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Rated: E · Other · Opinion · #951090
The news today is full of it
Journal Entries
19 March 2005:
What The Hell

          Terri Schiavo had her feeding tube pulled out through court wisdom in Florida. Her husband says she verbally requested (not written) only to him that she wanted to die. She collapsed at the age of 26, with a heart attach due to a potassium imbalance in 1990. A lack of oxygen to the brain from that resuscitation effort caused permanent brain damage. She is not a vegetable, but cannot swallow or speak and has many medical problems requiring constant care. She will starve to death in a slow, tortuous, painful and inhumane end. Even a death row inmate dies within a few minutes. Isn’t that dignified. Her husband has not visited her since 2003, (except during and after the feeding tube removal procedure) and has another family with his “common law” wife and two children.
          Her family has been battling Michael Schiavo for custody through the legal system to take over her care. Her immediate family members contend that there are 33 physicians that believe her recovery is possible. He is her legal guardian and will not release custody. During her recovery period and physical therapy in the hospital, she was at one time actually walking. Mr. Schiavo won a medical malpractice court case worth a reported2.5 million dollars, then decided to remove those physicians and therapy from her care. She has been living in a hospice situation for many years. This case was sent to the Supreme Court and they decided to not hear the case. That decision gave control to the State judicial system. The State of Florida court gave Mr. Schiavo legal control. Last week a subpoena for Terri Schiavo to appear in court was given in an attempt to protect her as a testifying witness in the case. Therefore removing her feeding tube would jeopardize her life and not be allowed. A Florida judge shot the effort down, and a private physician removed her feeding tube at 1:45 p.m. yesterday. The US Senate, headed up by House Majority Leader Tom Delay, will convene today in a special session, to discuss passage of a congressional bill based on the Schiavo case. The passage of a bill will then instigate a counter law suit by the attorney for Mr. Schiavo. Guess who joined in the political quest for the national popularity spotlight? The fabulous Mr. Ted Kennedy. So here we go with yet another partisan political war while Terri starves.
The other side:
          So, what if I go to work today and have an auto accident that renders me lifeless without artificial assistance? Since I do not have a living will specifying my dying wishes, even if I told my wife I do not want to live by artificial means, could congress legally step in and remove the life and death decision from my spouse? I am very interested in this right for life issue and it certainly invokes a much more realistic value on taking the time to make a living will. I wonder if the store price of computer programs to produce a living will mysteriously increase overnight like fuel prices. I also believe that Michael Schiavo has some other unknown reason for his stance on his wife's situation. Perhaps not being legally able to process a divorce or an insurance policy payoff upon her death. The state court is willing to take his word that she wished to die in this situation prior to June of1990 while she was able to speak. There just has to be more involved in this decision and verification of the reports on the news will become very important.

More Recent Lovely News
          Scott Peterson received the death sentence and will be sponging life on death row at our taxed expense for years until the system processes his well-earned death. Perhaps he should be starved to death.

          Border Security records show 100,000 illegal aliens were caught crossing the US. South border in 1970...more than a million per year now…132 nationalists from suspected terrorist countries entered through the Southern border of the US last year. These numbers reflect only the illegal aliens caught crossing the border…1 border. Time to read “Invasion” by Michelle Malkin.

          John Couey, a registered, free roaming sex offender, felon, confessed to the abduction and murder of Jessica Lunsford, a 9 year old girl from Homosassa Florida. He took her from her bedroom on February 23rd 2005, and buried her under the stairs of his sister’s house less than 150 yards from the Lunsford’s home. It took police 3 weeks to find Couey through the sex offender list in Florida where they discovered that there is at least 50 of the 400,000 nationally registered sex offenders living free within a few miles of Homosassa.
         His sister, Dorothy and two other friends have been indicted for interfering with justice by lying to police, and buying him a bus ticket to Savanna Georgia to escape the police investigation. He was found drinking in a bar in Savanna and confessed before undergoing a lie detector test. Mr. John Couey is in custody and has been placed under suicide watch. He does have rights you know. Is that a legal right to protect life? Perhaps he should be starved to death.

          Baseball hearings in regards to steroid use and the league’s current abuse program has graced our television sets. I believe they could all be lying about Jose Canceco lying for book profits. Barry Bonds is exempt of course. Mark McGuire is not lying but subjected to the harshest criticism. My favorite statement was by a retired player whose name escapes me, but he contends that an athlete’s ability begins deteriorating after the age of 30. That makes sense to me. Every player in this hearing is over 30 and they all grew larger, stronger and compiled amazing statistics surpassing their stats of younger years.
         None of the players testifying,(except Canceco)saw any one using steroids during their many years, many months every year, many games together as part of a team in locker rooms, transportation hours together, promo engagements, and photo shoots even during the off-season. Give me a break…. I am not here to talk about the past….Guilty…Let’s take away the street named after him.
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