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Rated: · Short Story · Children's · #954730
about a boy in search of his dog
The air was thick with darkness from the overcrowding foliage. The quietness would be interceded ever so often by cackles from nearby calling birds and the moaning breeze. Little Johnny had only begun his journey along the pebbled path not but a few minutes, but already he felt alone and yet surrounded by things out of sight. Old gnarled trees and low lying bushes all seemed to have sprouted eyes, following his every move. The restless wind made dreadful sounds he had only known during sleepless nights as it passed through the trees. He spun around facing the winding path he had come from and saw the column of smoke rising from the horizon he had set forth.

Johnny felt the chill of the morning air and could only remember the warmth of the hearth coming from below the pillar of smoke. As he hesitated, he could almost smell the bacon that would be sizzling over his mom’s wood burning stove with the rising sun. He could feel the grumbling in his tummy and the saltiness left behind by the bacon on his lips. Johnny felt for the butter cookies left in his satchel. They tasted like home. He knew his mom and dad were going to wake up any minute now and began their daily chores. Johnny always liked to wake up with his dad so he could help milk the cows and steal a few eggs from the hens. Sometimes he would spill the milk but his dad always offered a helping hand and a quiet smile as reassurance.

As Johnny’s focused turned towards him and his father, a thought started crept in his head. He had left a detailed note:

Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m going to look for Goose. Don’t worry I packed some cookies if
I get hungry. I will be back soon.

Love Johnny

And left it on the kitchen table, but what if his parents didn’t understand? Would they get worried? Would they start looking for him? Adults got confused very easily, not that they weren’t smart, but they tended to exaggerate things. Even when you tell them everything, they still didn’t understand you. Adults also got scared really easy, like the time Johnny was caught shooting a rattler with his slingshot. He was just having a little fun but his mom got really mad and she gave him a spanking. He was almost 10, but sometimes he thought his mom treated him like he was a mere 8 year old. Maybe he should have waited until his parents woke up before he started off. But he knew what they would say. He had asked them earlier if they could go looking for Goose, and his dad had said, “No, Goose had gone too far this time”. No it would be up to Johnny now, to find Goose.

Oh how Johnny missed his little dog Goose. It was only a week ago that Johnny and Goose were running around the farm together. It seemed so long since he last saw Goose waiting for him on the front porch, with his tail wagging feverishly, and his eyes waiting for any sign of Johnny walking home from school. As soon as Goose would spot Johnny, he would sprint to Johnny embracing Johnny with excitement and love. They would run around the farm playing catch or chasing rabbits whenever they could spot one. Johnny was never bored with Goose around. Goose was his best friend. Goose had always been around as far back as Johnny could remember, always ready to play without any notice, and always there to comfort him whenever he was in trouble. As these thoughts swam through Johnny’s mind, he had to wipe away tears that were now flowing freely. He knew he had to keep going and be a big boy if he was going to have any chance of finding Goose. Johnny missed Goose too much to let him go. Johnny knew now more than ever that he had to find Goose, whatever it took, even missing his mom’s bacon.

Johnny let his eyes linger a bit longer on the stack of smoke rising from the horizon and slowly willed his feet around. He smiled at the thought of Goose running up to him showering Johnny with his tongue. It was a passing thought and Johnny left it alone. He saw in the new horizon, the sun slowly peeking out of its sleep. As the morning glow lit up the sky the forest lost its melancholy darkness. The sunlight bounced off the morning dew everywhere Johnny looked. The forest that once was wrapped in darkness was now coming alive in vibrant colors. Johnny felt renewed hope and faith in his quest.

Johnny had chosen a path he had not taken before. A path that was only familiar to the wild animals which lived there. Heaven could not be on a path well traveled Johnny thought. If the path was well worn, then his dad would have known where to find Goose for sure. Johnny’s dad had said that Goose had gone to heaven, but did not tell Johnny where heaven was. Johnny’s dad knew where everything was, everything except for heaven he guessed. “Where is Heaven”, Johnny had asked, simple enough. Johnny’s dad just looked at Johnny sadly, than his eyes darted away from Johnny, as he said, “a beautiful place with wide open spaces for Goose to run in, huge bundles of trees and wildlife, all sorts of animals he could play with, and all the leftovers he could ever want”. Johnny than asked, “Can we go find Goose, dad?” “I’m afraid not son”, came the far-off reply.

Johnny wandered what would make his dad so afraid. He loved his dad and he knew his dad loved him very much. Johnny knew it had to be tough for his dad to give up hope. It was the first time his dad could not do something, the first time Johnny had been let down. It was hard for Johnny to think of his dad anything other than amazing. As long as Goose had been his best friend, his dad had always been his hero. There was never any doubt in Johnny’s mind about the later until now. His dad did not even venture out a little bit to search for Goose. He had given up before he had even started. Johnny tried to shake the thought out of his head. He did not like thinking of his mom and dad in this light.
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