I have decided to put Forums and Contests together...
Hello Everyone! This is my little corner where I will be putting all the forums and contest in so if you have something you would like for me to add please just let me know 
Check out these forums and contests:
| | Contest Clues (E) List of WdC Writing Contests, Challenges, Activities. Clues To What's Open, What's Closed! #2221492 by 🐕GeminiGem🎁   |
|  | Story Cafe (ASR) All invited, Speak your mind, got a New Story?, Opinion?, Need help?, Like a story?. #101179 by The Milkman   |
|  | Story Cafe (ASR) All invited, Speak your mind, got a New Story?, Opinion?, Need help?, Like a story?. #101179 by The Milkman   |
| | Blog Harbor (E) A prompt repository for bloggers that sometimes hosts one-off activities! #1700829 by Jeff   |
|  | Story Cafe (ASR) All invited, Speak your mind, got a New Story?, Opinion?, Need help?, Like a story?. #101179 by The Milkman   |
| | Movie Talk (13+) Actors, actresses, movies, TV -- It's the 'Golden Globe' of Writing.Com! Quill Nominee #430646 by Maryann   |
| | SENIOR CENTER GROUP (13+) A group for us older folks who've been there, done that, (and our young friends, too!) #427314 by Kit   |