Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/954398-The-Reasons-Why-2
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Fantasy · #954398
the next bit - keep reading please - they meet - in a non meeting type of way :D

The sun fills the room with light. I can feel it coating my every movement. I spin around, wrapped in my dance, unaware of anything else.

There is only me and God, the dance that links us. My praise of him. His gift to me.

I dance praise and thanks for the life I have been given. Every movement is rhythm and life. Every beat a hidden chord.

I create my own music and message through my dance. A spin, a turn, a leap of faith. My loose hair flying, I am painting a picture of love for my God who loves me completely.

Dear Lord, love me always. May we dance together until the end.

* * *



God, I pray…

God, I pray for all the suffering people in the world…

I sighed. I felt like I was talking to empty air. Was there really someone listening? Was God really there? I sighed and tried again.


God, I pray for all the poor people in the world…

Poor people… How can there be a God if there are people who are so poor they die of hunger? What kind of God are we serving?

I remember the celebrations we attended before retiring to this prayer room. There had been songs, dances, a message. But it all seemed… so pointless.

The prayers, songs, even the dances, were all pretty but to me… without reason, without a meaning. What was it all for?

The memory of the dances caused another image to cross my mind: the solitary dancer I had seen on the way to our rooms. The way she spun, the way the sunlight played around her. Her dance had beauty. Her dance had passion. Her dance was love and life.

I wonder who she is. Just another temple dancer. But why did I find her dance so different?

How is there such beauty in a world where there is so much pain?

It brings me back to my prayers, my duty.

God, I pray…

* * *


Dear Lord, I love you so much. Thank you for my day of praising you! I was so blessed to be able to praise you. I hope you liked my dance.

Your wondrous grace is always amazing. Lord, my Father, please accept my heart, my life and my dance as my gift to you.

It had been a wonderful day of dancing. It has been so long since I have had the moments to praise God. The King’s coming had made everyone busy and now, with the King here, everyone was still busy but I was free.

I was free in my chapel with God and I had praised him with my dance all today.

Now, as the moonlight spilled into the chapel and the apple I ate for dinner rests in my stomach, I begin to stretch again, wanting to dance once more today for God.

A pain in my side causes me to falter. I grip my ribs and wait for it to pass. Though it has been months since It happened, I still bear the scars.

Dear Lord, heal me so I may dance for you.

The pain passes and I straighten slowly. Moving carefully, I begin one more dance for God.

* * *


I’m lying in bed and staring at the ceiling far above me. After a long day of attempting to pray, I now found I couldn’t sleep at all.

Father, I think, is still praying. After dinner we all prayed more, but then my younger brothers and sisters started to get fidgety so we were allowed to retire.

Only father remained. I saw disappointment in his eyes as my older sisters, brothers and I, especially, left. I do believe he wishes us – me – to believe what he does but I just don’t see how I can.

My younger brothers lie in beds next to mine. Our servants are asleep on floor pallets by the end of our beds. I have no idea how long I have been trying to sleep but it is not working.

Maybe an apple will help me sleep.

Should I wake one of the servants? I wonder. No, I decide, it will make me more tired to get it myself.

Slowly, I slide out of bed. My feet touch the cold stone floor, making me gasp. Quickly, I look around, ensuring no one was woken by the noise.

Everyone slept on peacefully. I tried the floor again. Still cold. Where were my stocking? I wonder. I think I saw Kemin put them in one of the trunks on the far side of the room.

I gingerly step out of bed on to the cold stones and then dash across to the trunks, trying to be as quiet as possible. I hopped from one foot to the other as I dug in the trunk. At last my hands fall on some stockings.

Hopping around to put them on, I almost fell over. I was sure with all the noise I was making someone would wake but if they did, they gave no sign of it. I took one more look around and then slid out the door. To the kitchens I would go, get an apple and return to bed.
I was following the hall when the sound of movement stopped me. I stepped into the shadows of the columns. It was not that I didn’t want to be seen but if no one saw me, there was no one who could ask questions. There would be no one to explain to.

Besides, I was still in my bed wear.
The moonlight created a light mist in the halls but I could see no one. Cautiously, I stepped out again. Maybe I had imagined it.

I looked around as I walked the halls and my gaze caught movement between the columns. I slowed my pace and stepped into the shadows again.

Carefully, peering around the column, I found myself looking at a moonlit prayer chapel. And in the centre, a lone figure danced.

It was the enchanting dancer from that morning, I realised and she was just as enchanting in moonlight as in the day.

Now the moonlight glinted around her, making her skin shine. Her movements were enticing, her steps beauty.

The thought of going to the kitchens for an apple left my mind completely.

I wanted nothing more than to stay here and watch this beautiful dance.

Taking my eyes off the dancer, I glanced around the chapel. Where could I sit? I didn’t want to disturb her dance. I spied some benches hidden in the shadows. Perfect.

I went to them as noiselessly as I could, my eyes never moving from the dancer.

Her beauty and grace, strength and agility, her dance. It spoke of love, of thanksgiving and life.

I was so busy watching the dance, I didn’t feel sleep come to me until my eyes closed and I could see her no more.

* * *


My eyes closed, I danced for God. His hands guide me. I am wrapped in him.

I will always dance your praise, Lord. I will always tell of your love.

I slowly begin to finish my dance. My body is tired but my heart is light. I have danced this day for my Father.

My dance ends and I kneel and pray once more.

Dear Father, thank you for everything you have given me. You know my heart and see my love for you. I love you too.

I stand and leave my chapel. It is late now. The moonlight makes the stones shine silver. My footsteps make soft sounds on the stones. There is no other noise. Everyone else is asleep.

As I slide between the sheets of my pallet on the floor, my last thoughts are for my Father.

I love you, Lord. Thank you for loving me today.

* * *

© Copyright 2005 Ostinato Seaker (ostinatoseaker at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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