Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/951065-Happy-Ending
Rated: E · Prose · Death · #951065
Just a story about an accident
As the tires flew off my car in every direction, I froze in terror, drawing myself into a tight ball as I braced for the impact that seemed to take forever in coming. I could feel my mind spinning wildly with the out of control car as blots, splatters and a canvas of indeterminable colors careened across my horizon. My fists clenched tighter against a steering wheel fighting me to its death. Like an operatic battle where I, the hero, am about to meet my perilous doom, fighting against a Beowulf of insurmountable strength.I could hear the screeching sound of my car’s hulky metal as it skidded down the blistering cement road. It was like a death song serenading me to my ending. I did not see flashes of my life as I had expected in events such as this. Just blurred faces I would never see again. I could not cry or wince, too panicked to think. One continuous chaotic motion ended in an abrupt crash against the arms of a highway railing. I was flung against my seat and then back again into my fetal position. A final crash ripped through the air as my death machine ricocheted violently off the walls, finally slamming to a sudden stop against a hardwood oak. And then - there was blackness.

I remember waking up to the sounds of wailing sirens, incomprehensible voices and random points of flashing red and blue light as my eyes flickered between awareness and unconsciousness. As I regained some semblance of awakening, from my submission into the abyss, I could feel the wind tickling my body. I realized I was freezing, and the coldness hit me harder than my car had hit those railings. Despite the restraints I could feel around me, my body was shuddering with every gentle breeze. It seemed I was strapped to some sort of girdle. My legs and chest were tied down and my head was in a brace. I wanted to turn my head to find a person, someone who could help me, to ease my discomforts. I tried to speak, but my lips only formed the words. I did not have enough strength in me to say the words I so desperately wanted to speak. To my dismay my eyes would not focus. Something was trickling slowly across my face - it felt like an ant laboring with its baggage as it walked across my hypersensitive skin. And then - there was blackness.

The pain was both dull and blistering, and woke me like a bolt of lightning. The pain was everywhere - like lapping waves over hot flowing lava. I did not know where the pain came from or where it ended. I awoke again, this time to bright lights that stung my eyes. Once more I could not focus – the bright light blinded me. To my surprise I did not feel the wind bristle against my skin, although I did feel other irritations. There was a growing pain radiating from my chest area. It was an intense radiating pain like my heart had been pierced through. I knew there was something wrong but did not know what it was. From what I could make out, I was in a small enclosure of some sort. So I closed my eyes shut and just listened. I was moving, this I could feel. And I heard sounds of passing cars. Than I heard a voice to my right say something I could not make out. And a response from my left, again unintelligible. I must be in an ambulance but there was no sound of a siren. I moved my mouth again to talk. To ask what had happened to me. To find out where I was and where I was going. But no words would form. My mouth was dry to the point of discomfort. I could feel the prickliness in the back of my throat. And then - there was blackness.

I awoke with tubes up my nostrils and arms, underneath covers warm and soft to the touch. The light was soft and gentle and not cold and harsh like before. I felt no pain, it was like a dream. There was glow and warmth that had not been around before now. Experimentally I moved my legs and arms. They felt heavy and strange, but at least I could move them this time.Pain returned to my limbs so I relaxed, but my mind was at ease. I than turned my head to the left and noticed my parents side by side on easy back chairs, with their heads tilted towards one another and resting blissfully. It was very peaceful and I did not wake them. They never looked more intimate and close. I turned to my right and there she was, eyes aglow and at attention. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. No sign of makeup, flowing locks all in bunches and shoulders slumped over with fatigue. There was the first sign of tears, resting gently on her eyelids, about to come forth if not for floodgates holding them back. There was tiredness in her posture but attentiveness in her eyes as she blessed me with a soft and loving smile. Then the tears trickled like soft rain on rose pedals. She moved with quick haste towards me and lightly caressed my face with the back of her hand, loving me with every touch, so gently as if I could break with every movement. Every ounce of my being felt her soft light strokes as if she were renewing my life energy. Then she placed on my forehead a kiss of immense joy from velvety soft lips. Heaven could not be so embraced with love and affection. All I could do was to return a half smile back to say thank you. And then - there was light.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/951065-Happy-Ending