Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/948239-Death-and-Resurrection
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #948239
Short story about a pair of twins girl and boy who set off on a journey towards destiny

Drake and Melina were 15 year old twins. Drake was a strong looking boy with a very square jaw-line; his hair was as red as fire. Melina was an elegant and pretty young girl but she had a ferocious temper; her hair was long and was yellow like the sun reflecting on corn.

Drake and Melina lived at a time when the Law of the land was written by cruel overlords. they were the Overlords because they were the strongest at the time, and those who had the biggest army were the leaders. The Overlord's name was Scorpius; his followers were known as the Scorpiosis. These men were feared throughout the land. The city where they lived and gave orders from was Flarfetch, which was 30 miles from the town of Gangretu where Drake and Melina lived.

The twins so dearly wished to learn how to fight and how to become mighty warriors, so that one day they could challenge the mighty Scorpius and his army, and that someday they too may have an army of followers to battle for good and for freedom.

One day the twins, Drake and Melina, went into the heart of town, to the centre of Gangretu, looking for someone who would teach them to fight. They first of all paid a visit to the blacksmith, a huge man standing like a mountain at 6 feet 9 inches.
"Will you teach us how to fight?" asked Drake
"Me?" laughed the giant Blacksmith, "You must be joking, I don't know how to fight, I am just a simple Blacksmith, "" Why don't you ask Eli, the Butcher ? He's good with knives, he may be able to help you" he continued and then carried on making swords for the townsfolk.
Drake and Melina crossed the dirty, sandy street and saw a bloodied man stood outside a wicker hut; around this hut strewn all over the floor were carcasses of dead animals.
"Are you Elijah?" asked Melina, Drake elbowed her in the ribs" Eli, stupid, his name is Eli."
"Oops, I am sorry, I mean are you Eli, Eli the Butcher? asked Melina, now feeling quite silly for getting the man's name wrong.
"Yes I am," replied the man as he wiped his bloodied hands on his clothes then offered his hand in friendship, "What can I do for you two?"
"Can you teach us to fight?" they both asked together.
"I can't do that I am just a butcher, I only kill animals to eat not people, that is murder, no,no,no,no, can't do that" and with that went into the hut without saying another word.
"What a strange man," Said Melina to Drake. Drake agreed, and pointed to the Tavern.
"Let's see if anybody in there can teach us to fight."

As they drew closer to the Tavern there was a sickly sweet smell in the air which neither of them has smelled before, voices were coming from within, a kind of babble, getting louder and louder. As they entered the tavern a hush fell and it went silent. Drake and Melina felt as if all eyes were looking at them, they were.
"What do you two want?" a voice angrily called from the darkened corner of the Tavern.
"Sorry," gulped Drake, "but who are you?" he quivered, "please show yourself?" he asked. With that a frail old man, aided by a stick walked into the light where he could be seen he appeared to be blind as he reached out to his surroundings tapping everything with his stick.
"I said, what do you want?" the old man repeated.
"Can somebody teach us how to fight?" Melina asked, with that the whole tavern burst into laughter. "You fight? that's the silliest thing I have heard all week. Go back home." one of the men said.
Drake and Melina both hung their heads in despair and turned towards the door, the men in the tavern still laughing, when the old man cried"Stop!"
Everything went quiet, the twins stood rooted to the spot, they turned around, looked at the old man, who said "I will teach you how to fight, come outside, follow me."
So the twins followed him to a stream just outside the town. The twins told the old man that they have no money and would not be able to pay for his services. All the old man wanted was for someone to win the Ultimate Tournament held every year by the Evil Scorpius. In the past 25 years of the tournament nobody had ever beaten the might of Scorpius and his men, the only man who came close was the very man that was to teach Drake and Melina the art of fighting, he was blinded in his efforts to stop Scorpius, both his eyes were gouged out with a knife. The old man told the twins that he was too old and weak to take on the might of the evil overlord, and that he was hoping that someday someone may just have the courage to take up the challenge. He also told Drake and Melina that in order to defeat Scorpius they must, once he has taught them to fight, fight in smaller tournaments for the experience. All that the old man required was the power, glory and wealth restored to the area of Gangretu.


Many years had now passed and the twins were now twenty-five years old. Ten long hard years had passed. They had foought in many tournaments some they lost but many they had won. They were now looking like warriors. Drake had mastered the art of archery and Melina was a master with the sword. Between them they had killed many enemies of their homeland of Gangretu. They had met a lot of people on their travels, they have heard lots of stories abot fighting, death and glory, but everybody's goal is to win the ultimate Tournament. Drake and Melina have climbed many mountains they have crossed many streams and have walked many miles to reach the Ultimate Tournament; they now felt ready and were up for the challenge.

Melina stoo proud as she looked on at the city of Flarfetch, her long blonde hair flowing in the breeze. She was wearing a leather vest, over this she wore plated armour which covered the whole of her upper body and was capped at the sleeve to allow movement in her arms she was wearing a steel plate on her left thigh, her boots were brown leather, knee high and had extra atrapping for support. Her brown deerskin cloak swayed in the breeze. As well as her trusty sword Melina caried a spear of wicked precision.

Drakes fiery red hair had now encroached onto and around his face he was sporting a full beard the same colour as his hair, he too was wearing a deerskin cloak, but chose not to wear plated armour, but a leather tabard was his choice of body garment, Drake also had heavily strapped knee height boots. Drakes quiver held poison-tipped arrows, his other weapon being a long sword. The twins looked as though they were ready for battle as the gazed towards their dream, to fight and to win at the Ultimate tournament. They were now only one mile away from this dream.

As they drew closer and closer to the city gates they could hear cheering, clapping, music, bells, children playing and laughter. This was Ultimate Tournament Week and the City's holiday week. Drake and Melina both took a deep breath and entered the City gates,

To the right of them was a man sat at a table. "Names?" the man asked, Drake and Melina continued to look around. "Names?" the man shouted, this time, getting more and more impatient.
"Do you mean us?" Melina replied tersely.
"Who else?" the man replied " The Queen of Erathia?"
" No need to be nasty," Drake said
"Are you fighting in the tournament, or what?" the man asked,
"Yes of course we are," answered Melina,
"Then I want your names for the tornament matchings," the man said.
"So why didn't you say so in the first place?" asked Drake,
"I did. Names?" the man continued, "Drake.. .. Drake of Gangretu, son of Julius of Gangretu," Drake said proudly.
".. ..And you lady, who are you?" the man asked Melina.
"Melina of Gangretu, daughter of Julius of Gangretu, twin sister of Drake of Gangretu," she said sarcastically.
"Ok, you are entered into the tournament, you can go now, but be sure to listen out for the matchings, you don't want to miss your deathnow. Do you?" he laughed.
So on went Drake and Melina to the Ultimate Tournament.


The Ultimate Tournament was held in the Flarfetch Jousting arena. The crowd were all around; all of the city must have been there. The anticipation was at boiling point, when Scorpius rose from his chair, he raised his hands, and a hush befell the arena, there was a silence for that moment. Then Scorpius announced to the crowd, "Let the games begin!"
A fanfare of trumpets filled the air, the crowd roared, in entered the first combatants.

Meanwhile somewhere underneath the arena, Drake and Melina were readying themselves for their own fights. The smell of sweat filled the air as they shared the practice area with over one hundred warriors from all over the land, they had come for the very same reason that the twins had, to defeat the evil Scorpius, but first they had to defeat the members of the Scorpiosis.

On the wall of the training pit was the order of events, both Drake and Melina were in different parts of the draw. As their first fight drew ever closer, more and more bloodied bodies were returned to the practice pit from the arena, obviously they had been defeated.

"Drake of Gangretu, it's your turn next," was announced, and with that Drake turned to Melina, put his hands on her shoulders and said
"wish me luck."
"Good Luck." whispered Melina.
Drake looked up the stone stairs from the dark abyss of the pit to the glorious sunshine that was at the top of the stairs, as he climbed the stairs the noise grew louder and louder and he felt the warmth of the sun as he climbed out of the shadows of the pit. As he stepped onto the sandy surface of the arena and made his way to the centre of the combat zone. He faced Scorpius and made a bow, who bowed in return to drake. Scorpius then made a gesture with his right hand which was an indication to the guards to let in Drake's opponent. Drake turned his head and looked over his left shoulder to see who he would be fighting. At first his opponent looked to be of average build, but as he drew closer Drake could tell that this was no ordinary fighter, this man was a trained killer. The man stood next to Drake, he was six inches taller that him, and his muscles rippled, all this man knew was killing. The two men took to their parts of the arena and waited for the signal from scorpius to begin. Scorpius stood up, raised his right arm slowly, asked the two men,
"Are you ready?"
They both looked at Scorpius and nodded, faced each other again, with that, Scorpius brought his hand down and shouted,
The two men circled the arena, weighing each other up thinking about their first move, when Drake's opponent stooped to the floor, picked up a handful of sand and threw it in the direction of Drake. The sand clearly went into the eyes of Drake who was temporarily blinded; he could not see a thing, Drake's opponent thrust himself towards Drake with kicks and punches to the head and body, Drake fell to the floor helplessly, unable to fight back, kick after kick weakened Drake, he started to bleed from his forehead. Drake was about to lose consciousness. He began to think about the teachings of the old blind man many years ago, "hang on," Drake said to himself "I don't need vision,"
With that thought in his head, he immediately trapped his opponent's legs by making a scissor shape with his own legs and swept the man to the floor. Drake got to his feet and with an almighty scream he leaped into the air and came down with all of his force, right heel first to the man's solar plexus, Drake could hear a crunching noise coming from beneath him, he knew that the man would no longer cause a problem. The crowd roared. As Drake walked away from his opponent he began to wipe away the sand from his eyes, his vision returned, the first thing he saw was a lifeless body being dragged across the arena Drake had won the first round. He made his way to the centre of the arena and bowed to Scorpius, who rose to his feet, bowed and gestured to the training pit, Drake to his right and returned to the cooler. smelly black hole that was the training pit.

Down in the pit Melina rushed to her brother,
"Well done," she said,
"That was difficult," replied Drake.. .. .. ..
"Melina of Gangretu, to the arena now please."
Melina turned towards the stone stairs,
"Good Luck and God Speed!" shouted Drake,
Melina turned around and made the thumbs up sign, turned back and proceded to climb the stone steps towards the baking hot arena. Melina disappeared into the hazy sunshine away from Drakes view.

As Melina's match commenced, Drake was starting to fix his wounds, ready for his next battle, as he is giving himself medical attention he can hear moans, groans and screams from above him in the arena. His heart beating nervously for his sister's safe return. Then the crowd went very quiet.. .. ..seconds later, he heard Scorpius' voice.
"We have a winner......." The crowd was jubilant. Drake still did not know whether or not his sister would return. Then from the light above the stairwell came a shadow, it could only be one person, it was Melina returning victorious, Drake smiled,
Well?" He asked,
"Well, what?" Melina enquired
"How did it go?" questioned Drake,
" Oh that, it was too easy," Melina calmly said.

Match after match was to follow with each one becoming progressively harder for Drake and Melina, but the two survived all their rounds and were both through to the final.

The sun was now setting and the final round was to take place. The announcer created an atmosphere for the crowd by telling jokes and entertaining the anticipating audience. This was billed as the greatest ever final in the history of the Ultimate Tournament. Scorpius stood up and pointed to the trumpeters, they sounded a fanfare the crowd fell silent as the names of the two finalists were announced.
"All the way from Gangretu, in the outer regions of Flarfetch, we have, for your entertainment and delight, a young man who calls himself Drake, it is, Drake, son of Julius of Gangretu. Let me hear your rapturous applause for, .. .. Drake, Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Drake."
Drake entered the arena from the right and stood in the centre and faced Scorpius who was still standing. The crowd was cheering and shouting "Drake, Drake, Drake!"
Scorpius raised his hand , his palm facing the crowd, the crowd went quiet once again, he pointed at the trumpeters, again they played another fanfare. The announcer rose to his feet and said.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the fair, the beautiful, the lovely Melina of Gangretu, Daughter of Julius of Gangretu and brother of.. .. .. .. Drake of Gangretu." The crow went wild chanting "Lina, Lina, Lina!"
Scorpius raised his hand and again hushed the crowd. When the crowd was totally silent Scorpius began to speak.
"Thank you, everybody for attending the Ultimate Tournament, again I think this has been the best yet, however the final will be different this year, it will be a fight to the death, to ensure this takes plce.. .. .. .. guards! surround them."
Drake and Melina looked at each other they knew that they could not fight each other to the death, they nodded and with that began to take out the guards one by one by kicking and punching , both of them had discretely hidden knives, they both drew out their knives to use in combat against the guard. As the fighting progressed, Drake turned around to se a guard in a fighting stance with his right leg forward and slightly bent at the knee. Drake ran for the guard and placed his own right foot upon the awaiting thigh of the guard, this gave Drake a spring board from which he could jump over the gurds and begin his attack on Scorpius. By this the time Drake had reached Scorpius' seat, he could be seen running away, Drake noticed the prize money and the trophy on a display table at the side of where Scorpius was sat, he quickly took both the prize money and the trophy, he turned to the arena floor, whistled towards Melin, who used the same technique as Drake to somersault over the guards, by now the guards were down to fifteen percent of their original numbers. Drake and Melina quickly made a sharp exit pursued by the Scorpiosis; they were too fast and managed to flee to the safety of the nearby forest, a few miles from Flarfetch City.


Drake pointed; there in the distance was the town of their birth, Gangretu.
"Home at long last," Melina gasped.
"Let's go and see our teacher, and give him the trophy and the prize money as we promised," he excitedly said.
As they approached the town there seemed to be something wrong, it was unusually quiet, even the birds were nt singing. This was a deathly silence; there was also a smell of burning wood. The twins walked into the town that was thick with smoke. They both realised by now that something was wrong. Beside the stream lay a body, when they turned over the body it was that of ththe old blind man, their teacher, Drake held the old man's head to his chest, looked up to the heavens and cried,
"Teacher. Why ? No. Who did this?"
Drake heard his sister scream.
"Father, Mother, no!"

Draked placed down the head of his teacher very carefully and rushed to be at his sister's side. Both the twins parent's were also dead. The twins were crying when a little voice said.
"Do you want to know what happened?"
"Who said that?" Melina sobbed
"I did," said the voice which appeared to be coming from a large rock beside the stream.
"Rocks can't talk," Melina said.
"No they can't, but I can," retorted the tiniest man the twins had ever seen.
He came from behind the rock. He vstood ther in front of them; he must have been no more than two feet six inches in height, he was sporting a very long grey beard, he had no hair on his head, his ears were unusually pointed, and he was in battle dress, carrying a small sword which was in a scabbardby his right side, in his left hand he had a battle axe, under his right arm was a plated helmet.
"My name is Todrak, I am a dwarf from the City of Undertek, which is in the Eastern region of Flarfetch, I came here to warn the towns people of Gangretu about an attack from the Scorpiosis after you had fled from the Ultimate Tournament, however I was too late, but I saw everything happen, and I was with the old man when he died, he asked me to give yo this."
Todrak reached inside his tabard and pulled out a letter simply titled "Twins of Julius"
He handed it to Drake, who opened it and began to read it, it said.. .. .. ..
"... ... ... ... Drake and Melina,
If you are reading this , then you are standing in front of Todrak and I am dead, you will look at each other astonished, that I know what will happen in the future. I always knew my destiny; I have always been gifted this way. I could have won the tournament years ago but it was not my destiny to do so that is why I allowed my eyes to be taken. I became even more powerful as a wizard from that moment on. You will have about your possession the trophy and the prize money. Go with Todrak, the Dwarf to Highslate and fin my oldest surviving brother, he is the Lord of the Manor there. Give him the prize money and the trophy and tell him that I sent you he will not beleive you at first, and you bmay have to perform a quest to gain his trust. You will succeed. Do this for me, Sorry about your parents.

God Speed

Mushitero the Great Wizard

The blind old begger, your teacher...... .. .. .."

Drake folded up the letter and placed it inside his vest.
"Well," Said Drake "Whatever next?"
"what are we waiting for then?" Melina asked, "Let's go, come on Todrak, looks like your coming with us."
So, Drake, Melina and Todrak set off for Highslate City to search out the old man's brother.


Ten miles away from Gangretu lay the City of Highslate run by the very wealthy overlord, Hazriel, brother of the old, blind, begger man. Drake, Melina and Todrak were to pay him a visit as this was the dying wish of their teacher. They knew that they were in for a hard time and were prepared for it.
They reached the City gates and were welcomed by a posse of guards.
"Who goes there?" One of the guards asked.
"It is Drake and Melina of gangretu, Winners of the Ultimate Tornament with Todrak the Dwarf." Drake informed them.
"State your purpose, Drake of Gangretu." The second guard requested.
"We seek an audience with his Lordship. Lord Hazriel of Highslate. " Melina said.
" It is a matter of grave importance; we have news of his elder brother, and bear gifts from the Ultimate tournament to give to his Lordship."Drake stated.
"Ok, come on in then, Welcome to Highslate City." gguard number three said.
The three adventurers entered the city and followed the winding path that lead to the gates of the mansion hall. Lord Hazriel, himself came out to welcome the three travellers, with him were about twenty or so guards.
" I had to come and see for myself that you actually had the trophy from the Ultimate Tornament. I see that you certainly do have it, however I am not sure you are who you say you are. You're maybe Scorpiosis in disguise. How can I trust you? For me to trust you there is a test one of you should complete,, that is the labyrynth teat, pass that and I shall grant you an audience." Lord Hazriel declared.
"Who is going to do the test?" asked Hazriel.
"I am," replied Drake.
Ok," said Hazriel, he turned around to his guards "prepare him for the test." He ordered.
Drake was taken away and was prepared for the labyrynth test. In this test Drake had to walk or run his way through the labyrynth, however it wasn't going to be that easy, because around every corner was a prisoner of the state, who had been promised freedopm if he killed anybody who entered the Labyrynth of death, who was not a fellow prisoner.
Drake was not afraid and made the Labyrynth of death look so easy, he used his poison-tipped arrows to devastating effect and his sword skills were no match for the prisoners who were only armed with a knife. Drake finished the test in record time. Melina and Todrak were overjoyed with Drake's prowess in the Labyrynth of death leaving behind him a trail of bloodied corpses.
The tree adventurers were shocked when hazriel told them that the labyrynth was only the first part of the test, Drake now had to perform a test of balance, by walking a tightrope while having spears thrown at him, and again he performed this test with such death defying skill, a credit to his teacher.
Hazriel came through to congratulate Drake.
"Well done, I applaud you."" You relly are the student of my brother, come and I will grant you the audience you require."
All three and Hazriel met in the Lord's chambers, Drake gave Hazriel the prize monet and the trophy, he also showed him the letter from the old man.

"This pleases me so, my friends," said Hazriel, " To know that my brother has taught you, the chosen ones, well, I am honoured to meet you, and it is I who am not worthy ." Hazriel humbly announced.
"No my lord we are the one's who are most honoured to have known your family" Melina said.
" Have you met my other two brothers?" declared Hazriel.
"No, we didn't know you had any more brothers!" Drake replied.
"Oh yes, they live in Undertek, they aren't Lords ,but they are great warriors like yourselves. They have armies of men working for them, so, with their armies my army and you three by my side we shall be able to crush the Scorpiosis for good, and I shall be able to claim back what is really mine, the whole Kingdom of Flafetch." disclosed Hazriel.
"That means.. .. You.. .. are.. .. ahemm.. .. you are Kkkkk...king Hazriel IV!" stammered Drake.
" Yes I am and I will be needing some more Lords of the Manor when I retake my throne from Scorpius. So let's ride to the City of Undertek with my army to find my brothers." ordered Hazriel.
Drake, Melina, Todrak, Hazriel and his army of three hundred men rode out of Highslate in search of Hazriel's brothers in the city of Undertek.


Night fell and Hazriel's army had to rest their horses, so they pitched camp approximately 10 mile from the city of Undertek.
There wasn't a cloud in the sky, the stars were shining brightly, there was a full moon that lit up the area like a lamp. the night was very peaceful, all that could be heard was the horses breathinf, the owls hooting and the odd soldier snoring.
Drake, Melina and Hazriel spoke at length about the old man, Hazriel's older brother, Toidrak had already retired for the night and could be heard snoring and mumbling in his sleep. It wasn't long though before everyone retired for the night.

The Day broke with the daw chorus of chirping birds and a cockeral crowing, everybody had rested well and were awake and ready to ride on to the City of Undertek.

The City of Undertek was a funny city; it was full of all different types of people, gypsies, tramps, theives, elves, dwarves, goblins, vampires and even humans. For Undertek was a safe haven from the evil Scorpius, this was the only place he did not dare to enter. Undertek catered for all those who fled from the tyranny of Scorpius.

Hazriel's army were now outside the gates of the city, the people were glad to see this army they let them enter the city immediately. Word went out that the army was looking for the two warrior brothers. the people of the city were pointing at the castle, So Hzriel, Drake, Melina and Todrak dismounted there horses and walked into the courtyard of the castle. A large smile eminated from Hazriel's face as he watched two men playing cards, drinking meade and telling jokes.
"Why are you happy my Lord?" asked Drake.
"Look over there you see those two men they are my brothers," replied Hazriel.
"Malachi, Stimac!" yelled Hazriel.
Both men looked over.
"Hazriel!" they both shouted.
The three men gave each other a hug, sat down and began to talk. Hazriel told them about Drake and Melina, the old man an about Todrak, he showed them the letter given to drake. The three men went from being very happy to being very determined. They shook hands and gave a toast to the old man. Hazriel walked back over towards Drake, Melina and Todrak and said,
"We have a combined army of one thousand men to march on the City of Flarfetch tomorrow, we will crush Scopius, we will be victorious and we will avenge the death of our brother. Go and enjoy the rest of the day and sleep well tonight, for tomorrow we go into battle."
The twins looked at each other and smiled.
"So tomorrow is the day, yes!" sneered Drake, " I am really looking forward to tthis."
Everone went therir seperate ways to enjoy the hospitality of the city.

The day of the battle was upon them, everone was excited, most of all the inhabitants of Undertek, if hazriel's army was successful it would mean that they could return home to the cities of their origin.
Hazriel. the twins and Todrak mounted their horses, Hazriel ordered his army to mount their horses also, hazriel led them outside of the city gates and waited. Malachi and Stimac mounted their horses and in turn ordered their armies to do the same; they too rode to the outside of the city gates, they joined with hazriel's army and set off for the city of Flarfetch. As they reached the City gates, Scorpius' army was waitning. A great battle took place many men lost their lives. Drake spotted Scorpius on horseback, he quickly galloped over and jumped from his horse onto the horse which Scorpius was riding, he manged to grab Scorpius and pull him fr5om his horse. The two battled, first with fistsand feet, kicking and punching each other, until Scorpius picked up a broadsword that had been dropped by a fallen warrior. He lashedout at Drake with the sword it caught him and caused a three inch cut on Drake's right bicep. Drake pulled out his own sword and a fight took place between the two very accomplished swordsmen, neither man getting the upper hand.
The battle appeared to be petering out as there appeared to be no more Scorpiosis to kill, only Scorpius, himself was left. hazriel went up to the battle that was ongoing between Drake and Scorpius, he asked Scorpius to give up the fight and have his life spared to which Scorpius answered "No,"
"Very well then," said Hazriel calmly
He pulled out his sword and with one swift movement decapitated scorpius' head from his body. Drake slumped back onto a rock, obviously worn out and hurt, Melina came rushing to his aid.
"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly,
"Never been better," Drake joked, " I'll live to fight another day."
"My Kingdom is back where it rightly belongs, we will party tonight in Flarfetch City!"


The night air was full of merriment, everyone was laughing and dancing, they were drinking and feasting, not only to the downfall of Scorpius and the Scorpiosis, but they were celebrating having their King , King Hazriel IV, back on the throne whre he rightfully belonged, the people were also celebrating the investiture of two new Princes who would have overall control of Undertek and the Highslate principalities, which meant that these cities would need new lords of the Manor. Drake was to become Lord Drake of Highslate, Melina became Lady Melina of Gangretu and Todrak was given the title Lord Todrak of Undertek.
People, Elves, Dwarves, Vampires and Goblins were now free to roam the Kingdom as they wished, without the fear of the evil Scorpiosis. This fear was now dead and gone forever. Hazriel promised he would never give in to tyrants ever again.

© Copyright 2005 Paulreyno (paulreyno2510 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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