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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #957137
woman finds an abandoned car that leads to unexpected discovery
Chapter one
Abandoned car

As Julia woke up the next morning she was still in her bed but in another home and another time, This time she was younger and had more energy ,,
”This could be good.” She thought. Ok now what will I be in for “, she said looking around and getting out of bed fully dressed. . Before she could come up with an answer, she heard voices coming from the other room.
“Well I’m off” the male voice said as a man and woman emerged from the back bedroom.
“Ok dear, hope you have a nice day.”
“Well that’s yet to be seen, but I know it wont be as near as nice as coming home to you tonight.” He said pulling the woman into his arms for a very passionate kiss.
“Ahh, how sweet.” Julia said as they continued to kiss. Suddenly she felt out of place and an intruder as they continued to kiss ,,, ‘an intruder, now that’s funny, I’ve intruded on three different sets of lives already.’ She said as the couple finally parted.
“If I didn’t have that client coming in ,,,, I’d call in.” He said reluctantly pulling away.
“But then you wouldn’t look forward to coming home. The woman said wiping lipstick off his check and lips.
“You do have a point, he said releasing her and spanking her on the butt before grabbing his briefcase and leaving.
She walked him to the door and watched as he left. She was such a lucky lady she thought as he drove out of sight. When she turned to go back inside she smiled at her home , It was a home finally after all the struggles they went through. At one point they thought they would not make it a month, much less 6 years. She didn’t care what had changed, just that it had. But what she didn’t know was that love would be once agin put to the test.
After she had the dishes done and put away she went to straighten the bedroom before she settled in her chair to read. She had just gotten into it when she heard tires screeching somewhere in the distance outside.
The sudden noise invaded her quiet and disrupted her train of thought. It even scared Julia and she was a ghost for all intense purposes. They raced to the window to look out, just as a car came around the corner and sped past. Suddenly only a moment had past when the tires screeched again before the sound of crunching metal pierced the air. Without forethought, The woman rushed from the house and down the lane. It was all Julia could do to keep up with her, , but at least she didn’t have to over take the woman and use her form to go from the house to the site of the crash. As it was she had a hard time keeping up with the woman .
The car, what was left of it, was a mass of twisted metal. She froze and stared at the wreckage for a moment before moving closer. There was no way anybody could have survived this wreck. Although that caught her interst , it was the car opposite her that drew her attention. She knew she should go call the police but something told her to look around first. See what she can find ... If she was able to solve the case she might get that permotion. Wait, wait, wait ,,, that’s selfish there could be people hurt here that might need help , julia thought as the woman walked around the car seeing if there were clues to be found,
“Damn I didn’t get my gloves,” she said going back to the house and getting some . . . As the woman disappeared, Julia wondered what the woman had with a supply of latex gloves in the first place. Well maybe she was a Dr. or crime scene analyst. Who knows . While the woman was gone Julia walked around the car to see if there was anything out of the ordinary but all she could see was crunched metal.
Before long the woman was back and had continued her search for bodies and clues. “There has to be another car here somewhere. Come one speak to me “ she said talking as if talking to someone. Then she caught sight of something shiny on the ground a few feet away. She quickly walked to it and discovered it was a bracelet with the initials R S. She bent down and picked it up by the edges to see if there was anything on the reverse. Nothing. “Who gave a bracelet like this without a from to it” The woman then reached into her pocket and pulled out an evidence bag. Where does this woman get her supplies?” Julia thought . She looked down at the woman as she was closing the baggie up
“You need to turn that in” Julia said looking straight at the woman. The woman suddenly looked up and around.
“Who said that? Who’s here,” The woman said standing up and now in a panic. Afraid someone was watching she stuffed the baggie in a pocket keeping her fist wrapped around it tight as if it mght fall out exposing her.
‘Oh man this has never happened to me what do I do?’Julia frantically thought. ‘Do I answer? Do I ignore and continue? But suddenly a calm came over her as quickly as the panic did. Don’t expose yourself just stay hidden, She needs to be worried that is her destiny. Yours is to help without being caught -remember. A voice said which most might pass off as their conscious.
But no matter how hard Julia tried, the woman has a will all her own. Still Julia tried
“ Put that back” Julia repeated over and over and over. But it was to no avail. The woman had a mind of her own. But it was too late because what she didnt know was that they were being watched. Well the woman was no one saw Julia, thank goodness or she would have been trapped in this madness the woman was now in.
Soon after she got back to the house and hid the baggie she picked up the phone and called t he sherif,
“Hello sheriff this is Ms Sara miller, on ol; mill road, yes hi , there has been an accedent. ..No i don’t know what happened I was in my house cleaning and heard the screeching of tires when I ran out there to see what it was I saw a car crumpled and mangled , I ran to see if I could help but didnt see a body . But then the roof is too crushed to see inside. Yes alright I’ll be here ,,, bye,” and she was done. Now that she had done her civic duty and called it in she would have to wait to gett a closer look at the bracelet , so for now she would hide it. She went to the file cabenet and put it between the files. Before closing it up. And going about her day , as if nothing happened but this was not an ordinary day . Someone crashed and most likely died today .
Just as mrs miller was finding something to keep her mind busy she heard the phone, and went to answer it
“I want the bracelet you have ,,, it doesnt belong to you” the male voice said as sara gasped .
“I don’t know what you are talking about I have no bracelet ,” She said turning in circles to see if she could see if someone was watching her throw an open window. But there was no body that she could see , so where was this voice, this person at . She had even made sure that no body saw her when she stuck it in her pocket at the scene.
After a few minutes of talking and tring to figure out how this person had seen her the line went dead. Oh man now what do I do? I am not going to give this braclrt back until I know who it belongs to , Sara said looking out the window. Suddenly the phone rang again.
“I want that bracelet the voice said again.” The voice said this time more agitated then before. Its not too late if you do it now nothing will happen.”
“Nothing will happen , are you threatening me?” Sara said suddenly finding balls, Julia couldnt help but watch ,,, well not really just watch, she wasntnot going to let any,man get the best of woman especially when she was around. So right now she was no longer a bystander she was this woman. But the males voice and commands was a bit over whelming for ‘both of them and when sara finally hung up both were visually shaken. And regardless if it was planned or accidental the caller had given the woman an advantage for when the police knocked on her door they saw her shaking and the idea of the bracelet was no longer a prob , at least for that moment. ..They needed her to show them where the accident was , so she took one more look toward the file cabenet grabbed her jacket and was gone.
Honestly Julia said floating along for the ride, how can you miss the crushed metel around the bend. They reached the spot where the car had been , when Sara froze. It was gone! Where is it it was just here.
“Ma’am do u know how bad it is to call in a false report?” the officer was saying as sara spun not believing her eyes.
“There was an accident here! I swear.” sara said franticly spinning as if looking for a needle in a haystack
“Yes ma ‘am the officer said as his thumbs looped in his gun belt.Even the officers partner looked over the cliff and farther down the road , but saw nothing.
“ you go back inside and have a nice day now yahear.” He said with a prominant souythern drawl.
“Oh no. he’s angry that he was called away from something..” Sara said watching as they got into their car and drove away. “or someone. Julia added as they now stood there alone.
“Yeah” sara said agreeing with julia, as is julia were standing in front of her and they were holding a conversation ... What was happening how come she was connecting with sara more then with the others what was so special with this one?
Before long Sara was hitailing it back to the house suddenly not feeling comfortable or safe out there alone, as she ran , Julia felt a strange pull as sara ran , almost as if sara was grabbing her and pulling her along.
Whasts going on here? Julia cried out. But no body answered.
When they got back to the house Sara looked around very closely to see if anyone had been there . If who ever had called her before was serious he would stop at nothing to get that stupid bracelet back. But it was untouched . Thinking she was safe she relaxed and went back to doing what she had planned before the ‘accedent’ that never happened. She set the table and chilled the wine as she began the dinner that would be a prelude to a candlelit romantic evening.
At half past 7 the door opened and in walked the love of sara’s life. Julia felt uncomfortable about being there after all intamacy was a personal thing while she sat in the corner unseen, she felt like an intruder. But she could not leave- she tried. So she just found a chair in the corner and did her best to not gauk and watch. He gave sara love Julia gave her safty.
Even though Sara’s memory of earlier had given way to romance ,,,the memory of the caller regarding sara had not. He was across town planning his next move.

Chapter two

" We’ve got to get that bracelet ,,, thats the only thing connecting us to the accident." One of the three that were in the room said as he paced the room , obviously he was getting uncomfortable and wanted to end this once and for all.
"Don’t you think I know that you jackass." The leader said as he walked around the desk and toward his man.
"No Sir not what I meant . "The thug said trying to take back his words. Grrrrrrgrr why did he open his mouth without thinking statements like that could get him killed. If the boss had a mind too. After all they were all in the same boat , they could all be indited if that bracelet gets into the wrong hands ,,, It wasn’t in the best of hands now ,, she could do anything with that , especially take it to the authorities. But then that wouldn’t be the worst thing since the "authorities" were in their back pockets.
As the night continued the four men including the boss met in an old abandoned barn just on the edge of town. This was perfect because it belonged to the father of one of the men that were there now so they could meet and get together anytime they wanted without causing suspicion. Without warning they heard a car drive up and before even being given the command to unholster their weapons , guns were drawn.
They waited patiently as the motor cut and the person whomever it was wandered inside the barn. Two men were on each side of the door as two were perched on the loft above. With guns pointed at the door, they waited . Before long the footsteps grew closer as everyone waited with baited breath.
"Get ready boys" the boss whispered as he pointed to the door. Finally the door slowly opened .. Everyone held their breath as the door opened. Once inside the two men at the door grabbed him and pulled him inside with one fail swoop. Within seconds he was down on the ground and guns on him before they realized who it was. Once the boss saw him they were ordered to release him and reholster their weapons.
Once the sheriff was able to breath again he sat down with the boys and discussed what was to happen next and asked about his role. He wasnt so much apart of the group , as he was a henchman , the eyes and ears of the group. Plus if anything went down they need a fall guy. They couldnt have found a better sucker.


Back at the love nest Julia was watching as Sara and her man were making love . Not really something to be avoided but yet not something to watch eather. Just by the looks of their passion she couldnt believe this couple could have had any kind of marital problems. By midnight they had worn each other out and were fast asleep. Julia had wondered why she had never found a lover with such passion. To look at them as they slept, their limbs were so intangled u couldn’t tell where one began and one ended. Her head was on his chest as both his arms were wrapped around her tightly. But if Sara knew what was about to happen the following days she wouldnt have slept so peaceful.

Chapter Three

The next morning started out as it always had, with smiles hugs and kisses. He woke up first and immediately felt her still in his arms. She must have been extremely satisfied because otherwise she would have rolled over and curled in the fetus position. She had done that since he had known her. but if he had known what the next few days would have held, he would have left her in his arms, and held on tightly.
To feel her soft flesh under his fingers, made him want to repeat last night all over again, which he did. And Julia got to relive his love for sara all over again. After she saw him leave she went back inside and started her day as she always had .Just after she filled the sink and put the dishes in to soak the phone rang. Not thinking anything of it she answered cheerfully.
"I know you have the bracelet I want it back."
Suddenly a gasp escaped her as she tried to stay calm"I don’t know what your talking about."
"Yes, you do ,,, you know I hate people that lie to me." The male voice said getting deeper but not louder.
She had seen a lot of crime shows and saw what the characters of them had done and thought about how to proceed. She was beginning to tremble and quickly hung up. Within the blink of an eye she went from being brave and selfish to fearful and scared. What had she done. If only she had left the bracelet or once in her possission given it back ,, this might not be happening.
Still shaken and uncertain, she began backing away from the phone when it rang again making it jump. The are persistant , Julia thought as Sara just staired at the ringing menice. Julia had seen the _expression on countless faces in the past with , elbows bent teeth grinding nails. This was the look of fear and terror. What had Sara done? After about the fourth ring sara reached over and picked up the reciever.
"Hhello?" she said her voice shaking. The caller was the same person and was growing angery , but he tryed to keep it under control and simply told sara if she refused to give back the bracelet they woild simply take something she treasured. Then the line went dead. However before the caller hung up he did tell her she had twenty four hours to consider their demands which gave her time to come up with a plan. And a chance to breath. Before she could think of anything else she called her girlfriend.
But it wasnt sara who decided to call her girlfriend but Julia who was the voice of reason . Sara did not need to be alone and she was clearly shaken and wouldnt have been able to think of that. Since Julia was an innocent bystander she would take over til Sara could again.
When Rhonda got there and saw Sara , she was concerned.She rarely saw her friend like this and when she did- she knew to clear her calender until Sara was better. Her husband was great but he had not grown up around her and still did nt know what buttons to push yet.
They soon made tea and sat down and talked about what was bothering Sara.. But not much was said in those first few minutes , all saras did was hold her cup between her palms and look into the steaming liquid.
She smiled and Rhonda knew she was somewhere other then in the same room as her. Still looking down at her cup sara spoke.
"My father always said think before you act."
"How is your dad"
"Better then me, why would he say that when he knows I am just like him? In fact I am like my father as he was like his. We are all cut from the same cloth." Sara said lifting the cup to her lips .Rhonda knew sara was remembering parts of her past and tghat it was time to get them both , to the only place they would be able to solve this problem. They wrote Creig, Sara’s hubby a note and left the house. No sooner did they close the door and walk away did the phone ring. But it would only be heard by the empty house and answered by the machine.
Rhonda drove as Sara just looked out the window lost in thought. Something was clearly bothering her, something that was far too deep then Rhonda realized and in time sara would share with her friend what was bothering her. Before long they parked in a socluded spot and get out of the car. Getting away from people and walking into the woods to sit by the bank over looking the water for awhile helps to figure out whats next.
"It’s so quiet here" Sara finally said after settling on the bank. As she now sit on the bank pondering the reasons for the fathers words, and what had been happening to her, she became swept away by the beauty of this place.A place unchanged by man's hand or influence. Just watching the water and feeling the breeze, she wondered why everyone always made life so hard ?
"Yes it is." Rhonda said in a whispered tone. But somehow Rhonda was talking to the air because Sara wasnt really noticing what her friend was saying she was already lost in the moment. But Rhonda noticed something different in her friend. She was not only lost and taken away by the sensations of this place where they stood, something else was pulling her away. And Rhonda knew if she was quiet and patient enough she would find out what was wrong. She always did.
" you know whats funny,We all strive to be happy without the baggage of others but that never happens because someone inadvertently always thinks their way of life is better.. Why is that?"
"I don’t know"
Looking over the waters surface mesmerized, sara started walking as she continued talking, Rhonda followed not sure how far she was going.
"All I wanted to do was solve a crime. Now I think I’ve gone to far they want it back and wont stop til they get what they want."
"Who wont stop?
But Sara wasn’t really in the here and now. Something was really bugging her. And the longer Rhonda allowed the surroundings to envelope her friend sara, the more distant from reality she would become. But in doing that she would eventually get around to what was bothing her.After a few minutes when sara didnt answer she walked closer and put a hand on her forearm and spoke softly.
" Sara, who wont stop?"
" Sara?" Rhonda said repeating herself. Sara soon looked from the water to Rhonda and stared blankly.Sara suddenly realized that if anyone would understand what she was going through Rhonda would.
"Remember you asking me how my dad was, well I wasnt really honest with you because of what else is happening. Hes in the hospital ,,, they don’t know if he will make it ,,,, because of that I took some time off until I could pull myself together enough to focus on solving crimes. " Sara suddenly began talking . Just like Rhonda knew she would.
"Can understand that."
"The other day there I watched as a crash occured a few miles around the bend from my home, something compeled me to go see what had happened like I usually would if I was working. As I looked around the scene I looked for evidence and found a bracelet. Not knowing why I picked it up and bagged it , thinking for some reason I would be going to the lab so I could examine it."
"Thats not a bad thing."Rhonda said knowing law inforement was saras life.
"Normally no. But thats not whwere my mind is focused on Rhonny. I cant emerse myself in work , and chance being at work or on a case incase my dad needs me. I cant do that Id never forgive myself."
"Staying busy isnt always a bad thing."
" True." Rhonda said pausing for a moment. "Look I’m not saying don’t be available for your family sara, but you cant just sit around waiting for something to happen , you will drive yourself and those of us you love crazy." Rhonda said knowing just as far to go with her luck. When Sara didnt say anything to stop her she continued . " You have worked hard at what and where you are, Your family know that ,,, you are not alone, you have me , Creig , your mom dad , everyone who even has an inklin of who you are know what brings you passion , and that is yourwork.
"Thats true," Sara said realizing what her friend was saying.
"If this accident and evidence happened where you could find it, sara it happened for a reason. Someone knows only you can help them. Don’t turn them away." Sara turned from Rhonda back to the water. Sara , I’m not telling you what to do but this did happen for a reason , you know as well as I do things are coonected in some way. Maybe to find the answer to another question or prob you have to be open at what presence itself."
Sara and Rhonda started walking toward their spot again talking about what had happened up tto this point regarding the accident. Rhonda who had worked with both Stephen and her began formulating ideas perhaps giving sara an angle she may not had not thought of before.
"What you need to do is get back in my lab."Sara said re entering her investigators frame of mind.
"Good, once that bracelet is in police custody maybe they will think twice about harrassing you."
"That would be nice, but cant count on that. If a bad guy wants to save his ass from something you know as well as me they wont stop short of death."
"True, but at least then you will have the protection and backing of not only Stephen, me but your colligeus."
" agree."Before long both girls were back at Saras and enjoying another cup of tea when the phone rang. Because Sara didnt feel like answering she let thwe machine get it because she kinda knew who it might be. Indeed it was and when she heard who it was she turned the sound down so she wouldnt hear his threats. She also vowed that she would take the bracelet to the crime lab and start the investigation on it. But the bad guys did not know her plan.
Chapter four

The next day after she dropped off the bracelet and made her request to be reinstated she went to see her dad who had been taken to the hospital. He had been sick off and on and they were simply making him as comfortable as they can . he also had a hospice volunteer to keep him company when the family couldnt be there. But her dad understood why she couldnt be with him and if he knew she took time off because at him , he would have had a fit and yelled at her until he was horse or have someone do it for him. She couldnt let him down and he nor his wife, her mom raise her to run. So all she could atribute to the weakness and sadness she was feeling was that she was cought off guard because of her fathers sudden illness and everyones work load piled on her. Everyone needs time off to stay on top of their game,. She had hers and now it was time to get back in the ball game.
As she sat there watching as he slept, she wondered what he would have done with the bracelet. Would he have even let the calls upset him as they did her? Of course he wouldn’t he probably would have taped the conversations and tried to trace and track down whom it might be. Not run and hide second quessing her decisions.
Then as she sat by his bed side she invisioned him saying what she had heard him say many times, "Think before you act. Because once you know you can not go back." Before she went home she stopped by and got what she needed to trace the call she was sure would soon follow, Back home several hrs before Stephen came home came the call she was expecting , and those at the station were ready. although the caller didnt stay on long enough for trace, they did have his voice for the records.
She hadnt heard the vioce before and had no idea why he was after her.. Well of course she knew he had to have been involved in the accident that didn’t happen. So if that was the case where was the accident and the body? Why was the bracelet the only thing left behind ?What message were they sending and what did this have to do with her except that she took the braclet?
Before long she was hearing him call her name but it wasnt day time and she wasn’t awake , it was at night and it was in her dreams that she heard him. She opened her eys or thought she opened her eyes and went to him. But she wasnt walking , she was floating. When she reached him he was in his hospital bed sleeping. What was happening here. Julia knew , because she was there for the ride, this was her desteny and it was time in here eyes she was finally needed. She was good at astral perjection . After all she had done it since she was a kid. Now she gets to in others. As she sat there with her dad she heard him again say "think before you act Sara. Because once you know, you can never go back." Those words were spoken with his last breaths as he died that autumn evening. As she watched him slip from this world to the next, she wondered what he meant by that statement; What had he failed to think about before acting upon? well she couldnt very well find the answers in the dead of night now could she? so after saying "I love you and kissing him good bye ne more time, she found herself in her living room once again.
As she sat there with sara, julia realized that she hadnt been in her room at the shelter in awhile.Those that ran the place would probably worried expecially if her body was there and her mind wasnt. But what seemed like days was only one day and everyone was safetley tucked into bed, including her. She rejoined her body and fell deeply to sleep. After all Sara was in the company of her husband and if Sara needed her she would call. Besides she had to get back to her journal and record all this or before they gave her room away.

Chapter five

The next morning started out as it always had, with smiles hugs and kisses. He woke up first and immediately felt her still in his arms. She must have been extremely satisfied because otherwise she would have rolled over and curled in the fetus position. She had done that since he had known her. but if he had known what the next few days would have held, he would have left her in his arms, and held on tightly.
To feel her soft flesh under his fingers, made him want to repeat last night all over again, which he did. And Julia got to relive his love for sara all over again. After she saw him leave she went back inside and started her day as she always had .Just after she filled the sink and put the dishes in to soak the phone rang. Not thinking anything of it she answered cheerfully.
“I know you have the bracelet I want it back.”
Suddenly a gasp escaped her as she tried to stay calm”I don’t know what your talking about.”
“Yes, you do ,,, you know I hate people that lie to me.” The male voice said getting deeper but not louder.
She had seen a lot of crime shows and saw what the characters of them had done and thought about how to proceed. She was beginning to tremble and quickly hung up. Within the blink of an eye she went from being brave and selfish to fearful and scared. What had she done. If only she had left the bracelet or once in her possission given it back ,, this might not be happening.
Still shaken and uncertain, she began backing away from the phone when it rang again making it jump. The are persistant , Julia thought as Sara just staired at the ringing menice. Julia had seen the expression on countless faces in the past with , elbows bent teeth grinding nails. This was the look of fear and terror. What had Sara done? After about the fourth ring sara reached over and picked up the reciever.
“Hhello?” she said her voice shaking. The caller was the same person and was growing angery , but he tryed to keep it under control and simply told sara if she refused to give back the bracelet they woild simply take something she treasured. Then the line went dead. However before the caller hung up he did tell her she had twenty four hours to consider their demands which gave her time to come up with a plan. And a chance to breath. Before she could think of anything else she called her girlfriend.
But it wasnt sara who decided to call her girlfriend but Julia who was the voice of reason . Sara did not need to be alone and she was clearly shaken and wouldnt have been able to think of that. Since Julia was an innocent bystander she would take over til Sara could again.
When Rhonda got there and saw Sara , she was concerned.She rarely saw her friend like this and when she did- she knew to clear her calender until Sara was better. Her husband was great but he had not grown up around her and still did nt know what buttons to push yet.
They soon made tea and sat down and talked about what was bothering Sara.. But not much was said in those first few minutes , all saras did was hold her cup between her palms and look into the steaming liquid.
She smiled and Rhonda knew she was somewhere other then in the same room as her. Still looking down at her cup sara spoke.
“My father always said think before you act.”
“How is your dad”
“Better then me, why would he say that when he knows I am just like him? In fact I am like my father as he was like his. We are all cut from the same cloth.” Sara said lifting the cup to her lips .Rhonda knew sara was remembering parts of her past and tghat it was time to get them both , to the only place they would be able to solve this problem. They wrote Creig, Sara’s hubby a note and left the house. No sooner did they close the door and walk away did the phone ring. But it would only be heard by the empty house and answered by the machine.
Rhonda drove as Sara just looked out the window lost in thought. Something was clearly bothering her, something that was far too deep then Rhonda realized and in time sara would share with her friend what was bothering her. Before long they parked in a socluded spot and get out of the car. Getting away from people and walking into the woods to sit by the bank over looking the water for awhile helps to figure out whats next.
“It’s so quiet here” Sara finally said after settling on the bank. As she now sit on the bank pondering the reasons for the fathers words, and what had been happening to her, she became swept away by the beauty of this place.A place unchanged by man's hand or influence. Just watching the water and feeling the breeze, she wondered why everyone always made life so hard ?
“Yes it is.” Rhonda said in a whispered tone. But somehow Rhonda was talking to the air because Sara wasnt really noticing what her friend was saying she was already lost in the moment. But Rhonda noticed something different in her friend. She was not only lost and taken away by the sensations of this place where they stood, something else was pulling her away. And Rhonda knew if she was quiet and patient enough she would find out what was wrong. She always did.
“ you know whats funny,We all strive to be happy without the baggage of others but that never happens because someone inadvertently always thinks their way of life is better.. Why is that?”
“I don’t know”
Looking over the waters surface mesmerized, sara started walking as she continued talking, Rhonda followed not sure how far she was going.
“All I wanted to do was solve a crime. Now I think I’ve gone to far they want it back and wont stop til they get what they want.”
“Who wont stop?
But Sara wasn’t really in the here and now. Something was really bugging her. And the longer Rhonda allowed the surroundings to envelope her friend sara, the more distant from reality she would become. But in doing that she would eventually get around to what was bothing her.After a few minutes when sara didnt answer she walked closer and put a hand on her forearm and spoke softly.
“ Sara, who wont stop?”
“ Sara?” Rhonda said repeating herself. Sara soon looked from the water to Rhonda and stared blankly.Sara suddenly realized that if anyone would understand what she was going through Rhonda would.
“Remember you asking me how my dad was, well I wasnt really honest with you because of what else is happening. Hes in the hospital ,,, they don’t know if he will make it ,,,, because of that I took some time off until I could pull myself together enough to focus on solving crimes. “ Sara suddenly began talking . Just like Rhonda knew she would.
“Can understand that.”
“The other day there I watched as a crash occured a few miles around the bend from my home, something compeled me to go see what had happened like I usually would if I was working. As I looked around the scene I looked for evidence and found a bracelet. Not knowing why I picked it up and bagged it , thinking for some reason I would be going to the lab so I could examine it.”
“Thats not a bad thing.”Rhonda said knowing law inforement was saras life.
“Normally no. But thats not whwere my mind is focused on Rhonny. I cant emerse myself in work , and chance being at work or on a case incase my dad needs me. I cant do that Id never forgive myself.”
“Staying busy isnt always a bad thing.”
“ True.” Rhonda said pausing for a moment. “Look I’m not saying don’t be available for your family sara, but you cant just sit around waiting for something to happen , you will drive yourself and those of us you love crazy.” Rhonda said knowing just as far to go with her luck. When Sara didnt say anything to stop her she continued . “ You have worked hard at what and where you are, Your family know that ,,, you are not alone, you have me , Creig , your mom dad , everyone who even has an inklin of who you are know what brings you passion , and that is yourwork.
“Thats true,” Sara said realizing what her friend was saying.
“If this accident and evidence happened where you could find it, sara it happened for a reason. Someone knows only you can help them. Don’t turn them away.” Sara turned from Rhonda back to the water. Sara , I’m not telling you what to do but this did happen for a reason , you know as well as I do things are coonected in some way. Maybe to find the answer to another question or prob you have to be open at what presence itself.”
Sara and Rhonda started walking toward their spot again talking about what had happened up tto this point regarding the accident. Rhonda who had worked with both Stephen and her began formulating ideas perhaps giving sara an angle she may not had not thought of before.
“What you need to do is get back in my lab.”Sara said re entering her investigators frame of mind.
“Good, once that bracelet is in police custody maybe they will think twice about harrassing you.”
“That would be nice, but cant count on that. If a bad guy wants to save his ass from something you know as well as me they wont stop short of death.”
“True, but at least then you will have the protection and backing of not only Stephen, me but your colligeus.”
“ agree.”Before long both girls were back at Saras and enjoying another cup of tea when the phone rang. Because Sara didnt feel like answering she let thwe machine get it because she kinda knew who it might be. Indeed it was and when she heard who it was she turned the sound down so she wouldnt hear his threats. She also vowed that she would take the bracelet to the crime lab and start the investigation on it. But the bad guys did not know her plan.

Chapter six

The next day after she dropped off the bracelet and made her request to be reinstated she went to see her dad who had been taken to the hospital. He had been sick off and on and they were simply making him as comfortable as they can . he also had a hospice volunteer to keep him company when the family couldnt be there. But her dad understood why she couldnt be with him and if he knew she took time off because at him , he would have had a fit and yelled at her until he was horse or have someone do it for him. She couldnt let him down and he nor his wife, her mom raise her to run. So all she could atribute to the weakness and sadness she was feeling was that she was cought off guard because of her fathers sudden illness and everyones work load piled on her. Everyone needs time off to stay on top of their game,. She had hers and now it was time to get back in the ball game.
As she sat there watching as he slept, she wondered what he would have done with the bracelet. Would he have even let the calls upset him as they did her? Of course he wouldn’t he probably would have taped the conversations and tried to trace and track down whom it might be. Not run and hide second quessing her decisions.
Then as she sat by his bed side she invisioned him saying what she had heard him say many times, “Think before you act. Because once you know you can not go back.” Before she went home she stopped by and got what she needed to trace the call she was sure would soon follow, Back home several hrs before Stephen came home came the call she was expecting , and those at the station were ready. although the caller didnt stay on long enough for trace, they did have his voice for the records.
She hadnt heard the vioce before and had no idea why he was after her.. Well of course she knew he had to have been involved in the accident that didn’t happen. So if that was the case where was the accident and the body? Why was the bracelet the only thing left behind ?What message were they sending and what did this have to do with her except that she took the braclet?
Before long she was hearing him call her name but it wasnt day time and she wasn’t awake , it was at night and it was in her dreams that she heard him. She opened her eys or thought she opened her eyes and went to him. But she wasnt walking , she was floating. When she reached him he was in his hospital bed sleeping. What was happening here. Julia knew , because she was there for the ride, this was her desteny and it was time in here eyes she was finally needed. She was good at astral perjection . After all she had done it since she was a kid. Now she gets to in others. As she sat there with her dad she heard him again say "think before you act Sara. Because once you know, you can never go back." Those words were spoken with his last breaths as he died that autumn evening. As she watched him slip from this world to the next, she wondered what he meant by that statement; What had he failed to think about before acting upon? well she couldnt very well find the answers in the dead of night now could she? so after saying “I love you and kissing him good bye ne more time, she found herself in her living room once again.
As she sat there with sara, julia realized that she hadnt been in her room at the shelter in awhile.Those that ran the place would probably worried expecially if her body was there and her mind wasnt. But what seemed like days was only one day and everyone was safetley tucked into bed, including her. She rejoined her body and fell deeply to sleep. After all Sara was in t he company of her husband and if Sara needed her she would call, besides she had to get back to reading the journal...........

© Copyright 2005 wolffesangel (wolffesangel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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