Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/948464-Domestice-Cats--Family-Friends
by Shea
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Animal · #948464
Protest Letter -Save the domestic felines of Wisconsin...
This is my letter that I worte, I will also be sending a copy to Governor Jim Doyle. I am waiting for my family and friends to write their letter to attache with mine. Please let me know if I need to change or add anything. Thanks!

March 12, 2005

Mr. Paul Scott Hassett
Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
101 S. Webster Street AD/5
Madison, Wisconsin 53703

Dear Mr. Hassett,

I am writing this letter demanding the proposal allowing the hunting of domestic cats to be stopped. The last time I looked up the word domestic, it meant: home, household even family life.

First of all, what kind of hunter will belittle himself to killing a domestic cat – there is no challenge and hopefully no sense of accomplishment. A “real” hunter hunts for the game- the meat. My husband always tells me, what you hunt, you eat. How are we going to know that the person killing the cat has a hunting license?

Secondly, what are we teaching our children? Children are very impressionable and want to mimic everything adults do. Who is to say that they won’t a kill a cat, or worse, miss the cat and hit another human being, and on the flip side, a so-called “hunter” could miss the cat and hit a kid who could be running after the feline. This proposal is implying that it is “okay” to shoot a gun in the suburbs. I might be a little dramatic, but I have a son and I live in a subdivision where there are tons of free-roaming cats and would hate to know that while my child is playing, there could potentially be gunfire,

Third, this proposal is starting with free- roaming cats, what are next-dogs? You cannot let this proposal pass! There are alternatives such as: giving fines to cat owners whose cats are roaming outside without a collar or giving incentives to animal stores to hold mega collar sells. Whatever the alternate may be: it has to be better than HUNTING OF DOMESTIC CATS!

In conclusion, wild animals are intended to be hunted- not domestic animals. Please, I beg, do not pass this proposal.

Casey Schmidt
An owner of an inside/outside cat named Liebe and Great Dane, Sierra

Mother earth will live or die by mankind’s common fate. Everyone or no one will survive. - Buckminster Fuller

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