black hair hung right above her small, delicate ears as she rolled her eyes --- trying to think. It is always so impossible think while under this amount of stress. Natalie turned to Fred’s parents and tried to get out of this.
“Please Mr. and Mrs. Kragen, I really would like to go now.” she pleaded. Natalie was a very convincing woman. She often lied just to see if she could get away with it. Now, it was looking like she had lied and was about to be caught.
“Fred?” Neal asked in his stupid, clueless tone.
“What Dad?” Fred answered in a contemptuous voice. He seemed to want to grow up quickly. That was how Fred had always been; hurrying along to the next milestone. First Base, Second Base, Incest, Drugs, and his favorite so far had been, of course, fucking.
“Well, I was just wondering exactly what this is all about, Fred. I don’t understand why you two are arguing and exactly what are you arguing about?” Neal asked, but he sounded like he was making a statement. It was the strangest possible way to ask a question, but Fred did respond…with a notebook. Natalie put her hand over her eyes and sighed deeply. Elizabeth, who had also didn’t know what this entire thing was about, glanced curiously at the notebook. It was purple…that was the first thing she noticed.
“Whose notebook is this?” questioned Elizabeth, almost in admiration of the purple cover.
“It is mine,” said Natalie, almost embarrassed, “Please don’t read it!”
Natalie stared into Elizabeth Kragen’s blue eyes, begging for her life. Elizabeth saw this, but then remembered how she had thought of Natalie when she had first arrived in the house. The thoughts came pouring back and Elizabeth thought back to the night that Natalie had arrived on their doorstep…

Neal sat at the small kitchen table. He drank a Coke while he read the new issue of Entertainment Weekly. Elizabeth had been in bed, trying to sleep, but thoughts of the…well, best not to think about it really. She had drifted off to sleep momentarily, but later she had been awoken by the sounds of people talking. She sat up in bed. She had felt like such a little girl…just like when she was seven and her parents had friends over. She would listen by the door and catch some of the grown-up talk. The elections, taxes, those damn Yankees, etc., all fascinated that tiny little child she once was. Growing up sure does fuck up your perspective on things.
Elizabeth finally gathered enough energy to emerge from the confinement of her tiny bedroom. Suddenly, it had struck her what this could be. This could be it, that horrible thing that she couldn’t avoid thinking about. Who honestly comes to our house at 11 O’clock to chit-chat? Elizabeth had been suspecting Neal of adultery for quite a few months and she was terrified that his mistress had come to take him away. It might not be such a big loss, she had thought. Neal hadn’t been close to her…since…when Fred was a boy perhaps. Maybe even before that! She snuck quietly, almost like a cat, across the living room toward the kitchen. Somebody was sitting at the table, her table! She turned a tad too quickly into the kitchen. A woman sat and was reading Neal’s magazine!
“Who are you?” asked Elizabeth; she had hoped to have been louder, more powerful. She had been disappointed, but no slut was going to beat her. Elizabeth’s father had raised her differently. Never back down --- that had been his motto.
“Oh, hello,” said the beautiful woman, standing to greet Elizabeth, “I’m Natalie. It’s very nice to meet you.” Natalie shook Elizabeth’s hand. Elizabeth was intimidated by this bold woman. Who has an affair with a married man and then greets his wife like this Natalie had just done. Natalie, wearing something provocative, stood and smiled widely at Elizabeth.
“What exactly are you doing here…Natalie?” interrogated Elizabeth. Elizabeth laughed inside. That was definitely more bold, Elizabeth, she thought to herself. Natalie looked puzzled. How did you like that, you whore, thought Elizabeth manically.
“Well, I saw the sign outside that said you were renting out a room…and I really need a place to stay right now,” explained Natalie, still accordingly whorish, “I was looking for a place all day, but nothing caught me eye like this place did.” Elizabeth felt stupid. She wondered how she had become so suspicious of everyone. She tried to smile this off, she had sounded like a spineless bitch. Nobody wants to rent a room from a spineless bitch, so be nice for Christ sake, she thought demandingly.
“Oh, that is absolutely wonderful!” said Elizabeth, faking excitement---just like she faked orgasms---“Do you know where my husband went?”
“Oh, him? He went to set up the room for me. He should be back soon.” said Natalie, grinning like a joyful little girl, a girl who had been listening to her parents talking to friends. Elizabeth didn’t know what it was exactly, but she got a strange impression from Natalie. Natalie seemed to be putting on a show of some sort…fun and games; pretend.
Neal returned from his task and reported that the room was ready. Elizabeth was stingy to him…it had been something that she had come across earlier, something wrong. He left and led Natalie to her room….

That was Elizabeth’s first encounter with Natalie, the endearing, beautiful young woman (liar). She locked eyes with Natalie…an experience she would rather not go through again. The memory and…just that pathetic look on Natalie’s face made Elizabeth decide that she really wanted to know what was inside that pretty, purple notebook.
“Natalie, I think something serious is going on here and I need to read this…whatever it is!” exploded Elizabeth. Natalie flinched with surprise and she appeared to be near tears. Fred smiled…that stupid teenager thought he had won. Natalie knew too well that he couldn’t win…she was never the guilty one, even if she really was! Fred slumped back into his chair, getting comfortable. He was ready to hear Natalie: Unplugged. The mere thought of his victory against that liar…that slut…it made him excited. He listened intently as Elizabeth began to read aloud…

I arrived in the home of the Kragen family just yesterday. It is surprising how much or how little they actually know. I have begun to call myself Natalie…it is part of the change, I’d imagine. After something like that happened to me…well, I feel like changing everything. Besides, this family will play a very important part in my success. Who really cares if some people get hurt along the way? In the end…I will be happy and they will still be that same family. Miserable and unpleasant…that will be them a year from now…if they don’t kill each other by then.
The room here is fine, but I get the feeling that my arrival is a very big deal. They act like they’ve had lots of tenants, but not so many that there might be something wrong with them. It seems like an act, but I’m totally fine with that. Anyway, if they want to put on an act, so will I! That is what I do, act. So, why should it be a stretch…?

“See,” claimed Fred, like an obnoxious teenager would, “She has been lying to us all along!” Little did Fred know that the slut liar knew something…something that he would definitely go down for.
“That doesn’t matter now,” Natalie said, making Elizabeth gasp with shock, “What matters is what he did!” Natalie glared at Fred as she walked upstairs to retrieve her evidence.
“What does she have?” asked Neal, out of the blue. Although the others had thought he hadn’t been paying any attention, Neal had been examining things very, very closely.
Fred didn’t have enough time to answer, not did he even know what she had. Had he been clumsy with something? Had he left a trail of evidence? Natalie stomped down the stairs, an uncharacteristic walk that said to Fred that something was definitely going to get him. She knew something and he was terrified. In an instant, Fred tried to develop a plan to escape.
“I think I need to leave,” stammered Fred, worriedly, “I…I have to meet somebody.” He removed himself from his relaxed position and tried to walk calmly to the door.
“Fine, you can go,” responded Natalie to his escape, “Perhaps we can finish this entire thing tomorrow…I know a really wonderful professional.” Fred stopped and looked at her. She smiled, it was almost suggestive. Natalie loved to play with people, a constant star in her own production. Fred didn’t smile, but instead he left the house.
Fred tromped his way out of the neighborhood and walked along the road that outlined the small development. He eventually found his way to the small hangout café that the teens of the area flocked to. He pushed open the door and, as usual, the place was packed. Greg Stevens and Julie Grindhaal were there and all of their “friends”. It all seemed like a very bad joke to Fred. He found a booth and it made him feel awkward to be alone. He didn’t mind much and ordered some fries without any thought. As he was chewing on his fries, he saw a familiar face from across the room.
Jesus Christ, what is she doing here, Fred thought. Mary Williams stood as soon as she saw Fred and walked over to him.
“Hey, Fred,” Mary mumbled incoherently, “I need to talk to you later about something.”
“You can sit if you want to,” offered Fred, he couldn’t believe he was saying this, “I really wouldn’t mind.”
Mary sat opposite from him and she looked down into her lap, shy. He shoved some fries into his mouth. He knew Mary, but not too well. Fred, of course, knew of her constant ridicule from others. Mary was too nice and well-mannered for her own good. Their little fling had dire consequences, especially for Mary…

He sat on Mary’s bed, staring greedily at her legs as she laid stretched out on the floor. She gazed dreamily into the ceiling…eventually her concentration was broken by the amount of dust on the ceiling fan.
“Do you still need to think about it?” Fred asked courteously in an attempt to speed things up. She stood up and hopped next to him on the bed. She looked into his eyes. Mary searched in his eyes for something. She knew what it was, but she wasn’t finding it.
“I don’t know if I can do this.” she blurted out, trying to break the sexual tension that was growing rapidly.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, “I love you, Mary.”
She smiled and looked away for a brief moment. She saw her reflection in the mirror. She stared at her nose…blackheads. Does he notice, she wondered. Every time she looked into that mirror it was some giant letdown that it was Mary looking back and not Paris Hilton or Jessica Simpson.
Fred’s hand smoothly stroked her neck. He looked into the mirror with her.
“See, you’re such a pretty girl,” Fred whispered, “I love you.”
She glanced at him; unsure in herself. At the time, he had said the one thing that she wanted to hear…the one thing that would take away all of her inhibitions. Too bad they didn’t use a condom…

Back at the Kragen household, Natalie sat in her room, chewing on her fingernails as usual. This entire situation made her head throb with annoyance. Natalie, usually a very smart, young woman, had no idea what to do. Her life had taken a turn for the worst when she relocated to this small town. How could she think that...had she forgotten all about what had happened to her in Kansas?
Regardless of her troubles, Natalie decided that the best thing to do at this point was to take a shower. She left her room and walked down the hall that's walls were covered with Kragen family memories. Little Fred riding his bicycle, Elizabeth and Neal getting married, and their great aunt Suzanne dotted the white walls and deeply sickened Natalie to her stomach. Sure, she too had family memories, but they were always associated with corruption, lies, pain, and all the wonderful little things that girls wish for.
She reached the bathroom. She bent down to get a towel from underneath the sink....they all stank for some, unknown reason. She closed the door quietly and locked it. You never know who is going to parade into this bathroom, looking for medicine or something, thought Natalie...almost laughing inside from the humor of it all. Her silly memories of this bathroom...and that shower. She took of all of her clothing and tossed it into the corner of the room...right next to the door. She looked at herself in the mirror...nearly in admiration. Her eyes lingered on her scars...how ugly she thought they were! She scanned her body in a matter of seconds...searching out the imperfect moles...anything she considered to be rough on her eyes. She turned away from the mirror and looked at the shower. The memories of what occured in this very bathroom came rapidly flooding back to her beautiful, little head...

Fred was showering. Natalie was in her bed, writing in her diary. She had arrived only a few days earlier and had found the Kragen home to be a satisfying one...not a palace, but favorable at least. Fred was blasting some horrible music...not to mention it was 9 PM...and he was singing along very badly. Natalie wished he would turn off the music or stop his singing...the both of them were drowning out her thoughts and she couldn't properly write in her diary in these conditions. Then, she realized it. She had left her medication in the bathroom and she needed to take it. Oh, of course, she could have skipped the medication, but Natalie liked to live orderly. She decided it wouldn't be a crime if she were to go inside the bathroom, not look at anything, and retrieve her bottle of pills. She walked down "Memory Hall" and saw a picture of a young Fred. Wow, cute kid, she thought, while also thinking in the back of her head: What the hell happened to him. She reached the bathroom door. Fred's singing had cesed to her pleasure, but she was wondering if it would be proper to just barge in.
So, she knocked two or three times and twisted the knob. To her surprise, the door was unlocked. Is he some sort of pervert or did he just forget to lock it, she pondered. She decided to just open the door and boldly walk in...he is just a kid!
Natalie broadly walked into the bathroom...while still adverting her lovely blue eyes. She tried to look to the side, tried to avoid any glance that would come off inappropriate. She searched around the sink for her medicine, but she found not a trace. She, then, began unearthing the contents of all the drawers. She was aware that this was taking longer than expected...how rude it must seem.
A wet hand touched her arm. This caught her attention...the boldness of it! She turned around, she had to see his eyes. The thought that anyone, even an adult, could step out of the shower, naked, and touch a stanger, was beyond Natalie. Yet, when she submerged her consious self inside Fred Kragen's beautifully young eyes, she felt all self-control slip from her grasp. It is not so wrong, she thought. Her medicine no longer mattered...the situation had progressed into what one might call a "disaster"...but to Natalie it was marvolous.
The raw, uninhibited feeling of lust fed off of Natalie...and Fred as well. They kissed in the way an insanely passionate serial killer would kill. Fred, whose beautifully youthful eyes were clamped shut in orgasmic pleasure, knew that this was wrong. Oh, sure....it was illegal...but that was the attraction. The adrenaline calmed like the sea...and the two people ended their kiss. A kiss like that changes the basis of relationships...it can change everything. While they both knew this, it was the least of their worries now. Fred had school tomorrow and had to get to sleep. Natalie had to find her medicine.
They both felt an awkward feeling as if they had no idea what to say...Natalie more so than Fred. She had interrupted his shower. The only thing she could think of came out of her mouth.
"Do you, by any chance, know where my medication is?" she asked, while thinking about how much she reminded herself of a child.
"Oh, I think that my mom put it downstairs in the kitchen," Fred answered, an idiotic, boyish grin appearing on his face.
So, Natalie left the bathroom, headed for the kitchen. Fred stood in the bathroom, nude and wet, and he closed the door. He had to get ready for school the next day. Natalie walked down the stairs...a horrible feeling of shame and something she couldn't place with a name. Oh, what have I gotten myself into, she thought...

Natalie took her shower and, at the end of it, no kissing occured. She looked back at the affair as one of the worst things she had done in her life. It had it's positive moments...but then it really dawned on her. Why was she still here? If Fred was attempting to do what she thought he was, then why is she staying? Natalie instantly stopped drying herself with the towel she had become accustomed to over the course of her stay in the Kragen residence, in paranoia. She realized that Freddy was planning to turn her in...maybe he wanted to move on to somone else. Who knows? What exactly is the point in staying to burst his little bubble of fun? Revenge? Natalie didn't know exactly, but she wanted to get out of the house...even if it was only temporary...

Fred left Mary at the cafe. Although Mary had something of importance to say to him, something she needed of her chest, Fred could care less. He had better things to do. So, Fred walked around, minding his own business. He had forgotten the way to Ed's house, but it wasn't that important. Eddie was an interesting part in Fred's short life. Fred had not a clue as to why he felt that impulse...Go to Eddie's House...but he could tell that something was wrong. Maybe with him, maybe with the universe. Certainly, Fred felt a strange feeling while walking through Eddie's neighborhood...looking for his house. The neighbors thought he was insane probably. Why, Why out of all the people on Earth do I have to be looking for Eddie...

(NOTE: This is still unfinished, but i'm working on it. Please let me know what you think. Opinions rock!)
© Copyright 2005 Nogeek (nogeek14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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