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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #958571
Second chapter within the story
Chapter 2: Plans

“Where is she?” Ardarel began to pace before the hearth, his eyes upon the wooden floor stopping for only a moment in thought before turning to look upon Doumah. The younger man merely looked upon Ardarel with a questioning look, wondering what he could be plotting this time. “We will have to be more careful with her. “ Again Ardarel began to pace as Doumah kept silent choosing which words he wished to speak, “With all due respect Sir Olren, your daughter doesn’t fancy me as you saw for yourself. I don’t think I can continue to play this game either.” The temple trainee hands were clasped before him, his back straight and blue eyes cold, “I have told you I don’t fancy her.”

Ardarel arched a brow turning to face the young man once more; the dark look within his eyes was unlike anything he had seen. “Remember boy…I have sway over the elders and if you wish to be one of them, you will assist me in talking Neria out of this nonsense.” Doumah had little to say in regards to this knowing what the man spoke was true, he wanted to be on the council and he would do just about anything to have that power, “Aye Sir Olren.” The young man turned and quietly looked around the chamber which was the man’s study, noticing several books nearby. He was then curious and moved closer to the desk, eyes falling upon books of science and politics, the kind of books which were only found in the Temple library.

“You have an interesting taste in books Sir Olren. I wasn’t aware that such books were allowed outside the library.” Doumah raised a brow as he turned to look upon the scheming political figure that was Neria’s father. “They aren’t.” Ardarel responded in a cold tone rather angry at his daughter’s show of disrespect in front of a guest. “Being a representative in this village has its benefits.” A dark smile followed as he turned towards his door, hearing a clicking sound coming from the other side of it. He knew instantly it would be his daughter, returning to apologize for the scene.

Neria hesitated in opening the door to her father’s study, knowing he would be angry with her and most likely yell once she would be inside. “I can’t fear him. I have a right to my own opinion.” She said to herself, determined not to let him decide things for her any longer. By the standards of the rest, she was an adult and should be respected as such. “It’s only fair.” With that final thought in place she pushed the door opened and looked within the dark study with a frown. Sky blue eyes fell on the figure which belonged to her father and then to the one which belonged to Doumah.

“I did not know we still had a guest. I will leave you be to your business, father.” She reached out to take the cold handle of the door and prepared to close it, lowering her gaze not wanting to look upon either person. “Neria, stop and enter. We need to discuss something and this involves you.” Ardarel spoke a loud with a fatherly tone and turning his head towards Doumah who was still busy looking over the man’s collection. “Please, both sit and it will not take long. It is late and I have a meeting in the early hours.” Doumah turned to look upon Neria and move towards the indicated seats, located just near the man’s desk.

Neria’s reaction was different compared to the temple trainee’s. Instead she looked on with disgust and turned her head wanting to walk away from the two men. “Father, it is late and I am weary. Please excuse me, I wish to rest.” The tone in her voice had been one of annoyance, wanting little to do with what will be said in the next few minutes. “Neria, I am your father and you will do as I say. Now sit! That is the least you can do for embarrassing me on this evening.” The older man face’s was red with anger, lines forming around the edges of his eyes and mouth. There was no mistaken at the amount of rage he felt and she knew best not to further anger him.

“Yes…father.” She closed the door behind herself and moved towards the chair, moving it away from Doumah’s. It may have been fear that made her stay, but she did not have to sit next to this individual. “I’ll not give him that satisfaction.” She thought to herself avoiding all eye contact with both. Instead she focused her gaze upon her hands and what information Sariel would be bringing her. If anything, she could always count on him in times of need, her only true friend. “Neria, I asked Doumah here after he showed interest in courting you.” The man began very slowly, but quick to raise a hand knowing she would interrupt, “Let me finish Neria.”

She bit her tongue having suspected as much, it was the only reason why he would bring someone unknown into their home. “Why won’t he listen?” Inwardly she yelled, folding her arms and waiting until he finished this silly talk of his. “He has my blessing Neria. A young man in the temple would do not only our family good, but what future children as well.” He ended it at that looking over towards his fellow conspirator, raising a brow as if daring him to speak against it. “He speaks true Neria.” Doumah quickly turned to face the young woman with yet, that strange smile. “I wish to have you as my bride. That is the sole reason for this visit.”

A sickening feeling enter her and she looked at him with disgust. Eyes cold and filled with a rage she herself had never known until that moment. “Do not speak so openly. I do not wish to be wed, unless it was out of love! You know me not, Trainee Doumah!” In that instant she rose to her feet and turned to walk away from them, only to feel a hand take her by the wrist. “Neria, will you just hear me out and give me a chance! What happened today was only out of duty to the temple. I am not that sort of man., but all I ask is that you think on what was said.” Doumah looked sincere when those words were spoken, but Neria could not believe it.

Quickly she pulled her wrist away and left the chambers, both men now alone to speak. “Good acting my boy. If I didn’t know better, I would have believed you myself.” Ardarel grinned, leaning back against the wooden desk, “Very good indeed.” Doumah shook his head and rises himself staring at the door for several moments. “If I have to endure this any longer, I believe I too will be ill.” He paused in his words, finally turning to look at Ardarel with cold eyes of his own, “I do hope once this is over…once my position is secured, that I no longer need to pretend to love that woman.”


Ardarel couldn’t help but admire the young man’s determination to have power. It made him think of himself when he just married Sereda, but his family didn’t have sway over the Elders and their personal council. It took time, but he managed to become a representative of the village. This was enough to satisfy his lust for power. “Once it is all over, I don’t think my daughter will be much of a problem. By then she would have settled and have forgotten this silly idea.” His eyes became dark as he watched the young man.

“Who knows, by then you may have even come to have a liking for her.” The man was always plotting and using Doumah was part of it. If he could not managed to gain that power himself, if only he could have some sort of link; to give his family a worthy name, this would be the way. “You are truly hard to resist sir, but with all due respect I would never fall for your daughter. She would make any man in Nede’s life a living hell.” Doumah wasn’t pleased with the idea and he made sure that Ardarel understood.

“I see. You must not want to be favored among the Elders. Very well Doumah, you may go now.” The man was quick to dismiss the temple trainee with a wave of the hand, “Go now and do not look back.” There was an odd calm within his voice, as if he knew the other would not decline his offer of help. But was the exchange for status too high? This is what Doumah began to ask himself in that short moment. “Ardarel, promise you will secure me a position and I will do as you please. Even take Neria’s hand.”

Ardarel was a bit surprised that the young man called his daughter by given name, but he was pleased with himself knowing he could not turn down such an opportunity. “I will, so long as you cooperate with me Doumah. Only then, will I have a few words with the Elders about your outstanding services to our people.” He walked smoothly over towards the trainee and slipped around him with a hand extended. “Do we have an understanding?” It was as if he was making a pact with the devil himself, but there wasn’t any hesitation as Doumah quickly reached out to grab Ardarel’s hand. “We have an understanding Sir Olren.”

Both men stared at one another as they shook hands, a deal sealed. “It’s best you return to your home then. I should not keep a man from his work. It was a pleasure having you here Doumah. Be well.” Ardarel broke the grasp and walked towards his study door, waiting for Doumah to exit it and then his home. “Thank you Sir Olren. May you have a good night and give my regards to the Lady Sereda.”


“Who does he think he is?!” Neria sat within her chambers crossed with her father and that fool Doumah. “I’m not sure what they are plotting, but it will not work. Me? Settle, ha!” She fell back onto her bed and stared at the ceiling in silence hoping that Sariel would manage to gather information on the Temple Trainee. “This isn’t the life I want. This isn’t who I am. There is so much more out there. Am I the only one who feels this way?” She shifted her head slightly towards the right, staring at a music box she had been given about a year ago.

“A gift for a lady,” She whispered to herself the very words her mother had spoken on the eve she turned nineteen. “Sorry mother. I can’t be the lady you want me to be.” A sad smile appeared as she sat up upon her bed, her back now pressed against the wooden board. Quickly both hands reached out for the music box, which was placed in her lap. A finger lightly began to trace the edges, feeling the smooth wooden vines wrap around each other in a dance.

She remained this way for awhile before actually opening it. Eyes looked at the reflection within the small mirror and then music followed. The music spoke to her, telling her a story of love or at certain times, a story about finding herself. Either way it was comforting to her ears, the young woman returning the box to its place. There she left it open and allowed her mind to fill with images to match the song. In moments she was asleep, lost within dreams that only she could understand.

The air felt different, even smelled different at least that is what she thought as sky blue eyes stared out at unfamiliar land. “Where am I? Is this another dream?” She walked about on bare feet, watching the area for signs of life. “This is very strange.” Neria stopped and sat down for a moment trying to figure out where she could be. Sadly nothing seemed to click in her mind as she named the places she had been to. “It has to be some sort of dream. This place looks to odd to be Nede.” Her eyes again searched for anything familiar, only to look towards the sky noticing the stars were different as well.

“Wha…what is going on??” She fell backward staring at the night sky with wide eyes. The young woman unable to believe what her eyes were looking upon. Everything seemed to be out of place or at least that is how she saw it. “That…” She stopped at that moment feeling as though she was being watched, but the feeling managed to overwhelm her causing her to run away from her current position. Her heart was racing feeling the cold moist ground under her bare feet, only to fall once more.

Whatever had been watching her followed the young Nephilim and now stood over her, its form hidden within the darkness. At that moment Neria prepared to scream out for help, only to wake to the sound of her mother’s voice, “Neria? Wake up girl, your father is calling for you.” Quickly she sat up, pressing a hand against her chest still able to feel her heart race. “Mo...Mother? Oh…I see.” Carefully she brought a hand up towards her face, hoping she did not look as if something was wrong.

Sereda stood across the room, searching for a proper gown for Neria to wear to this small meeting. The woman knew her daughter well having observed her sleeping habits earlier, but she would not ask her. She would wait for Neria to bring it up herself, but knowing the girl she would keep it to herself, which has been normal as of late. “Your bath has been prepared and I think you should wear something nice. I’m not sure what it is, but your father seems to be in good spirits.”

The woman loved her husband dearly, even if she was kept in the dark from her husband’s true self. “I think maybe something good occurred last night when he spoke with Doumah.” At the sound of that name Neria lets out a deep sigh, tossing aside her blanket and proceeding to walk towards the bathing area. “I have no interest in anything those two were speaking of.” She was still rather crossed by the whole thing, but more with the idea that must be dancing around in her father’s mind.

“Neria be more understanding about this! Your father only wishes the best for you and we both what this entire fiasco to end quickly.” There was that motherly tone in Sereda’s voice, having wanted for a long time for her daughter to settle. “Try and hear him out, for me?” Then the pleading tone, a combination of the two which never seemed to fail when mother and daughter spoke. “Mother…I…fine. I will hear him out today.” Neria pulled her knees towards her chest as she sat within the warm water.

The woman felt awful having used such a tactic on her daughter, but she grew weary of having to hear them argue. She hoped for them to come to terms and that their relationship could be saved. Thoughts of the words they shared last night came to the older woman’s mind, “She’s your only child. Don’t push her away like this! I don’t want to lose her Ardarel. You two will talk this over peacefully.” Finally she entered the bathing area and began to pass a comb through her daughter’s hair.


He woke at dawn having decided to begin his search early, but sadly nothing had turned up yet. None of the Trainee’s that he knew did not help him in anyway regarding Doumah, if anything they looked at him with disgust. Even his old tutor decided to turn one of his favorite pupils away, wondering as to why he was seeking information regarding the young man. “This isn’t going too well and Ner is going to be rather upset.” He pressed his back against the stone house which was his home.

Sariel looked weary himself, having been thinking over a number of things. One of these thoughts concerned his feelings for his long time friend. To him it seemed like a lost cause pursuing her, but he would try regardless of her words last evening. “She was just upset. I don’t blame her, but…maybe if I spoke to her family.” The young man found himself plotting silently as to what he could say to Ardarel and his wife. “Sir Olren, with the blessing of you and your wife I would like to court your daughter.”

A deep sigh followed knowing it was little use dreaming up that she would agree to such a thing, only for those crisp blue eyes to stare at the clear skies. “Ner? Why can’t you understand…why…,” Suddenly the young man had been cut off by another’s words, “Why can’t she what?” The eyes of an unfamiliar man stared at Sariel, watching him closely and the way he seemed to carry himself. “Thinking? About her?” He cocked his head towards the right, arms crossed and dressed in a noble fashion.

“Who are you?” Sariel spoke out annoyed that someone had decided to sneak up on him at that moment and sadly he didn’t seem to take notice of it. “Who I am is none of your concern, but I have been hearing much about you Sariel. Your friendship with Neria and your search for information on Doumah is known by us. The trouble you can get into…tsk tsk tsk.” He grinned darkly as he leaned against the cold stone wall, waiting for a reaction from him.

“I don’t have to listen to this.” Sariel began to suppress the rage which began to build, open hands turning into tight fists. “If you are done here, I will be on my way.” He said between clenched teeth turning his body away from the stranger, only to be turned back around to face him. “No, I am not done and don’t you walk away. As I said, you need not know who I am…but I know what you want and I have a proposition for you. Will you hear me out?” Sky blue eyes stared at Sariel, almost as if they were seeing right into his very soul. Sariel frowned having the strange feeling if he attempted anything, it would not end well.

“Fine, speak stranger.” He turned his eyes off to the side not wanting to look at him, waiting for him to speak of this proposition. Manu removed his hands and smiled resuming leaning against the wall, “Good choice Sariel, but here is what I have to offer you.” He began waiting to see if he showed interest in his words, but knowing it would not be enough if something else was not included. “I’m offering you the chance to prove yourself; Not only to your family, but to Neria and her family.” Sariel’s eyes seemed to go wide in that instant, but he told himself inwardly to be cautious.

“What do you get out of this…who ever you are?” It all seemed to interest him, a way to possibly become more than what he is now. A chance to maybe get her to notice what was there and not the one she was beginning to call brother. “Me? Nothing at all, but that fact here is that if you want the answers you seek, all you need to do is say yes,” Manu was beginning to enjoy this little game, having been observing Sariel for much longer than he might think. Sariel wasn’t sure as to how to respond to this, but he was considering his words carefully. This maybe his only chance after all and who was he not to take up such an offer.

With determined eyes, Sariel looked up at this man before him and nodded once, “What do I have to do?” Manu looked surprise that the decision came about so quickly, but he figured Sariel’s desire is what led to his sudden decision at that moment. “Then, let us take a walk Sariel and I will explain all.” He brought out his left hand to point at a near by path, a path which would take them away from others.

© Copyright 2005 Pochi-chan (pochi-chan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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