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This is my version of Noah's Ark, I had made up my self to share with my friends. |
Once upon a time there lived a man named Noah he lived in the ark with his family and the animals. One day he decided to name his animals in the ark, he has a lamb, bear, cat, kitten, dolphin. Noah named each animal by name, he has sweet lamb, care bear, chip cat, nip kitten, domino dolphin. Noah put them all in the ark because the Lord told Noah I am gonna flood the earth for 40 days and 40 nights. Noah had 3 decks on the ark, first level on ground is for all the animals, second level is where the food is stored, third level is where Noah and his family sleeps. They fed the animals every day and play with the animals talk to each one of them. One day all the animals were making alot of nois, the lamb baaing, cat was meowing, kitten was purring, bear was growling, dolphin was splashing water out of the tank. All the animals were getting restless being cooped up inside the ark so long of time. Noah decided to go calm the animals down by letting them out their cages and let them roam the ark except the dolphins they stay in water. All the animals decided to go where the dolphins are and sit down at that end of the ark for while and watch dolphins swim around in their tank. Noah went down that end and found all the animals sitting down at the end of the ark. Noah decided to go clean out their cages and put fresh food and water and clean place to sleep. Lamb needs hay, cat and kitten needs clean litter box, the bear needs some fish to eat, and hay to sleep on. The dolphins needs fresh water in their dolphin tank. After Noah finished that work he went to go put the animals back in their pens and cages for the night. Noah went upstairs to third floor to check on supper and his wife told him supper is ready go round up the family to eat. Noah called his family to the table to eat, and when he did all the animals came running to eat with them upstairs. The lamb, the cat, the kitten, the bear, all came running upstairs to eat supper with them. Noah sent them all back downstairs to their cages. Noah told them you all have food to eat, you stay and eat your own food. While the family was eating supper, Noah heard the animals downstairs. Noah heard the lamb baaing, cat meowing, kitten purring, bear growling, dolphins splashing water. Then Noah hollered at the animals stop that racket and go to asleep. Then Noah heard the animals again but this time they were singing. Noah went downstairs to check out what they were singing. Noah said to the animals that was nice singing but I want you all to go asleep right now. The animals said No! We won't go to bed and sleep. We want some music to put us to asleep. Noah said all right I will go get the radio and turn it on. When Noah put some music on, all the animals was fast asleep in an hour. Noah's family finished dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. Everyone gone to bed except Noah, he had gone to go sit downstairs at the dolphin tank to do his quiet time while it is very quiet and not noisy. Domino dolphin swimmed to Noah and splashed him with water to get his attention. Noah saw Domono in her tank wanting someone to play with her. Noah said to Domino all right I will play with you for little bit. Then all the animals woke up and heard someone at the dolphin tank and they all went down at the end of the ark to see who was playing with Domino the dolphin. All the animals saw it was Noah, who was playing with Domino in her tank. All the animals asked Noah let's have a bible study together. Noah said that sounds very good to me, let me go round up my family so they join us down here in this bible study. Noah came back with his family, What is the bible study topic going to be? All the animals said I really don't know yet but I think we need to talk about something about accepting Jesus into your heart and life to let him live forever in your heart. Janet's Testimony of Her Salvation For a long time I have been wanting to accept Jesus into my heart but I was scared and afraid of going underwater. I thought I had to get baptized right then. I was scared and afraid of going underwater. I did make it public at church in Jacksonville, Fla. on March 28, 1982, but since that time I had been doubting my salvation for 11 yrs and I decided to get it right with God about my salvation. March 8, 1993 I rededicated my life to Jesus and this time I meant it all my heart this time. I been reading my bible everyday and praying every day. |