Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/949257-Lend-a-Hand
by Reason
Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #949257
A simple gift for the world we live in
Lend a Hand

         When we are growing up we are taught that we can be whatever we want to be. School teaches us the way things work and inadvertently how to relate with others. Religion teaches us morals and gives us the opportunity to forgive ourselves for doing what we are taught is wrong. Our perspectives are shaped and created during this learning process but then all of a sudden we realize that something is wrong or missing from our lives. We know how to analyze, figure, and relate but we were never taught how to live. Our thinking is narrowed during our lives through education and our peers. What happened to the open mind we once had when we were young?

         There are many spiritual awakenings that happen to us as we get older and many philosophies and teachings (some of them new religious beliefs). A time comes to us all when we realize that something is wrong. Many hide this thought, or feeling, because it is too painful or scary to think about. Drugs and alcohol help to put our feelings to a place we can forget about them so that we can go out and trudge along in the life we have accepted and hate. I speak of we as in the general majority, not in each of us specifically.

         Fear of change, fear of failure, fear of ridicule and the fear of doing something out of the norm are what hold most people back and keep them trapped in despair and unhappy lives. Fear is the one foe that everyone faces and only a few conquer. Even when help is offered very few accept it. Only when a person has determined to change their life and commits themself to change what is going on in their world will they take a chance. The poor have to struggle more to change and do what they really want then do the wealthy or those without financial burdens. When you struggle to pay the bills and feed your children it is not an easy task or choice to change your life around in a new direction because this change will not happen overnight and then fear makes its presence known.

         If each one of us that has found happiness or pleasure in life would help just one person find their way then if that person helped one other and the chain kept going imagine what this world would be like in a few years. In this country information is available to everyone. There is no excuse for the poverty, homelessness and abuse that abounds here except for selfishness, greed and insincerity. A Buddhist philosophy sums this thought up very well " We are all intertwined in this world with every other living organism. Everything we do directly relates with everything else in this world." Jesus tried to teach us to care and be sincere; to treat others the same way we want to be treated and to forget the material things that are superficial. Buddhism also teaches this and so do many of the religions of the world. Why do we ignore this one basic fact?

         Jesus had a sense of humor (as well as many of the other religious leaders of different religions) and did not preach be good or go to Hell. These teachings, that are idolized by most of the worlds religions, have philosophies that try to tell us treat others the way you want to be treated, help out your fellow human and don't abuse others, other life, or this world we live in. This is not all that religions teach but it is a fundamental practice in most.

         The people that need our help most are not here on the computer. Trying to reach these people is not easy. All we can do is reach out and offer our help. Fear will hold most back but those that seek our help, advice and guidance are those that we should contribute to. Our prejudices are self taught as well as our selfishness and greed. Never force yourself, your opinion, or your help on anyone but do give it when it is asked for.
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