Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/954166-When-Darkness-Calls---Dionnes-Story
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #954166
The other side of this story: http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/944917#sw
It was a dark, rainy night. Typical, thought Dionne. She stood in an alley, hiding from the rain, watching cars go by. Her plum coloured hair was plastered to the side of her face. She leaned against the wall, waiting for her next meal. She rested her head against the wall, letting the rain drip onto her face. She was so lonely. It had been a year and a half since her companion Orion had been so needlessly slaughtered. Now she felt that she was ready for someone else. Someone else for her to love. Suddenly she was pulled from her thoughts by the screeching of car tyres. Looking up, she sees a man step onto the sidewalk just in time. He stands for a second, catching his breath and thinking. He seems lonely, upset even. Dionne watched him for a second. He pulled his collar up, thrust his hands into his pockets and walked away. Dionne felt something pull at her heart, something pull at her mind. Stepping out from the alley, she fell into step behind him.

She followed him down past the church and was surprised when he walked into her favourite bar, ‘Darkness.’ She halted outside and took a couple of deep breaths. Eventually she turned in.

Inside, the man was sitting at the bar, drinking shots of tequila. She stood for a second, in the shadows, watching him, watching the way he sat, lonely and depressed.

‘You’re lovesick. I can recognise it a mile away.’
She sat down beside him.
‘You don’t have to deny it. It’s no use. I’ve seen it so many times before.
He looked at her and smiled. Dionne’s breath is taken. He’s beautiful. Dark brown eyes looked at her. They were sad; the signs of great pain were there. His dark hair was, like hers, wet from the rain. His smile, as beautiful as it was, had a certain sadness to it. Dionne knew, just from the way he looked, that his heart was breaking.
‘You’re right.’ he said, ‘Can I buy you a drink?’
‘I’ll have some of that tequila. You’ve got plenty and I hope that you weren’t planning on drinking the whole bottle to yourself.’
‘Well,’ he replied, ‘to be honest, I was planning on that. I don’t want to think anymore. I’ve had enough for one day.’
Dionne watched as he signalled the bartender to put down another glass. The bartender did, filling it with tequila as he did. Dionne picked it up and downed it in one. The man watched her before speaking again.
‘How can you recognise someone who’s lovesick?’
‘Ah well, we’ve all been there haven’t we? And then again, somebody who walks in, doesn’t look up, goes straight to the bar and orders a bottle of tequila is either an alcoholic or he’s lovesick, and you don’t look like an alcoholic.’
‘Ok, I won’t deny it. You’re right but I don’t want to talk about it. But if I may be so rude. What’s somebody like you doing here at four in the morning?’
Dionne shrugged.
‘I followed you.’
The man’s eyes went wide with surprise.
‘You what?! Why? Do I know you from somewhere?’
‘Well, not really. But I’ll tell you about that later, if you don’t mind. Do you feel like dancing?’
The man shrugged, not really agreeing, not really saying no. Smiling, Dionne stood up and took his hand in hers. He wasn’t reluctant; he let her lead him quite willingly. Her favourite song, ‘Iris’ began to play. She smiled as he pulled her close. She wrapped her arms around him. It felt strange being held like this by a total stranger but she didn’t mind. She let herself relax and she gently rested her head against him.
‘What’s your name?’ he whispered, ‘Mine is Gabriel.’
‘I’m Dionne,’ she quietly replied, ‘pleased to meet you Gabriel.’
Gabriel, she thought, what a beautiful name. A beautiful name for a beautiful person. But she knew something was wrong. He had been badly hurt by another. She could read it in his thoughts. But she could also sense that those thoughts were fading as he relaxed and became absorbed in the music. She could feel his heartbeat against hers. How long had it been since she had felt this? How long had it been since someone had held her close? The only time she ever touched anyone was when she fed from them. This, she sensed, was different. She felt her hunger begin to take over, her jaw itched. Gabriel’s unique smell was killing her, provoking her. But he wasn’t a meal ticket. Gabriel was fragile, his heart was breaking, he didn’t need this. Dionne turned her head away so that he couldn’t see her face. Taking deep breaths, her fangs slowly retracted. She turned her head back, resettling herself against him. She felt Gabriel lift a hand and gently stroke her hair. Moving her head, she gently kissed his throat. She heard his gasp and felt him shiver. He quietly whispered in her ear, his warm breath tickling her. He suggested that they go and sit down. Agreeing, she took his hand and they walked to a nearby table. Gabriel suddenly seemed uncomfortable. They sat and Dionne turned to him.
‘Why do you feel so bad?’ she asked.
‘I’d rather not talk about it,’ he said, ‘but if you must know, I think tonight I’ve lost the love of my life and there’s nothing I can do about it.’
Dionne looked him in the eye. She could see his pain.
‘There will be others,’ she whispered.
Gabriel shrugged and lowered his eyes.
‘No, I don’t think so. I won’t let it happen to me again,’ his voice was sad, ‘This has been the last time. I will never get used to the pain and I don’t want to. It has happened to me twice in about four months and I don’t know if I can take it anymore. You see, women decieve. That’s why they are on this planet. Just to earn your trust and then to betray it. We think they’re angels when in fact they are Satan in disguise. Backstabbing Angels.’
Dionne patiently listened.
‘Not me,’ she said, ‘I’m different.’
Gabriel looked at her.
‘Yeah right,’ he said, ‘in what way. I can’t be fooled that easy anymore. Tell me, what makes you think you’re different.’
Dionne looked at him. She knew he wasn’t going to believe her.
‘I’m a vampire.’
‘A what?!’ he asked, eyes wide.
She knew he wouldn’t believe her.
‘A Vampire? And how did you get that idea?’
Dionne ran her tongue over her fangs.
‘No really I am,’ she said.
She opened her mouth and revealed her fangs, desperate to prove to him what she really was. Gabriel examined them in the dim light.
‘Any dentist can do that. It doesn’t impress me. I’m sorry but I don’t believe you. If this is your idea of helping me get back my trust in women, you’re definately on the wrong track.’
Dionne sighed and lowered her head slightly. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Gabriel retrieving his coat. He walked back over to her.
‘I think it’s time I went home, wherever that may be. It’s been nice talking to you. Thanks for the dance.’
He walked away, putting his coat on as he did. Dionne just sat and watched as paid for the tequila. As he reached the door, he looked at her one last time. Dionne lowered her head and sighed. Suddenly a thought hit her. She could still catch up with him. Getting up, she headed for the bathroom.

Being a Vampire, she had a number of powers which she could use to hunt and track down humans. She decided to use these powers to find Gabriel.

In the bathroom, she ran into the end cubicle and climbed onto the porcelain toilet bowl. She pushed open the tiny window and hoped that she could squeeze through it. Bracing her feet against the wall and pulling against the outside window ledge, she pulled herself through.

Outside, she jumped down, bending her knees to absorb the shock. Dusting her hands off, she looked around herself, trying to find Gabriel. She didn’t want to let him go; there was too much she needed to talk to him about. Suddenly, she felt him, felt his pain. Using her immortal powers, she jumped a nearby wall.

Crouched on top of the wall, she looked down. Suddenly she saw him. He was walking slowly, hands in pockets, head low. Quietly, she jumped down and waited. Gabriel walked around the corner, looking up as he did. He stopped, surprised. Dionne stepped towards him.
‘Please let me explain,’ she said, ‘I’m not lying and I think I can help you.
Gabriel looked at her, an angry look in his eyes.
‘I don’t want your help,’ he said, an annoyed tone in his voice, ‘Women are all the same and I don’t trust anybody at the moment. I see no reason for you to help me. So please leave me alone.’
His last comment was like a cold sword through her heart. It hurt and Dionne let it show. Her eyes glazed over with tears and she lowered her head. The pain of rejection shot through her heart, hurting like hell. It reminded her of the time, shortly before Orion’s death, when he had rejected her. He had abandoned her as a blood sucking monster. Of course, he had come crawling back and she had welcomed him with open arms. Hours later, he had been executed. She hated rejection. All her life it had been at the front. Her friends, her family and now the person she was trying to save. All of them had rejected her. Slowly she lifted her head, a tiny tear escaping from one of her eyes.
‘I know how you feel,’ she whispered, ‘I’ve been there myself. That’s how I knew you were lovesick. I once lost the one person I thought was made for me as well.’
She could tell that Gabriel was starting to lose attention so she decided to end it there.
‘At least give me your phone number,’ she whispered.
She reached into a pocket on her coat and pulled out a card. On it was her name and number.


+31 134597864

She handed it to Gabriel.
‘Here’s mine,’ she said, ‘You can always call me when you need someone to talk to. I’d hate to see your life go to waste.’
Gabriel reluctantly handed her his card and slowly walked past her. Dionne turned and watched him walk away. She could sense that he wanted to be alone so she decided to leave him for tonight. Slowly she turned and walked in the opposite direction.

Dionne was starving. She hadn’t eaten all night. As she prowled the streets, Gabriel was on her mind. She just couldn’t shake the thoughts of him. Eventually, she turned back onto the main strip and instantly picked out her meal. A tall, very thin man stood about twenty feet away. He held a pint glass, half full, in his bony hands, a cigarette trapped between two of his fingers. Long hair flowed over his shoulders. It shimmered as he looked around himself. It was obvious to Dionne that he was nervous and probably wasn’t from the area. Slowly Dionne started to walk over to him. She took a cigarette from a pocket and put it in her mouth. Patting her pockets, she stopped in front of the long haired man.
‘Shit,’ she whispered.
She turned to him.
‘You don’t have a light do you?’ she asked.
He nodded and produced a lighter. He lit it for her.
‘Thanks,’ she said.
She savoured it for a moment.
‘You’re not from around here, are you?’
The man shook his head, his hair falling into his eyes.
‘I didn’t think I’d seen you around,’ she said.

Dionne sat on the edge of the bed, slowly dressing. They had come back to his hotel room. She had only intended to take his blood but in her frustration, her anger towards Gabriel wasting his life, they had slept together. She had had to get her frustrations out somehow and this had been the most convenient way. In a way, she felt guilty. Doing this, just sleeping with someone on impulse, wasn’t really in her character. She sighed and took one of her calling cards out of her pocket and propped against his cigarettes. At least he’d find it. She never gave her victims her number but hell, she’d screwed this one. He deserved an explanation. Quietly she walked to the door and left.

Outside it was still was raining. Dionne pulled her coat around her and headed towards her apartment. Gabriel was back on her mind. She was pissed at him, annoyed for what he was doing. Why couldn’t he just move on with his life? Why would he want a girlfriend who was constantly hurting him and cheating on him? She just couldn’t figure it out. She slipped down a side alley, quietly leaving the city behind her.

Slowly, she pushed the door of her apartment closed and leaned against it. She looked across at her phone. Taking Gabriel’s number out of her pocket, she picked it up and dialled. But after the first few rings, she hung up. No, she thought, let him sweat it out. If he wanted to ruin his life on someone who didn’t care, then let him.

Dionne spent the rest of the night lying on the couch. Anger raged through her body every time she thought about Gabriel. How could he? she thought, how could he ruin his life on some person who only wanted to ruin his? From what she’d sensed, she knew that he’d been deeply wounded twice in as many months. She knew that he still cared deeply for the last girl he’d been with but, as he replayed their last conversation over and over in his head, she could sense that she didn’t care so much about him. But secretly, she knew she was angry at herself. Angry for letting Gabriel get away so easily, angry for sleeping with that guy, angry for hanging up the phone so hastily. In fact, she felt no anger for Gabriel. All she felt was his hurt and his anger at being let down, at being told he wasn’t needed anymore. That’s how she had felt when Orion had told her he didn’t need her anymore: unloved, uncared for. It hurt like hell, like a hot knife straight through the heart. That knife was then twisted and the heart dragged from the chest. Yes, it hurt and she never wanted to go through it again. All she felt was sorrow for him.

Eventually, the sun began to rise and Dionne slipped into unconsciousness, falling into a deep sleep. Her hands under her head, curled up into the foetal position. She was warm, comfortable. All she needed was for someone to be there beside her, there to drape a blanket over her and tuck her in. And, she could sense, despite the distance, that Gabriel wanted exactly the same thing.

She was woken the next evening by the sound of the phone ringing. Slowly she sat up and picked it up.
‘Hello?’ she tiredly said.
‘Dionne?’ said a male voice.
Dionne ran a hand through her hair.
‘Who is this?’ she asked.
‘My name’s Randolph. We met last night. You left me your number.’
‘Oh yeah,’ said Dionne, ‘look, I owe you an explanation. Do you know where the bar ‘Darkness’ is?’
‘Meet me there in an hour and I’ll tell you everything.’
‘Ok,’ replied Randolph, ‘see you there.’
‘Later,’ she said.
Sighing, she hung up. Resting her head against the couch, she closed her eyes for a second. This was going to be difficult. Explaining to someone why they had teeth marks on their throat. Slowly she got up and went into her bedroom.

In the bedroom she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Slowly she ran a hand over lips. These lips could be so destructive. They could drain a person to the point of death. Yet, like last night, they could try and reassure someone that their life wasn’t over. She sighed and turned towards her closet. Opening it, she took out her long black dress. Slowly she changed into it before heading out of the apartment.

Dionne walked into the bar, her dress swirling around her ankles. She could see Randolph sitting at the bar, nursing a drink, head hanging. Taking a deep breath she walked towards him.
‘Hi,’ she said.
He looked up.
‘Hi,’ he replied, ‘do you want a drink?’
‘No thanks, I’m fine,’ she replied.
Sighing, she sat on a bar stool.
‘Look, I owe you an explanation about last night.’
Randolph shrugged.
‘No you don’t,’ he said.
‘Yes, I do. You see, sleeping with someone on impulse really isn’t in my character. But you see, last night, I took some of your blood. . .’
Dionne didn’t get the chance to finish. Suddenly there was the sound of a crash from outside. Dionne jumped to her feet and headed towards the door.

Outside, the sight that met her eyes took her breath away. On the sidewalk was the crumpled wreckage of a small, red car. The roof had been torn away, the engine was exposed, steam hissed from the broken radiator. The whole thing was a mass of twisted red metal. In the wreck, she could make out a body. A crowd was starting to form. The body moaned. Dionne recognised it. It was Gabriel. She quickly pushed through the crowd.
‘Let me through, I can help him,’ she called out.
The crowd parted and let her through. When she reached the car, she crouched down by his head. He was badly wounded; parts of the car had penetrated his flesh, cutting deep, blood flowing from the wounds.
‘I can help you,’ she whispered, ‘but it will mean your life as a human being will be over. You will have to live in the shadows. Live off the blood of others. It may turn out to be a fate worse than death but it’s the only choice you’ve got right now. Your life is fading away. Your soul is getting ready to depart, leaving your body an empty shell ready to be burned or buried. Do you want me to make you a Vampire? It’s your only chance of survival. Your only way to live on. Your only chance of revenge.’
Gabriel didn’t reply but she could read his thoughts, his feelings. His mind was screaming out to her, screaming to her to save him. She turned her back to the crowd and let her fangs extend. Bringing her wrist to her mouth, she sunk them into a vein. It hurt, causing her to wince. Once the blood began to flow, she held it out Gabriel.
‘Try to drink my blood.’ she urged, ‘Please try to swallow some, it will heal the wounds.’
Gently she held the wound against his lips. The blood left her vein with such force that she was scared that Gabriel would choke. She felt her strength begin to weaken as her blood and power flowed through Gabriel’s body. She closed her eyes as she felt his body change. It was hurting him and she wished she could stop it. Memories came flooding back of her own change. The pain, the feeling as her internal organs were sent through Armageddon.
‘You’re dying,’ she whispered, ‘but it’s only a mortal death. Hold on, it will only last another minute or so.’
Dionne knew this was a lie. Yes, his change would only last for another minute but in Gabriel’s mind it would seem like forever. Slowly she retracted her wrist, wiping it clean. Gabriel sat for a few more seconds, recovering. Then he pushed himself out of the car and stood up. Dionne placed a reasurring hand in the small of his back and began to lead him towards.
‘He’s alright. It’s a lot worse than it looks. There’s just some loss of blood but other than that he isn’t hurt at all. Let’s get him into the Darkness.’
‘I think you already did that,’ he whispered to her.

Everyone turned to look at them as they walked in. It didn’t bother Dionne; people had been staring at her for years. Gabriel’s clothes were torn and bloody. Someone walked up to Dionne.
‘We’ve called the police. They’ll be here any minute now,’ they said.
Dionne nodded, a slight smile on her face.
‘Thanks,’ she whispered.
Leaving Gabriel, she walked over to the bar. One of the bartenders handed her a green first aid box. Thanking him, she walked back over to Gabriel.
‘You won’t be needing this,’ she said, holding it up, ‘but we can’t let them know.’

They made their way into the bathroom. Dionne felt the bile rise in stomach as the smell of urine and vomit filled her nostrils. Gabriel left her side and sat on one of the toilets. Dionne propped the door open with a foot and crouched down in front of him. She pulled her dress up, making sure it didn’t brush the dirty floor. He looked down at her. He still looked slightly sick, ill from his change. His eyes were glazed and he looked tired. He had a right to; he had just narrowly escaped death.
‘You’ve got a lot to learn. I must teach you about the ways of a Vampire,’ she whispered, ‘your life as you knew it lies behind you now. There are so many new experiences ahead of you. Your wounds have healed already. We could slip out the back way and nobody would ever find out what has happened here tonight.’
Gabriel looked up at her, eyes worn and tired.
‘But what about my car?’ he asked, ‘The police are on their way. They’re bound to check out the licence plate and trace it back to me.’
Dionne sighed and nodded slowly, lowering her eyes slightly.
‘I know,’ she whispered, ‘but just let it be. It’s a relic of a past life. You’ve moved on now. There’s no turning back, no returning to old habits. You’re born again. A new life lies ahead. Forget about the past.’
‘I can’t,’ said Gabriel, ‘I’ve still got some unfinished business. You say my wounds have healed. You’re wrong. Maybe physically I’m whole again but my mind is still a mess. Unfinished business. I’ve got to go now. No way I’m just going to let it be this way. I’m not going to carry these memories with me for the rest of my life. No way.’
Dionne wanted to say something, do something to stop him from going back out into the world and ruining his new life before it had even started. Yet, as she looked into his eyes, she knew that he was serious, that anything she would say or do would be of no use. Unfinished business, even she had some of that. Things she’d never said, things she’d regretted doing. Unfinished business even affected her. She decided to let him go.
‘Sorry Dionne. I’ve got to go now. I still have your phone number somewhere. I’ll call you.’
Dionne wasn’t sure what to do next. She desperately wanted to embrace him, let him know that everything was going to be okay but instead, she just stepped back and let him past. She stood in the middle of the bathroom, never moving, watching as he opened the small window. As he crawled through the window, he turned to her.
‘I’ll call you,’ he said.
Then he was gone. Dionne walked over to the wall and rested her head against it. The coolness of the tiles washed over her. She had done it, she had created another. But there was a sense of loss, a feeling that part of her heart was no missing. In the process of changing him, she had passed something from her body to his. Not just blood but something spiritual. With time, he would forget about her but, somehow, they would always be joined, always be together. Sighing, she turned and left.

Out in the bar, everyone stared at her. She walked over to the bar and handed the first aid kit back.
‘Thanks,’ she said.
‘How is he, D?’ asked the bartender.
‘He’ll live,’ she replied.
The bartender noticed the look in her eyes.
‘You seem a little upset,’ he said, ‘you two weren’t. . .’
‘Dating?’ Dionne asked.
She shook her head.
‘No. He was just a stranger who passed in the night.’
She looked towards the door.
‘I should go,’ she said.
‘Ok, I’ll see you later,’ said the bartender.
Dionne smiled weakly at him as she left. As she left, she didn’t notice the man sitting in the corner The man she had come to talk to. He watched her as she left.

Outside, the rain came down. Not hard but in soft drops. Dionne pulled her coat up around her shoulders and began to walk home. Her Vampiric senses picked up the sounds and smells of other people. She felt the saliva form in her mouth as she smelt the blood. She was hungry but she was too tired to go hunting now. She ran a hand over her dress, brushing away some loose hairs. It was then that she noticed the dried blood stains. Invisible to the naked eye but exposed to her sensitive fingers. Hers and Gabriel’s blood. She stood for a second, looking down at the stains, remembering. Then, she looked up and carried on walking. As she walked, her senses picked out something that was stronger than everything else. Something painful like a broken heart. Something like a broken hearted Vampire. Gabriel. Swinging around, she looked across the street. There he was, standing at a window, looking at someone or something. Dionne guessed that it was his long lost love, the woman who had hurt him. She felt tears well into her eyes. She made no move to brush them away as they flowed down her cheeks. Slowly she turned away. There was nothing else she could do for him. She felt sad leaving him like this but she sensed that one day maybe they would meet again. Maybe.
© Copyright 2005 Moonlight (moon-lighting at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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