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Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #954325
Kan too gerls sucesfuly wrun a way frum kamp? Writtin four Werst Spellling Kontest.
Thu gravul rode stretched befour thym. Stefany and her best frend Julya stuud in the heet looking in thu dyrecshion away from there weak of summmer kamp. Att tin-years-old, thay believed thay were two old and matchure for kamp. Stephany, thu more indipendent uf thu too, decided that thay wood make a brake four freedum.

“Du yu really thinc we shood du this, Stefany?” Julya asked. “Whut if thay fynd us gon, and then we get in truble?”

“Nuthing’s going too happpen. Listen. Wood you rather go hoam, or maek anuther stoopid kraft out uf roks?”

“Thu rok byrdhous wasn’t that bad. I brot it wyth me,” Julya said, reaching two open her sholder bag.

Eggasperated, Stefany sed, “That’s not the point. Now, let’s go befour thay notice we’re gon.”

“How far du yu think it is?” Julya asked.

“Well, it tuuk almost too ours on the bus, so probly dubble that to wolk it.”

“Whut if it rayns?”

“Look at the skie,” Stefany said. It won’t rayn.”

“But whut if…”

“JULYA! Wood yu stop? NUTHING is going to happen.” Stefany grabbd Julya’s rist and led her down thu rode. “Kome on.”

Az thay headed toword freedum, the son beet its hot raes down on them, mayking the Indyan summer seem hotter. “I’m thersty,” Julya said, hopeing that Stefany woodn’t hit her.

“Luk in my bakpak. Get a water four me two, pleeze.”

Peering in, Julya saw that Stefany had stolen enuf food and water to last them a few dayes.

“I wunder if this rode is usd alot,” Stefany said, looking behind her. “Mabe we can hich a ryde.”

“We can’t du that! We coold get killed!”

“We’ll sea what cumms ulong.”

Thu gerls walkd four what seamed like ours. Stefany didn’t whant too admit it, but even she waz beginning two get tired. She wunderd if leeving kamp waz the rite thing to do, after oll. The rode seamed two boe abandond. Know kars or trucs had drivin past them. Thee only thing that came near the rode was the ocaysional squirrell or byrd.

“I’m geting hungre, Stefany,” Julya said, wyping the sweet from her fourehed. “What’s four lunch?”

“I’ve got squert cheeze and crakers en my bag. Let’s sit under the next trea we find.”

With they’re minds set on a commun gole, thay skanned the airea for a shade trea.


“Whut are we gunna tell hour parants when we showe up at home soe erly?” Julya axed as she poppd a craker with squirt cheeze in her mouth. “Wee kan’t tell them it waz cancelld – the kamp would koll them if that happend.”

“We’ll thynk of sumething. Let’s get moving. Eye wonno git whome befoure darc.”

“Uh-oh,” Julya sed, louking at the forck en the rode. “Witch whay, Stefany?”

Stefany’s mind racd. She dydn’t rymember a forck. She had bin too buzy ploting hur eskape. She hayted kamp last year, and she new she wood hayte it this year. “Left,” she sed, trying two sound confydent.

“Ar yu sure? How do you no?”

Stefany skannd the grownd. “Sea that pothoal? Whe hit it bekuse the bus dryver dusn’t no how to drive.”

“Eye don’t rymember hitting enything. Whut if youre rong?”

“I’m knot. Cume on. I’m redy too goe home.”

Thu gerls talked and laufed about the loosers still at kamp. “Kan yu beleeve thu games thay maede us playe? Hooever herd of ‘ceep uway bascetball’? Yu kno that rilly big gerl with the ‘Bugs Bunny’ teath? She byt me to get the boll,” Stefany sed, showing a byte marck enside a bruze on her left arm.

“Eye got hit on the hed wen sumebodey through the boll akross the kort. Eye waz hit so hard I byt my tongue. Sea,” Julya said, sticking her tung out. “How long do yu thynk we’ve ben walking?”

“A few ours. Wee left just aftur lunch. Wy?”

“Know resun. Just wundering. My leggs are tired, tho.”

“Du yu here that noize?” Stefane said, putting hir hand up to stop Julya.

“Whut noize?”

“A truk is cuming.” Excytedlee, Stefany stuud at the syde of the rode and stuck hur thum out.

“Whut are yu duing?!”

“Whut’s it look lyke Eye’m duing? Eye’m getting us home phaster.”

“But he coud bea a chyld killr!” Julya sed, triying too pull Stefany’s hand bac two hur syde. “Yu noe i’s not sayfe too goe wyth peple we don’t kno.”

“Yeh, whell, Eye’m tired and redy to goe hoem.”

Anxshusly, Julya wached the sloe-mooving flat bed truk with krates of frutes and vegtbles en the back come kloser and kloser, Julya didn’t knoe whut two doo. If she didn’t goe with Stefany, sumthing coud happin too won or bothe of thym, and the other woodn’t know. On thee uther hand, she new she wasn’t supposd two ryde with strangrs.

“Are yu coming?” Stefany’s question brot her bak two the prezent. She waz sittng on thu edg of thu flat bed with hur feet dangling beelow her. “Come on. This gye seys he can get us hoam befour it gets to darke.”

“Ohkay,” Julya reesponded en a quayvering voice. She kept her iyes on thu man in the kab as she maed her way two sit besied her partnur in cryme.

The gerls were kuiet as thay roade on the flat bed truk. “Appple?” Stefany askd, holdeing a brite, read peece of frute out two Julya.

Ugast, Julya replyed, “Pout that bak, Stefany! We kan’t eate this guy’z food. That’s stealing!”

“Eye didn’t here eny complaints when yu saw all the food en my bakpak.”

“Well, that’s diffrent.”


“Hour parents pade four that food. It was ares enyway.”

“Fine,” Stefany sed with a sigh and poot it back. “Eye didn’t whant en appple enyway.”

Thu sun beegan too make it’s slowe decent ovr thue cuntry pharmland. Thu rumbl of thu truk kutting threw thu kuiet cept thue gerls frum giving en two thu sleepyness that waz triing two fight its way ovr them.

“What tyme doo yu think it is, Stefany?” Julya asked threw a yawn.

“Probly 5 or sew. When do yu want to eate? I’ve got kandy bares, chipps, and granolu bares.”

“Eye’m just starting too get hungre. Let’s waite and eate when wee get off the truk. Wear bouncing a round two much rite now.”


With a jolt, the truk kame two a stop. “All rite, ladees,” thu man in the kab called out. “This is yore stopp.”

“We did it!” Stefany squeald. “We ran a way frum kamp and maed it home by hourselvs. Let’s go sea what’s for supper. Eye’m starving!”

The too girls stood on the gravul rode. “Thanx, Mystr!” thay kalled az he droav off.

Stefany and Julya terned around and felt their stumuchs fall.

“Oh, no,” Stefany groned.

Julya stood beeside her and cryed.

Whut thay saw disgusted them. A sine that hung betweene too trees read: ‘Welkome to Kamp Buncky’. With there heads down, thay walked back to kamp, dragging they’re bags beehind them.

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