Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/950907-Bank
Rated: 13+ · Other · Thriller/Suspense · #950907
A man walks into a bank and finds himself in a situation that he doesn't bargin for.
The bullet buried itself in the old mans head. The skin parted and the bullet pressed itself farther into the soft grayish brains.For a brief second Ryan could see the marble pillars through the small hole. The blood sprayed out of the water hose like hole. The blood stained the marble floor of the four story bank then the body collapsed to the floor lifelessly. A high pitched scream came from a woman standing in the line. She cried hysterically as she watched the old man lay in his own thick blood.

The man shouted out orders from beneath his black ski mask that no one was to move or another would die. His black pants and matching shirt now lay completely still. He told hem to keep quiet until he leaves.Ryan's heart beat wildly with fear. How could someone be so heartless that he would kill a random person? This man was insane.
He had no heart or even a concious.

A phone rang through out the halls and off the walls made of marble. The man slowly walked to the phone and picked up the receiver. After it reached his ear and waited a moment before he spoke. His words were quiet and Ryan couldn't make out many of his words but the one phrase he heard was "Call me Hawk!" His voice was harsh and deep. After the phone conversation ended he hung the phone up softly and looked around. His eyes moved slowly from all thirteen people. It was as if he was choosing his next pray.

"You people are very good with directions."Hawk finally said. "Once again you guys will be quiet. My intentions have not much to do with you. I want three million dollars dilivered here in two hours. If the money doesn't arrive here by then, I will shoot one of you every ten minutes until i get it. That gives them two hours. Until then you will stay quiet."

A woman with burnette colored hair started to sob until Hawk pointed the gun at her. The two hours slowly crept by but they eventually passed. Once again the phone rang and Hawk answered it. He talked for about ten minutes and then hung up the phone again. He looked at the people again and ordered them into a line. They obeyed. "They are not here yet and they said they will be delayed. So one of you will die now." He slowly pointed the gun at each person then stopped. The six women sobbed more and more.

"You look like fun." Hawk sneered as he had the cold metal weapon pointed at Ryan. The scared man had sweat dripping off his brow. He was the chosen one to die. His body would be buried and who would care? He didn't know. "Don't worry. I will make it fast. Just remeber, I didn't do this the mayor and whoever else involved signed your death certificate." As he cocked the weapon a crash sounded behind them.

Hawk wheeled around and fired a bullet missing his target.There out of the ceiling stood a man dressed from head to foot in black velvet looking material. He wore a mask with a visor made of some type of light glass. This man was a swat. In his hand he held a machine gun of some type, Ryan couldn't tell. It was long and slender. Sleek black metal covered the deadly rifle. Hawk pointed the gun back at Ryan but kept his head turned to the swat.

"You don't want to do that!" The newly arrived guy hollerd across the room. "He isn't of importance." The man started to stroll slowly forward. Hawk cocked the gun but the man didn't stop. Hawk looked irritated through the slits for eyes.

"You take one more step and I will SHOOT!" Hawk shreiked, but man continued forward. Finally Hawk put pressure on the trigger and let the bullet fly at amazing speeds out of the barrel. The small metal bullet tore through Ryans chest. His lungs exploded with pain as he took ragged breaths. Cold red blood filled his lungs as his knees gave away. They hit the ground with excruciating pain.

Ryan felt his life slipping away. His hearing began to mute. The one sound he did hear was the sound of the swats gun going off then Hawk screaming. Ryan's eyes closed and his body withered. Sleep sounded nice. Ryan closed his eyes.

Death was rapture.

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