Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/941500-Dark-Territory
Rated: XGC · Other · Crime/Gangster · #941500
Here he is in all of his dubious glory, my antogonist.
Shouldn't be too tough to get lost in a place like this...where all of the inhabitants scurried like frightened little rodents studiously avoiding eye contact.

But that could come later. He had much more urgent business to take care of right now. He had been locked up for seven long years, seven years of jerking his pony. Time to take care of things the way that nature had intended.

He found himself scanning the street; he knew just what he was looking for. He would know her when he saw her, the type that would lay down for a couple of bucks.

When you came down to it, they were all the same...they all would lay down for what they could get..their soft, slack bodies bending to his will...

Then he saw her. Standing on a corner just across the street from him. She studied the passing cars and people, tottering dangerously on heels way too high. Even in the stilts, she would maybe come eye level to his chest. She nervously clutched her enormous bag to her skimpy chest; licking her lips, smearing her gummy red lipstick all around them.

She hadn't spotted him yet. He had that knack, the knack of not being noticed when he didn't want to be. Carefully checking the traffic, he wove his way over to her, zigging and zagging. She didn't see him until he appeared right in front of her.

Up close you could tell that she was maybe sixteen, trying desperately to appear older than her scant years. Heavy foundation covered skin still virulently marked with the ravages of adolescent acne. Her torn and dirty tank top barely covered teacup-sized breasts. A fluff of teased and dyed blonde hair actually added maybe two inches to her tiny frame.

And the smell...the rank, fetid odor of her...dark secrets covered with the cheapest of cologne...yeah, they were all the same...needing guidance...requiring a firm hand...

She tipped her head back and nervously licked her lips once again. "Need a date, mister?", she hesitantly queried. "It'd be twenny for an hour...but I bet a big, strappin' guy like you could probly' go longer...".

Just as he had thought. There were all the same, some just more up front about it than others. But he had seventy-five in his wallet, seventy-five hard earned dollars from the prison sweat shop, and he could feel his need pressing him on.

"I got fifty, let's move it", he stated tersely.

"Now ain't you the eager one...", she dipped one eye in what was meant to be a sexy wink, but ended up looking more like a physical anamoly. "I got me a nice lil' place, you're just goin' to love it...".

They covered the four blocks to her place in what seemed like slow motion to him. Her stupid gums just kept flapping, her voice began to grate upon his nerves like the sound of styrofoam crunching together. He could feel a dull pain beginning at the back of his head, blurring his thoughts and dimming the world around him.

If she would just shut her stupid, fucking pie-hole for two seconds...let him get his bearings...let him think again...

She continued on with her endless prattle right up to the front of the rund-down hotel that she called home. Not even the three flights of stairs, surrounded by walls covered with peeling, yellowing wallpaper managed to take her breath away. She seemed to be a veritable font of yammering, senseless information.

The pain was worse now, sharp spikes being driven ever deeper by her endless chatter...silver shards piercing the delicate nerves behind his eyes...

He clenched his teeth down hard, grinding his back molars in a futile effort to focus on something, anything that would take this pain away.

They stood in front of the warped door which led to her room, her never-ending spew of words continuing as she fumbled her keys, finally sliding the correct one home in the lock. He tensed his jaw, the muscles working in spasms of controlled grinding as she walked through the door.

"Well, don' jus' stand there, come on in...what's wrong wit' ya', ya' stupid or somethin'?, she yapped out at him as he hesitated at the threshold.

The bright slivers of pain grew more intense as he bit down even harder.

The dumb cunt...doesn't she recognize the fact that he is far superior to her...just where the fuck does she get off...talking to him like that...maybe she needs a lesson...yeah, maybe it's time for class...

He stepped into the tiny room which was sparsely furnished with an old, single iron bed, a nightstand and a dresser which looked like it had been scavenged from a dump. The air was fetid; heavy with the cloying fragrances of cheap perfumes and oils long gone over. Every available surface was covered with the litter of a careless life; the table top and dresser were buried under a mound of tacky underclothing mixed in with empty beer bottles and various cosmetic supplies. The bed itself was buried beneath a mound of clothing which had obviously not been laundered in many days.

The combined odors of the room closed in on him as he pulled the door shut behind him. The girl was unbelievably still talking as she pulled her dingy top over her head. The room appeared to be getting even smaller, closing in on him with its miasma of odors, the walls seeming to shrink in towards him to the pint that it seemed that he could stretch out his arms and place his hands on opposite walls.

The girl hiked her cheap, imitation leather mini skirt up around her waist, almost like it was a belt and flopped spread-eagled on the top of the mound of filthy clothing heaping the iron bed.

"Well, time is money now ain't it? Ya goin' to stand there all day, or what? Ya know, I coulda been back out workin' if all ya' was goin' ta do was waste my time...", her voice was taking on an edge.

The stupid slut was still yapping...talking to her betters like that...she was practically begging for a lesson now...

He walked to the edge of the bed where she lay like a lump of flesh. He noticed that at the top of her thighs her skin was white, pale and almost fish-like. He stared at her face, at the stupid, vacuous expression which lingered there.

"What, don't ell me ya' can't even get it up now...ya' piece of shit...", she said as she began to rise to a seated position.

He placed his hand on her chest and pushed, hard. She yelped as she was forcibly shoved back, smacking her head solidly into the ancient mattress. "What the fu...", she was beginning to exclaim when his left fist landed cleanly on the side of her face. Bright tears sprung from her suddenly rounded eyes as she stared in shock at the stranger before her.

Yeah...school was about to begin...stupid bitch was going to get her degree now...

The room was growing dim around him; her face was beginning to melt in his vision. The rounded lines were becoming sharp angles of high cheekbones, the blue of her eyes was misting into a warm, dark brown as his fist pounded solidly into her nose. Bright scarlet blood burst from her wounded nose in a gush of warmth, drenching instantly down her cheeks and darkening the sweat dampened hair beneath her neck into a muddy maroon color.

She opened her mouth to shriek, but before the sound could exit her throat he slammed his tightly closed fist into her mouth, breaking her teeth and driving them back into her face. Fresh gushes of blood flooded her mouth back down into her throat, drowning out any sound in a wave of hot, salty blood.

Her face was familiar now...the dark brown hair fanned out beneath her head...her eyes misting over with pain...yeah, it was her...

He growled deeply in the back of his throat as he fixed his hands firmly around her pale throat and began to squeeze. The veins stood out like cords in his neck as he increased the pressure on her, he felt something like sticks crushing beneath his hands. A feral smile stretched his mouth into a grimace of joy as he felt the pressure in his jeans as his penis grew hard.

He leaned down to her face, his mouth stretching wider as he increased his hold on her throat even more. Her body bucked beneath him in jerky spasms, which only added to the hard knot in his crotch.

As her body arched beneath him he snaked out his tongue and licked her cheek. The taste of make-up mixed with salty sweat filled his mouth and he moaned deeply.

He needed more...oh, so much more...he wanted to fill his throat with the taste of her...hot and salty...his and his alone, forever...

His teeth sank deeply into the flesh of her cheek, filling him up with the coppery tang of her blood, the pressure in his jeans exploded in a rush of heat as her body pressed firmly in a final spasm against him. He surrendered himself to the dark, and knew no more.
© Copyright 2005 bibliophile (bibliophile at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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