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Rated: 18+ · Other · Community · #943798
Written on a dare. Blame the Milkman...

Here is your challenge... but before I do I just want to say, that I could have been gross, ungentleman-like, and even a pervert... I didn't so if you can turn this prompt into a gross, sick and demented and perverted piece of writing I'll double my contribution to RAOK in your name.

Write a brief story about your favorite "Trail of Painted Ponies" sculpture.

Darla was furious at Rob, so she did what any sensible woman would. She went shopping.

The day had began innocently enough, then that damn slip of paper had fallen from Rob's pocket while she was sorting the wash. Picking it up, she looked around then opened it. Curly writing and the faint smell of cheap perfume greeted her.

The note had been from a woman named Ramona.
My Darling Rob,
I can hardly wait until we meet next week.
I long to feel your kisses and make sweet
love all day.

It was enough to make Darla want to throw up. While hugging the toilet, she finally decided that the bastard would pay. She just didn't know how...yet. She needed to clear her head.

The small shop was just the ticket. It was one of those funky out-of-the-way places she so loved. Second hand stores were her favorite places. She found the most wonderful treasures in them. This particular one, she had never been in before. A small Native American man sat behind the counter, eying her thoughtfully as she entered the small building.

The shelves were spaced well apart and were not loaded down with items so she had a better view of what was available. Picking up a Zuni crafted necklace, she admired it in the light. She had always loved the intricate inlays of stone that the tribe employed in their jewelry-making. The small Kokopelli charm seemed to call to her.

"The necklace belongs with you, but it is not all you seek," spoke the man from the counter.

Darla turned to face him. His dark eyes were set into a weathered face which looked like it had seen much. His faded black t-shirt hugged him closely showing that he was in good shape for his age.

"What do you mean?" Darla queried.

The necklace says that it wants to be with you. There is something else here you yet seek."

Good sales pitch.

"And what might that be?"

Pointing a crooked finger to a shelf across the shop, he simply said, "There."

Darla noticed that the shelf held but a single thing. As she neared it, she realized it was a Trail of Painted Ponies figurine. She collected the little ponies and was always on the prowl for one she didn't have. This particular one was called "Nutcracker Pony." It was a special holiday edition. She had asked Rob for it for Christmas, but he ignored her pleas and bought her a new vacuum.

Picking up the delicate pony, she examined it. A sugar plum castle adorned its rump while ballerinas danced across its midsection to its withers. On a navy blue field decorated with stars, was Santa driven by a single reindeer. She felt that she just had to have this statue. No other would do.

Walking to the counter, she looked at the old man. He was smiling a knowing smile.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"The things here tell me who they need to be with. Your man is not faithful. This will keep him home."

Astonishment filled her eyes. "But how did you...?"

"They tell me," was all he said.

She paid for her purchases and walked out into the day. What a curious thing for him to say.

Darla arrived home just as Rob got home from work. He was in his usual grumpy mood. He was always like that lately.

"Looks like you've been shopping...again."

"Yes, I found a new little shop. Look, I found that pony figurine I wanted."

"Goodie for you," he spat.

Turning her back to him, she placed the pony on the mantle. Her other figures were in a glass case, but something just urged her to put this one out.

Later that night, Rob sidled up to her as she washed dishes and wrapped his arms around her.

"Baby, I'm sorry I was so gruff earlier. Why don't you stop what you're doing and let's do the nasty."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. What had happened to "making love?" She could feel the heat of him behind her. Then a cry of pain echoed through the kitchen.

She turned to find Rob doubled over in pain, holding tight to his crotch.

"Rob, what's the matter?"

Between clenched teeth, he gasped, "It feels like someone kicked me in the nuts!"

"Here, let's get you on the sofa."

She sat pondering what could have happened to cause such a reaction in Rob. Could he be ill?

A few days passed. Life went on as usual.

Then Rob announced he had to work late one night. When Darla asked what project he was working on, he again doubled over in pain.

"My nuts! God, they feel like their on fire!"

Darla blurted, "Are you thinking about Ramona?"

"What? But how did...who?" he sputtered.

"I know all about her, dear. Is she sexy?"

With that, he screamed in pain again and fell to the floor. "How can you ask me such things when my nuts feel like they're in a vise?"

It is the pony. Every time he thinks about sex, his nuts get "cracked".

"Rob, I'm leaving you. And as a parting gift, I'd like for you to keep that new pony I bought."

Turning on her heel, she set about packing her belongings.


Darla was attending a party that a friend was throwing. She was resplendent in her purple dress. Earlier as she readied herself, she decided to wear the Kokopelli necklace.

While talking with several people, a man walked up and asked her to dance. She looked into the blue eyes and melted. As he held her on the floor, he told her his name was Colton.

What a stud.

Two weeks later, when he asked her to marry him, he had mentioned the necklace. He told her that was what drew him to her at the party.
Never did she take it off again, even her wedding day.

© Copyright 2005 Nikola~Loves Her Gracie Girl! (nmarshall at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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