Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/951588-So-Im-Nerdy--Why-Do-You-Care---2
by Sazza
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Teen · #951588
Bullied,then goes too far.She saved by the least expected.Nick of the untouchable popular.
Chapter: 3

I breathed in deeply. Loving the atmosphere that the beach gave off. It was one of the fond places I remembered with my Mum. Often when I was young we would go for long walks or runs along the beach “Ooooing” and “Ahhhing” at different shells, along with flotsam and jetsam.
It was the second week of holidays and Dad had decided to take them to Minnie Waters and stay for 2 weeks. Izaac and Michael had both grumbled about going until they saw the pretty girls that were there as well. I was glad of being here. It meant I could keep my thoughts off other things. Since Nicks first visit to my home, he hadn’t shown his face again. I was glad but at the same time sad. Loosing my chance of romance with the guy whom had featured in my dreams so many times. But then again… I wasn’t sure I wanted that anymore anyway.
I put my swimmers on and yelled out through the rented beach house. “Going for a swim Dad!”
“Ok pumpkin. Swim between the flags… oh and wear sun cream!”
I smiled and left the house with a small nap sac bouncing on my hip. It was filled with the essentials. Towel, sun cream, book and sunnies. Not to mention snack food!
After a 5 minute walk I could see the flagged beach and hear my brother’s playful yells along with his new made friends whom were already in the surf. I could see a group of pretty girls admiring my older brother already. He was the charmer.
Putting my things on a shaded rock by the shore. I slipped off my small sized sand shoes and placed them on the rock as well. I then took off my short yellow sarong and rubbed in well some 15+, and sexily walked down to the water. I felt so good today. Not like the last couple of days were I couldn’t get my mind off Nick and his visit and how he had… I shook my head to get the thoughts out. “Remember! No thinking about Nick while you’re having fun! It’s time to relax and tan!” my thoughts berated. The only thing I needed to remember was to close my eyes when under the water because I was wearing my contacts. ‘And Dad would have a fit if I lost these!’ I thought!
I let out an excited squeal as I cool water hit my stomach. Smiling wide I went out further. The crashing waves taking my mind off everything!
Jumping and body surfing the waves, I was having a great time. I was deep enough now that only my shoulders and head were out of the water when I stood. A large wave was bearing down on my to which I thought it was better to dive under rather than go over. Popping up after it had passed I was wiping my eyes clear of the salt water so I could see. But when I opened them I, all I had time for was to take a large breath before I was dumped by a mammoth wave.
Spinning over and over inside the wave as it travelled towards the shore, I hit a person’s leg hard. They were knocked back as well but seemed to have stayed on their feet. Strong arms reached down and helped my right myself and stand up.
Spluttering, the hands didn’t let my go until I had my balance and eyes wiped.
Turning around I stared at my ‘saviour’.
“Nick?” I asked in wonder, a confused look all over my face, and easily read.
He laughed. “You’re meant to say ‘thank you’.” And nervously grinned.
“Umm… yeah… thanks.” I said
“So how was it?”
I looked at him funny. ‘How was what?’ I thought ‘The kiss that morning? He’s brave asking like that!’
“Allise… I meant the wave and your loss in the fight against it.”
“Oh! That! Um… well you know, practice makes perfect!” I laughed. Inside though I was hitting myself. ‘How could I have been so stupid! Of course he wasn’t asking about that kiss. Like he would remember a kiss with me. I’m easily forgettable. Who did I think I was…ARGH! Practice makes perfect…I sound like such a dill!’ Nick just laughed.
“Well I’ve been out in the sun for long enough now so I’d better go! See you around.” I started moving quickly away. ‘But hopefully I won’t see you anytime soon!’ I didn’t look back to see his reaction. I just wanted to get away quickly, this was meant to be a Nick free environment. The Fates were laughing at me, I just knew it.
Drying myself I put on my sarong. Unlike what I’d told Nick I was going to go to the rock pools to have a look around. Slipping on my sunnies, I proceeded to put on some more sun cream. Shoes back on I started to walk leisurely towards my destination.


“Wow!” I whispered to myself. I was standing at the edge of the rock pools closest to the waters edge, gazing out at the ocean. The beauty took my breath away. The strong breeze was tugging at my sarong but I wasn’t worried at all.
I was remembering all the times I had come here before. Favouring the ones with my mother in them. A faint smile found itself on my lips. Lost in my memories I only faintly heard foot steps come behind me.
I didn’t even realise when my sarong flew off from the tugging wind.
Turning I found Nick there gripping onto my runaway sarong.
“Thanks.” I said as he passed it back to me.
“Welcome.” He winked. “I thought you were going home or something before?”
I just smiled and turned away grimacing instead now, while tying the sarong back on whilst walking back closer to the tree lined edge of the beach. ‘Why won’t he just leave me alone…’
“Hungry?” I asked instead
It was Nick whom looked confused then. “Kinda…”
I opened up my bag and brought out 2 apples and a large packet of chips. Straight away I bit into an apple, juice squirting out.
“It’s good!” I mumbled. Nick’s hand came towards the apple and took it. Taking a bite he nodded his head in agreement. “Hey!...” I said in complaint… ‘Although you don’t really mind do you?!’ My thoughts quipped. But I was truly getting annoyed. I wanted him to get out of my life.
Nick continued to eat the apple only passing it back when half was gone. I took it and stared. His lips had touch it. His lips. His popular lips. His sacred lips. Lips that once had touched mine… He was watching me.
“Uhhh…” I said, feeling uneasy. He kept staring. So I passed it back to him. “I don’t want it anymore.” Nick took it back looking hurt. I shook my head. I didn’t care. He finished my apple, I stood looking at Nick.
“I should g…” I started
“I’ll walk you home.” Nick interrupted, eyebrows raised in question. I just gazed at him and nodded. What else could I do. ‘Say no!’ my thoughts retorted. So off we went, me in lead, bag on my shoulder, walking fast, trying to loose him but Nick still followed.
A quarter of the way there, Nick came to walk beside me. “Allise?”
He took my hand, and we stopped walking. There’s a party on this weekend… will you come? It’s at a beach house not far from here…”
‘A party? Me… I’d never been invited to a party before… well not by their kind anyways.’
I raised my eyebrow at him, sceptical.
“No.” I replied. “It’s not my thing.”
“I promise to look after you. As a friend.” He said, looking like a sad puppy in case I said no again.
“No. And stop the puppy look. It’s irritating!” Instantly I felt bad for what I’d said.
“Well, if that’s how you feel?” He sounded annoyed.
‘Oh what could it hurt… I could just go and then disappear just as quickly’ I thought. I didn’t like giving in, but if this got him off my back it would be worth it.
“Ok I said. I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll go to the party…If promise to leave me alone afterwards.”
He looked unsure, but I couldn’t really tell. His brow furrowed. And he slowly nodded.
“I think that’s unfair, but ok. Of that’s what you want.” Hi voice was sharp and clear, hiding something else behind it.
I pulled my hand from his grip and started walking away.
“I’ll pick you up. Eight-ish” he called out after me.
I didn’t reply. I was too scared at what I’d done. Was I crazy?

Note: Sorry this next part has taken so long, I lost my muse so quickly!! But it’s back! Yay! I’m now at uni, so I don’t have time to write all that often, but I’m going to try harder! There are actually pictures that are of bits in the story but because I don’t have an upgraded position here at writing.com I can’t show them to you!
In case you were wondering I am now 20, which means I am officially not a teenager anymore! Anyway I wasn’t a ‘nerd’ at school but was in the group between the ‘nerds’, and the ‘in crowd’, but that was at high school, uni is so good, you don’t have defined groups like that here!! Yay!!
I’m actually finding it difficult to write this story, I’m sure you can notice this in how stinted some of it sounds.
So this is all that I’ve written so far, I will be continuing it slowly but surely; I hope you’ve enjoyed the characters so far. I hope everyone can understand though, that this is an Australian based story, so I’m sorry if anyone from else where find it confusing.
© Copyright 2005 Sazza (sazza at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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