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Rated: E · Essay · Travel · #956555
Ever sit on the beach and think, mmm...



Alanna Parke Kvale

A few years ago, I visited relatives in California and while there, I did what everyone does in that sunny state. I went to the beach. It had been many years since I had been to the seaside, and I viewed the Pacific Ocean from a whole different perspective this time.

I came away with all manner of idealistic plans for articles about the sea. All that inspiration certainly went to my writer’s head. I took dozens of photos and made copious notes. But as I sat down with all that marvelous material and prepared to write, egotistically thinking what a great article I’d produce, I began to ask myself some pointed questions.

What could I say about the sea that hadn’t already been said? And how many times, by how many other writers? So many had spoken of the inspiration to be found by the sea, watching the rhythmic crashing of the waves on the shore. The best I could do would be to merely echo those literary greats. After all, it’s all been said before. I’m just the next one in line.

I will make one observation however, original or not. I personally feel that the Writer’s Muse greatly enjoys the seaside. Inspiration sits on the beach like a seashell, just waiting to be picked up, the sand dusted off and then placed carefully in your pocket and carried back home. There, in your den, you pull it out and gently rub your fingers over the smooth, shiny surface. Close your eyes and you’re back on the beach, listening to the roar of the waves and the plaintive cry of the sea birds. And the Muse returns.

The End

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