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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #958568
Chapter 1: Beginnings

What if the flood sent to destroy the Nephilim and the evils of mankind did not succeed?

What if a group of Nephilim survived and found Paradise?

Hidden from the eyes of God, Angels, The Devil, Demons and Man.

Their Paradise, called Nede.

This was their 'world' and it was by their rules alone by which they would live.

No God.

No Angels.

No Devil.

No Demons.

No Man.

Just the Nephilim.

Chapter 1: Beginnings

She looked out the window as the sun began to rise within the distance, "The sun...will it be the last time I see this view?" she said quietly to herself turning back towards her bed and her belongings. This week had been one of great sadness not only for her but also for her family and friends. To think all these problems stirred because of her views on life here, she truly had nothing against the beliefs but she felt like an outcast within this society and hoped that she wasn't the only one. The meeting with the elders didn't go as well as she hoped, their words coming to mind as she began to finish packing:

"Open our gates?" Elder Nathanael* looked on at her in shock.

"Have you gone mad Neria*? Such things can not be done, as it would ruin life in Nede." her father spoke against his own daughter.

"Nay, Father...Elders. I have not gone mad, but wish to help improve life here. Wouldn't it be best if we showed those within the heavens that we have grown as a people, that we are beyond petty grudges?" she looked at them with pleading eyes, eyes that were inherited from her mother, a woman who is respected within the land.

"I'm sorry dear girl, but we can't do as you request. This topic is denied from ever being brought to the attention of the council. This meeting is dismissed!"

She winced at the sound of the hard piece of wood hitting against the table, finding herself being escorted out of the temple and through the gardens by one of the younger patrons that was studying to enter the brotherhood. He was tall and slim; blue haired and blue eyed which showed he was of pure blood. Adorned in the traditional robes of the brotherhood, he escorted Neria out as the Elders had requested. Neria didn't notice the young man, after all she was determined that the Elders would take her request seriously but that failed. She stared at the ground silently considering how to persuade them into changing their mind, but her thoughts were interrupted by the young man who grabbed her.

"What in the heavens do you think you're doing!" Neria found herself stop and turn to face him but he stared off at nothing, but the gardens that surrounded the temple.

"I should be asking you that question Neria Olren." He said very calmly finally moving his blue eyes to meet her own. She only crossed her arms and moved her eyes over towards the grapes that hung from the canopy that was created especially for them, her anger disappearing as she looked on in awe.

"Why do you push that the council welcome other races Neria?" he finally spoke out again as he resumed to walk, hands clasped behind his back. The sleeves of his robes hid them, but Neria recognized the stance of one who was judging her and her actions as of late. "Why do you ask and why even care? After all the council only sees this as their personal entertainment. The rantings of a young woman." she spoke out bitterly having heard the tales and rumors as of late concerning her.

"Ranting? It's more like blasphemy Miss Olren. You are going against our teachings." He said in his calm voice. "Teachings?" Neria quickly stepped over towards him, "These people are dead...our ancestors may have had good reason but it’s been two millennia. Why can't they let go?" She wanted desperately for someone to understand, but none seem to grasp the importance of what she fought hard for. “This is true Miss Olren. Our ancestors are dead, but they still live within our blood.” He continued to walk hands clasp behind him. “We are a people cast out of the light of the heavens. We were born of sin girl.” He finally turned to look down at her with emotionless eyes; “We are Nephilim, neither accepted by humans or by angels, or even by the one some call god.”

Neria looked at him and turned away not wishing to be in his presence, “I’ve heard the stories and the teachings enough. I don’t need to hear them again, especially from a trainee.” It annoyed her immensely when others acted superior, just like this fellow had. “He will fit in with the brotherhood.” She thought before walking off and away from the garden. He watched her leave as a grin came to his lips; “She is quite the stubborn one. No wonder the Elders feel as they do towards her. Such a waste.” Again he resumed to walk around the gardens in deep thought, while Neria made her way towards her home and possibly to ask her mother some advice.


Elsewhere back at the temple the elders continued to discuss their options on how to deal with the Olren girl, her father seated before them listening closely to the ideas and suggestions. “She is becoming quite difficult Ardarel*.” Elder Nathanael spoke aloud, while the council agreed. “Please excuse my daughter Elders, I know she can be difficult but with time she will see this is a fight she can not win.” Ardarel was a respected man within the community, but ever since Neria had begun questioning their way of life all had become sour for the man. He looked at them and waited for their words, as he saw they conversed among themselves on this matter, “Ardarel, if your daughter resumes as she is and doesn’t give up this idea of hers then she will be banished from Nede. It is your responsibility to ensure she won’t continue.” Once more did Elder Nathanael spoke; he led the council as its leader.

“I will speak to my daughter once more Elders and I will be sure she understands the consequences behind her actions.” He bowed to them before being escorted out by the same young man from earlier. The two men walked in silence each having their own thoughts on this matter, but it was the younger one who spoke first, “Your daughter is quite stubborn sir. Never have I met one like her, one who stirs up much trouble with a single idea.” He didn’t say much in response to the young man, but felt his words were true, “She is very stubborn.” He thought to himself wondering if they made an error in keeping her and not her twin.

“What is your name young man?” Ardarel stopped to look upon the trainee with old weary eyes. He walked a little ahead of him and stopped beneath the same canopy of grapes, “I am Doumah* Lesing.” The young man turned to look at Ardarel and in respect bowed his head. “I am a trainee of the brotherhood, a pleasure Ardarel Olren.” Ardarel took in the boy’s appearance and concluded that this boy would be a worthy candidate for the council, when the time came. “How long have you been studying Trainee Doumah?” Ardarel began to walk as well towards Doumah and passed him towards a rose bush waiting for his reply as ideas ran through his mind. “About two years now Sir…Olren.”

Doumah kept his hands clasp behind him and watched the other man’s movements, noticing how much these events have affected him physically. “Doumah, you have been present at every meeting so far. I would like to ask something of you and would require some convincing on your part as well as my own.” Ardarel turned to look upon Doumah once more his own hands clasp behind his back. “My daughter is a very lovely girl and quite stubborn as you have stated. She needs a man who will be her superior in that area, a man who won’t concede and I want you to be that man.” Doumah considered what this man was saying to him, giving his daughter up like this, to a trainee of the brotherhood none the less.

“She does not like me sir. With all due respect, she rather annoys me as well. It’s a constant fight with her whenever I am asked to escort her out.” Doumah allowed his dislike of Neria come fourth in a form of a frown as he looked upon Ardarel. “What if she falls in love with you? Convince her you are on her side in this cause and eventually she will forget such a silly idea. Now she feels none understand, but maybe if she didn’t all this chaos will end.” At this point Ardarel was pacing as the idea grew. “We would be deceiving her for I don’t truly care for her. It would be against my beliefs Sir Olren.” His eyes never left the pacing Ardarel, but did widen as the man snapped his fingers. “Listen well Doumah, this would guarantee your place on the council when a time comes for the choosing.” Ardarel gave the young trainee a smile as he walked over and placed his left arm around him, taking Doumah on a walk.


She sat upon her mother’s bed and stared down at her feet, letting out a sigh “I just don’t understand mother. It’s a good cause, why can’t they see that?” Neria leaned back on her elbows watching as her mother folds the laundry. “Neria you have to understand this…Nede is not ready to accept human, angel or any other race. We made this place into our own when they shut us out. Why must you persist in this? Why not settle down already, you are of age?” Sereda* turned to look at her only daughter with concerned eyes. One would say Sereda is Neria’s future self, but their personalities are different in many ways.

“I’m not ready to settle down mother. I don’t wish to just sit and obey the every command of my husband. Besides…” she didn’t wish to continue this conversation. It was one she disliked since to her marriage meant being with one you loved, not just someone a family chose for you. “Where is father?” Neria quickly changed the subject towards her father, determined not to allow her mother to go back to marriage. Sereda returned to folding her clothing as she began to respond to her daughter, “He is at the Temple and I believe he will be bringing home a guest for dinner. Well that is what the messenger told me just before you arrived.” Neria rose to her feet and walked over to a window, “A guest? Since when does father bring home guests?” Her curiosity began to surface on this soon to be event.

“Neria, I don’t know who but whatever you are thinking you are to be on your best behavior. No talk about Nede’s gates opening, understand?” She turned with hands on her hips, giving her daughter a stern look. “Aye, aye…no trouble shall come from me.” Neria lets out a sigh in defeat afterwards adding, “I’m the only one who feels that way. He or she would only think I am insane.” She turned upon her heel and left her mother’s company, finding solace within her own room. “Oh Neria, eventually you have to grow up and accept your role.” Her mother glanced down at the folded clothes, a look of sadness coming to her eyes as she stepped towards her bedroom window.

She pursed her lips together and lets out an annoyed sigh, the meeting playing out in her mind. “Their pride will be the end of them.” Sitting up on her bed Neria looked towards the wooden floor, “Ever since I had that dream…” she smiled to herself as she lay back down on her bed. She rested her hands on her stomach, as an almost dream like look came to her eyes. “Such a beautiful dream…” she began to recall it, her eyes closing and clearly seeing the scene before her.

The air took on a different feel as she moved through the garden and into the temple, “All are forbidden from here, except the Elders.” She looked around for any sign of others, but saw none and continued to enter the quiet area. “Such a beautiful place…” she mumbled to herself as she approached a sphere that seemed to be suspended in mid air, “Strange. What is this?” On silent feet she took a closer step, the sphere emanating a strange glow and then taking on the image of a place unknown. Her eyes grew wide as the sphere lowered itself and floated before her, “What in the heavens is this place?” She watched as the images changed to show other races interacting with each other, races she had come to learn of within books. “Elves, Drow, Angels and…Humans.” Her eyes grew wide at this sight.

“Why would the Elders keep such races from Nede?” she asked herself aloud. “Why can’t we live with them…learn from them?” She sunk to her knees upon the cold stone floor, eyes lowered and hair hiding her features. Her face took on a serious expression as her eyes gazed up at the sphere; she wanted to meet these races, wanted to learn from them, “I have to convince them.” Rising to her feet she turned to leave the Temple, but no longer was she in Nede; she was now in that world within the sphere. A hand came up to her chest as if to check if her heart was still beating, “How did I get here?” she asked herself within before wandering about the strange forest and finally reaching a town. “So many people…all different.” When she heard her name being called, she woke to find herself within her room once more, “A dream?”

She sighs softly and sat up once again, “I can be strange sometimes. Easily swayed by those images from a dream no less.” Chuckling softly she got up and walked over towards a mirror, passing a comb through her hair. “I wonder who father is bringing home?” she frowned at a thought that came to mind, “It best not be one of the Elders. I don’t like listening to them lecture about the teachings of old.” Setting the comb down, she heard her father’s voice below and her mother greeting him. “I best go down there as well.” Sky blue eyes lowered as she silently left her room and descended the stairs only to find the young man from the temple there, “Good evening Miss Olren. I am Doumah Lesing, trainee of the brotherhood. It’s a pleasure.” He bowed his head in respect, which caused Neria to sigh, “What is father thinking?” she thought to herself before her train of though was interrupted.

“Dear child, I see you have met Doumah. A good man he is, we had a pleasant conversation earlier and so it is fitting to invite him to dine with us.” Ardarel walked over to embrace Neria, giving her a quick kiss upon the brow where she wore her bloodstone. “Good evening father…” she hesitated briefly before addressing the trainee, “Welcome Doumah.” She turned and walked into the dinning area, wishing to avoid further talk with her father and his guest. “Remember what I told you Doumah. All must go as we planned at the garden.” Ardarel gave the young man a stern look before following his daughter into the dinning area. Doumah closed his eyes in thought, speaking a silent prayer to the heavens, as hands remained clasp behind him. Quietly he walked into the area and looked upon Neria, who quietly began to prepare the table.

“Let me assist you Miss Olren. It is only proper that I show my gratitude in this fashion.” Doumah reached out to take a bowl from Neria, but she turned away and walked towards the other side. “I don’t need help.” She exclaimed until her father appeared with a look of disapproval on his harden face, “That is… you are a guest and will be treated kindly.” Sitting the last bowl down before her father’s chair, she returned to her own, remaining standing awaiting her mother. “Isn’t she kind Doumah and a lovely woman she has grown into.” Ardarel held a hand out towards Neria, a proud smile on his face as he watched her eyes lower towards the table.

“Father if you would be so kind, please do not…” She began to speak, but quickly Doumah interrupted responding towards Ardarel, “Aye, she has grown into a beautiful woman.” He looked at Neria a smile coming to his handsome face, a smile none have seen that is until that evening. It only made Neria sigh and close her eyes wondering why her father brought the trainee home in the beginning, “If this is some plot to get me to settle down…” she thought to herself quite annoyed with the events as of late.

Sereda entered with the food she had prepared for the evening, setting each item down properly upon the table. Her eyes seemed distant for a moment, worried about not only her daughter but of the sudden arrival of this guest to her home. She smiled towards her family and guest, as she signaled that all maybe seat. In unison, all four people pulled out their respected chairs and sat before empty bowls. “Neria if you will?” her father motion towards her, as hands came up clasped together ready for prayer. She was hesitant at first, but did as told closing her eyes and beginning to speak.

“On this evening, we wish to thank the heavens for all that has come to us. Bless this food, family and friends on this night. We are thankful to be alive and well within good company. May the heavens give us strength to see the good in all, and may the heavens give strength to the Elders in deciding to open our gates to the world.”

She opened her eyes and saw everyone look upon her with shock. No one said a word for quite sometime until her father turned to look at Doumah, “I am sorry Doumah…she…” Ardarel blinked as he noticed the young man began to chuckle lightly. “No need to apologize Sir Olren.” He smiled and looked towards Neria, “Aye, may the heavens give them strength.” Sereda had been taken back by this as she turned to look upon her husband with questioning eyes. Neria wasn’t very happy at all, she was being serious and the fact he laughed about it enraged her, “If you will all please excuse me. I’m not feeling so well.” Without hesitation she rose to her feet and walked out of the house, leaving the three at the table to dine without her.

“Will you both excuse me.” Ardarel rose from his seat at the head of the table, only to follow Neria out but as he reached the doorway he could not see his daughter. “Where has that girl gone now?” He shook his head very crossed that she would bring such to the dinner table and before a guest. “She’ll be the end of us all…” his eyes rose towards the night sky and spoke a silent prayer of protection, afterwards returning indoors and rejoin his wife and guest.


“Quiet night.” The young man began to lay upon the roof of his home, both hands clasp behind his head as he stared up at the moon. “I wonder how that meeting went?” his eyes had closed only for a moment, until a shadow suddenly blocked out the light. Quickly did they open and before him stood a young woman, her wings tucked back behind her. A faint smile touched her lips as she pushed him back down with a finger, stating playfully “You’re it Sariel.” He couldn’t help but shake his head at her, following her statement afterwards with his own, “Must you always appear like that Neria! You’ll get yourself into further trouble.”

She knew he spoke true; she was in fact in more trouble than she thought, but she wasn’t going to give up. “And must you act like such a child?” Neria teased him as she seated herself by him and stared at the very same moon that he had been doing earlier. Sariel was a different mix of Nephilim, looking more like the heavenly servants than the pure blooded Nephilim that inhabited this place, their Eden. His eyes a clear, crisp blue and locks of blond making it easy to find him within the crowds during festivities. He looked upon his childhood friend with an almost longing, a longing for her to understand and return his feelings.

“Say Neria…what happened today? At the temple?” He only knew what he heard, more rumors and most he disliked. Sky blue eyes stared at Sariel for only a moment, until they lowered and took on a look of hopelessness. “This is unlike her…” he thought to himself as he found himself staring with worried eyes, a hand coming up to tuck back a loose strand of hair that drifted towards her face. “Ner…you can tell me. I’m here for you, just like when we were kids.” With those words spoken did he give a reassuring smile, which in return made her return a small one of her own, “They will not hear of it Sariel. They wish to continue living in isolation.”

He knew well the council would not agree to such and has told her before, but she was determined to proceed. “Well, you tried Neria. That is all that matters, maybe all can return to normal…maybe now…” he stopped to think briefly on his words, only to find that she had begun to speak. “Sariel I…I…don’t think I can stop trying. I really want this…I want to share this place with other races.” By now Neria was standing upon the roof, her arms wrapped about herself in a protective fashion. “Ner…” he said quietly looking up at her and wishing she would allow him to finish saying what he wished, but the next words spoken surprised him.

“Mother feels I should settle down and I’m not ready. I don’t want to be a wife! Not now!” A distant look came to those eyes once more as she continued in a calm fashion, “Besides…I have not given my heart to anyone and that time isn’t now. Maybe sometime in the future I’ll find him and then I will give it of my own free will…not because my family wishes for me to settle.” Sariel didn’t know what to say, although a part of him felt a tinge of jealousy on the thought of another receiving her love. He couldn’t respond to her words, not right now but he rose and stood beside her, “Neria…yeah, maybe sometime in the future. Only the heavens know.” Eyes drifted towards her face for a moment, only to settle upon the moonlit sky. “I guess that is her way of saying…I don’t look at you in that fashion Sariel.” He thought to his self before reaching out to hug her, “It’ll be okay…you’ll see.”

He held her for a few more moments, until she pushed herself away from him chuckling lightly, “You act more like a brother every day Sariel. It’s really too bad we weren’t born in the same family, I would have liked to have a sibling to share my secrets with.” He winced afterwards thinking, “Not the brother speech.” A quick sigh coming from him only to mask his current thoughts and feelings from her, “And if you were my sister you would be locked out of the house at this point, or I would think of ways to torment you.” She frowned at him and pushed him lightly, “You can truly be mean at times. Maybe it’s best we’re not related.” Sariel laughed once he heard her speak those words, somehow more out of relief but he always knew what to say to get her to change her mind.

“I should go. I know father and mother will be angry with me for leaving during dinner…and in the presence of a guest.” She hated to think that as she returned that Doumah would be there, as wing parted to help her on her descent. “What guest Neria?” Sariel looked at her questioningly since they rarely had guests, unless they were family or close friends. Looking over her left shoulder did a look of disgust come to her features, “A trainee from the temple, his name is Doumah Lesing. I do not like him and strange enough I think father is plotting to give him my hand in marriage.” Sariel’s mask suddenly dropped as hands curled into fists, slowly did an inner rage build at such thoughts that he looked away from her, “I see…well, maybe I’ll see what I can find out about him.”

Neria shook her head and smiled towards him before looking ahead, “Please do Sariel. I know you’re good at these things and besides, best it’s you and not me.” Dropping off the roof did she glide towards the ground, her wings tucking back behind her and then disappearing into mid-air. “Rest well Sariel.” She called back as she walked towards her home and preparing to face her father’s wrath. “Be well Neria.” He said quietly watching her walk away from him.

© Copyright 2005 Pochi-chan (pochi-chan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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