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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #960077
A Slave finds frinds from afar.
My name is Saban Coush-Kaire, meaning Man of Honor-Slave. My father lost everything then we lost him when he sold my mother and my self to reclaim his name, as a slave trader. I have lost count of how many places we have worked, but i know that now we are as close to home as we can get. We server on a ranger outpost just outside of town, mother as a cook, and me as a mechanic.

"Kaire, Kaire." That would be my curnet master and boss over the moter pool."Yes boss." I call out as I round a corner to see a hevey set man sitting in a chair, smoking a cigar, and in bad need of a shave. When I first arived he was like any other sloder in apperance, but kind at heart as I hope the others are. "I need you to go to the arivel pad."

"We getting a shipment of parts boss."

"I don't know anything more than what I told you. This order came from Cheif Corez himself, so get going."

The only time the Cheif bothers with the slaves is when he decides to give them to someone else. Looks like I got traded again, and to top it off to a thing. Thats all it could be since nothing living could last the trip out this far. Then again this could be a good thing, I would be the only mech for it. Well I'll find out in a sec.

"Bout time you got here Saban." That would be the Cheif, he is the only one that calls me by name. Not that is not alowed but he just thinks of me like a son, and the others just look at slaves as scum. "Sorry Cheif. May I speak?"

"Yes, but before you ask let me guess what your going to ask. You want to know why I orderd you here."

"Correct as always sir." And I guess I think of him as a father.

"We are expecting an arivel," Here it comes. "of two beings from earth." He must be kidding.

"Excuse me sir but where is the clean up crew."

"What? Oh, no they are not dead. I don't know how they could servive but I intend to find out." And I hope to be aloud to hear the expanation. It can't be cryo, that still fries insted of defosting. This is geting wirder and wirder.

"Docking complete. you may pass through Cheif."

"Just open the door." With a hiss the hidrolicks begin pulling the door open and in the docking bay is one of our ships.

"Cheif is that not one of ours?"

"Yes, they are returning it. Somehow it showed up in there galaxey, they used our own coms to let us know where it was. Turned out the auto piolet was offline, we were going to give it up for lost when they said that they would piolet it back."

"What are you expecting to come out of the doors, Cheif?" Cause I could think of a few things and none of them good.

"Video never came through so we don't know, thats why the cannon is traind on them, and why your here. If they are friendly they will need some one to show them around till we can come up with something."

The ship doors come down to show the only thing that I never expected, an Atherian, or at lest in physical form. The clothing is not the customary Athenian single cloth, but what is real strang about there gard is that they both wear different outfitts. The first to exit had baggy light black pants with a desin of a strange lizard on the sides, his sandles were not regular but fully enclosed the foot, the upper body had no armor but a light shirt of black color, and over it a blue vest. The other was dressed in simaler attair of light cloth, but the color of all his cloth was black. He didn't have a vest as the other but a long black cloak.

The feature that set them off the most was there faces. Yes they looked like they could pass for any one in town, if it had not been for the lightness of the skin. The hair upon their heads would also show they where not from here, only becouse we keep ours short or all off to keep the sand out of it. The firsts was long and blond, he even had it infront of his left eye. Two's was black and longer, but in the back to keep it out of his eyes.

"Before introductions or anything where is your bathroom? That was a long flight." That would be blondie. I could see the Cheif's face getting reder, and black hair was not much better with a hand over his eyes and shaking his head.

"Sorry. Saban. Show our gest would you. Then bring him to the debrifing room."

"Yes Cheif. Please fallow me."

"I got a faster idea." And before I could comprehend what he said, he grabed me up in his arms and said,"You shout the directions and I'll do the mortering. I have never moved so fast save in a transit, it was all I could do to get they turns out before he missed it.

"There it is stop."

"Thanks kid and I hope that I didn't bump you aroung to much."

Later back at the brefing room, "I'm sory for my rudeness, and much thanks for the use of your facilites."

"Thats alright infact I should have expected it since our ships don't have that room. Now if you both are ready may we begin?" Yeah thats Cheif alright down to busness. "Then I'll start I am Cheif Ranger Corez, and this is Saban he will be your kaire."

"Thank you I am Dravyn and this is Draco. And ain't he a little yung to be a guied for strangers?" Replyed the black haired one called Dravyn. Then again he was the only one who could have said anything Draco was eagery feasting on the food brought in.

"No sir Dravyn a kaire is a slave."

"Wow hold on there I don't belive in slavery." It seams that got dracos attention cause he spit out the slog he was chewing on all over his friend. "And sorry Dravyn."

"Thats okay but hold your tung Draco it may be impolite or worse to turn down such a thing."

"No its alright, but maybe I should explain how we define slave." After a few hours of back and forth Cheif explained how we use slavery as a form of punishment for those who break laws, or shame the name given to them.

"Okay you use this instead of jail. So does it work?" Dravyn is a police officer on his planet and seams realy interested in our justise system. Draco just sat in his chair and appered bored about the whole thing.

"Cheif I'm not getting much out of this so I think I'll walk around and mull this over."

"Of cures Draco, Saban go with him. And when he is ready show him to the guest qurters. I guess you will go with him Dravyn."

"No I'm interested in hearing more."

"So what would you like to know or see master Draco?"

"First off just call me Draco. Next lests play a question game." And I thought that he left that cause he was tired of talking.

"Okay how we play."

"First I'll flip a coin like this one." As he pulled out a small flat circle with pictures on it and showed it to me. "This is the head and the other is tail. I'll flip it and while it's in the air you call the one that you think will land face up. And....." Tink.


"Your righ so here is how it works you go first and can ask any question you want and I'll give you a truthfull answer then it's my turn. Back and forth like that."

"Ok so how did you survive that long trip? It couldn't be cryo so how?"

"I have a fried that knows a lot of magic and I asked her to cast a spell taht would put us in a suspended state. Is that satisfactory?"

"That explains how you survived for that long but not how you got here so fast."

"Another friend loves to make things go fast and when I tokd him that there was no speed limit he jumped at the chanlange. My turn. How are you treated around here and is it the same as other slaves."

"I'm treated good here cause I'm not a crimanel slave I'm treated like any other person the only thing is that I am not allowed to own anything. The other slaves are treated as cirmanel and watched closely. As for how the people treat us it depends on the person as much as anything else but i would thing that you know that. Now my turn. Whats you job back on earth Dravyn already said he was a cop but what about you?"

"I'm a privit investigator, its something like Dravyn but I'm by my self where he has a whole precient to help out if he gets in a tight spot. Now to the fun stuff. What do you people do for fun around here?"

"Well we have game houses, fighting pits, and some houses that I'm not alowed to enter. Witch would you like to know more about?"

"Fighting pit if you don't mind, I do love a good chalange."

"I don't think that you would be alowed to fight you are much to small. You have not one mussle protruding, like some of the men that fight."

"I'll worry about that, tomarrow you show me where one is."

"Sorry, the Cheif will want to talk with the two of you tomarrow about your return home."

"Well we'll go from there then. So where is my room."

"This way."

The fallowing morning was interesting, so much that I could not decide witch was better watching Draco in the mess hall, or the morning meeting with Cheif. The meeting was about what was to be done with the two. "I asked you here becouse of your being here. I don't know how we are going to send you back without just giving you the ship. I have been told by the machanics that the auto pilot is completly curupt and will be a few weeks before they can replace it."

"I belive I can answer that question sir." Draco, I still can't belive that as childish as he is he can still be so serious. "Our friend, that upgraded the ship, is working on one that can make the trip shorter and will support life. It also won't beready for a few weeks so I'm thinking of taking a vacation."

"Oh no Draco not here, this is not Earth."

"Come on Dravyn we're at an army base how much troubel could I get into."

"Okay from what the Cheif here tells me there is not much crime here so no you couldn't. Now that that is setteled whats next."

"Well I got some leads on a few fun places to go how bout you."

"If the Cheif does not mind I would like to shear weapons tech, and what places do you mean?"

"Saban told me about fighing pits and,"

"And you would like to see them. That's understandable a lot of people enjoy it."

"No I want to participat."

I thought the Cheif was going to die laughing, when he finished he saw that neither of the two even cracked a smile. "Well if you want to, be warned the men you will be faceing are at least twice your size."

"Yeah and they will need every advantage that they can get. Cheif if you won't be offended I thing that I will go with him. I'm shure that 2 to 3 weeks will be enought time to see every thing."

"Okay but take Saban with you. He will act as liason between the arean offecials and yourselfs."

"The closest arena to the outpost is also the first building inside the walls. This is a good thing for the solders, for if they had to travel further they would just stop at one of the pubs, and would not be any good to any one for some days. With it being the fisrt building it is also the first choice for entertainment, food, and drink."

"Here we are. It was nice of Cheif to loan us the jeep but I could have as easily gotten my car here."

"No what you mean is that it was not neccecary for him to send a driver. I on the other hand, welcom the change to your driving prowles Draco."

"Sirs would you like to watch a match or two before you sign up?"

"What you to are going to fight! Oh this is just to good I think that I'll stay and place a few bets."

"Why not dude you are to drive us back anyway. Just bet on us if you want to win." I have heard many man talk boldly before going into the pit, but none had the look that what they said was true like Draco. Yet they had something that he does not, size and muscele.

We took sets that they belived would offer the best vantage points. When the match started I soon found out how right they were. "That is Corear, he has not lost in over 100 matches. His opponent is Jazem, if he wins this match he will be the house champion."

"You guys weren't kidding when you said they were big boys."

"Does this mean you have changed your mind Draco."

"No kid it means he just got more interested. Sorry that he ain't going to answer you but he is watching them to close. He does not want to do anything illegal in there or offending."

Before I could get another word in the bell rang to start the match. It was a good one lasting 5 minuts, with the outcome that I thought would happen with Corear wining his 101th math. When I looked back at Draco to ask him what he thought I saw him laughing, looking at Dravyn he was to.

"It's wrestling, like what we have back on Earth. Oh this is going to be good. So who goes first, Dravyn you or me?"

"Me that way I can tell you how much to hold back. Knowing you, you will kill the guy just trying to pat him on the back."

"Okay. So, Saban, lead the way."

"You still want to try this? Even after seeing Jazem thrown around the ring like a rag doll."

"Yeup. Made me want to do this that much more."

All I could do was shake my head and lead them to the sign up both. At the both was more of the same about there size, but the guys greed got the better of him when he counted up the odds. I was to act as liason, telling when ther match was, who there opponent was to be, and the kind of match. Dravyn was first, as they aggread, and it was my unfortinate dute to tell him his opponet is Lrock Besnor. He is the next guy in line to attempt for the arena championship, and the odds are in his favor.

"Drayvn your match is next with Lrock Besnor. He has requested that the match be fisticufs."

"Okay I can go barehanded."

"Oh your hands will not be bare you each will be wearing these gloves."

"Ha ha ha. Oh looks like you got stuck with a boxing match."

"If I got this just think what you'll get Draco. Besides, this will let me know how much strenght we should use so not to hurt them. So Saban lets get them on and get ready to rumble."

Lrock came out to the usual uproar for a man of his stature. After we got to the ring with some unusual silense and boos, came the test of strength. This is where we alow one to back out after seeing the power of the opponent. Only a few choose not to do the test so to hide there power, Dravyn choose not to. "So what do they do for this test."

"The choise is theirs, be it breaking blocks, or lifting heavy things, you now anything to show they are strong. So why did you not want to do this."

"To tell the truth, I didn't want to scare him away. You better watch here he goes."

Shure enought Lrock had started showing his strenght by breaking blocks with his gloves still on. After the last block he looked up with a sadistic smile, but all Drayvn did was smile and nod. Witch turned Lrocks smile into a look of pure hate. The two walked out to the middel of the ring to hear the refs directions and toch gloves. Now all that was left was to return to there corner and await the bell.


And the match starts. Besnor came out running at top speed only to be to late to see Dravyn side step and catch him in the jaw. The force of the blow sent Lrock spening at lest 2 full time before he hit ground. Needless to say the croud went silent, even the ref forgot that he needed to count. It wouldn't have matterd though Lrock got up almost as soon as he hit. He got up slowly as if thinking what to do next, while Dravyn just started boucing around the ring. I don't know if it was the punch or fact that his first stragity failed, but this time he move slower. The two circled each other for a minute then met in the center. Besnor flew into Dravyn with devilish fury, and Dravyn just drop his gloves. He just stood there and took
the most savage beeting I have ever saw in the arena. At last Lrock must of felt he had punished Dravyn enough, and he let loose an uppercut that would stunn a camel. It only tured Dravyns head skyward. Slowly Dravyn pulled his head down to look at Lrock, his body started to tesn showing that he was about to start his own offence. The blure of fists was an amazing show, but he only had 20 secents left to win. The last blow sounded like a Ranger side arm being fired, and Lrock was the poor person to be hit by it. At first no one thought that he was going to fall, but he did fall to his knees. 10 secs. Then to the mat, yet he still held himself up with his glove bound fists. 5 secs. Finaly he fell.

"K.O. the winner is Dravyn."

"That was great no one has ever won in the first round."

"That was nothing I just wanted to know how stong he was, and how much he could take."

The crowd had a silent shock untill relization hit the first person who began shouting. The whole of the arena begain chanting in unison for a being that only 3 mins before they were booing. I was getting lost in the moment, and Dravyn had to bring me from my dream.

"Hey you still there kid?"

"Yes, sorry sir. I must have been dreaming."

"Well if you don't get out of the ring you'll be fighting the next bout." I had not even noticed that Dravyn had left the ring and was waiting at the door for me to catch up. "If all the guys go down that easy Draco is going to be very disapointed. Speaking of him when will you know what match he has and who its with?"

"I should be able to find out know."

"So what are you waiting on, get going."

That was all I needed to send me on my way to the Arena Master. "I am Saban, leason to the off worlders. Sir Draco sends me to learn of his match."

"You don't need all that fancy talk bub. Round here we take it easy." I only did it in hopes that it would make him as uncomefortable as the sight of him makes me. This 3ft being with 4ft arms has this way with making people uncomefortable. At one time he was a fighter, but after one fight he lost everything from the waist down. Now he is attached to a hover disk so he may move about. To top off the package is his disfigured and scard face leaving no safe place to look when talking to him.At times I belive that he is not happy only offending ones eyes but wished to offend ones nose incase a blind person happens
to visit. He can't bath for the disk would fry him, but at lest he could allow cleaners to wash his room and remove the fecies."Here it is, and its going to be bad for him. Scott Instin got here before you and requested a match with him. A Surender Match. Ha, wish him luck for me."

"You betting on him to win?"

"You got to be kidding. Lrock was Instins' best friend, Draco is going to get the beating of a life time. Scott loves a brawl, so naturaly I got all my money on him. When the match is anounce the odds will be 150 to 1 at lest, and after Dravyns' win every one will be betting on Draco. Ha ha, oh. So get going kid I got other matches to set up."

That pile of Athirean wast is right, I'm afraid. Draco is going into one of the most dangerous matches that we hold. In fact it was one of these matches that cost the Arena Master his lower half. It is atlest 4 more matches before Dracos' maybe when I tell him of the match he will respectfuly decline. At least I can breath again meaning that the Arena Master is behind me, but I still have to tell Draco.

"Hey, Saban. Lost in thought?"

"Yeah. I have your match sir."

"Come on, I want Dravyn to here it to, so lest get back to the room." Oh how am I to tell him. "Dravyn, I'm back and I found a lost puppy can I keep him.?"

"Don't talk of the kid like that, and if I had a say it would still be no. You don't take care of your pets. So what's the news Saban?"

"Sir Dracos' match is a Surender Match."

"Okay, so what does that mean, and what are the rules?" I am glad that he asked that, now maybe he wont go throught with it.

"The only way to win is to make your opponent give up. There is one rule, and that is to try and keep the match in the ring."

"How is surendering shown?" It's good that he wants to know how to surender, at lest he won't suffer long.

"By repetaly tapping the arena floor, or saying so. The ref will also award a win if you pass out from the pain."

"How long to the match?"

"After the this one."

"So lets get ready."

"Don't sound so cherry, and don't kill him Draco remember we are ambasadors here."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you just gave me an idea."

"Well don't keep me in the dark it ain't often that your brain comes up with anything worth listing to."

"I'm sorry Dravyn, but Draco needs to be on his way."

"I'll tell you later, and deride you for that remark."

Draco was the first to enter the arena as is cusomary for the chalanger. This time the crowed was more receptive to the newcomer, all in part to Dravyns' win earlier. This didn't mean that no one on the side line was not booing his arivel, and those would be fans of Scott Instin. No time was wasted from when Scott hit the ring and the bell keeper rang the bell. If ever I had seen such violence it was only during the fizes feeding. But this, this was much worse. Fizes fight like that for food, and survival, this was a mad mans fun.

Scott began strong by throwing a heymaker punch, but Draco ducked and grabed Scotts' arm. In about 3secs a look of suprise was exchanged for one of pain and agony. Unbelivably Draco broke Scotts' arm in one smoth, fluid motion. If it was not bad enough that bone was sticking out of a useless arm, Draco turned and began landing blow after blow upon a defenseless man. I began to think that someone was chewing or something cause I heard a noise, like the snaping of twigs under foot. As curiouse as I was as to where it came from I couldn't turn from the fight, and that is when I found the source of the sound. Each blow broke ribs and what ever other bones it would land on. The savagery stoped as soon as it began, backing away from Scott to admire his handy work Draco looked very satisfide, and kicked Scotts' legs out from under him sending him to the ground and lala land.

"Well that was fun." Those were the only words spoke by him from the time he walked out of the arena to we got to the room. But he did have a smile on his face from ear to ear.

"I thought I said to take it easy didn't I."

"He's alive ain't he."

"Barely, but yes. Now what was that idea you had."

"Later when we get back to the outpost."

We left the arena soon after the match becouse no one wanted to fight either of the Devils. Any ways that is what the two were called after Dracos' match. The ride home was even as uneventfull as me trying to schedual another match. That is uneventfull for us, our driver had a breakdown. It turned out that he made a rather large bet, acctualy two large bets and both that the new comers would lose. The whole way back to base all he did was wine about the money he lost and y couldn't they be as weak as they looked. Once or twice Draco asked if he could just drag the guy out of the jeep and beat him. The last time he told our driver that if he didn't shut up and drive he would do just that to releave himself of the pain that was being caused.

Back at the base Draco and Dravyn said that they had no more use for me that day and to take the day off. That sutied me just fine I needed to ask my last master Kazem for a favor.

"What do you mean no? Please do this for me Kazem."

"I mean no becouse you need to ask them yourself. If you no longer want to be a slave you need to begin acting like you no longer are one. And that means makeing you own requests."

"I know how this is suppos to be. We spent almost a month preparing me to ask the Cheif for this. But they are not from this world, and I will need some one that can vouge as for my wearabouts during my missed time."

"Have you spoken to the Cheif about this first atleast?"

"Yes of corse. He was the first one I went to and he said that I should have you talk to them. If for no other reason then that they will know who to ask when they want to know what I've been doing."

"Okay if the Cheif says so, but I will be asking him if this conversation ever took place before I go speek on your behafe."

"Yes and thank you so much."

"Hey take it easy. They ain't said yes yet. I better get going if I have to do all this talking in one day."

I lost track of time and had fallen asleap when Kazem returend with the news that I had wanted to hear. They agread. I was to race in the Posh Jerr. Now all I have to do is count up how much I need to win to win my freedom. Kazem had been helping me with my racer and I'm confident that I can place high enough that with a few bets that I will have the money I need. Then he said something I realy wasn't expecting.

"But you have to go see them right now."

"What but we have to finish the racer and study the corse."

"That was the only condition. So get going."

"Sir Draco. Sir Dravyn. Are you here Kazem told me to come see you right away."

"Yeah back here in the.... Yard.... Ain't it Dravyn?"

"If you say so, but to me this whole place looks like a litter box."

As I walked out the back door I saw Draco setting on a sleak, black vehical. Dravyn was leaning aginst the wall off to my left. I had heard him say something about his car, but I never thought that anything made of metal could look so good. I must have looked like a fool.

"Hey you gona put you tung back or let it dry out?" Draco asked while sliding off the hood of his car.

"Oh sorry sir I just have never seen anything like this car."

"Very few people have. But on to the reason at hand. You want to take care if that Dravyn."

"I better this is a serious thing and you can't be trusted with things like that. Okay kid here's the deal. If your going to be in this race while under our care your gona have to have a car that won't shame us."

"I'm sorry sir but as a slave I can't afford a car such as that."

"That is what we though so we are going to help out there. Draco has offered his car."

"Wow that is great but looks don't count for anything. No I don't mean to offend but a nice body won't mean anything if I can't get the engin runing."

"No kid you don't understand. I mean I'm giveing you the whole car. And don't diss it agin." With that said Draco climbed in and started it up. That was the last noise I heard that day.

The next few days I spent in the motor pool working on my racer with everyones help. And I mean every one, Dravyn, Draco, Kazem, even the Cheif stoped by every now and then. Finaly it was done and only one person had anything to say and boy did it floor every one.

"Good work everybody we got a lot to be proud of, and can have a party to losen up. Oh by the way Saban. Don't wreck I would like to get my car back."

The only bad thing was that even with all there help I never had time to test the racer. It took all our time to fit everything to gether and for me to study the corse that will be used this year. Well come the marrow I'll find out if it was all worth it. I just hope I can sleep tonight, so to make sure I can I'll sleep in the car.

"Wake up Saban, we have to get you and the racer to the starting line."

"Kazem. What time is it?"

"Race time kid so get up and get ready, if you want to ride down with me in the trasport truck."

"Kazem where is every one I only count about 20 or 30 racers?"

"Most heard that a Speeder Star was entering so they droped out. Now enough talk get in there getting ready to start the race." A Speeder Star was entering this race! Great now I don't stand a chance maybe I should fallow the others lead.

"Hey kid don't you even think of giving up. I bet Dravyn that you would win."

"But sir Draco a Speeder Star is entering."

"I don't know what that is but I know what you got and that you can beat it."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, but a Speeder Star is a person that races profesonaly."

"Don't worry about him just have fun and race." That is easy for him to say he aint the one racing for his fredom. "Oh and one more thing. Don't let them know what there up aginst at first. Stay with the pack and don't floor it till you have to." That will help I'll probably have to keep the pedel to the floor just to keep up with the pack. "Now promise me that." How can he ask such a thing ?

"You have my word sir." And I will ohonor it but I only hope that his cockyness hasn't ended my dream.

As I'm pulled up to my starting point I couldn't help but look around and count the number of other racers. 24 and I'm 12th. The odds like that wouldn't be bad if I hadn't looked across from me to see number 46 the pro racer. He must have been offended cause he gave me a very bad look. The only thing I could do was face the starting point. When I strayed a look he was still looking very mad. I couldn't help my self and he saw my fear, that just made him laugh, and he reved up his engin. I can't answer his challange becouse of my promis, and right now I can only wonder witch is worse, showing my fear, or going back on my word.

"RACERS GO." Well I guess scared is only what I'll show. And I slowly press on the gas. To my complet amazement not only am I keeping up but I almost hit the car infront of me. Now I know why Draco incested that I not gun it at the start.

For the fisrt part of the race we have to stay in the same place we are in becouse of the narrow streats of the city. But that don't mean that a few drivers make it out of the city. Poor workmanship shows as two sputter and die. Good thing they were behide me cause of the jam the caused. As I exited the city wall I could still see the crews trying to move the dead cars for the others to continue. The bad part is over now we have space to try and pass each other. Speeking of passing, no sooner that I look over at him than 46 floors it and pulles away from the pack.

Why would he do that? The race still has 50 miles to the Outpost,from here, then 70 back to the City. At the start each lap is 140 miles, and we do that 20 times. Pushing his car like that will kill it before the 10th lap. He finaly slows his pace to match ours, about 40 yards out but not increasing. He must have wanted to know if any one in the pack had the ability to keep up with him. I don't want to disapiont but I also don't want to show my hand like Draco warnded me about.

After the show 46 put on I didn't have to worry about a pack. By my count 12 racers just stopped, got out, and put up their hands to show they gave up. Well i ain't about to do that.

As the race progressed more and more just quit, or got stranded by a racer that was just pushed to hard. By lap 17 only four of us remaind, with 46 still in the lead with his 40yards. Right at the begining of 18 when we hit the sands car 4 stalled. That was not a problem plenty of others stalled. The problem was that car 20 was right behind 4. He had no place to go but right into 4's backside. And that left 2 racers and 2 laps.

As we rounded for the 19th lap 46 did something I didn't expect, he slowed down to be neck and neck with me. We were window to window as we rounded the Outpost. He looked at me and saluted. All I could do was salute back and get ready for the last 70 miles as we both accelerated.

I had the peddel about half way down and was looseing ground. The City was getting close and the only thing I could do was floor it. If there had been any curves I don't think I could have made them it took all of my streanght just to hold corse, but boy did I fly to the finish line. I covered the same ground from earlier just a lot faster. To be exact what took me about a minute to cover only took a secont.

The crowd went crazey when I passed the finish before the pro racer.The celebration was short lived as I was led to the podium to make my requst that would be granted no matter what it was.

"Quit. Quit. Now young man what is your request?"

"My only request is to be free."

"Well I'll need your current master to come forward and give it to you." Draco started to the podium.

"Well I would love to help you out there but I can't. Before you say anything I belive that the Cheif will be able to explain it better." I don't understand, why can't he just let me be free.

"Thank you Draco. The reason that he can't give you your freedom is becouse, you already have it. Draco and Dravyn came to me the other day and explaind that you are now an Ambasidor to the Planet Earth. And as such you can't be a slave. So if it's alright with you we already used your request to free your mother. And with your expert race today we are offering you a place with the Rangers." I was speech less. I already had my freedom, won my mothers, and can be a member of the Rangers if I want. "Well what do you say Saban."

"Ther is not much to say but yes. Yes I accept the offer to the Rangers."

"Then it's offecal. Ranger Saban Coush I give you your first order, to be the protectoret of the Ambasidor to Earth, Lazan Coush." My mother is to be the Ambasidor to Earth? Wow this day is blowing my mind how can things get any better?

"Oh Saban since Dravyn and I can't give you your freedom we shook a few trees and look what we found in one." As Draco juestured to the crowd they parted to show Dravyn pushing a bound man. The man fell to the ground as the crowed formed a circle around them. "We found you dear old daddy. We just don't know what to do with him." This is a moment I have only drempt about and now I don't know what to do.

"Let him go. Let him see what kind of man his slave son has become. Let him forever know that a slave will be better than him." Yeah that will work. I show compason, and integrity while I get some little part of his self esteam.

"Well if that's what you want." Dravyn let him loose, and he ran off.

My name is Saban Coush. I am a Ranger from Athenia assingned to Earth to be the protector of the Athenian Embasidor. This is the begining of a new story and the end of my old life.
© Copyright 2005 Draco Dragonus (dracodragonus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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