Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/960034-Winter-RomanceI-need-a-place
Rated: E · Fiction · Romance/Love · #960034
A stranger in L.A.Living with Keanu Reeves who has a gf. Will Lydia end up heartbroken?
"oh my God!" I mumbled to myself. "Can this get any worse?" I asked myself.. I was a 28 year old woman who had just migrated from Malaysia to Los Angeles. I was here for only 10 minutes and was already lost. I had straight, long black hair which reached until my waist and a slender figure. I had full lips, a petite nose and big, hazelnut brown eyes. To others, I was pretty but to myself, I thought i was ugly. Especially since I had been dumped 3 times. My full name is Lydia Ng, 28 years old, ex-job was as a waitress, loves dogs and used to live in Malaysia. Unfortunately, I had a huge argument with my family and then, decided I should change my environment. I was till hurting bad..so bad. My long-term boyfriend of about 2 years had just bid me adios! Do you know why? Because the damn man, damn fool, bloody idiot found another gorgeous woman..to have sex with. Sex was something that I had never experienced before. I was a pure virgin and was proud of it. Until Taylor Fonanzo came along and became my boyfriend. He wanted me to sleep with him which I kindly declined. Which unfortunately, was not in his favour. He had been asking me to sleep with him for the past 2 years with hope I would finally see the damn light one day and give myself to him. Like I was stupid or something. If he wanted me for sex..well, he could bloody well find a bimbo to do it with. I stood firmly on my ground and so, he left me. I cried..I'll admit it..I cried buckets and buckets of tears. Frankly, i think I gave the garbage men a bit of a shock..He had to collect an entire bag full of tissues everyday for a week..Soon, the tears subsuded but the pain remained. Deeply scarring my heart. I loved him..ok? Taylor, I really did love him. He was my first love. A pity it had to go down the drain. 'Well, wake up, girlfriend! Back to reality!' I snapped out of my daze and began dragging my luggages. I took a cab and told him to take me to town. I needed a place to stay in. I paid the cab driver and got out. I dragged all of my luggages into a diner that was situated at a corner.
"Hello, sweetie..can I get you something?" a waitress in her late 40's asked me. She had honey-blonde hair and warm, brown eyes. Tears filled my eyes. I felt so lost. I had no job, no home, no family here and no boyfriend. I missed my mother badly, just looking at her. I looked at her name tag and it said Anna Grassdell. "Umm..well, actually I'm kind of looking for a job and a place to stay. I just got here and I'm lost!" I told her. She gave me a warm smile and said, "Well, we have a vacant job here..if you would like to take it.." she said. "I would love to!"I immediately announced. "Any experience?" she asked. "Yes, I've worked as a waitress for about 3 years before that!" I told her. "Alright, you will get about 200 per day if business is good..the least is about a 100 per day. You will work as a waitress in this diner. There will be work shifts and you might have to take the midnight shifts at times. Is that ok wit you, honey?" she asked, kindly. "Yeah, sure. When do I start?" I asked her. "Well, since you are new here..I suggest tomorrow," she said. I hugged her without a second thought. "Thank you, oh so much!"I exclaimed. "Yeah? Well, I like you!" she said. "You won't regret this!" I told her. "I sure hope so!" she said. "Great, now all I need is a place to stay in," I sighed. "Well, sorry. Can't help you there, dear. Might wanna ask around here. I tell you what..some actors and actresses love to come down here to have a bite to eat!" she said, giving me a wink. "Umm..like?" I asked, thinking she was making all of this up. "Ahem..don't tell anyone I told you this, ok? But you know the actor who acted in The Matrix? Keanu Reeves? He's one close pal of mine! He's a good guy, that one. I'll introduce him to you one day," she said. "Umm..its ok," I said. "Shucks..there you go. You don't believe me, do you?" she asked. "Well, no offense but is kind of hard to believe that a superstar like him would come here," I replied, meekly. 'Well, I'll prove it to you one day!" she said. "Ok, well, since I'm here, might as well get a bite to eat. Its dinner time anyways!" I said. 'Sure, what may I get for you?" she asked. "Umm..a ham sandwich? Is that alright?" I asked. "Is that alright, honey?Have you lost your mind?Of course its alright! You're the customer. The customer is always right!" she anounced. "Right!" I replied. "Sit right here and don't move. I'll be back in a flash!" she said and waltz off. I took in my surroundings. The diner was actually quite big. It had brown tiles as the floor, the walls were beige in colour and the lightings were dim, giving it a romantic feeling. They used orange lights. The counter was to the right side of the diner and the bar was right in the middle and the kitchen was just behind the bar. I leaned back, worrying about where I was about to sleep tonight. Suddenly, a man approached me. He was in his early 40's but was already balding at the top. He had black hair and was slim for someone of his age. He was wearing a black coatand long brown pants. He was about 6 feet. Did I mention I was only 5'9?Well, now you know. "Excuse me, miss! But I heard that you were looking for a place to stay, you can rent a room in my house if you liked!" he said. I looked at him and said, "Umm..I would very much like to see the house beforehand first!" "Ok..just follow me! Its nearby only," he said. "Umm..alright," I said and followed him. He led the way. We walked under a cloudy sky, across a busy street for about 5 minutes. It was about to rain. I felt really cold as a gust of wind blew by. It was autumn and was soon reaching winter. I was excited by that tiny fact. This is because, I had never seen snow before. I badly wanted to see and feel snow. He led me into a dark alley and I began to panic. I turned around to head back towards the diner but the man clamped his hand on mine and his grip was like steel. I wanted to scream but he was quicker than me, covering my mouth with his hand. 'Shit, damn it! Somebody help! Oh GOD! Please, please don't let anything happen to me now..please!' I said a silent prayer. Teras of fear blurring my vision. It grew worse as the rain began to fall. We were soaked wet. My blouse was now see-through because it was white, my bra visible. I saw lust in the man's eyes and grew frightened. "A pretty young thing like you shouldn't go around following men like me! You could get into some serious trouble!" he said. He made a go and taking off my blouse. I closed my eyes and started to squirm. Suddenly, he let go of his grip on me. I opened my eyes, the rain making my vision blur. Someone had punched the man and was now kicking him. The pathetic man was on the floor shouting, "STOP!" My saviour was a man dressed in a long, black leather coat, black pants and was very, very slim , lean and fit. 'Shake yourself up, girl. This is no time to be drooling over a man's body!' Because it was raining, I couldn't really see the man's face. "Leave her alone you son of a b****, bas****!" the man shouted. 'Nice voice too!' I thought. I was now on the floor, sitting down. Still trying to get over the shock. He stopped beating the man and I shivered, It was cold and I was scared. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. But you couldn't really see it. They were already mixing with the rain. "Here!" the man said and took off his leather coat which was not soaked wet. He put it around my shoulders and lifted me. He carried me bridal style, with my head buried in his chest. He kicked the man one last time before carrying me away. I sobbed into his chest. I cried and I remember, admist the noisy pattering sound of rain, and people walking, hearing a soothing voice say, "Its alright now. Its ok! I've got you."
My head was still buried in his chest and I loved the masculine smell of him. It was so unique. 'Get a grip, Lydia! You were just raped and now you are thinking Mr.Stranger here has got a nice smell?' a voice in my head said. 'NO!Not stranger..saviour!' I fought back. I heard a door being opened and I was put down on a chair. I lifted my head away from his chest and looked at my surroundings. We were back at the diner. "Darling! Are you alright?" she asked, her concern for me, genuine. "I'm alright..Just a little shocked!" I said. "Keanu! What happened? Did you take a good look at the man..who tried to..who tried to.." she said. "Who tried to rape me?" I croaked out miserably. "How could I have been so stupid?" I said aloud, hands in my hair. "Its not your fault! You were vulnerable at that time, being new and all that, you know?" Mystery Man said. I had not taken a good look at him yet. I lifted my head to look at him. I came face-to-face with the most good-looking man I had ever seen. He had big brown eyes, a stroung and steady nose and God help me, sexy lips! I couldn't bring myself to say a single word. 'He looks familiar'I thought. Then, it registered me. I turned around to look at Anna and asked, "Did you say his name was Keanu?" She smiled a sheepish grin and said, "Told you, should have believed me then!" she said. "I..I..you are Keanu Reeves?" I asked him. "Yup, thats me!" he said. "Oh My God! Do you have any idea how many of my friends are dying to meet you? And now, I've finally met you under some unfortunate circumstances!" I said, taking in a deep breath. He let out a laugh, a pleasant one too. "Well, are you ok?" he asked, concerned. 'Yeah, thanks to you..if not.."I said, looking down. He put his hand on my shoulder as if to comfort me, then his hand quickly retreated back. Luckily, there was no one else there because it was night and they were already closing. "Here!" Anna said, pushing a cup of hot cocoa in front of me. "Thanks," I said and smiled at her. I took a sip and sighed. Feeling warm. Then I realized that i was still wearing Keanu's coat. "Oh, your coat!" I said and made a gesture of taking it off. "No, keep it! You're cold!" he said. "Honey, you should have just stayed here, like I asked you to! Do you have any idea how dangerous it was?" Anna said. "I know, I know and I am terribly sorry for making you worry!" I said and apologized. "Thank Goodness, Keanu here suspected something and went off to look for you!" she said. I turned to him and smiled a warm smile. He smiled back. 'God, that smile.' "It's just that the man said he had a place where I could rent and you know how badly I need a place to stay," I said. "Oh..dear!"Anna said. "Well, you could always come stay in my apartment.."Keanu said. My eyes immediately opened wider. "I didn't mean..anything just that you neede a place to stay. My apartment is big enough and I get lonely sometimes. It would be nice to have a friend to talk to sometimes!" he said. "Oh..don't you have a girlfriend? Won't she get jealous?" I asked him. "Oh, Cindy? She's an actress. Not a famous one though. She's out shooting a movie and she won't be back for like another 4 to 5 months!" he said. I was really disappointed to hear that he had a girlfriend. "The press?" I asked. "Don't worry, they don't know I have an apartment here and if you don't mind, you could be a bit like a housekeeper. How's that sound? I'll pay you around 300 a day. You only need to work for about 3 days per week and you get to stay in my apartment. So?" he asked. "Great..are you sure first??" I asked, not believing what I was hearing. "Yeah of course!" he said, kindly. "Thank you so much. The both of you!" I said looking at my two new friends. I put my hand out to Keanu and said, "Lydia, Lydia Ng just flew in from Malaysia!" "Keanu, Keanu Reevs," he said, shaking my hand. "Well, its getting late. Best be going!" he said and got up. "Here, your luggages!" Anna said, handing them to me. "Thanks!" I said, smiling. "Since, you are still in a bit of a shock, why don't you start work 2 days later?Instead of tomorrow?" she asked me. I gave her a hug and whispered, "Thanks!" "You take care now, Lydia!" she said and I said, "Yeah, I will. Thank you for everything," I went off. "You better take care of her, Ke. She's a good girl, that one!" Anna said...
He inserted the key into the keyhole of a white door. It opened and he stepped through it. Light spilled into the darkness. He helped me carry some of my luggages in. He switched on the lights and his aprtment was huge..Huge, I tell you..huge! "Wow..a little messy though?" I said. "Well, thats why I have you!" he said, smiling. "Yeah..!"I said. "You can sleep in this bedroom..my bedroom is just next to yours," he said, pointing towards the door on my right, in a far corner. His bedroom was just next to mine. "Well, I better leave you to do your own packing then," he said, while closing the door. "Keanu?" I said. He turned around and said, "Yeah?" "Thanks!" I said. "No problem-o!" he said, smiling. He said, "If you want a shower, you are going to have to come over to my bedroom..sorry! You have a bathroom in your room but something's wrong with the shower spray. It leaks badly. I'll get it fixed by tomorrow. Never really bothered because I live here alone and my girlfriend shares my room!" he said. "Oh..umm..ok, thanks!" I said, blushing at the fact that they share the same room..Meanwhile, I felt a pang of jealousy. I unpacked all of clothes and took some spare clothes with me. My room was big. Bigger than my old bedroom. It had a super-king size bed, a study table, a shelf full of books, a sofa, two other chairs and a coffee table. It even had a walk in closet and a dressing table plus a full length mirror. "Wow!' was I managed to say. I took some spare clothes and a towel. I went to Keanu's bedroom and knocked on the door first. "Keanu?"I said. No answer. I tried the door, it wasn't locked. I opened it and stepped into Keanu's bedroom. His bedroom was practically the same as mine. Except it was all white. White sheets, white dressing table, white wallpaper with flower patterns, white floor.. He was asleep on the bed. 'He must be tired' I thought. I crept closer and studied him. He looked like a little boy, sleeping there. So peaceful. I covered him with the sheets, not wanting him to get a cold. I stepped into the bathroom where there was a jacuzzi too but I decided on the shower. I stripped, making sure the door was locked first. I got around doing my business, even brushing my teeth there. After, feeling clean, I walked out to find Keanu wide awake, sitting up on the bed. "Umm..hey! Sorry, did I wake you up? I didn't mean to enter without your permission! Its just that you were sleeping so peacefully," I said. "Its ok,"he smiled again. 'God, help me with that smile!' I said. "Umm..I haven't really properly thanked you yet for what you have done for me! Thank you so much, Keanu! For saving me and for giving me a place to stay and giving me income too!" I said, tears already welling up in my eyes. I missed my family so much. "Ok, you must be tired. Sleep now, talk tomorrow. Oh, you have to wake me up, everyday, k? Cause I sleep like a dead log. Wake me up around 9, is that ok with you?"he asked. "Sure!" I said, smiling. My hand reached for the dorr knob and I turned around to say, "Good night, sweet dreams, Keanu!" Before closing the door behind me, I heard, "Good night to you too, Lydia. Sweet dreams." To be continued to Part 2. Pls give me any feedback..good or bad..I know my english isn't that good tho..thanks
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