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What reading the Arabian Nights can inspire ;) |
Once there lived by the ocean a king and his queen. Their profound love inspired all the subjects of their kingdom to prosper in happiness, but as the years passed a pall came to settle over the land, for the royal couple remained childless, and hence without an heir to inherit the throne and continue their beneficent works of justice. A sorceress came to the court one day, and was summoned into the royal presence for consultation upon this matter dearest to their hearts. She asked leave to think upon the best solution. After contemplating the peaceful harmony of the kingdom, she was seized with an envious desire to bring grief upon the king and queen. Returning to court, she advised them thus; "Go ye upon a hunt; take thee along the shore for 5 leagues beyond your own borders, until you come to three great rocks, the first of copper, the second of silver, and the last of gold, extending out into the ocean. Take thyselves upon these rocks. Upon that of copper you will find a flagon of rich wine. Drink deeply of this. Upon the rock of silver you will find a great buckler wrought of finest silver, with sword and scabbard set with finest sapphires. Put this on. When you come to the rock of gold, you will find a great otter with eyes of fiery topaz taking its rest in the noontime sun. Do not hesitate, but strike him a swift, mortal blow before he slips into the ocean. The pelt of this wondrous beast contains enough magic that all your kingdom will fruit. Thus, will you realize this, your fondest wish." So spoke the sorceress with bright sincerity on her countenance, and darkest treachery roiling through her heart. The royal couple, overjoyed at her counsel, bestowed rich gifts upon her. The royal couple, rejoicing, made haste to set out upon this hunt. But at the conclusion of the first league, they came to a mighty river, so vast and violent where it met with the sea that the far shore was obscured in mists. No pass could be found inland, for the river roared out from between the feet of two mountains whose heads were lost in the clouds. Finally, they came to the fifth league, where three great rocks, the first of copper, the second of silver, and the last of gold, shone blindingly in the noonday sun. But their distance from shore was such that the royal couple lay prostrate with despair on the cool sands. So they remained until nightfall, when they observed that the receding tide made the first rock accessible for a few moments. "Now, my wife, heed me...we will, upon the morrow, attain the first rock of copper and abide there until the next tide enables us to gain the second rock of silver, and, abiding yet again , we shall three tides hence reach the golden rock and the fulfillment of our dreams." The queen graciously nodded, and set about providing for their comfort. 1-"I cannot kill this creature, who looks at me with such trust..." the king sobbed... Behold, the seal was transformed into a wonderful man, so full of natural grace and possessed of such a regal mein that the king and queen fell prostrate as before royalty. Gently, the magical being restored them to their feet. "You alone, of the few to reach my rock, have been the only ones to spare a dumb creature. Know ye, the mighty wine brings forth a man's soul, and lends strength to his fondest desire. The great buckler can only be worn by a stalwart heart, strong and true as steel. And only a mind of sharp wit can gain my lonely stone. I have slain all others, as they would have slain me, for the wine reddened their hands while the great sword lay stubbornly still. And cunning flourishes in dark gardens. What wish, then, brings you to disturb my noontime rest? For I am the King of the Billows, and all that is wondrous in the oceans is mine to command." |