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The Far Side of Space Prologue "Quickly, Luke get behind the couch." whispered the panicked mother as she pushed her child behind a sofa. "If anything happens to me or your father run to Miss Kryder's house next door." The frightened four year old slowly shook his head up and down several times and ducked. Then the woman turned just in time to see the front door crash open and five none uniformed guerrilla soldiers armed with automatic pistols burst through the space where the door had fomerly been. The husband who was standing nearby calmly asked the soldiers, "What's the problem,is there anything I can do for you?" The lead soldier wasted no time in replying, "Yes get out of my way now we need to search your home" "and what do you expect to find?"the father replied. The lead guerrilla didn't reply he simply pushed by and entered the dining room and looked around in the corner he spotted a large metal desk covered in papers he strode up to it and scattered papers all over the room then threw open a couple drawers in the bottom one he found an envelope filled with all kinds of maps and supply manifests he turned and asked the frightened husband and wife what he had they both just stared blankly back at him then furious the guerrilla raised his gun and the sound of an automatic pistol split the air. Day 1 Luke Cain Awoke to the steady beeping of his alarm. His watch showed 05:30 military time. He rolled out of his bed and pulled on his LCU(light combat uniform) pants and shirt he then slipped on his boots and tied them. Before long the other men started waking up. There were ten of them including Luke. They were all commandos for the United Planets Space Command(UPSC) which is in charge of planetary defense in the Coronia Galaxy. Luke's unit was stationed at the UPSC headquarters on the planet Mirk. Both Luke and his comrades were out of basic training. This would be their first day together as a unit. He looked around proudly watching as his men slowly dressed and put on their boots in true miltary with speed and prcision not a button out of place. The first slivers of light were coming through the windows into the building giving just enough light to see in the dim barracks. The barracks was well built made of steel and reinforced with titanium . Military beds lined both walls, there was a small window above each bed, and a heavy metal door at one end on the opposite side there was a stove, a cooler, and a field radio. As the men were up one private,Wilson walked over to the cooler, took some ingredients out, and started preparing breakfast for the whole the squad. Meanwhile other soldiers composed messages to friends and family and read the planetary news from there hand held computers. Luke wishing not to be late for orders walked over and typed in the code to open the door. It swung open easily and he walked into the heavy morning air. As he stepped out the bright morning sun blinded him for a second but he soon found himself watching, listening, and admiring life in Fort Gemini. Luke stared as whole squads of commandos with polished boots striking the hard packed ground at the same moment marched by. Captains were shouting orders to the soldiers. Sentries exchanged shifts. Patrols left on mock missions. Off in the distance Luke could even hear artillery crews sighting in their guns. And here he was right in the middle of it. Just like he had always dreamed. But Luke wasted no time in making his way to the Colonel's office to receive his squad's duties for the day. As he entered the officers building he turned to the guard standing at attention to his right. "Requesting permission to see the Colonel?" The gaurd checked his credentials for a moment then handed them back. "Permission granted" the guard replied. Luke walked down a short dimly lit hall past a couple of doors that each had the names of lower ranked officers on them to one with a small sign that read "Colonel Mark Marshael". Luke hesitated a second wondering if he should knock but decided that the Colonel was most likely waiting for him anyways then he entered the room. The Colonel sat behind a large metal desk with papers stacked all over it. After studying each other a moment Luke was surprised to see that the Colonel did not appear much older then the 19 he was probably only early twenties. "Captain Luke Cain reporting for duty" Luke snapped in military fashion. "Ah yes Captain Cain" the Colonel responded . From behind his cluttered desk he shoveled through a few stacks of papers and files then withdrew one file with Luke's name on it he opened it scanned it over then looked up at Luke again "just out of Camp Jolsen eh? well it looks like you'll be on patrol in the forest outside the South Gate". "Sir," Luke said. "what will I be patrolling for"? "Oh... nothing really, it’s just a chance to get your unit out and together." "Yes sir." Luke replied, snapped a salute turned and left." When he returned to his barracks most the commandos were eating breakfast. Those that were already done were taking care of their weapons and supplies. As soon as he entered they all stood up at attention and saluted. "Come on guys I'm only a captain first class with no decorations" Luke said feeling his face turn red. The men all with wide grins on their faces soon went back to what they had previously been doing before he entered. Luke walked over to his bed and pulled a large metal container out from under it. He set it on his bed and proceeded to open it. It contained all his military equipment including meals ready to eat extra clothing, Zeflon coated blankets, several boxes of i-cores and a few other miscellaneous things. Then after neatly putting some nesescary items in his small hiking pack, he strapped the pack to his back and walked across to the gun rack. after much deliberation he singled out a M3 ion assault rifle. The M3 was the newest rifle in the UPSC military. The gun had a stock of heavy, black plastic, a pistol grip and held one i-core which was capable of firing about fifty rounds without a reload give or take a few shots. Luke walked up to the front of the barrack. The squad was almost finished packing their equipment and most already had turned their eyes on him, so there was no need for an "Attention" order. "Well boys," he voiced as clearly and loudly as he could so as to sound like a true leader. "Today we are going to be on patrol in the forest outside the South Gate I'm not exactly sure what we're in for so make sure you've packed anything we might need". No one knew much about the area so they tried to pack anything that came to mind with in a few minutes all of them were outside and ready to go on there first assignment as a unit. They walked down rows of Barracks and armories, a hospital, and other military buildings on their way to the South Gate. Soon they arrived just inside the South Gate. There were several sentries keeping watch over the heavy metal doors which kept the base safe from any possible intruder. Luke after scanning the area walked over to a computer screen mounted on the wall near the door looked it over then tapped the touch sensitive screen a few times entering his UPSC ID the computer checked the databases registered his name rank and latest post then the gate squeaked and slowly creaked open. The squad moved through and when the last man was through,the gate which was operated by a guard inside swung slowly shut. Luke and his squad marched down the road in neat double file lines joking and lauphing the whole way. They had been marching for about fifteen minutes and had yet to find any sort of path or trail into the forest. Luke begining to think that mabey he had misunderstood the Colonel turned to Private Jake Shael whom he had appointed second-in-command. "Isn't there supposed to be a trail or something into the forest around here "? "Yeah, it's just around a bend in the road up ahead according to the map". Jake replied. After another minute or maybe more they came around a bend. Another patrol ing squad was just leaving the forest path about fifty feet away. Luke wanting to gather more info on what was ahead walked up to the other squad's lead officer. He was a Capt. 2nd class and had probably been on a few of these patrols. He wasn't a tall man but not skinny or weak by any means. "Sir," Luke asked, "this is my first patrol in this area, good you give me an idea of what's it like in there?" The officer hesitated a second looking Luke and his squad over , "Well it's dark and wet but not really dangerous nothing in there but a bunch of gnats." "Okay then I geuss we are good to go." Luke acknowledged then smiled and added "I seen a lot worse than a swarm of gnats back in boot camp". The other officer chuckled and went to retrieve his squad most of whom were busy chatting with Luke's patrol. "Come on boys lets go" Luke ordered. Everybody fell slowly into marching positions. Luke paused a second before starting as he peered down the dark trail. He was able to see that about a hundred feet down, the path narrowed significantly to narrow for double file. Luke turned around and faced his commandos. "We're going to go single file and every one stick close". The squad changed positions accordingly and Luke walked into the forest followed by nine UPSC soldiers. As they walked through the forest Luke noticed it was getting darker by the the step. Soon it got to the point where he had to step off the path and sit on an old rotting log he motioned for the rest to do the same. Once everyone was seated Luke started. "Okay everybody, its just getting too dark in here; did anyone besides me bring night-vision goggles". Luke could scarcely see every one shaking there heads side-to-side. Luke thought for a second then decided. "Well,I guess take point and you guys follow real close and don't get seperated". Luke put his goggles on adjusted the settings according to the level of darkness then checked to make sure everyone was set to follow him and started off. After walking for nearly a mile Luke and the rest came to a fork in the trail. He looked down each trail then turned to Jake. "Let me see your map". Jake hastily reached into one of his pockets but his hand came out empty. "I think I lost it back there when we rested it must have fell when I sta down" he replied obviously disappointed in himself. "But," he continued, "these trails go in a loop right back to here if I remember correctly." Luke gazed down each trail then decided that was all they knew and he would have to make a judgment accordingly he then opted to take the right. After starting again they walked through dark muggy jungle for what seemed like hours with sweat streaming down their faces and gnats buzzing all around their heads but was really closer to only a half an hour. As they walked Luke began to noticed increased disturbances on his hand held sonic sensor. At first he figured it was just the rain forest and its inhabitints but he soon realized the sonic levels were too high to be just the jungle, even with its abundance of wildlife. Luke gave the order for everyone to rest then he pulled Jake aside. "Hey Jake." "Yeah." "I'm getting high readings on my sonic sensor, any idea what might be causing it?" "Here let me check" responded Jake who seemed to know everything about anything electronic. Luke handed the palm sized monitor to Jake. The monitor was jet black and rectangular shaped with a small screen that gave the readings and a few keys underneath. Jake gazed over it for a moment pressed a couple buttons then handed it back to Luke. He stared at the ground puzzled for a moment then looked up at Luke. "I don't know what's causing them but if I were you I'd keep an eye on it". Soon the ten figures cloaked in mist and thick vegetation were on the move again. Luke was regularly peering down at his sensor for awhile the readings whent down but then they rose again. As He looked up from his sensor after one glance that showed spiked readings He was startled to see through the dense mass of undergrowth a dim bluish light moving towards them rapidly. He looked back down at the sonic sensor's monitor. The readings were as if He were standing back at the Fort during combat drills. He looked up again just in time to see the light fly onto the trail. It seemed to be the headlight from some kind of hover craft. And before he realized what was happening the craft came speeding down the narrow trail with weapons flaring a blinding white-purple. By the time it flew past them every one in the squad had there rifles unslung and had opened fire. As the hover craft sped away a hail of bright blue ion bolts followed it but they missed there mark and discharged there loads of energy into the surrounding trees and shrubbery burning anything that they touched and leaving the stench of vaporized plant in thier noses. Luke, still lying down,felt sweat start to flow freely this had scared him and he was not easily frightened. Then he looked back expecting to see half the squad dead. Lucky for them whoever was piloting the craft wasn't a very good shot. One by one they picked themselves up off the ground dusted of andcontenued on down the narrow trail. By the time they got back to the Fort it was nearing dusk. The rest of their excursion had gone without event but they were all still very shaken. Luke told them all to go back to the barracks and he would report to the Colonel. As he entered the building he once again turned to the guard requested to see the Colonel and once again he was granted his request He walked quickly down the hall opened the officer’s door and stepped in. He snapped a fast salute and began, "Sir we were attacked and we tried to shoot it but it was to fast." Colonel Marshael looked at him then spoke, "Slow down and explain the whole trip to me." "Well," Luke began, " first we set of down the road and all went well then just before we entered the forest we talked to some other soldiers just finishing thier patrol, but they had to get back here to the fort so when they left we entered, we took a few breaks along the way and soon the tree tops blocked so much light it got to dark to see so I put on my night vision goggles and we kept going then started getting lots of disturbances on my sonic sensor, then as I was watching the path ahead I noticed a bright light moving towards us that proceded to come onto the trail ahead of us and we saw it was some kind of a speeder or hover craft we all jumped to the ground beside the trail and took cover the thing whatever it was started shooting at us and as it went by the whole squad tried to shoot it but it was so fast that noone could posible hit it after that was over we walked the rest of the patrol and way back." Colonel Marshael started then looked at him with wide eyed. amazement"That thing you saw, was it black and shaped like a wedge with short stubby wings?" "Yes now that I think about it." "You know what it was?" asked the Colonel, "It was a Federation Predator Advanced Scout Speeder also known as a PASS." Luke just stood there a moment thinking then said, "So the Federation is on this planet." The Colonel just nodded his head. replying grimly that the enemy always sent there scouts on to planets to recon before an assault of which there had been many within the past year. They probobly wanted to take Fort Gemini because it was UPSC HQ. Originally the Federation as it was called had merely been a small religious and guerrilla movement contained to a few small planets but about six years ago they started producing there own space craft allowing a rapid spread through out the whole galaxy but they didn't become a real threat until about three years ago when they came out with their own weaponry,fusion weapons, allowing them to compete with the well equipped and technological advanced UPSC making a formidable foe. Day 2 That night Luke couldn't hardly sleep He even got up a couple times for air. So the next morning it was no challenge to be dressed and on his way to the Colonels office around five in the morning. Though unsure if the Colonel would be up yet Luke figured he could wait if he had to. As it turned out the Colonel was up and ready to see Luke. "Good morning Cain had a feeling you'd drop by early what is it you want"? Luke paused a moment unsure how to say what he was about to. "Sir" he began "I would like to go on a search and destroy mission I would like to go find out where that PASS came from destroy it and any Federation soldiers I come across". The Colonel after hearing this stared into space thinking on what Luke had said "I was planning to have Captain Nesmar do it he and his sqaud are more experienced but your squad is the only one thats seen the enemy so, ya I guess that would work". "Thank you sir"Luke replied clearly elated in the fact he was able to land the mission "Hey Cain " "Ya" "I know its your first real mission and all but please, don't do anything stupid". "I wont sir". When Luke returned to his bunker only a few men were up those being Shael and Wilson he informed them both of the latest developments and by the time he finished they were both quite visibly excited. Not long after that most the men were up Luke told them all to prepare for a "real" mission Luke himself dressed in a Heavy Combat Uniform offering much more protection the the LCU the HCU did have its downsides including the fact that it was very heavy did not allow for much air circulation and could become very hot. He also grabbed two type 23 stun gas grenades in case he had a chance to take any captive and his M3. After briefing every one of the mission and thier objectives they were soon on their way down the road headed towards their combat zone. All patrols to that area had been stopped due to clear and imminent danger so they encountered none on the way. Upon reaching the edge of the forest Luke ordered NV goggles to be put on which every one had this time and they entered the gloom. Making the walk down the path to the point where the had seen the PASS the day before seemed like an eternity knowing that some could get injured or killed but after not long they arrived at the split in the trail and shortly there after they came to the place of "first contact" after carefully investigating the area for clues as to where the PASS came from they found a sort of trail probably beaten down from frequent trips by the PASS or PASSes. Luke ordered every one to stay quiet and keep there eyes peeled after traveling the trail for a few minutes Luke started to notice the same type of sonic readings he had been receiving the day before right before the enemy had appeared he quickly ordered everyone to take cover and not to fire unless he gave the order. then he consulted with Jake they both agreed that it was the PASS not seconds later a bluish light was spotted on the trail back the way they had come. everyone ducked low as the PASS flew by washing the whole squad in a heat wave followed by a heavy wind and then quiet. After a short wait to make sure the enemy was gone the squad was ordered up and they carefully continued on there way pausing every few minutes while Luke and Jake scouted ahead after about twenty minutes of doing this Jake spotted a break in the canopy far ahead. Luke ordered everyone to lie low while he and Jake once again whent ahead. As the two men cautiously advanced it became apparent that they had found something sonic readings were very high and the trail was much more frequented. Crawling carefully to the edge of the small clearing they saw just what they had been searching for,three large tents camouflaged to blend in with the surrounding foilage a parked PASS and a medium range light transport,after watching a few more minutes they both crawled back to the others and informed them of the find and discussed what should be done. Luke decided an immediat attack was the best course of action and so led the other nine commandos forward. Upon reaching the edge of the clearing Luke silently positioned the men in a hidden skirmish line each about ten yards apart telling them not to fire until he gave the command. The soldiers lied in wait and for several minutes before seeing a Federation soldier emerge from the largest tent he stretched and looked around completely oblivious to the danger around him. At that moment Luke slowly raised his hand and dropped it nine shimmering blue ion bolts raced true from the gun barrels to the unsuspecting target he was almost completely disintegrated in a moment never knowing what had happened. Two others emerged armed with fusion rifles sending bright purple flares arcing towards the squads position but without really knowing where the enemy was they didn't stand a chance of hitting any one. Only seconds later a third federation soldier emerged but instead of carrying a fusion rifle he was armed only with a small orange box. All three enemy's turned and made a dash for the space transport followed by scores of ion bolts leaving miniature craters in the ground all around them then as the first two entered the craft the third carrying the box was hit full in the back by a ion bolt. But as he fell to the ground the door of the transport already closing he lunged forward throwing the orange cube into the craft. The hover pods slowly powered up lifting the space craft of the ground the then the fusion drive kicked in and the craft shot away trailing dozens of blue ion trails. Luke breathed deeply it was over at least this battle. He turned to Jake "any idea what that box was"? Jake turned to Luke "I'm not sure but if I had to guess I'd say it was most likely whatever they found including diagrams of the fort,maps of the surrounding area and so on contained in a 'black box'of sorts". Luke ordered the squad to investigate the camp while he and Jake talked things over. After talking a few minutes they decided the best thing to do would be to return to base and request permission to follow the enemy craft and destroy it. They called every one together told them the needed to return quickly to base. Nothing special was found at the camp the PASS,a sleeping tent, some repair tools for the PASS and other miscellaneous equipment. They all upon hearing Lukes order quickly fell into file and started jogging at a brisk pace back towards the fort. When they had arrived back at the base Luke sent the whole squad back to the barracks to grab extra supplies for an extended operation while he made off to the Colonels office. When he arrived he didn't waste any time with formalities. "Sir some of the enemy escaped our weopons fire with some valuble info concerning the area requesting permission pursue them" The Colonel not fully understanding but realizing Luke's urgency qickly granted permission "Permission granted,if you need a craft there's a space dock about nine miles east of here you can use my private personnel carrier to get there also you should take another squad with you how about Nesmar's squad" "Thats fine sir but I would like to be responsible for this mission and he out ranks me" The Colonel grabbed a pen shuffled through his desk found a certain yellow slip of paper scribbled something on it handed it to Luke and said"here is a temporary promotion to captain 3rd class, go to barracks one forty seven from there someone should be able to tell you where to find Nesmar" "Yes Sir" Luke turned and sprinted out of the building and back to barracks the men were busy packing extra supplies like tents,rations,spare i-cores,and other extra equipment. A minute or two later a large armored vehicle pulled up outside the building Luke ordered everyone to pile in and told the driver to go to barracks one hundred forty seven the huge wheels kicked up several chunks of packed clay in replie few seconds later they stopped in front of a somewhat older looking barracks Luke hopped out and ran into the building a man was standing on the far side of the room Luke walked up to him it was apparently a private returning to fill some canteens for the rest of his squad members he revealed the others from his squad were standing guard over the north gate Luke told him to go to the base garage and retrieve a second armored transport for the other squad the young private responded without question well Luke and his squad continued to the north gate when he got there he had just enough time to explain to Adam Nesmar the situation before the second personnel carrier drove up. Adam told his squad to load up then informed Luke they would go back to there barrack to retrieve some supplies and meet Luke at the east gate. Luke got there only about three minutes before Nesmar did due to the other squads obvious experience in both packing and the layout of the fort. They agreed to stick together to the space port though not more than a half mile into the trip it was obvious it was developing into an unofficial race Luke had the better vehicle but Nesmar and his squad new all the shortcuts and slowly pulled away. But it couldn't be a long race due to the fact that space port to soon came into view. Luke and Adam upon reaching the terminal rushed inside and requested as to what UPSC craft were available the attendant walked them through a few doors then outside to a small enclosed area with numerous craft "You can have any one of these you want" the attendant said scanning the space craft all around them. The one that Luke and Nesmar finally agreed on was a light transport,The SCS Finders Keeper Luke charged it to UPSC credits and had the attendant open access doors to the rear pad and told the men to load the armored transports into the craft. After every thing was loaded and they had found a couple of UPSC pilots willing to fly them they lifted of of the pad it was 10:30 the enemy had almost a forty five minute head start. The light transport cruised through space for about an hour on their way to an inter-space jump point. Luke was busy looking over galactic maps and reading guides when the jump point came into view Luke had seen them before a few times but he couldn't help feeling amazed as the huge ring came closer,nearly a mile across and with a sheet of green energy stretched over the whole center it was a sight to behold. It probably took the guerrillas as well as every one else quite some time to receive clearance to enter. But the pilots telling one of the operators in the large control station mounted on the side of the ring their mission then reading of some numbers and letters received near instant clearance and they entered. As they flew through the energy field it stretched like a sheet of latex then snapped and the ship was in inter-space,a sort of glowing energy tube surrounded them on all sides as an unseen force pulled them forward at hundreds of thousands of miles an hour then another energy field after 'breaking' this one they entered the inter-space highway. Basicly a space road linking all the solar systems in the galaxy that in simple terms made traveling a hundred light years like one. This making it possible for convenient travel from one solar system to the next. Although they could reach extremely high speeds of about a light year an hour in normal space it was still not really practical to travel between solar systems without the highway. Luke told the pilots to keep their eyes peeled for a federation ship then he handed them a hand held computer with a picture of a federation light transport and told them thats what it would look like. Then he went back to take stock of the soldiers he had to work with from his squad he had one sniper,one ion rocket trooper and seven regulars and from Adams squad he had another sniper,two ion rocket troopers,six more regulars and then Adam himself no sooner had he finished reviewing his soldiers than the co-pilot called him up front peering out the view port he pointed and said "there next to that big freighter you see it?" It didn't take long for Luke to spot it a small grey craft lined with red stripes and twin fusion reactors on the rear. "Ya thats the one get up on its six I'll climb up in the ion turret and open fire when we get in close." The pilot nodded and turned to his new task he was successfully able to maneuverer his ship right behind the enemies but when Luke opened fire he was only able to lightly spatter the craft in ion before the enemy ship shot away. The pilot turned charged up the engine and shot away in hot pursuit the gap slowly shrunk but then just as the pilot was ready to make his move a medium sized trans bus cut him of the pilot threw the craft hard right and down into a sharp roll narrowly missing the passenger laden ship. Then as he re-stabilized the craft he caught site of the enemy ship and quickly started to follow. But whatever the pilot of the opposing craft was he was not stupid as once again the UPSC ship was about to close the gap the federation ship opened fire on a garbage ship sending debris flying in all directions. Luke watched helplessly as huge chunks of metal and other assorted pieces of debris flew closely by but his pilot was skilled and avoided all the junk. But after all this Luke was finnaly able to get a clear point blank shot damaging one of the crafts engines the enemy ship slowly limped on until it came to a jump point and used it to exit inter-space. When Luke and his ship came out the federation ship was just a speck in the distance man those guys always seemed to have the jump on him. He exited the ion turret and went to see the pilots who were able to succesfully lock onto the enemy ship and put their craft on auto pilot to follow. Luke then went back to living quarters to take a much needed break from all the stress. As he lay in bed he couldn't take his mind of the enemy ship where was it going what was in the box would it be smart to destroy it then things became foggy thoughts started to blur and finnaly sleep. Day 3 As Luke awoke he checked his watch. Not that time mattered much while in space travle but anyways it was 2:13 am he looked around apparently the co-pilot,Matterson had waken him. Luke got up straightened his LCU which he had changed into the night before and asked "So what is it?" "Well sir we've brought the enemy ship into range and are awaiting orders." "Let me see" Luke said walking upto the cockpit there it was the enemy target that had caused them all so much trouble was right there in plain sight he gave the order to bring them in close while he took the turret. He then climbed into the gunning position and regained sight of the enemy he knew that this time he had to destroy it. Otherwise it might simply make a crash landing on a federation held planet in the area. The pilot brought them in to about fifty yards Luke carefully swung the sighting cross hairs onto the enemy craft held it and squeezed a sustained burst then watched as the craft erupted into flames and blew appart He quickly climbed down to the office where Jake was monitoring the wreckage with a mass density camera . "Well Jake what do you think did we get the box?" Luke inquired. "Yes I think we did sir,no wait there,there it is no sir I'm afraid we didn't get it." Luke stood there a second pondering the latest information he had hoped this would be the end of the problem but things just got dragged out more and more then he called for Nesmar "Well,Adam,Jake whats your opinion what do both of you think we should do?" After a brief discussion they decided that the box would probably be pulled through the atmosphere on the planet DeTelin and that they should go after it. After that Luke busied himself informing the two squads of what was to be done he could tell that after hearing this they all became much more sober and serious. Being soldiers they would have normally enjoyed this but this time it was different they were going onto a hostile planet occupied by hundreds of thousands of enemy troops set on destroying or converting the entire universe starting with the Coronia galaxy. They were out numbered and didn't know the terrain or how to prepare,it was a military nightmare come true. But never the less it had to be done and at the moment they were the best group of soldiers to carry it out. Luke started to set things in motion by ordering the armored transports to be loaded with supplies and fueled. If there was one thing that gave them a chance it was the big armored six wheeled APC's and Luke would need every advantage he could get. As the men loaded the vehicles the three commanders Luke,Adam,Jake and pilots held a sort of conference discussing their chances and probable casualties. They would probably lose a few men and the chances of recovering the small box on a huge planet was slim but it was a chance they had to take. After all the supplies were loaded the APC's fueled and the men were ready Luke told the pilot to go in and for Jake to try to triengulate a possible area in which the box might have landed. All twenty two men on board strapped in for the rough atmosphere entry. At first all went well with the routine shaking and vibrating. But then as the pilot worked to keep everything running properly which can be hard at the temperatures that the craft endures while entering the atmosphere. He glanced out the window and was surprised at what he saw,huge white purple blasts rising up at the craft from the planet below not a second lter the fusion blasts hit. Completely wiping out all primary power and systems. The pilot turned on the emergency siren then struggled to make his way to the back of the craft where chaos reigned,supplies and equipment falling and tumbling everywhere,fires breaking out all over,men trying to strap on personal emergency para gliders and others attempting to equip the APCs with the same. Luke ordered the pilot back to the cockpit telling him to open the rear cargo door so they could get the APCs out. The pilot wasted no time in doing so and when he finished he also grabbed the badly burnt co-pilot and dragging him along side returned to the rear compartment. The commandos were now busy trying to force the APCs out the now open hatch but the tilt of the doomed craft would not allow it. The pilot upon relizing the fate thet was about to take the whole crew did the greatest act any soldier can. He charged back into the blazing cockpit and switched the craft to manual control fighting the craft for controlhe was finnaly able to level. Not long after the ships velocity dropped as the APCs were rolled out the open hatch then lastly the soldiers jumped. He had saved them all but in so doing he had forfeited his own life as the last commando left the craft the pilot realized the terrible pain he was in and fell screaming to the floor but he was not in pain long because moments later the craft impacted the ground and it was over. Luke felt a cold rush of wind come over his face as he fell or rather was pushed from the burning craft. He had tried to go in and save the pilot from the cockpit but Jake and Adam wouldn't let him finally they pushed him of the craft knowing it was the only way to get him of the ship Luke knew this but still it didn't make him feel any better he should have called for reinforcements and waited but he wanted revenge for what the Federation had done so bad that he wasn't even making logical judgments. But now was not the time or place to be beating himself up there were more importient matters at hand he knew that once he got to the ground he would have to set of a signal flare to call the group together. After that though they would have to move out fast it would not be long before the Federation showed up. After a long fall he was able to guide himself down near a small lake. The planet DeTelin at least in this area seemed to be mostly deciduous forest freckled with a few lakes and small plains. As he had seen on the way down. He walked for a short ways and after finding a suitable hill he removed a flare from a belt pouch flicked the switch on the top and threw it high in the air. It erupted a moment later into a bright green streak arcing across the sky. He decided to find some cover and wait for the others to arive he chose a nearby tree that grew so tall that it offered a better view of the area than the hill had and settled in for a wait. The first person to meet up on the hill was a private from Nesmar's squad. The same one that had met them in the bunker early the day before. Luke told him to take cover as they didn't want any company sooner than needed. For the next twenty minutes the different men streamed into the meeting area including Nesmar and Jake each driving an APC. Soon the whole group was there except for the pilot and a man from Nesmar's team who got hung up in a tree and in trying to escape had fell to his death. Luke qeustioned everyone on what had happened on the way down,no true set backs were reported until Jake informed him that all the supplies from the Colonels persenole APC had fallen and was strewn in a several mile radius most important was that all the extra ammo was on it and would need to be recovered. This was a major blow instead of setting of to find the box right away they would now have to split up and recover supplies for the next sveral hours or even days. Luke decided that they should get going right away but then another setback just as he was about to split every one into groups for the search the low drone of a federation fighter was heard a ways of and nearing swiftly. The order was given for every one to scatter in the surrounding brush. The enemy fighter came into view not long after the last man took cover it circled low overhead then flew off but just as it could no longer be heard and they thought it was safe. A new sound rose from aways off a low steady rumbling and the sound of trees snapping and rocks breaking Luke knew what it was right away "Tanks!,every body climb in" Luke ordered as he jumped into the back of the nearest APC. He then ordered Jake to head in the direction of the tanks. Jake looked at him quizzically "but sir those tanks have more fire power than us five times over how can we possibly hope to destroy them?" "With speed Jake, with speed." Then Jake understood but another thought came to his mind. "But sir since were faster why not just run?" the subordinate officer requested. "Because Jake,if we run they will call in fighters to hunt us down our only chance is to go head on with them." Jake didn't understand completely but he obeyed and signaled the other driver to do likewise. It was not long before the two APCs in file emerged from the forest at a river bank. With four enemy tanks moving over the rushing water right at them. Jakes quick thinking saved all the soldiers in the first APC as he spotted the enemy he turned hard right drove about a hundred feet down river then turned towards then enemy while Luke at the gunning position scorched the armored sides of the tanks with ion fire. The other vehicle wasn't so lucky. It took heavy damage before the other driver had realized what was happening nobody was killed but the APC lay stranded in plain sight making an easy target for federation gunners wanting target practice. Luke ordered Jake to drive in right in front of there stranded comrades thereby creating a armored shield for the others to scramble and head for cover. The enemy tanks mercilessly pounded the surrounding area while Luke at his position and others attempted to take them out . There first real break came when a private sprinted from cover charging the tanks. The large enemy hover tanks tried to hit him with there weapons but to no avail as the turrets moved quite slow. As he neared them he revealed a grenade in his hand not a small stun grenade but a large ion grenade. He then commenced to climb the side of the tank throw open the hatch and drop the grenade inside after this he closed the hatch and was rewarded with a dull thud no doubt every one inside was dead. But the other tanks had a bead on him now and realizing they did not need to worry about injuring there fellow men they opened fire incinerating the brave UPSC commando. This inspired the rest of the squad as a anger for there lost friend brewed. A volley of grenades poured in at the tanks from all directions. Exploding every where. Another tank was put out of commission. A third was destroyed when two ion rockets hit their mark leaving a gaping whole in the armor which a moment later was filled with ion rifle fire. One more remained Luke kept the ion pouring sweeping the area from his turret position. Slowly weakening and damaging the thick armor on the last tank but not fast enough. He spotted one private cut down while attempting to rescue an injured friend who was subsequently killed and a third tried to pull the maneuver his fellow soldier had earlier and charge the tank but he was not so lucky. It was now getting dark making it very difficult for the enemy to spot the hiding men. But the UPSC commandos couldn't hardly miss the huge beast of war. Finally through stealth techniques and nearly fifteen grenades the enemy had finally been defeated. The cost had been pricey though two dead from the other squad and one from Luke's plus around four wounded. Luke had been hoping to find the box that day and leave the next but he knew now it was to late for that between the lost equipment they would probably have to wait till the third day. As for now he would find a place were they could all sleep and bed down for the night. But before they left the scene of battle Luke and Jake removed the ID cards from the dead both friend and foe. After walking a short ways they came across a large ditch that ran right through the forest and provided good cover. It must have been late summer because the ditch was completely dry and rather comfortable after a long day. |