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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #958572
Chapter three within the story.
Chapter 3: Desires

“The Elite?” Crisp blue eyes stared at Manu with uncertainty wondering if this man was simply there to amuse himself with silly tales. “Yes Sariel, the Elite. A special group of loyal Nephilim…who well lets say what you desire can and will be yours.” There was a dark tone to that voice, as if saying that if it weren’t for this group he wouldn’t be where he was now. “It’s very beneficial to those of us who,” He paused a moment to look around the silent meadow and then turn to look at Sariel, “want things which can not be taken, not without help.”

Sariel didn’t know whether he should trust him, but something about the way he carried himself and spoke gave him reason enough to believe he spoke true. He looked away and near by was a tree which he used to climb as a boy along with Neria. For a moment he was able to see the image of their younger selves at play, which seemed to help push him towards what came next, “So, if I were to join this group I can have anything I want. Whatever I desire it can be made to happen?”

Manu knew well enough there was more to those words, but he would have this one, “Yes Sariel…” He walked over to this tree and placed a hand against it, grinning to himself as he spoke, “Even her.” It was something which he knew Sariel truly wanted and he had him. Manu knew the look in Sariel’s eyes, the instant he would turn to look at him, would reveal to him the answer and he was correct. There he was, Sariel staring at him with that determined look, closed fists at his sides and then a smile. “Assuming I agree to join, can we get Doumah Lesing out of the way?”

It was an interesting and surprising request, but Manu found himself impressed by Sariel’s words. “It can be done, but it will take some time Sariel. We do not act on our own after all, but we will speak more about this once you have agreed to join us.” He wasn’t about to reveal anymore than needed. If Sariel truly wanted Doumah out, he would have to join them. His desire would over power his mind in this and once he looked away did Sariel speak, “Fine. I will join The Elite.” The recruiter attempted to look uninterested in this, but he was glad it was easier than expected.

“He must like this girl a lot.” Manu thought as he straightens and walked back to stand beside Sariel. An arm wrapped around his shoulder, while leaning in speaking in a hushed tone, “Then Sariel, we have much to discuss.”


Neria’s eyes stared down at the floor as her father began to discuss his reason behind having invited Doumah to their home. A topic which she did not wish to discuss, but after having promised her mother that she would hear her father out, she knew she wouldn’t be able to break that promise. “You see child, not only is this beneficial for you…but if young Doumah does gain influence with the council, well we may be able to make your dream a reality.” Ardarel looked upon his daughter with loving eyes, gently placing a hand upon her head as if she were still a child of five.

“Father, I’m sorry I just don’t see myself with this Doumah Lesing.” She lets out a deep sigh as she closed her eyes thinking carefully on her words. “I love you and mother very much, but please don’t make me settle down with someone I do not care for. I know things have not been easy and that most consider my ideas to be a bit too…much for them. This is just how I feel.” She left it at that, knowing if she spoke anymore on the matter she might just anger him. Ardarel carefully studied his daughter, something which he found himself doing often since this had begun. “Will you at least think briefly on it? Get to know him before you decide he isn’t good enough.”

For once it sounded as if he truly wished for her to do as he said and she easily managed to pick up such a tone within his voice. Neria did not like the idea of this man, but she found that at the moment she didn’t have much of a choice. “It would please them and until I come up with another plan, well…it’s best if I do this for now,” The young Nephilim thought to herself before raising her sky blue eyes to meet her father’s. “Fine, I will get to know him…but do not think once that I have agreed to anything else.” The older man suddenly looked very pleased, leaning back against the wooden desk he normally sat behind. “Good, then I hope you are ready for a day of…entertainment.”

She blinked looking rather confused by her father’s words and quickly rose to her feet, “What do you mean father? What have you planned without my consent?” Now she found herself feeling furious that he would make plans without speaking to her. What if she had something else to do? What if it was something important? Ardarel cocked his head towards the right attempting to look innocent, “Well nothing child. Doumah wished to go into the village today along with your mother and you. He wishes to spend some time with you.” There was a look of horror on her face, knowing how his accompanying her into the village would look to the others.

Already she was hearing the whispers shifting from what occurred recently to the sudden appearance of the Temple trainee. The man who her family wishes her to marry, “Father, but…today isn’t a good day. I had made arrangements after I was done with mother.” Her mind turned towards looking for Sariel and see if he managed to find out information regarding Doumah. This was another thing she couldn’t reveal to the one she called father. “Can he not join us on another day?”

Ardarel looked displeased by what his daughter was saying. His eyes looking as if they had become darker and cold, “What could be important?” A thick brow rose as he carefully watched her face for a reaction, “Does it not matter to you what others are saying? Does it not matter that I only ask you one simple favor?!” His open hand came crashing down on the desk, a motion which made her jump at the sound. What could she tell him without angering him further? It seems as though that is all she has been able to do, “Truthfully, I do not care what the rest think…but I don’t wish to upset you or mother, so he may come.”

The last few words were spoken hesitantly as she considered how to find Sariel with Doumah present. It wouldn’t be a good thing if she asked him about his findings in front of Doumah, but she also didn’t wish to wait long to find out. She would do just about anything to make sure her father’s plans aren’t able to go into motion, but little did she know they were and this small gathering was part of it. Both father and daughter look upon each other in silence, Ardarel being the first to look away after considering her words. “For the time you spend with your mother, allow him to go along. Afterwards, you may do as you please.”

He didn’t wish to push the matter any further than needed; after all if he wished for all to go as planned then he would need to make the whole thing believable. Anymore and she would suspect something was indeed going on, other than her parents attempting to play match-maker for their troublesome daughter. Neria said nothing, but observed him only then to nod softly rising to her feet, “Thank you father.” It was then she left the man to his own thoughts as she wandered off to meet with her mother.


“Hmm, what is taking this girl so long?” Doumah waited outside of the Olren house annoyed with the wait. Dressed in normal attire instead of his training robes, he sat upon a bench staring at the garden which Sereda had grown. It was something to be admired, even he was able to see its beauty and be caught within its spell. Only then to notice someone called to him in that instant. Rising to his feet, he offered a bow to both women which allowed his hair to fall slightly over his shoulders.

“Good morning Ladies. I hope you both do not mind my company on this outing?” He gave both a smile, although within he found himself disgusted by the thought of ever having gotten involved with Ardarel Olren. Still outside he was able to act as if being in the presence of either brought him joy. “Doumah, you need not be formal with us. After all, you might become family someday.” Sereda gave the young man a smile, before walking ahead of Neria. She saw in differently, but made a promise to her father managing to give the trainee a welcoming smile only to walk ahead of him.

“I shouldn’t have promised father.” She thought closing her eyes as she walked out of the gates. Doumah watched both women walk and suddenly felt a chill down his spine. Blue eyes stared out at him from a window, cold blue eyes and he knew then Ardarel was watching him every minute he had the chance. “There is no way getting out of this now.” He waved towards the man, playing along with the plan and turned to walk after both women. His pace becoming quick the moment he stepped out of the gates, managing now to walk beside Neria, who he noticed had her head down.

“You look as though this were your last moments in Nede?” Doumah walked with his hands clasped behind his back, his back straight. The way he normally walked within the temple and the night he came to her home. “No, but I do feel as though I am losing my freedom. It isn’t as if you care Doumah.” The young Nephilim wanted to spat at him at that moment, but the promise she made kept her from doing so. “You maybe coming along with us, but don’t think I intend to spent the entire day with you.” She added only then to glare at the young man.

He found himself amused by her words and her actions, wanting to tell her how he truly despised her and never wished to see her face. “I’ve made a bargain with a devil.” He thought within looking up at the clear blue sky, “No need to worry Neria. I don’t wish to keep you at my side if it doesn’t please you. You may go if you wish and I shall not reveal a thing to your father.” He turned his head towards her, feeling this way was the only way to get her within his web. “After all, I’m sure you wish to do other things than be around the likes of me?”

He tilts his head slightly, the blue locks of hair falling over his eyes. Neria simply looked at him speechless, but part of her reminded her to be cautious. This was the man her father planned to have her wed and she would not have it. “You speak true. I do have other things to do, but I will not be leaving my mother alone with you. No telling what sort of things you would tell her.” She turned to face him, hands upon her hips looking rather furious by his sudden kindness. “I’ll remind you Doumah Lesing, I am no fool.” With those last words and turned to join her mother at her side wanting to avoid his company.

He grinned watching her runaway from his side and to her mother’s, “I’m surprised she did not hit me.” He found himself having a discussion within his mind, noticing then for the first time that the stubborn woman was attractive. “From behind at least,” He shook his head that instant wondering what was going on within him. Just a moment ago he wanted to strangle her, now he was suddenly admiring her backside? “Maybe I’m going insane.” A sigh followed noticing then that both stopped to look at several fruits being sold.

Sereda seemed to pay little attention to the words which had been spoken between her daughter and Doumah. If anything, she had high hopes that the two would take a liking to each other, the thought of seeing her daughter settle seemed to be the only thing that mattered. “Neria…” The older woman began as she reached out for an apple, feeling it with her fingertips and taking in its scent, “Why don’t you and Doumah go off on your own. Maybe show him around? It’s been a long time since he’s been to a village. You know the temples can be demanding of their pupils.”

Neria glanced towards the trainee and frowned shaking her head while reaching out for an apple as well, “Show him what mother? This market is like the rest and I’m sure he misses the temple.” She was determined not to let her mother talk her into being alone with the fool, but Sereda just stared at her in shock. “Why won’t you do me this favor? There aren’t many men who wish to marry you. Not after this fiasco.” The words sounded harsh and Neria lowered her eyes, returning the apple. Her eyes seemed distant and rather sad at that moment, trying to remain calm as she spoke.

“Why don’t you understand? What will it take to make you stop forcing me to settle down? This is not how I want to do it, mother. I don’t want you or father playing matchmaker.” Neria hesitated to look at her mother, but she was furious by what she said which gave her the courage to stare her in the eyes. “Will you just let me be?! I will choose who I will marry when the time comes! Not you, father…or even the heavens. Me…” She had not realized it then, but she was yelling and a number of people had been watching the two. Sereda looked rather embarrassed by the entire thing, her eyes wandering over the faces in the crowd.

“Neria this isn’t the time or place to discuss this.” Her voice came out rather stern as she stared at her disobedient daughter. “Maybe not, but you wouldn’t listen…” The younger of the two wiped away what tears had fallen and walked away, leaving Doumah with her mother.


“This is an interesting turn of events.” Manu watched with interest from within the crowd along with Sariel, whose attention turned towards the departing Neria. “I’m going to…” Sariel was in the process of following his friend, until Manu stopped him from doing so. “No. If you wish to prove yourself, then don’t interfere. It’s not your time yet Sariel, when it is you will know. In the meantime just observe her and those around her.” Sariel wondered as to how it would be possibly to just sit back and watch this, only to frown the moment he saw Doumah approach Sereda.

“Watch him closely Sariel and learn. He’s your rival in this, so learn what you can now.” Manu whispered into the young one’s ear, knowing exactly what would happen next and what Sariel’s reaction would be. It all seemed to be going as he hoped it would, watching his new pupil become angry. “Manu, I can’t stand here like this…I…” He began to take several steps towards both individuals, only to see Doumah leave Sereda’s side and go in the direction Neria had went. “He wouldn’t dare…Manu!” Sariel turned to stare at the man before him, hands clenched into fist.

Manu shrugged in return motioning towards the departing rival, “You wish to know what he plans to do?” He was beginning to enjoy watching Sariel’s emotions take over. Already jealousy showed itself within his eyes and nodded his head, “I want to be sure he doesn’t touch her.”

Inside Sariel’s emotions were in rage as he followed Doumah’s form out of the market and onto greener land. He kept away from him, making sure that he did not know he was being followed. “If he dare’s lay a hand on her I’ll…,” He shut his eyes to the world around him and paid no mind to his surroundings. There was only one thing upon his mind and that was Neria. Finally he stopped and hid behind a tree, watching Doumah begin to approach the Nephilim from behind.


“Why doesn’t she listen? Why won’t any of them?” Neria’s tear filled eyes stared up at the clear blue sky, inwardly cursing the fact that the day turned out the way it did. “I’m sorry father…” Her words came out softly only to be startled by someone’s touch, which she expected to be her mothers but the moment her sad eyes fell on Doumah, that hatred stirred within her once more. “Go away! Haven’t you done enough?” She hissed at him tempted to throw her basket at his conceited head.

Doumah seemed to have been caught by surprise himself. The look that had been upon her face wasn’t what he expected. Compared to their previous encounters, she never seemed to look so frail, but here she stood before him in tears. “No, I haven’t but you should go to your mother. Maybe even apologize for causing a scene in the market.” He did not raise his voice, but spoke in that tone of voice which he did on their first meeting. Her eyes narrowed and she brought her right hand upward, “How dare you speak so boldly?! You have no right to say such to me.”

He closed his eyes attempting to keep calm, but also preparing himself for what might come in any second. “You’re right. I don’t, but considering the way you’re acting…well lets say it isn’t very proper.” The moment he opened his eyes did her right hand connect with his cheek. The force behind the slap would definitely leave a mark upon the Trainee’s face and he knew this, but did not make an effort to avoid it. “You’re nothing but a closed-minded idiot. A dog of the Elders! So quick to suck up anything that is tossed at you.” Neria found herself standing before him, as if daring him to lift a hand against her.

“A dog! That is what you are, a lowly dog!” She continued beginning to turn away from him and leave for home instantly. “I would not speak so boldly of the Elders Miss Olren. You are already on their bad side and I would be careful as to not give them reason to be rid of me.” Doumah’s voice had a serious and harsh tone to it, his left hand quickly coming out to take her by the wrist stopping her from leaving. “Would you open your eyes you stubborn woman! I’m trying to help you and you’re tossing it aside because of your pride!” Now he began to yell and strangely the words seemed to make her wince.

“Is he really trying to help me?” She found herself wondering at that moment, “He did come out here, right?” The young Nephilim didn’t know what to believe right now, confusion having completely taken over in that short moment. For now she said nothing, but stared off into the distance.

“Will you just listen, Neria? For once don’t run off without hearing me out. Neither of your parents is present, so there is no need for that. Will you?” Doumah for once sounded sincere in his words and for a moment she almost heard a worried tone in there. She turned her head towards him and managed a small nod deciding to hear him out, but what would occur she did not expect. Doumah seemed to lean in close, placing a soft kiss on her right cheek. The whole thing caused her to step back in utter shock, “Doumah, you do realize none of this will change how I still feel?”

He did not know why he did such a thing, but he did know it was without thought and attempted not to show how shocked he was by his own actions. “I know that Neria. You’re stubborn woman and are set in finding the right one.” He walked towards her and then sat down upon the ground, patting gently the empty spot beside him. “Sit…please.” He waited until she had done so before proceeding to speak. She complied and sat down looking ahead, but keeping her distance from him.


“Enjoying the view Sariel?” Manu had snuck up on him and whispered into his ear yet again. This time the tone in his voice was rather eerie sounding and sent shivers up Sariel’s spine, but he did not look upon his teacher. His eyes were focused upon the two seated within the grass, the rage which began earlier to build within him had grown larger the moment he saw Doumah’s lips touch Neria’s cheek. “He will pay for that one Manu. I will make sure he does.” Sariel lowered his eyes, biting down on his lower lip fighting the urge to strangle Doumah.

“What is wrong with me? Since when have I thought in such a way?” Sariel started to question himself within, wondering if this was the doing of his desire. “It can’t be…I’ve always wanted this. He will pay and she will then look upon me as someone worthy.” A dark smile then appeared as he looked back at the two, watching every movement his enemy made. Thoughts of tormenting him in ways he would not have imagined before entered his corrupted mind. “She’ll finally see.” He repeated and Manu watched him pleased with the progress made.

“Sariel, remember all that you desire will be yours now. You have the ability to take what it is you want. You have the strength, the intelligence and will.” Then once more he leaned in closely and whispered, “You are determined and he can’t stop you.” The moment Manu pulled away from his pupil a new fire burned within his soul. This was the power of the Elite, a darker power that worked for the Elders and none could truly stop them. “I know Manu. You need not tell me this after all…I have the Elite now, don’t I?” Sariel pressed his back against the trunk of the tree, arms folded over his chest waiting for the right moment to interrupt the two.

Manu departed afterwards knowing he did his work in bringing Sariel into the Elite. He knew the Elders would be pleased with such and it also meant another of his own desires will be made into reality. He took one last look at the jealous Sariel, who stared at the ground counting each second that past. Plotting as to what he would do to Doumah when given the opportunity and how he would win his best friend’s heart. At this point nothing would be able to stop him and Manu knew this, especially after leaving something special imbedded into the ground for him to use. “Use it well Sariel. Make a name for yourself in the eyes of the Elders and the Elite.”

© Copyright 2005 Pochi-chan (pochi-chan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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