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Zeb and MacGyver get caught in a world of fantasy by Murdoc |
Captured Chapter 1 Shot We knew that we had to get out of there or we were done for. The killer was closing in. He had a gun, we had swords. Bang! “Run!” I shouted through mind link with Mac. We started to run when, bang! Mac was hit. “Keep running Zeb, keep running," Mac yelled to me. I knew I had to, or we both would be dead . But Murdoc only had Mac. He would keep Mac alive and use him to catch me. I hoped. A little while later I saw smoke rising from the trees. I hoped that someone there could help me. I knew I was close to exhaustion. Finally, I stumbled in to the clearing and every thing went black. I didn’t know how long I had been out ,but when I awoke there was an elf standing over me. “You are awake,” she said. I sat up and looked around at my surroundings. “Your sword is beside you,” she said. “Who are you?” I asked. “My name is Brow Dragon Raiser, what is yours?” she asked. “My name is Zeb. Thank you for your hospitality ,but I must go.” I got up and walked out the door. I stood there open mouthed at three dragons lying on the ground. One came up to me and said, “Zeb, I am your dragon, Violet Fire.” Brow came up to me and said , “You can’t leave yet, you’re still not well.” I replied , “You don’t understand. My friend was captured by Murdoc.” “Who’s Murdoc?”asked Brow. “I have to make a false trail,” said Mac. He started to drag himself through the forest when he heard foot steps behind him and knew that Murdoc was closing in. Mac stopped and put his back against a tree and drew his sword. Murdoc came from behind a tree and said “So, Macgyver, you’ve finally given up.” “No,” said Mac. “We will never give up. Even if you kill me, Zeb will find a way out.” “Oh, I would never kill you. No, you’re much to valuable to kill. Zeb will come looking for you and that will be his downfall,” remarked Murdoc. “He is an evil hearted man who will do anything to kill me and my friend Macgyver. That is why you can’t come, he would use you to get to me,” I replied. “I’m not afraid to die,” she said. She looked into my eyes and then I knew she had to come. “Fine,”I replied. The first camp we made was about a mile from were Mac had been shot. It was evening, I knew that it was time. “Brow, I must go, watch for me. If Mac or I are not back by midnight, leave and never come back,” I told her. Then I left, melting into the trees. I knew Mac couldn’t last much longer. Running through the trees with the speed of a wolf and the quietness of an elf, I reached the spot where I last saw Mac, and there was a faint glimmer of light. Seeing Murdoc’s camp fire I slowly crept up to the fire when out of no where came a voice, “I thought you would never come, but you care too much for Macgyver not to come.” “Come out and fight!” I shouted into the night. “Fine if you insist,” came the reply. I saw a blur coming toward me. I tried to duck but it was too late. Pain exploded in my chest, I was thrown to the ground. I tried to get up but I couldn’t move my hands. I was trapped. Metal bands held my wrists and my ankles down. I struggled but I could not get free. Murdoc’s leering face appeared over me and said, “That should hold you for the night.” Later that night I saw Mac begin to stir. “Mac, are you ok?” I shouted through mind link. Through mind link he replied, “Yeh, I’m alright, you?” “Fine, can you get free?” I asked. “No, but I have a plan,” was his reply. “Can you reach your sword?” he asked. “Yes,” I replied. “I want you to throw it and cut the rope,” . “I’ll try,” I said. Thud! The sword cleanly cut the rope in two realeasing Mac. Chapter 2 Elf Haven Mac quickly ran over to me and using all his strength he pulled apart the steel bands. "Thanks," I whispered to Mac. "No problem," was his answer. We started to walk through the forest toward camp. It wasn't quite midnight so I thought Brow might still be there. I was right, when we reached the camp site she was sitting by the fire with her sword on her knees. "Brow, I'm back," I said quietly. "This must be Macgyver," was her reply. "Hello," said Mac. "Nice to meet you," replied Brow. "Come on let's fly," I said. "What do you mean?" asked Mac A dragon loomed up out of the darkness and he said, "Macgyver, I'm your dragon, Torum." Suddenly out of the woods came a cry, "MACGGGGYYYVVVEERRR!" "He's found out that we're gone," I said quietly to Mac. "Let's ride!" said Brow. We each mounted our dragons and took off flying high in the air. Ping! An anguished roar came out of Violet. "Fly higher he can still see us! Are you alright?" I asked Violet. She just nodded her head grimly. "Where are we going?" I asked Brow. "To the elves, we'll be safe there,” was her reply. A low moan escaped Mac. “Are you alright?” I asked. “Yes,” was his only reply The next morning we reached the elves. We were received well for Brow was the head elf’s sister. “Greetings, brother,” said Brow when we arrived. We each slid off of our dragons as Brow made the introductions. She said, “This is Zeb and Macgyver. We have come here seeking rest and peace.” At that moment, a groan came from Mac and he started to sink to the floor when Torum caught him. “He fainted from lose of blood. I will show you to your room,”said Brow. Between us we carried Mac and laid him on a bed. Brow said, “I’m going to get some clean rags to bind that wound." While Brow was gone Mac came out of his swoon and said, “The bullet isn’t in there.” “How do you know that?” I asked. “I took it out myself,” he replied. We were quiet until Brow came back and helped me bind the wound. “Mac, do you mind if I go visit Violet?” I asked. “No, I’ll be fine, go on,” he said “Thanks Mac,”I said and took off for the stables. I found Violet in the last stable. An ugly bruise had formed where the bullet had hit. Brow was in the stall next to Violet checking on her dragon, Sone. “Is Violet ok?” she asked with a worried look on her face. “She’ll be fine,” I answered. “It’s just a bruise, but nasty at that.” Suddenly I felt danger, I didn’t know how but I felt something. My face went pale. “What’s wrong?” asked Brow. I said, “He’s here,” and took off towards the main gate hoping that he would be there. “Who’s here?” asked Brow running after me. “Murdoc!” I answered. Bang! “Macgyver!” I said to myself. Quickly I turned around and started for Mac’s room. Brow had stopped following me and I couldn’t figure out why. I was half way there when I saw them. Murdoc had Mac backed up against a tree and was about to shoot when, WHAM! Murdoc was flung head over heels from a mighty tail swing of Brow’s dragon. “Get Mac out of here!” I yelled at Brow. She nodded in reply and helped Mac get on to the back of Sone. Murdoc had quickly righted himself and was coming after me as I took off again toward the gates. When I reached them, I climbed up and jumped over the edge only to have Murdoc land on top of me pinning me to the ground. He pointed his gun at my heaving chest. Chapter3 Fire Ball With my last ounce of strength I threw Murdoc off of me. I felt for my sword, but it wasn’t there,“Looking for this,”Murdoc held up the sword. I pulled out my knife and threw it, but he easily deflected it. Bang! The bullet entered my gut and I crumpled to the ground. Roaring darkness filled my mind and all went black. I woke because of the pain in my gut. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar face bending over me. “Mac! Where am I?” I asked as I sat up. “Don’t move, we’re in a dungeon!”said Mac. Lying back on the floor I asked, “Any luck on figuring out why we can’t get home?" Mac replied, “Yes, with Brow’s help we figured it out. There is this thing called a Fire Ball and it seems like he’s projecting a force field so we can’t get home. Brow stared open mouthed as I got up and walked to the door. “Should you really do that?” asked Brow. “Do what?”I replied. Brow answered, “Stand up, doesn’t it hurt when you move?” “Oh, the wound, no, after awhile you learn to endure it,” I answered. Brow just nodded. Mac and I started inspecting the door. We saw that it was made of wood and so was the lock. “This will be simple. On three we kick the door down,”I told Mac. He nodded. “ 1, 2, 3!” Crack! The door splintered, and fell to the floor. "Here’s the plan, Mac and I will go find the Fire Ball while you go find the dragons. Be ready for us Brow,”I said. We started down the hallway and up some stairs with Brow following until she found a hall that looked like it led out of the castle. Then we split up. “Where do you think the Fire Ball will be located?” asked Mac. I replied, “In a main chamber or Murdoc’s bedroom.” We searched the castle. Finally we entered a chamber that looked like Murdoc’s bedroom. There on a pedestal we saw it. A stone ball that had light shining off of it and was being deflected into a mirror which was deflecting it in to the sky. “This must be it, it must be something about that light. What do we do?” I asked Mac. "We just take it, there appear to be no strings attached. Zeb, look out that window and see if you can see Brow,”said Mac. I could see her and I quickly signaled for Violet to come up and get Mac and me. “Violet’s on her way,” I told Mac. When Violet appeared at the window Mac grabbed the Fire Ball, climbed out the window and onto Violet’s back and she glided down to where Brow was. Once we where on the ground Mac asked, “Is the way open? Can we go home?” I tested it and replied,“Yes, we can go home, Mac!” First we sent Murdoc back, then we said our goodbyes. "We’re going to miss you all , but we must go. Remember if you are ever in need all you have to do is call out our names and we’ll be there," and in a flash of light we were gone. |