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A bio about Anne Boleyn, Henry's second wife. |
** Image ID #1354699 Unavailable ** I love writing about Princesses and Queens. I hope that you will enjoy reading my items. Always: Megan It is believed that Anne Boleyn was born in 1507 or 1509.She spent part of her childhood at the court of the Archduchess Margaret. She was then transferred to the household of Mary, Henry VII's sister who was married to Louis XII of France. Anne's sister Mary was already in the French Queen's attendance. It is believed that she was at the Field of Cloth of Gold, the famous meeting between Henry VIII and the French King Francis I. Anne learned to speak French fluently while she lived there. She was not considered a beautiful woman but she was modestly pretty. {I'm not sure what that means.} She had olive colored skin, thick brown hair and dark brown eyes which was considered her best feature. It is believed that she also had a sixth finger. A unusual feature for anyone. Anne returned to England and she went to attend Queen Catherine, the first wife of Henry the VIII. She was engaged to marry the heir of Ormand{no name given.} She then had an affair with Henry Percy which was ended by Cardinal Worsley. Anne also had a relationship with the poet Sir Thomas Wyatt. He, too was a married man. Anne Boelyn seemed to like to have relationships with married men. She had an affair with Henry VIII. No one believed that they would marry because Henry had a lot of mistresses and Anne always got involved with married men. It was like a pattern with her. Anne received seventeen love letters from Henry. They are preserved in the Vatican library. In 1528, Anne showed an interest in religious reform and shared these ideas with Henry. He set her up in nice apartments next to him. Anne wasn't popular with the English. She was openly having an affair with Henry while he was seeking an annulment in political debates and Queen Catherine was broken hearted having Anne living in the castle. Anne had been given precedence over the Duchesses of Norfolk and Suffolk, the latter of which was the Queen's own sister Mary. Henry bought Anne expensive gifts and spent all his free time with her. In September 1532, Anne received the title of Marquess of Pembroke. She held a position of honors at meetings between Henry and the French King in Calais. Anne became pregnant at the end of 1532. Henry married Anne secretly in January 1533. The Archbishop officially proclaimed the marriage of Henry and Catherine invalid. Anne gave birth to a baby girl Elizabeth, on September 7, 1533. Henry had wanted a male heir. She got pregnant again in January 1534 but the child was stillborn. She became pregnant again in 1535 but she miscarried this one, too. She feared for her marriage and her life at this point. Henry had already taken a fancy to the one of the ladies-in-waiting, Jane Seymour. Anne's enemies were plotting against her. Cromwell was trying to have the Queen removed. He had Henry sign a document that accused Anne of treason. Anne was arrested and accused of adultery, incest and plotting to murder the King. {How awful for Anne. Just because she couldn't produce a male heir and he wanted Jane Seymour.}She was then taken to the tower. Her musician friend, Mark Smeaton, brother George Boelyn had also been arrested. The Queen and her brother were put on trial at the Great Hall of the Tower of London. Anne denied charges as did her brother but they were found guilty with the verdict being read by their uncle. On May 17, 1535, George was executed on Tower Hill. Anne was becoming hysterical. She knew that the end was near for her. Her marriage to Henry was considered invalid and was dissolved. How could she have had committed adultery if they had never been married in the first place? I WOULD HAVE HATED TO BE ONE OF KING HENRY'S WIVES OR WOMEN. Anne was beheaded on May 19, 1535 in a private execution. She wished everyone well and wasn't hysterical about the execution. Anne's body and head were put into a arrow chest and buried in an unmarked grave in the Chapel of St. Peter and Vincula which adjoined the Tower Green. I got my info from google on the internet. Thanks for reading. ** Image ID #1203581 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1378168 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1206885 Unavailable ** |