Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/948164-Sam-and-Derrick-Part-2
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #948164
Story of a girl and a boy growing up enemies only to become lovers.
About 4 hours later Sam woke up. She looked at her watch. It was ten till 8. Sam sighed. Well she really didn't have anything else to do and she didn't wanna get stuck at home all night so she was like "what the hell" and got up.

Derrick was outside waiting by his jeep when he saw Sam come out of her house. He Grinned. "What changed your mind?"

"Well. I had just taken a 4 hour nap and I didn't have anything else to do and I didn't wanna get stuck at home all night so I was like, what the hell." She shrugged her shoulders.

They were driving down the road with the wind blowing everywhere. It was dark out. Sam thought it felt so good out. She sighed and rested her head against the headrest and turned to Derrick. "You knew I was gonna come didn't you?"

Derrick grinned. "Well I wasn't for sure at first, but when I got to think about it I was like, what teenager would want to spend a Friday night at home?, Even if it wasn't her scene or not. So I knew you were coming."

"Well you're a sly one aren't you?"

"I like to think so." He grinned at her. Sam rolled her eyes and looked foreword. Ten minutes later they arrived at Stacey's house. It was a huge white, Hollywood type house that stood about a good 75 yards from the ocean. They walked in side by side.

"Well if it isn't Parker and Jackson."

"Hey Paul." Derrick said. It was Paul Sherman, one of Derrick's friends. He was already drunk and probably stoned as well.

"Jackson, I'm surprised to see you here. This doesn't seem like your kinda scene."

"I know. Derrick I'll catcha later." She turned and walked away.

"Come get me when you're ready to go." Derrick yelled over all the noise. Sam waved her hand back at him.

Sam walked around until she spotted her friend Julie by the bar. "Hey Jules." She sat on the barstool.

"Hey Sam, I'm surprised to see you here. This doesn't come across me as your kind of scene." She took a drink of her strawberry daiquiri.

"That's what everyone keeps telling me."
Jules pointed to her drink. "Hey you want one?”

"Nah, I think I'll pass. Hey I'll be back in a bit." Sam got up and was looking around. She turned her head then turned it back then did a double take. Sam's jaw dropped. There dancing in the midst of the crowed was Taylor and who she assumed was Claire. She walked over to them and tapped Taylor on the shoulder.

Taylor turned around and the smile on his face instantly fell. "H-Hey Sam." He stuttered.

"Hey yourself." She faked smiled.

"I'm surprised to see you here. This doesn't seem like your kind of scene."

"Funny, I was about to say the same thing about you. I thought you were going to the movies tonight."

"Well we were but the movies were sold out. Claire mentioned something about a party and I was all go for it." Guilt spread across his face.

"This must be Claire.” Motioning to the girl next to him.

“Um yeah. Claire this is Sam. Sam this is Claire.”

"Hi." The girls said to each other. Sam looked at this girl. He ass was practically hanging out of her skirt and her breast looked as if they were about ready to pop out. She looked like "A 2 cent WHORE!" Sam could tell this girl didn't like her and the same went for Sam.

"Honey, I'm thirsty. Can we go get something to drink?" Claire said to Taylor.

"Sam I..."

"No by all means, go a head. You don't have to ask me for permission." Sam said and backed up, turned and walked away. Sam walked back over to the bar and sat, facing out, on the barstool next to Julie.

Julie could tell by her face expression, that she was not in a very good mood. "Want one now? Sam held out her hand and Julie gave her a strawberry daiquiri. Sam opened it hand gulped half of it down.

"Take it easy girl, that's probably the first drink you've ever had." Sam ignored her and gulped the rest of it down. She slammed the empty bottle on the bar counter.

"Well, well, if it isn't Sam Jackson."


"I'm surprised to see you here. I wouldn't figure this your kind of scene."

"So I've been told."

"Judging from your mood, I'm thinking you're gonna need something a whole lot stronger than a simple daiquiri to calm you down. Why don't you try this?"

Stacy handed her the glass she had in her hand. Sam took it with out thinking and gulped it down in one drink. She felt the alcohol start to loosen up her body. "Well if you will excuse me ladies, I'm going to go wallow in my misery." With that Sam got up and walked away. While she was walking someone appeared in her way and wrapped their arms around her waist.

"Well hey there pretty lady, you don't seem like you having too much fun." He gave her a pouty face.

Sam gave him a warm smile. "Well your right about that."

"Well then, why don't you come up stairs with me and we'll make some fun of our own."

"Well why the hell not, I don't have anything better to do." The boy started pulling her towards the stairs when Sam felt a hand wrap around her arm.

"That's quite enough Pete; I'll think I'll take her from here."

"Awe come on Parker me and the little lady here was just going to have some fun."

"Yeah Parker, don't be such a stinker." Sam poked her finger at his chest."

"Look at me." Derrick put his hands on either side of her head and looked at her. He cursed. "You’re drunk."

"No I'm not; I'm just feeling a little happy for a change." She smiled at him. Suddenly Sam's smile faded and her face turned pale and green.
Derrick grabbed her and rushed her out of there and led her over to the bushes just in time for her to puke.

Derrick held one hand around her waist and the other holding her hair back. "You done?"

Sam leaned up a bit. "I think so." She heave foreword to puke again

"I guess not. How much did you drink?"

"I had a Strawberry daiquiri and a glass of something that Stacy gave me." She said between breaths and lurched foreword again.

Derrick cursed to himself. When he was certain she was done puking her brains out, Derrick held her limp body close to his and helped her to his jeep. He helped her in and buckled her seatbelt. He then proceeded to walk over to the driver side and put on his seatbelt and drove off.

Sam groaned. "Are you taking me home?"

"I don't think home is the best place to go right now. You need to get some fresh air."

Derrick continued to drive for about 15 minutes until he reached an empty parking lot on the shore of the beach and parked the jeep.

"Fresh air?" Sam looked the beach and then at Derrick.

"Close enough." Derrick had a boyish look on his face.

Sam took off her seatbelt. She groaned and put her hands on either side of her head.

"Head hurt?"

"It feels like a hundred hammers, hammering into my head."
"Come here." Sam lowered herself and laid her head on Derrick's leg and pulled her legs up in the seat.

"My insides are burning." She moaned.

Derrick put his arm on her stomach and lightly rubbed. "Does that feel better?

Sam nodded here head, which was a bad idea since her head felt like it was about to explode. I can't imagine why anyone would want to get drunk."

Derrick laughed. "It's the drunken part that's fun. It's the after part that sucks."

"Tell me about it."

"Let me guess. You saw Taylor and a girl I assume to be Claire dancing and decided that getting drunk was the best thing to sooth your misery?”

"Something like that. Hey how did you know?”

“I saw them dancing,”

“Oh. I can't believe he lied to me. That's what really pisses me off."

“How do you know he lied to you?”

"He had "guilty" written all over his face. Taylor has never been able to lie to me. I don't know what made him think that I couldn't tell he was lying. And what I don't understand is why he didn't just tell me he was going to the party instead of the movies. It's not like I would’ve cared. The only thing I care about is the fact that he lied to me. Sam sighed then moaned and slightly turned her head. "I don't understand how I got so drunk. I didn't drink all that much.”

"Well for starters, this was probably the first time you've ever had a drink."

Sam threw her arm up and pointed her finger. "Not true. I had wine at my cousins wedding."

Derrick smiled. "Well it's probably the first time you've drank as much as you did, and your body isn't use to it. Second of all, you're so tiny, that your alcohol tolerance level is close to none."

She threw her arm up again. "Hey, I'm a 115 lbs thank you very much."

Derrick took her hand in his free hand, and brought it down. "Lastly, the second drink that you had was probably nothing but straight liquor. Oh and did you have anything to eat today?”

“No I didn’t have time. Well, that, and I was too busy being moody.”

Derrick laughed. “There you go. It’s not good to drink on an empty stomach.”

"Can I have some aspirin or something?"

"No, it's not good to combine alcohol and medicine together."

Sam groaned. She turned slightly so that she was more on her back then she was on her side.
Derrick's hand had stopped his motion on Sam's belly, and was calmly resting on it. His left hand was holding Sam's hand, unconsciously.
They stayed there, no really talking just listening to the waves crash against the surf of the beach, some 50 yards a head.

After a while Sam spoke. "What time is it?"

"10:30, you about ready to go?"

Sam nodded. Sam leaned up, "Whoa, to fast. She felt a wave of dizziness was over her. Derrick helped her up and Sam buckled her seat belt. He turned on the jeep and drove off.

They arrived at his house at about 11:00. Derrick had taken his time getting home since he wasn't in any kind of hurry. He parked the jeep in the driveway, got out and went to the passenger side seat and helped Sam out of the jeep. He put his arm around her waist and Sam put her arm around his neck and they walked inside. Derrick led her to the kitchen table and helped her sit down. He then went to the freezer and got out a cold compress. "Here put this on your forehead." He gave Sam the compress. Sam took it and pressed it on her head. "How does that feel?"
Sam moaned. Sam put the compress on the table and then put her head on it.

Derrick lightly rubbed her back. "Can I get you anything?"

"A glass of water would be nice." Sam said with her head down.

Derrick got up and got her a glass of water and sat back down. "Here you go."

Sam sat up and took the glass of water from his and gulped down half of it. "Thanks." Sam smiled.

Derrick wiped a dribble of water of her chin and smiled. "Your welcome."

Sam finished her water and gave the compress back to Derrick. Derrick tossed it into the freezer and walked aback over to Sam. "Come on, lets get you up stairs." He eased his arm around her back and helped her up out of the chair. Sam put her arm around his neck and the walked over to the stairs. Derrick looked up the stairs. It was going to take a while to get up stairs. Then Derrick got an idea. "Hold on to my neck." Sam wrapped her arms around his neck. Derrick bent down and put his other arm under her knees and picked her up. She was so light weight. Derrick carried her up the stairs. "Do you need to use the bathroom or anything?"

"I need to brush my teeth."

Derrick went to the bathroom and put her down. "Your toothbrush is in my room, I'll go get it," Derrick went to his room and got her toothbrush and other bathroom items. (They were still there from when her mom had brought them over.) He also got a t-shirt and a pair of boxers out of his dresser and went back to the bathroom.

Sam was leaning against the door with her eyes closed; when she heard foot- steps she opened them. Derrick was standing in the doorway. Sam smiled. "Here's your toothbrush, and I thought you might want a change of clothes, so here's a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. Don't worry they're clean." He smiled.

Sam smiled and shook her head. "Thanks." She went to take the clothes from Derrick and their hands touched. Sam looked up from the clothes and stared into Derrick's eyes.

Derrick stared back. After a few moments Derrick shook his head and took his hands away. "I'll be in my room if you need me." He smiled and walked away. Derrick walked to his room and got an extra blanket out of his closet.

Sam appeared at in the doorway just in time to see Derrick take off his shirt. She watched as he reached back over his head and grabbed the top of his shirt and began to pull it off. Sam could see the bottom of his back. As the shirt raised Sam could see the well defined muscles the shaped his back. He looked so strong and lean and his tan just set it off. Derrick turned around and Sam came face to face with a pair of abs she couldn't believe. A tight strong 6-pack covered Derrick abs. Sam traced up his muscular chest then to his face and found that he was looking at her. She shook her head and instantly turned 3 shades of red. "I put my clothes in the hamper in the bathroom." Derrick just nodded. "Um... thanks for the clothes."

Derrick smiled. "I can see they're a little big."

"Yeah guess they are." She slightly laughed.

"Sorry, I didn't really have anything else. My mom might have something that will fit you, if you want something else."

"No, that's ok. Yours, ah, these are fine." She smiled. By now Sam was standing in front of Derrick and he was looking down at her.

Derrick brought his hand tucked her hair behind her ear. "How's your head?"

"It's gone down to someone knocking me upside the head, continuously. Just don't expect to get me up in the morning." Derrick laughed. Sam looked at his with a serious in her eyes. "I want to thank you for helping me with everything tonight. I know what a burden I've been to you and I know I'm the last person you'd rather be with right now, but I just want to thank you.
Derrick felt like he had just been punched in the gut. He had no idea that what Sam had just said would affect him like that. Derrick opened his mouth to say something but before he could, he felt two small arms wrap around his waist and a head, rest against his chest. He looked down at Sam holding him and wrapped his arms around her. She felt so small in his big arms. It was almost as if she belonged there. Derrick's mind drifted back to what Sam had said just moments before. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the right words to say so he just stood there and held her. Sam pulled back from him and smiled.

Derrick smiled back. "You can have my bed to sleep in; I'll sleep on the couch. No, no don't argue, just get in the bed." Sam sighed slightly and climbed into the bed. Derrick pulled the blanket up to her chest and then went to turn off the light.

"Goodnite." Sam said softly.

"Goodnite." Derrick repeated. Derrick laid there just thinking about the events of the night. Thinking about when Sam and him were in his jeep at the beach, how he was holding her. And then just a few moments ago when he held Sam. He couldn't get over how she fit so perfectly in his arms. It seemed as if she belonged there. He soon drifted off to sleep pondering this.

Derrick woke up the next morning at about 9:30. He looked over at Sam and smiled. Sam was sprawled out on the bed. The blanket was now at her feet, and her T-shirt was bunched up around her waist. One arm was up above her head and the other one lying on her stomach. Her head was on the pillow facing him. She looked so peaceful, he thought. Derrick found that he could just sit there and looked at her for hours. Derrick was shook out of his trance when he heard noises down stairs and he went to check them out. He went into the kitchen, only to find Sam's and his mom sitting at the table drinking coffee.

"Hey sweetie."

"Oh, hey mom. What are you guys doing home?"

"We just took a break from work for a couple of hours. Thought we come and check up on you."

"What did you guys do last night?" Sam's mom asked.

"Oh, we went to a party Stacy Phillips was putting on last night."

"You mean at that big white house, up on Cherry Hill?" His mom asked.

"Yeah, but we didn't stay for very long."

"Hey, there's a party down here, and you didn't even bother to come wake me up." Sam said sleepy eyed. She stumbled and bumped into the counter while walking over to them.

"I see someone had a little too much fun last night." Sam's mom said. Sam groaned. Derrick just grinned. Sam stood beside Derrick who was standing in front of their moms.

"Well isn't this something. Sam and Derrick standing side by side with out ripping each other throat out. The tides must have turned." Derrick mom said.Derrick and Sam looked at each other then look away and rolled their eyes.

"So Sam, where's Taylor? I'm surprised to see you guys apart. Usually you guys are joined at the hip." Sam's mom said.

Sam Snorted. “Hell if I care.” She mumbled but Derrick heard her.


"Oh nothing. He went on a little outing with his family." She snorted.

"Oh, that's nice." Sam's mom said. Sam rolled her eyes. "Oh we better be getting back to the office."

Sam groaned. "Do you have to go? You're never home."

"I know sweetie, but we have a really big case and there is a lot of work to be done." Sam's mom got up. "I'll tell you what. In a couple weeks, we'll all go to the beach. How does that sound?"

"Ok." Sam murmured.

"Ok, well we have to be going. Bye guys." Derrick's mom said.

"Ok, bye." Derrick said.

"Yeah, bye." Said Sam. Derrick and Sam watched their moms walk out of the house.

Sam leaned against the counter on one side of the kitchen and Derrick leaned against the counter on directly opposite of her, on the other side of the kitchen. "So, How you feeling?"

"I'm ok, just a slight headache." Sam leaned up from the counter and took a step, and felt dizzy and stumbled as she took a step. Sam felt herself falling, then she felt a strong arm catch and pull her up. "I guess I'm not as ok as I thought."

"I guess not." Sam felt Derrick's warm breath right by her ear and could have sworn his lips toughed her ear. Sam's breath was caught in her throat. His breath sent shivers up her spine making her fingers tingle. She felt his lean hard body against her.

Derrick felt her reaction when he spoke in her ear. He was surprised himself. Never had he been this close to Sam, other than last night. Derrick felt his right arm around her thin waist and his left one on her hip. "Are you ok?"

Sam swallowed hard. "Yeah I think so." She slowly drew herself away from him. She turned and looked at him, not quite meeting his eyes. "Thanks."

"Yeah, no problem." Derrick searched out for her eyes, but he didn't find them. "You want something to eat?" He said changing the mood.

"Yeah sure. What do you have?"

"Let's see." Derrick walked to fridge. "We have eggs, sausage, bacon." He walked to the pantry. "Cereal, pancakes, pop tarts."

"What kind?"

"Strawberry, blueberry, apple, chocolate."

"I'll take chocolate."

"That sounds good. I think I'll have one too." Derrick got 2 bags of chocolate pop tarts from the shelf and walked out of the pantry. Sam was leaning against the counter. "Here you go." He tossed her the pop tarts.


"Do you want anything to drink?"

"Yeah sure. What do you have?"

Derrick walked to the fridge. "We have milk, orange juice, apple juice, chocolate milk."

"That sounds good."

"Chocolate milk it is." Derrick poured each of them a glass of chocolate milk and they went into the living room. Sam sat on one end of the couch and Derrick sat on the other. "What do you want to watch?"

"What do you think?" Sam looked at Derrick.

Derrick grinned and turned the TV to cartoon network. "So, you got any plans for today?" Derrick asked.

"No, not really. I'll probably just sit around the house all day."



"I was just wondering. I planned on going out on the boat today, and I was wondering if you wanted to come along."

Sam looked at him confused then remembered that Derrick had gotten a speed racer last year for his birthday. "If this is a sympathy act-"

"It's not a sympathy act I promise. I just was looking for some company."

Sam looked at him. The first thing see thought was "Damn he looks so good" then she shook that out of her mind and thought "Why the hell not". "Ok I'll come along."

"You will?"

"Yeah, don't have anything else to do."

"Ok cool."
"I just have to go change."

"Ok, you go change and we'll meet out by my jeep in 10 minutes."

"Ok, I'll c-ya in a bit." Sam jumped off the couch and walked to the door.

"Hey Jackson."

"Huh?" Sam turned around.

"Are you sure you want to walk outside in my T-shirt and boxers?"

Sam looked down at her clothes then looked back up at Derrick and shrugged. "That was the plan." Derrick shook his head and Sam walked out the door.

Ten minutes later Sam was walking out of her house, dressed in a pair of blue jean shorts and a halter top with her bikini underneath, and her white Adidas. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and had a pair of shades on her head.
She saw Derrick leaning against his jeep. He was in a pair of dark blue jean shorts that came below the knee, a couple of inches, and a blue shirt. A pair of shades were blocking her view of his eyes. Sam walked over to him. "You ready to get this show on the road?"

"Yeah, I packed us some things in case we get hungry or something. Well if there is nothing else to do here lets get going.” Sam tossed her bag in the back and Derrick and her jumped into the jeep and drove off.
© Copyright 2005 Manny17 (manny17 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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