Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/941154-Ecstasy-in-Exile-part-two
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #941154
An Eomer romance continues.
Chapter 13

One of Eomer’s hands sought to caress her breasts and his other hand slipped beneath the skirt of her dress. Erienne opened her mouth to meet his kisses; the heat swirling deliciously throughout her body. She was wet and willing beneath his questing fingers and Eomer groaned in frustration when he heard footsteps approaching. He let her skirt drop and pulled her quickly around the far corner of the building. If someone other than one of his men caught them it might make things difficult for Erienne. Erienne was new to this village; he could not risk her being seen in a bad light.

His forehead rested against hers, and he groaned, it would have to wait. He would have to figure out something. They had this one last night and Eomer intended to make the most of it. Still, it was a matter of privacy. He would not dare make love to Erienne in Kyla’s home and he could not bring her to the bed he’d been offered in Bracca’s dwelling. They could not shame either of their benefactors. But he also couldn’t leave without one last night with her. His lips brushed against her hair and he murmered against her mouth, “Meet me at the horses after dark, love.” And he went back out into the village. Leaving her with his taste on her lips and her love for him in her heart.

Erienne kept the appointed rendezvous. The sun had completely set and Eomer was waiting for her; he wore no armor whatsoever, just the minimum of clothing for decency’s sake, and he had not saddled the stallion, just a blanket on the horse’s back, a couple of extra blankets, and he did however have his sword strapped at his side. Just in case.

He boosted her onto the horse and mounted up behind her, Erienne riding astride in front of him. As soon as they were out of sight of the village, he made no effort at restraint, his hands were all over her. And she savored every single touch.

He nuzzled her throat as the horse moved at leisurely pace. Eomer’s hand slid again beneath her skirt, his fingers seeking and finding her sweet treasure. His fingers explored casually as the stallion moved along slowly. He undid the laces on her bodice, exposing her breasts to the bright light of a full moon. With one hand he teased the breasts to peaks while his other fingers stroked into her depths, drawing sweet honey out of the folds and he whispered her name huskily. “Erienne, my love,” and when she looked up at him he claimed her mouth in sweet kiss, deep and desperate.

Thankfully their destination was not far, they had merely followed the path of the river until they reached a thickly wooded area which would afford some privacy. He was about to bust when he lower Erienne to the ground. He grabbed the blankets from the back of the horse and led her into the wooded area. The moonlight filtered through the branches and lit the forest enough for them to pass without a problem.

Eomer spread the blankets on the ground and then pulled Erienne to him, no longer gentle, kissing her voraciously, desperate to take her. He paused between kisses to remove his clothes, while Erienne slipped out of her dress. As always she took his breath away, the filtering moonbeams casting an alabaster glow to her pale skin. She was beautiful in a haunting sort of way and he knew without doubt that she would haunt his dreams every night after tomorrow.

His hands came up to caress her face, tracing the sweet features, commiting them to memory in furious detail. The color of her hair with moonlight glinting off it, the merry twinkle in her eyes as she gazed back up at it him with adoration written on her face. His heart lurched with the pain of leaving her behind. He brought his mouth to take her in frenzied passion. His tongue delving into the deepest recesses of her mouth, his hands claiming the full breasts, drawing them to peak, then sliding his hands around her waist drawing her body up against him as they melded together, her body a perfect fit against his. The movement of his hands continued downward as they glided smoothly across the cheeks of her ass. He drew his kisses lower through the valley between her breasts, kissing his way across the flat planes of her stomach, seeking to harvest the sweet treasure that suddenly lay beneath his questing fingers. Finally on his knees before her, spreading the folds to taste of the prize concealed there. He lapped with his tongue tasting the sweet, musky nectar that was her essence.

He hungered for this, for her, and Eomer knew he always would. He glanced upwards, and slid his fingers into her moist depths. She sighed and moaned, as his fingers thrust into her, pushing her to the edge, her tunnel spasmed around his fingers and her head fell back and she cried out in pleasure, “Don’t’ stop,” her voice echoed through the trees; lost to everything but his ears as they were caressed by the evening breeze.

He felt the waves as she clenched around his probing fingers. He continued to stroke into her until the spasms faded and then he reached upward drawing her down on her knees and then pulling her against him and then Eomer lowered them both together onto the waiting blankets.

He positioned himself with his hips between her thighs preparing to to enter her. Eomer finally sank his erect member into the expectant folds. She pushed her hips forward taking all of him, pushing up against him again and again, seeking to take him deeper as they sought to become one.

They continued in the mating ritual, an occurrence as old as time itself. He thrust into her taking all she offered and then some, taking the passion she offered him and returning it to her with all the love he could muster. Her legs were around his waist and when her sweet tunnel began to clench this time around his thrusting cock, he let go, as the spasms of her current orgasm drew his seed from him , milking his member dry as he reached his climax in her sweet depths. He stilled his movements, laying atop her the waves of mutual climax carrying them to heightened awareness of each sensation, and then each delicious touch as he then stroked into her a few more times with agonizing slowness.

His forehead rested against hers and he kissed her lips gently as he withdrew the softening member and collapsed on the blanket at her side. Drawing her into his arms, enfolding her with strength, careful not to let her see the tears that escaped his eyes, missing her sweet laughter and gentle warmth already….

Chapter 14

Eomer lay there for a short while, just savoring the feeling of her in his arms, listening to her gentle breathing and it was warm against his bare chest. How was he going to leave her behind when morning came?

He had no choice in the matter, he had to do his duty as heir to the throne of Rohan. She snuggled against him and he turned with her in his arms, rolling so that she lay beneath him, he was ready to take her again.

He kissed Erienne tenderly as she sighed, starting at her forehead he kissed every inch of her face, her eyes, nose, mouth, behind her ears, her neck and shoulders. He pressed kisses—soft, soft kisses--in the hollow of her throat, then trailed them through the valley between her breasts. Her back arched at his touch and her hands moved up and down his back and rib cage. Clinging to him as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He brought his mouth back to hers, his tongue delving deeply, slowly taunting her, stirring the smoldering fires of the passion between them. He pressed into her, stroking her with his love and his passion. His arms went round her waist and he rolled with her so that she was now astride him and continued to thrust upwards into Erienne’s sweet depths. She rocked against him, grinding against his hips, meeting each thrust as they both climbed the peak together, their rhythm one. Their gazes met in the moonlight and the unspoken words lay heavy between them. They knew what they were, but also knew that saying them out loud would only make his leaving tomorrow that much harder. So they said it with actions instead,

With a final frenzied thrusting they came together, the passion between them exploding, and delicious sensation surrounded them both as he spilled inside the quaking tunnel walls. Again they cried out each other’s name in ecstasy, the cries again lost on a gentle breeze.

Sated and spent, they lay together on top of one blanket, covered with the other one. Erienne’s head rested against his shoulder their bodies curled together, face to with their limbs in entwined. Eomer tilted his head just enough to reach her mouth with his. His hand moving softly across her across her shoulder. Kissing her ever so gently, his every touch a sensual caress, soothing and reassuring. Slowly Erienne drifted off to peaceful sleep.

The sun was beginning to rise when Eomer roused Erienne, “C’mon, love, we need to get back to the village.”

With reluctance and suddenly heavy hearts they both dressed in silence. Eomer boosted her up onto the stallion and mounted up behind her. He held her tenderly, her back against his, her head falling back against his shoulder and he said nothing as the tears slipped down her cheeks. She made no effort to hide them as they fell on his hands where they rested around her waist. He had no words of comfort to offer her, he needed some of his own. Damned if he could think of any. The best he could manage was to hold her tighter.

They entered the sleeping village as dawn broke on the horizon. He lowered her to the ground and secured the horse. He escorted her back to Kyla’s door. He leaned down to kiss her one last time. “Let’s say farewell here, love.” he said, knowing it would be easiest this way, and better for Erienne in the long run, others did not need to see her crying like this.

“Mark my words,” his hand came up to caress her face again, “I promise we will see each other again.”

Pulling her to him in a kiss full of desperation and longing he said his goodbye without words. Leaving Erienne devastated and breathless Eomer turned and walked away. …

Chapter 15

Two weeks had passed since Eomer had left her behind. On the most part the new village had gone beyond what was necessary to make her feel at home.

Brynne and Mara were waiting for her every morning and she had become a friend of sorts with their mother and had learned only after Eomer left that Kyla was in fact their grandmother. She’d offered to watch over the girls every morning so that Kyla and Tyra could do their morning chores in peace. It wasn’t much but at least she felt she was earning her bed and her food each day. She was certainly grateful for the dresses the men had found for her at the gutted village. They were the only clothes she had.

The day weren’t so bad the little girls keeping her occupied. It was the nights that were almost unbearable. His strong arms and loving touch creeping into her dreams each night, she clung to the dreams which mingled with her memories as she dreamed wistfully of a moment when she’d look up to see riding back into the village. Kissing her mouth, and claiming her for all the world to see. To take her away to Edoras. To be with him forever.

That where she went each night and that is what kept her going. He was coming back to her. HE PROMISED.

It had been a fortnight and Eomer and his men were on the far side of Rohan a good three to four days journey from Helm’s Deep and further than that from Edoras.

He was greatly relieved that he’d been able to leave Erienne in the village. they had encountered two parties of orcs and the three days ago they had slaughtered an company of Urak-hai warriors.

He’d gone into a bloodlust frenzy dispatching them with extreme prejudice, taking his revenge for Theodred’s death. Savagely seeking revenge for every innocent citizen of Rohan who had suffered at the bidding of Saruman; demanding penance for the continued destruction of his world.

Then the next dawning, there had been the encounter with Aragorn son of Arathorn whom they encountered with an Elven prince, son the Elf king Thranduil of Mirkwood, and a dwarf. He knew of the ranger, but had never met him before. They were on foot, seeking their companions taken captive by the same Urakhai he’d just left in a burning heap.

Not all his horsemen had survived and he gave them two horses who no longer had masters. He left them with little hope of finding their companions still alive.

He wanted to go back to seek her out, assure his mind that she was safe. But things were worsening and the borders needed to be watched.

During the day as they rode he tried to push her from his thoughts. At night he was lost to the whims of his heart as she came to him each night in dreams. Over and over, the vision rose in the night. Night after night he watched her drop the sheet and take him to her.

He wanted this all to be over. He needed to go back, He had to go back. He loved her. And above all else he’d PROMISED.

Chapter 16

Days continued to pass- in Edoras at the Golden Hall Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli had arrived, They had not found their friends in Fanghorn Forest but had found Gandalf whom they had believed dead and found cause to rejoice in that their hobbit companions still lived.

Gandalf had rescued Theoden’s mind and body from the clutches of Saruman. Wormtongue had been cast out of Edoras, and final rites for Theodred had taken place.

Two small children on horseback had arrived letting them know more bands of wild men were on the move in the Westfold—more and more villagers dead or homeless…..

Eomer awoke in a cold sweat, crying out her name. “Erienne!!!” His heart pounding in fear from his vision.

He did not know what to make of his dream. Just images really, but all of them scared the hell out of him.

[i]Armies of orcs and goblins…… Legions of Urak Hai…..The White hand of Saruman….Village after village, consumed by smoke and flame…. Wormtongue pursuing his sister…

His sweet Erienne dropping the sheet but this time disappearing before he could reach her..

A bustling village… then flames… but Erienne nowhere to be seem…. Him calling for her with no reply… the village where he’d left her gutted and gone. …..His Erienne… where was she? [/i]

His heart pounded and he fought for breath….. He tried to dismiss it as just a bad dream. His heart wouldn't let him..

It was midmorning when Erienne departed the village taking the twins with her on long walk. The distance wasn’t as far as she’d originally thought. She and the two little girls followed along the river until they came to the forested area where Erienne and Eomer spent their last night together.

She’d not noticed in the dark, and even if she could have seen in the dark it would have been unlikely that she would have noticed the incline, the copse of trees sitting atop a low rise, and if you looked back you could see the entire village.

They had a little picnic and then she and the girls laughed and squealed, darting in and out among the trees, hiding from each other although the little ones weren’t so great at the hiding part and being quiet was pretty much an unknown concept.

A sudden wave of something overwhelmed her and she froze. A warning of danger exploded in her head. Maybe it was through her sense of smell for the faint smell of something burning drew her attentions. She left the girls playing drawing pictures with sticks on the ground. Erienne silently moving back to the edge of the trees.

Her heart froze, as grief overwhelmed her. The smoke and flames were rising from the village. She looked back to the little girls, what was she supposed to do now?

She didn’t dare go back to the village, but she didn’t know how safe they would be here either.

She had to make a plan of some sort. She couldn’t wait until it got dark. She needed to figure things out now. She had the twins to protect in addition to herself.

What would Eomer do? She thought back to her time spent with the Rhohirrim. Eomer had taught her to fish and how to make a fire.

It wasn’t the best of plans by any means but it was the best she could manage. Until a better option came along she and the girls would travel after dark, and stick close to the river. They really had no other choice; she couldn’t risk their safety out the plains. Her and two little girls striking out across the vast Riddemark, Erienne dismissed the entire thought as foolhardy.

They would follow the river if for no other reason than something to drink.

She enlisted the aid of her charges. She put the girls to the task of find some nut and berries, and by making a game of it. She told them the game would be over when the bag she’d brought their lunch in was completely full.

She kept the girls awake a long as she could without a nap. Finally a couple of hours before dark she let them go to sleep, snuggling one child under each arm. She dozed off and on but was too terrified to let sleep completely overtake her.

When it was completely dark and the moon was shining down between the branches, she woke the girls up and she started them off on a journey to the unknown. She had no idea where to go but she just knew they had to go.

They would follow the river until a better idea came along…

Chapter 17-

Edoras was emptying fast, the decision having been made to evacuate all citizens to Helm’s deep. Wormtongue had fled back to Saruman whose army was nearly ready for the next step in the wizard’s dark plans. Gandalf had gone off in search of Eomer and of the others who had been banished that he might be able to find. He promised Lord Aragorn to arrive at Helms Deep in 5 days time hopefully with reinforcements with him.

The rag tag line of villagers and soldiers stretched out for more than a mile. With stragglers even further back. Aragorn, the elf Legolas and the dwarf Gimli accompanied them. The journey would take two days time…

Erienne and the girls had continued along the river for two nights and they were nearing the foothills of the mountains and Erienne knew there would be no choice now but follow the base of the mountain, they would have to leave the river behind. She knew the great fortress was out here somewhere near the mountains. The territory was so unfamiliar, and it was too difficult to know where to go in the dark. She was afraid that she would get them lost in the dark and they would die of exposure and starvation.

Erienne stopped just after midnight and the girls fell asleep quickly huddled on each side of Erienne in the dark. As the sun broke over the mountains she woke the girls again. They were little angels, complaining very little. Their young minds somehow managing to grasp the severity of the situation, they had asked about Tyra and Kyla once and had accepted Erienne’s simple “I don’t know.” She told them about the great fortress and how most anyone who ran away from the village would go there. She fervently prayed that she would find her fellow villagers there.

The sun had risen fully and it was going to be a beautiful day. Erienne and the girls moved up the slope on the mountain so that Erienne could get high enough to get a view across the plains. They would have to venture out there eventually and she wanted to see if there was chance of doing so safely….

It was the second day of the journey from Edoras to Helms Deep. Legolas rode about mid column his elf eyes constantly scanning the horizon for danger. He spotted them along the lower edge of the mountain. He called out to a couple of the soldiers, knowing they couldn’t see as he could he pointed out the specific mountain, sending one of them to the front to let the Theoden and Aragorn know what he was doing. He and two men rode out across the plain. It was becoming a regular occurrence as survivors of attacks by wild men or orcs came out of hiding and joined the growing line of refugees….

Erienne simply stared. The line of people moving across the plain went as far as her eyes could see in both directions. This was it, there would be no better time. They had to reach those people for she was certain that there would be safety at their destination. She was pretty sure the destination was Helm’s Deep. She looked back in the direction she and the girls had come from as she saw a people here and there doing the same thing she intended, coming out of their hiding places and moving across the plain to join the moving line of people.

She hurried the girls back down the slope and headed out across the plain with a renewed sense of urgency. She would not feel safe until they reached the others…..

Legolas spurred the men to move quickly, he felt uneasy leaving his post with the refugees, but he knew that whoever it was out there needed help too, that the distance across the plain on foot would be at great risk to their safety. He had seen far too much death on this journey. Death was something he was unaccustomed to and he would not tolerate it if he could prevent it instead….

Erienne heard the hoofbeats and looked up, momentarily frightened until she recognize the familiar armor of the Rhohirrim. It was a party of three. She stopped pulling both of the girls close to her. The riders slowed and then stopped before her.

Legolas slid from the saddle and Erienne couldn’t help herself, she stared at him, she’d never seen an elf before and this one was beautiful. She heard the stories of the beauty of the elves but imaginings didn’t come close. She was so taken by him she didn’t even hear him speak until he touched her, shaking her gently. “I asked if you were all right?”

She met his intense, calming blue eyes and struggled to find her voice. “Yes…., we’re fine, we are tired, scared and hungry, but otherwise we are all right. Our village….”

“Say no more, it’s like that everywhere, let’s get you back to the others. We can sort the rest out later. I am Legolas.”

“I’m Erienne, and these two are Brynne and Mara.” The two little girls were hiding in her skirts just like they had from Eomer.

Legolas knelt just as Eomer had, bringing the girls forward with soft words and a smile. “How would you girls like to ride on these horses?”

Brynne ventured a comment, “They’re too big, we might fall.”

“No you won’t, we won’t let you.” He lifted Brynne up to one of the men who placed the child safely in front of him.

Mara took a bit more coaxing, but he eventually got her to take his hand on her own and let him lift her up to the other horseman.

Then he turned to Erienne, “And now for you m’lady.” He boosted her up into the saddle and then mounted up behind her. After traveling with Eomer she sat astride knowing it was safer if they wanted move quickly. Legolas prompted the horse into a full gallop and they travelled quickly across the plain to join the refugees….

Eomer had known war was coming, Saruman was trying to divide and conquer before making his big move and as Eomer and his company had traveled the plains they had grown in numbers as he marshaled his own army. Company after company of Rhohirrim from the outlying areas joined with him. They were an army about 3,000 or so strong when Gandalf found them.

The white wizard informed him of what was going on in Edoras. That village after village was coming under attack by Saruman’s minions and Edoras was being abandoned for the keep at Helm’s Deep, He was gladdened by the news that Saruman’s hold over Theoden was no more, and that his banishment was lifted and that his presence would be sorely needed.

Eomer called the men to arms and soon the Rhohirrim rode fast and hard with Gandalf for Helm’s Deep….


Legolas deposited Erienne and the twins with a group of women toward the front portion of the column. Then rode on up to the front to let Theoden and Aragorn know what he’d found. Glancing back they could still see sparsely scattered groups of people joining in the march toward Helm’s Deep. They were having cross through a pass of sorts up ahead, and Legolas rode on ahead them to make use of his Elven gifts.

He sensed them first, just a vague feeling, and then their scent carried to him on the wind. He dismounted and ran on foot to the next peak, he listened hearing the rumbling faintly across the next ridge. He squinted his eyes and finally saw them crest several ridges farther away. But at the speed they coming they would be in here in just minutes. He cried out back over his shoulder, “Warg Riders!”

His words echoed back on the lips of the others back several ridges to Theoden and Aragorn. Theoden swiftly dispatched the soldiers forward at all possible speed and commanded Eowyn to lead the Refugees as swiftly as possible on to Helm’s Deep…..

Erienne held the two small hands, pressing them onward with the rest of the throng, noting that the pace had suddenly been stepped up…

That could only mean that danger lay ahead somewhere. She would feel so much better about this if Eomer was at her side…..

Some distance away out on the plain the Rhohirrim had paused for a much needed rest. Eomer was devastated. He stared at the ruins of the village where he’d left Erienne. With the increased size of his army they had made quick work of searching the village. He would not believe she was gone without proof. The number of bodies found were far less than what he remembered to be in the village. There had to have been some survivors. The only bodies he recognized were those of Bracca and one of the lad’s who’d tended the horses. Of course some bodies were burned beyond recognition, but he refused to even consider that Erienne was one of them. But where was she?

He’d already known that the village was gone. His vision could have meant nothing less. But what did it mean that she was gone. Did it mean that she was dead or did it mean she’d gotten away? Praying on all that was still good in Rohan he prayed that she still lived.

His heart felt like a dozen horses were standing on it. He tried his best to force her from his mind. They’d done all they could do. They were no longer banished men, and they had someplace they had to be.

Gandalf sensed Eomer’s desolation, “What troubles you, Eomer?”

“I never should have left her here, Gandalf. She never argued about it, but I know that she wanted to stay with me. I thought she would be safer here. I should have kept her with me.” Whoever this young woman was or had been, she obviously meant a lot to the Lord Marshall of Rohan.

Gandalf could think of no wise words to soothe Eomer’s troubled heart. He didn’t want to assure him that this young woman whoever she might be; was still alive when it was more than likely that the future king of Rohan had all good reason to grieve yet another loss. It would be most cruel to give him false hopes. Instead he prodded the young man on to the business at hand. “Come Eomer, Saruman is on the move, I can feel it….”

Eomer mounted up and rallied the men. They rode again with all haste toward Helm’s Deep….

Chapter 19

Erienne had found cause to rejoice once they reached keep at Helm’s Deep. Since Legolas had left them near the front of the throng on foot, they had been among the first to arrive. She refused to be sent to the caves, she remained above, watching the line of displaced citizens, hoping to see any familiar faces.

The end of the line was coming and she was afraid of what she would have to tell those sweet little girls when they both pulled away from her with delighted squeals. She looked in the direction they ran. Thank heavens, it Kyla and Tyra. Not in the best condition, obviously having been caught in the village at the time of the attack, but they had somehow escaped. The grief-strickened looks on the women’s faces replaced by sheer joy as they were reunited with Brynne and Mara. They made their way to Erienne, hugging her and thanking her for getting the girls safely to Helm’s Deep.

Erienne showed them where the others were going, and was about to follow when she saw the riders on the horizon. The men were returning….

Legolas returned to Helm’s Deep in agonizing grief, stunned and disheartened, in disbelief. He simply couldn’t credit it, even though he himself had been there. He couldn’t accept that Aragorn, the heir to throne of Gondor had fallen in battle.

He’d not seen a body, but how could Aragorn survive a fall like that one; falling over the cliff, dropping hundreds of feet into the river. There had been nothing but angry raging water when he and Theoden looked below.

Lady Eowyn had met them, and she collapsed into tears of devastation upon hearing such grim news, for she was in love with Lord Aragron. Even the dwarf Gimli was felled by waves of grief for the Ranger King.

Legolas opened his hand staring down at the Evenstar--Arwen’s gift to her beloved Strider—where it rested in his palm. He fought the moisture in his eyes, he hated death, despised the emptiness it left, the void in the heart unfillable.

For most of his life he had been acquainted with little more than the peace and the beauty of his Mirkwood home. Now in these last weeks he’d had to accept the deaths of three he’d called friend. Gandalf’s fall had shocked him and introduced Legolas to emotions he’d never experienced. He’d respected Gandalf for his wisdom and goodness. He’d only just begun to consider Boromir of Gonder a friend when the Urak-hai took his life. He feared for the safety Sam and Frodo alone on their trek to Mordor. He took a measure of comfort in the return of Gandalf and Gandalf’s steadfast assurance that Merry and Pippin were quite safe.

But Aragorn he’d truly known and considered his friend. There was no other emotion he call it. He’d loved Aragorn. As a friend, a brother in arms. He would feel this loss most of all. Legolas closed his hand around the Evenstar, he would keep Arwen’s gift safe….

Ereinne was worried. The men had returned and there was extreme sadness, even hopelessness for one their leaders had not returned. Someone named Lord Aragorn, of seemingly great importance. She’d never heard of him, but she certainly took note of the dark cloud of uncertainty that seemed to descend upon the keep. This Aragorn must have been important indeed.

Erienne wandered through the keep, volunteering her assistance here and there, now relieved of the task of Brynne and Mara for a while anyway. Their mother had vowed to never let them out of her sight again. Kyla was overjoyed at the safe return of her granddaughters.

She wandered about, hoping maybe to come across more survivors from the village, and maybe through some miracle someone from her home village. She saw a few other survivors from the last village but no one she’d made an acquaintance with, but she knew them on sight.

That was when she saw him. It was the elf Legolas who’d rescued her and the girls on the plains. He was sitting off in a corner alone and was dirty from battle; lost in thought somewhere, the slump of his shoulders revealing the depth of his grief. She recognized it easily having suffered so much of her own lately.

She approached him quietly, hoping to somehow his ease his despair. “Legolas?” she asked reaching out to touch his shoulder tenderly.

He turned at the soft voice, his eyes meeting hers. “Erienne, what are you doing up here, you should be with the others.”

“The girls found their mother and grandmother, and I am restless without them to watch over.”

Legolas tried to smile at the thought of such a happy reunion. He could not manage it; the pain in his heart was just too overwhelming.

“You were close to this Lord Aragorn?”

“He was like a brother to me.. I would do anything for him, I should have paid more attention to where he was; I should have been….”

“Don’t blame yourself, Legolas…, this is a bad time, a time of war, men die. People die.” Her eyes began to tear up as her loss came again to the surface.

Legolas realized she was grieving too, “Who did you lose?”

“My mother, my father, my three brothers, and my entire village. I would be dead to if weren’t for Lord Eomer. The wild men were about to rape me before killing me when he and his horsemen arrived. “

“So you have seen Lord Eomer…, have you told the Lady Eowyn, I’m sure she would much appreciate news of her brother.”

“I believe she has much else to occupy her at this time, m’lord.“

“Of course,” Legolas nodded, for such a young woman, she was quite wise. He knew Eowyn was taking the loss of Strider as hard as he was. He hadn’t missed the looks of adoration that Eowyn had bestowed upon Aragorn when she thought no one was looking. “I just cannot believe he is dead.” His tone was bitter, and for some reason it seemed out of place for him for him to be so. He was so different from this morning when he’d come riding across the plain.

“Legolas, I know it hurts.”

“Until this last fortnight I had never looked upon death. At least not like this. I had never suffered loss.” He was almost choking on the words not knowing how to handle it.

Erienne reached out to touch his face, trying to comfort him, “Don’t fight it Legolas, give in, let it go.”

He met her gaze, seeing the truth of her statement in her eyes. He reached out to clasp her hand as he at last let the tears of grief go and they flowed steadily down his cheeks. Great sobs began to wrack his body, as he grieved at last; not just for Aragorn, but for Boromir as well, and all those he had seen fall today.

She reached out to hug him and his arms came around her waist as he clung to her and the tears continued to come.

Legolas cried for quite some time….

Chapter 20

Out on the plain Eomer’s army continued to ride hard for Helm’s Deep stopping only as necessary to eat and rest the horses….

Aragorn clung to his horse exhausted from both the battle with the Wargs and his desperate battle against the currents of the river. His body cried out for rest and he struggled to make at back to Helm’s Deep.

He crested the next ridge and was stunned by what he saw—an army comprised of Urak-hai warriors, stretching back toward Isengard as far as the eye could see.

With renewed sense of urgency born of desperation he prodded the stallion to full gallop toward Helm’s Deep.

The guard atop the fortress cried out “Rider approaching.” The rider came closer and the gates were ordered open. Excited murmurs rippled through the first level of the keep. “Lord Aragorn has returned.”

Erienne watched curious to see this man who single-handedly seemed to bring hope back to Rohan. She stood back in the shadows, watching the look on Legolas’s face as he heard the news, the sheer joy on his face as he embraced his friend whom he’d thought dead. She could not help but wipe away a happy tear to see the weight of such grief rise off of her new friend.

She saw the unspoken affection between the ranger and the elf as Legolas handed the Evenstar back to Aragorn, no words necessary to convey the message, and across the keep she saw the same look of elation and erased grief on Lady Eowyn’s face.

Sadly Aragorn did not bring glad news. Danger was imminent—the enemy army would reach them soon, probably by nightfall.

All the women and children were ordered to the caves; including the Lady Eowyn. The air in the caves thick with fear, and anticipated grief. Any male capable of bearing a weapon was outside at the wall watching in the early darkness as the Urak-hai army approached, they could hear the them, the ground shaking as the mass moved as one. The women could also hear the sound of violent thunder.

Erienne approached Eowyn, there might not be another time to meet Eomer’s sister. “ M’lady, I would like to speak with you about Lord Eomer.”

Eowyn looked Erienne over curiously, wondering who she was and how she knew her brother. “What do you know of him? What do you know of my brother? “

‘I know of his banishment m’lady, and I know he is a good, strong man; after his banishment he and his men rescued me from rape and certain death. My home village…., well I am the only survivor.”

“My is brother is well?” Lady Eowyn’s affection for her brother was apparent as was her eagerness for any news of his welfare.

”Yes, milady, quite well indeed, at least he was a fortnight ago. He has feared greatly for your well-being. After my rescue he left me at another village after seeking safe haven for me. He had no way of knowing that village would be attacked as well. So many of them have been destroyed.”

Eowyn didn’t doubt the truth of those words, she looked around the brimming cave; brimming the frightened humanity. Probably half were from Edoras but the others were just like Erienne, force from their homes in fear for their lives. So many now homeless.

Gandalf and Eomer led the Rhohirrim army steadfastly across the plains; if they could keep this pace they would make Helm’s Deep by first light. They only hope they got there in time….

The battle began in earnest as Rohan fought for survival aided in battle by the contingent of Elves sent by Lord Elrond of Rivendale. The rivalry between Legolas and the dwarf Gimli continued as they kept a body count of their kills. They fought valiantly throughout the long night and despite their determination and valor, being vastly outnumbered, little by little the Urak-hai breeched their defenses, and by the time the predawn light peaked over the horizon they had only the inner keep left.

Aragorn and Théoden decided to make a final stand, and Aragorn remembered what Gandalf had told them about the looking to the east on the fifth day. With a final charge through the fortress to the outside, they took down hundreds of the enemy as they swept through the keep on horseback.

They knew when they reached the outside they would be greatly outnumbered but were determined that if they had to die they would go down fighting to the last breath or heartbeat.

The sun broke on the horizon over the eastern mountains and Aragorn did look to the East. There was Gandalf, resplendent in all white. A slow smile crept upon Aragorn’s face as he saw the top of the ridge fill with men on Horseback and he recognized the Lord Marshall of Rohan at Gandalf’s side.

Théoden looked up as well, and smiled as they heard not Eomer’s cry, but heard it as it was echoed by his men “To the King” and they began their charge down the hill. The Urak–hai seemed to have an aversion to horses and in addition the sunlight behind the charging army was blinding them.

It was over shortly, and whatever remained of Saruman’s vast army taking flight. It was over, the keep still stood and below in the caves the women and children were safe at last.

Chapter 21

The women were released from the caves and reunited with those men and boys who had survived. The joy was bittersweet for the loss of life was great. And all of them knew that Gondor was at risk of the same fate.

The men met briefly in the great hall, Theoden, Eomer, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Gandalf. It was quickly decided that they still had Saruman himself to deal with and they quickly rode off for Isengard….

Inside the keep Erienne had heard of the Rhohirrim’s return. She rejoiced in the news that her love was safe, but also knew he was occupied by his duty. She would seek him out when they returned from Isengard. It was enough for her now to know that he was close and they could be together soon.

Much was settled on the journey. Eomer was merely glad to be back in the good graces of his Uncle. Theoden had begged Eomer’s forgivenss for what he’d done under the influence to Wormtongue and Saruman.

Aragorn and Gimli talked to him about how they knew that their hobbit friends still lived. And Eomer was glad for them. But his heart still burned with pain. He could not be truly happy. He still did not know Erienne’s fate.

Therefore, Eomer’s most intriguing conversation was with Legolas. Eomer mentioned something about the many villages he’d seen destroyed and the great loss of life in Rohan extended to the plains.

Legolas looked at him, “There were many survivors who made it either to Edoras or joined in the ranks on the march to Helm’s Deep. “In fact, Legolas smiled as he remembered his conversation with a certain young woman. “I know of a lovely young woman, a blonde whom I do believe who will be most pleased to see you once you have chance.”

Eomer nodded, “Yes, I know Eowyn will be pleased by my return.”

“It is not Eowyn of whom I speak. Does not the name Erienne mean anything to you.?”

Eomer was stunned and reined in his horse coming to a standstill. Erienne, Legolas knew of Erienne. The rest of the party stopped to stare back at him.

The great burden on Eomer’s heart lifted and Legolas now had garnered his full attentions. He bombarded the elven prince with question after question, in such rapid succession that Legolas could not answer one before being asked another.

Gandalf raised his brows and smiled, noting the instant change in the horse lord’s demeanor. So Eomer’s young woman still lived.

Aragorn chuckled as Eomer rattled off his questions to Legolas. It was but a small victory- the survival of one woman, but still a cause to rejoice over.

“Calm down, nephew,” Theoden chided, “Let Legolas have a word if you wish to have your answers.”

Legolas directed his answers to all of them, “Erienne is the young woman I rescued on the plains with the twin girls.

“Brynne and Mara.” Eomer remembered out loud.

“Ah that one,” said Theoden.

“Where is Erienne?” Eomer demanded his impatience growing steadily.

“Last I saw of her, she and Eowyn were going down to the caves. You will find her safe at Helm’s Deep.”

It was an act of sheer willpower for Eomer not to turn around right then and ride for Helm’s Deep……
His heart swelled with joy for Erienne lived……

They completed their business at Isengard and made the return journey to Helm’s Deep. They had to come to some decisions about what to do with about all the homeless before they returned to Edoras.

Eomer wasn’t subtle. He moved through the fortress level by level, room by room yelling her name, “Erienne!”

He was getting more frustrated with every passing second. But Helm’s Deep was large and she could be practically anywhere. He didn’t find her right away but he found Kyla and the girls, who informed Eomer that she was helping tend some of the wounded.

He proceeded to where the wounded warriors were being treated. He didn’t find her immediately but his eyes came to rest on Eowyn. He slipped up behind her and engulfed his sister in a full blown hug, so grateful that she was safe and that no harm had befallen her in his absence. “You are looking well, Eowyn.”

“I am fine,” she replied. “I am so glad you are safely returned.”

He was about to say something else to Eowyn when he saw her across the room. His Erienne. The pale silken hair hanging loose and framing her sweet face as she stood up, which is why he’d not seen her at first. His heart began to race as he could at last truly believe she still alive.

“Excuse me Eowyn” he said, pulling away from their hug. He moved through sea of dying and wounded men, he was almost upon her before Erienne chanced to glance up and saw him coming toward her. She smiled at him, and for a moment all was right with his world. His self control was almost gone. He reached her side, reaching up to touch her face, scarcely able to believe she was in front of him. “Erienne “ he whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

“Eomer.” she whispered back, as she reached up to touch his face too.

Suddenly aware that they were in a room full of potential spectators Eomer recovered enough to control his first impulse. Instead he took the bandaging material she held in her hand and tossed it aside and took her by the hand dragging her from the hall.

Pulling her along behind him until they could find some sort of privacy. He checked several doors until he found a room that was empty. He pushed her inside and closed and bolted it behind them. He would not stand for any interruptions and backed her up against the door as his mouth came down to claim hers in a bruising kiss. She met the kiss with her own enthusiasm, ecstatic at the mere thought of what she knew he had mind.

After long lingering moments Eomer pulled back from their kiss to stare down into her blue eyes, pools for him to drown in, reflecting the deep passion they shared right back to him. “Oh love… I was afraid you were lost to me, I feared you were dead, when I saw the village…. “ he let go of the tears he’d held in check ever since that terrible night vision. He suddenly looked ashamed for doubting her survival, “I never expected this miracle.”

Erienne’s hand caressed his face, a look of wonder on her own, that he cared enough about her to expose himself like this, to let down his guard and cry openly in front of her. “I am here and I am safe, that is all that matters.”

Eomer took a couple of deep breaths, in an effort to regain some control over his raging emotions and began to fight his way out of his outer armor. Erienne watched for a couple of moments before reaching out to assist him.

Soon he was naked from the waist up and he pulled her to him; bending to kiss her again and Erienne’s mouth opened beneath the desperate questing assault of his tongue as his fingers instinctively found the laces of her dress. Her breasts sprang free and his hands caressed them briefly before his hands moved downward gathering her skirt and drawing it up around her waist slipping two fingers into her to test her readiness.

She was wet for him; and as he stroked into her with his fingers, she boldly undid his laces and freed his engorged erection; her fingers stroking the length of him gently. His heart lurched as she stroked him. He backed her up against the wall, lifted her legs around him as she guided him into her.

He thrust deep as her arms encircled his neck and he once again found sweet delight in the velvet heat surrounding him. Her peaked nipples brushed against his chest and Eomer feathered kisses up and down her neck as he continued to thrust into her. He whispered, “Erienne, Erienne” over and over again and he pumped harder, faster and deeper until Erienne cried out his name at the peak of her climax. The waves of her pleasure brought his own to fruition and he spilled his seed deep inside her.

He dropped her legs back down to the floor and turned with her against him. He slid down the wall drawing her down with him and sat there on the floor while they recovered, with her on his lap, enfolded in his loving arms….

Chapter 22

Things were settled at Helm’s Deep and many of the homeless were going to take up at least temporary residence in Edoras. Eomer had duties with his uncle, but made a point of checking on Erienne frequently, not able to stand her out of his sight for long. He knew his obsession with her moment to moment welfare would lessen with time but he’d been so afraid she had died, and it would have been his fault. And there was the last meal in the great hall before the return journey in the morning. It had been decided that Kyla, Tyra and the girls would go to Edoras with Erienne.

Eomer was pacing in the corridor outside Eowyn’s chambers, he didn’t know how much longer he would be able to stand it. What could be taking two young women so long. When Eowyn had realized the affection that existed between Erienne and her brother she’d taken upon herself to personally see that Erienne was well taken care of.

Theoden wanted to meet the young woman who obviously meant much to his nephew. As did Lord Aragorn, wishing to see what charms were held by the woman whose survival had been the cause of Eomer’s great joy. And Gimli as always was taken by any woman who was fair of face, hair and disposition. He was certain to be adoring Erienne just as he did the Lady Galadriel in Lothlorien and Lady Eowyn here in Rohan.

Legolas didn’t wonder he knew what a prize Erienne was, if not for her obvious love for the Lord Marshall he might have been tempted some pursuit of his own, and his attraction to human females was rare. But there was something about this young woman who touched him, and he didn’t think it was just her kindness to her rescuer: there was something as yet untainted in her, despite the horrors her heart had witnessed.

Eomer was to discover the wait had been well worth his while. The door to the chamber to opened and Eowyn stepped out dressed not as richly as usual but as best as could be managed at Helm’s Deep. Still his sister was as lovely as ever, a mysterious sparkle in her eyes that he expected had to do with Lord Aragorn. “Eowyn, lovely as always.”

“Thank you,” she looked back expecting Erienne to be behind her. She was not to be seen. Eowyn stepped back into the room and retrieved her from behind the door. Erienne’s head was bent down shyly, as Eowyn pulled her forward into the corridor.

Eomer stepped closer, reaching out and tilting her face up to meet his gaze. He smiled at her and she relaxed at the approval she saw in his eyes. She looked quite fetching in the gown Eowyn had loaned her, “Turn around, love, let me see the full effect.”

Her blue eyes danced, her flaxen hair fell in waves down her back to her waist as she did as he asked. The dress fit her well, and clung to her pleasing curves. Indeed she was more beautiful than ever.“I am to be the envy of all tonight,” he said proudly.

“Why is that, m’lord?” Erienne asked.

“I shall enter the hall with the two most beautiful women in Helm’s Deep at my side.”

“And that you shall brother,” said Eowyn, taking Eomer by the arm as Erienne giggled with her taking the other. “Let us go, Uncle is waiting I’m sure.”

A good number of the Rhohirrim who’d been banished with Eomer were present in the great hall when Eomer and his ladies entered. They, too, rejoiced that Erienne was still alive, many had grown fond of her while she traveled with them for she had always been kind, and made great effort to thank them for any comforts they had provided her, a few others had felt their Lord’s pain when he’d thought they had left her to her death, for they recognized what many others had not. Their lord and future king was in love with her.

Eomer led the women forward to where Theoden sat. Eowyn went forward to kiss her Uncle on the cheek and he hugged her back quickly. Eowyn acknowledged and was acknowledged by Lord Aragorn and the others. Then Eomer began introducing Erienne to his friends. Then he took her by the hand and led her before his uncle. Erienne was the picture of decorum, bowing her head in respect to her King.

She made a favorable impression on the members of the fellowship and Theoden. She was lovely and the affection between her and Eomer was plainly evident. Given as there had been so little to smile over lately they took great pleasure in the happiness the befell anyone. To any joy in the midst of such dismal times. Yes Rohan had survived but Sauron’s forces still threatened Gondor. And it was there that Aragorn intended to go.


Not everyone in the great hall shared Eomer and Erienne’s joy. There was one who would see them parted forever….Dark eyes glittered with barely contained jealousy, Reyna was furious over this turn. Her father had been banished with Eomer and she had been a welcomed guest in Eomer’s chambers and in his bed on more than one occasion. She would not give up that place. When they returned to Edoras she would see to it that this little witch which was cast out. She would reclaim her rightful place as Eomer’s mistress.

What hold did the pale little thing did have over Eomer? How could he prefer this Erienne person over her. Surely her body held more appeal. Her raven curls, and full breasts generally allowing her full freedom to choose only the best as her lovers. Eomer would surely tire of the novelty of his newest plaything and then he would return to her. The woman was of no rank and no importance. Reyna was a daughter of a Rhohirrim soldier. He and her brothers served at Eomer’s side.

Reyna had tried to approach Eomer when he returned from Isengard, but he’d walked right past her looking for the woman who now stood in a place of honor at his side. A place Reyna had never been. If she did not have that honor herself no one would. She would not tolerate any thing else. Erienne would have to go. One way or another…..

Chapter 22

Things were settled at Helm’s Deep and many of the homeless were going to take up at least temporary residence in Edoras. Eomer had duties with his uncle, but made a point of checking on Erienne frequently, not able to stand her out of his sight for long. He knew his obsession with her moment to moment welfare would lessen with time but he’d been so afraid she had died, and it would have been his fault. And there was the last meal in the great hall before the return journey in the morning. It had been decided that Kyla, Tyra and the girls would go to Edoras with Erienne.

Eomer was pacing in the corridor outside Eowyn’s chambers, he didn’t know how much longer he would be able to stand it. What could be taking two young women so long. When Eowyn had realized the affection that existed between Erienne and her brother she’d taken upon herself to personally see that Erienne was well taken care of.

Theoden wanted to meet the young woman who obviously meant much to his nephew. As did Lord Aragorn, wishing to see what charms were held by the woman whose survival had been the cause of Eomer’s great joy. And Gimli as always was taken by any woman who was fair of face, hair and disposition. He was certain to be adoring Erienne just as he did the Lady Galadriel in Lothlorien and Lady Eowyn here in Rohan.

Legolas didn’t wonder he knew what a prize Erienne was, if not for her obvious love for the Lord Marshall he might have been tempted some pursuit of his own, and his attraction to human females was rare. But there was something about this young woman who touched him, and he didn’t think it was just her kindness to her rescuer: there was something that remained as yet untainted in her, despite the horrors her heart had witnessed.

Eomer was to discover the wait had been well worth his while. The door to the chamber to opened and Eowyn stepped out dressed not as richly as usual but as best as could be managed at Helm’s Deep. Still his sister was as lovely as ever, a mysterious sparkle in her eyes that he expected had to do with Lord Aragorn. “Eowyn, lovely as always.”

“Thank you,” she looked back expecting Erienne to be behind her. She was not to be seen. Eowyn stepped back into the room and retrieved her from behind the door. Erienne’s head was bent down shyly, as Eowyn pulled her forward into the corridor.

Eomer stepped closer, reaching out and tilting her face up to meet his gaze. He smiled at her and she relaxed at the approval she saw in his eyes. She looked quite fetching in the gown Eowyn had loaned her, “Turn around, love, let me see the full effect.”

Her blue eyes danced, her flaxen hair fell in waves down her back to her waist as she did as he asked. The dress fit her well, and clung to her pleasing curves. Indeed she was more beautiful than ever.“I am to be the envy of all tonight,” he said proudly.

“Why is that, m’lord?” Erienne asked.

“I shall enter the hall with the two most beautiful women in Helm’s Deep at my side.”

“And that you shall brother,” said Eowyn, taking Eomer by the arm as Erienne giggled with her taking the other. “Let us go, Uncle is waiting I’m sure.”

A good number of the Rhohirrim who’d been banished with Eomer were present in the great hall when Eomer and his ladies entered. They, too, rejoiced that Erienne was still alive, many had grown fond of her while she traveled with them for she had always been kind, and made great effort to thank them for any comforts they had provided her, a few others had felt their Lord’s pain when he’d thought they had left her to her death, for they recognized what many others had not. Their lord and future king was in love with her.

Eomer led the women forward to where Theoden sat. Eowyn went forward to kiss her Uncle on the cheek and he hugged her back quickly. Eowyn acknowledged and was acknowledged by Lord Aragorn and the others. Then Eomer began introducing Erienne to his friends. Then he took her by the hand and led her before his uncle. Erienne was the picture of decorum, bowing her head in respect to her King.

She made a favorable impression on the members of the fellowship and Theoden. She was lovely and the affection between her and Eomer was plainly evident. Given as there had been so little to smile over lately they took great pleasure in the happiness the befell anyone. To any joy in the midst of such dismal times. Yes Rohan had survived but Sauron’s forces still threatened Gondor. And it was there that Aragorn intended to go.


Not everyone in the great hall shared Eomer and Erienne’s joy. There was one who would see them parted forever….Dark eyes glittered with barely contained jealousy, Reyna was furious over this turn. Her father had been banished with Eomer and she had been a welcomed guest in Eomer’s chambers and in his bed on more than one occasion. She would not give up that place. When they returned to Edoras she would see to it that this little witch which was cast out. She would reclaim her rightful place as Eomer’s mistress.

What hold did the pale little thing did have over Eomer? How could he prefer this Erienne person over her. Surely her body held more appeal. Her raven curls, and full breasts generally allowing her full freedom to choose only the best as her lovers. Eomer would surely tire of the novelty of his newest plaything and then he would return to her. The woman was of no rank and no importance. Reyna was a daughter of a Rhohirrim soldier. He and her brothers served at Eomer’s side.

Reyna had tried to approach Eomer when he returned from Isengard, but he’d walked right past her looking for the woman who now stood in a place of honor at his side. A place Reyna had never been. If she did not have that honor herself no one would. She would not tolerate any thing else. Erienne would have to go. One way or another…..

Chapter 23-

The trip back to Edoras would take a bit longer. The pace was a bit slower, more leisurely after Saruman’s defeat, and with the numerous injured there would be a need for more stops and longer periods of rest. Many with mild injuries were returning now and the more seriously wounded would remain behind at Helms’s Deep until fit for travel.

The list of transgressions Reyna was mentally compiling against Erienne grew steadily as the trip wore on. Reyna walked, Erienne not only rode, she rode with Eomer, sometimes behind him with her arms around his waist, and other times in his lap held tenderly in the Lord Marshall’s arms. Eomer made no efforts to disguise his affection for the blond girl. He kissed her openly-although all public kisses appeared chaste and in return she gazed at him with open adoration. They looked so sweet together and it made Reyna ill.

Erienne had garnered the respect and approval of Theoden, Eowyn had taken her as friend. The elf and the dwarf paid heed to any request she made of them. Yes, Reyna’s list grew and she vowed that Erienne would pay dearly for each and every one. Erienne was too sweet and Reyna knew how to fight dirty. She would expose Erienne for a deceitful little bitch, for no one could possibly be as gentle and sweet as Erienne appeared to be. When Reyna was finished with her, Eomer would come to his senses and he would be hers again….

It was late afternoon on the third day and Edoras had been in sight for quite some time. Many refugees rejoiced to see the walls of home. Others wondered what their lives would be like in the their new home.
Eomer had slowly allowed the throng of humanity pass by him bit by bit so eventually he and Erienne were at the rear of the column. They were keeping an eye out to make sure any stragglers didn’t fall too far behind.

It was the closest thing to privacy they’d had since they left Helm’s Deep. He let the people move on past them watching until the last of them disappeared over a low rise. He followed then not wanting to be too far back, so he kept a very slow pace. He tilted her head up, lowering his mouth to taste of her. One of his hands found the laces on her dress, giving him access to her breasts with his other hand slipping up beneath her skirt to stroke into her. She gave in to his tender explorations moaning with pleasure at his touch. She could feel his arousal hard against her bottom. Reaching behind her back she deftly undid his laces, sliding her hand inside the leggings, allowing her fingers stroke his arousal. He whispered her name.

He moved his hand between them, freeing the engorged shaft from its confines, then he moved his hands beneath the skirt again pushing it upward to bare her ass in front of him, encouraging her to lean forward just a bit and he pushed her up just enough to slide into her sweet warmth. Erienne gasped as the position gave a depth and sensation she’d not felt before. His hands held her hips to keep them balanced and then he did little other urge the horse to a faster pace. The pace and movement of the horse were all that was necessary to bring them both to completion….

Far away Faramir, brother to Boromir, son of Denethor steward of Gondor, released his prisoners. Therefore Sam and Frodo, accompanied by the creature Gollum resumed their trek to Mordor and Mt Doom.

Things were taking on a shape and semblance of order as the people in Edoras resumed some sort of normal everyday routine. Gandalf had taken the hobbit Pippin and rode hell bent for Gondor, to warn them of the coming attack by Sauron.

Upon reaching Minas Tirith, Gandalf encountered Faramir who informed him of Sam and Frodo’s progress. The beacons of Gondor were lit to call upon Rohan for aid.

The call for aid resulted in Eomer and Erienne’s first quarrel.

Erienne didn’t understand, why wouldn’t he let her ride out with them, Eowyn was going, to say her farewell to Lord Aragorn. Why couldn’t she do the same?

Eomer was insistent, “I want you here, I want you safe, there may be still be a few bands of orcs or wild men about. I refuse to worry about your safe return to these walls after I ride for Gondor.”

“Tell me then, why does Eowyn go? Will not her safety be at risk as well?”

“Eowyn does as she wills. My worry for her safety will go unheeded by her.”

“Eowyn does as she wills, and I am expected to obey you just because you refuse to worry. I wish to go with you, to be with you.”

“You WILL NOT go. I order it. That is my final word.” Eomer turned and walked away from her.

Erienne’s eyes glittered with fury. She loved him without reservation and he infuriated her to no end. He ordered it, he ordered it. She would not obey. She was going.

In the shadows Reyna watched with delight. The look she saw on Erienne’s face was the first cause she’d had to like about the village girl. She’d heard every word of the argument and she knew without doubt that Erienne was going to defy him.

Perfect. The wheels began to turn in her head as she began to scheme on how to use Erienne’s upcoming disobedience to her advantage.

Chapter 24-

No one would question would Reyna’s presence. She had two brothers and a father who would be riding with the Lord Marshall for Gondor and war. She had heard that the stay might be a couple days as they wait hoping for more men to arrive.

She had noticed Erienne holding back hoping that Eomer would not spot her until it was too late to send her back. Why would he notice her, he believed her to be safe where he’d told her to stay.

Reyna force patience, it was a virtue, was it not. To have maximum effect the plan would require precise timing. The wedge she was hoping to drive between them had to be big and Erienne was playing right into her hands.

They reached the encampment and it would be getting dark soon. The sun dropped below the horizon and Reyna moved through shadows and skulked behind tents. Eavesdropping, plotting, trying to gauge the proper time to set the plan in motion.

She’d already discovered the location of the Lord Marshall’s tent. He was elsewhere, but it would not be long before he retired, which she expected would be when Erienne planned to reveal herself.

Eomer wasn’t the only one in for a surprise. Reyna had one for Erienne as well.

Reyna slipped inside the tent. And Reyna waited.


Erienne waited until Eomer had finished his evening meal, watching with a smile from a shadow, as he laughed and joked with the men. Many whom she’d met when Eomer first rescued her. He was so strong, so handsome and so good of heart. And he filled hers. She wanted to touch his face, run her finger through his hair, to feel his arms around her, for him to fill her body with his passion. He would forgive her for defying him. At least she hoped he would. She loved him, and couldn’t bear the thought of not being with him one last time in case he didn’t return.

He bid good evening to his men and headed for his tent. Erienne followed at a distance. not knowing which tent was his. She saw him enter one the larger tents.


Eomer shed his armor and pulled his tunic over his head. All that remained were his boots and his leggings. That is when Reyna made her move, coming forward out the shadows, already naked. “You should not be alone this night, m’lord.

Eomer looked at Reyna in exasperation, would the girl never get it through her head, it was over, he was no longer interested in her. It had nothing to do with her face or body. Her lush curves were infinitely desirable. But past that there was nothing Reyna possessed that held his interest. She was shallow, conniving and a master manipulator. Despite her beauty he pitied the man who she would marry, having to constantly deal with one scheme or another.

“I am alone by my own choice, Reyna, gather your clothes and go.”

“You do not want me, m’lord?” Reyna put forth a most believably wounded pout. Reyna indeed was a schemer and she carefully continued to maneuver this situation working it so that she a full view of the entrance to the tent, for her plan to work the timing would be crucial.

Eomer was not fooled, knowing of far too many of her escapades. “Indeed, I do not, what are you up to Reyna?”

Catching movement of the tent flap out of the corner of her eye she threw herself into Eomer’s arms pulling his face down to hers and kissing him. His hands went to her arms to push her away but she held his face until she heard what she was waiting for.

The wounded cry from the entrance to the tent was all it took for Reyna to release Eomer. One look at Erienne’s face and Reyna knew the damage was done.

Eomer turned as well, and was shocked to see Erienne standing there. It had never occurred to him that Erienne would defy him on this, and he confronted her, not realizing how it would sound, “Erienne did I not tell you were not to come here.”

“Aye, that you did m’lord, to keep me safe I believe you said. And you were right, I should have remained, therefore you would not have wounded me so with a lie. Better that you had told me true that you had someone else to warm your bed.”

“I wish no one but you in my bed, love.”

“Am I to believe you m’lord or am I to believe what I see plainly in front of me. What is she here for if not to service you? I believe that is the word. Is it not?”

Only then did Eomer realize how this looked to Erienne. “Nothing happened, love.”

“I do not believe you.” Erienne had struggled as long as she could, she could hold back the tears no more and she would not cry in front of him. Her pride was all she had left and she bolted from the tent.

Grabbing his tunic and yanking it over his head, he made to follow after her, seeing Reyna’s mark on all of this he paused at the entrance calling back over his shoulder, “If you are still here when I return I will cheerfully snap your neck with my bare hands.”
Chapter 25

Erienne didn’t know where she was going. All she knew was that she had to get as far away from Eomer as she could. Her chest was wracked with great pain and she didn’t know whether it was from her breaking heart or from her efforts to hold in the sobs fighting to escape her. Her eyes were blurry, full of unshed tears. It was dark and she tripped and found herself face down on the ground. A thick, rough hand came down in front of her. “Ye okay lass?”

Erienne reached up and accepted the dwarf’s hand. Gimli tugged and she was quickly on her feet again. “Erienne, lass, why are you out here? We all thought you were to remain behind. It is what Lord Eomer told us.”

“Lord Eomer does not rule me or what I do,” Erienne retorted vehemently. “I will go where I choose.”

Gimli was no fool, he was pretty sure what was going on, “A lover’s spat then, sweet lass.”

“NO, no spat, but I shall not be treated a fool.”

Another voice came from behind her, “Who treats such a sweet treasure like a fool?”

Erienne turned, and Legolas got a good look at the tear-filled eyes and sad face, he reached out pulling her to him, Erienne let go of her tears and began sob into his chest. Gimli uncomfortable with Erienne’s state of upset, left them, allowing the elf to give the girl some sort of solace. Legolas stroked her hair, “Sweetling, why the harsh tears, has someone done something to hurt you? Should you not be with Lord Eomer?”

She pulled back from his embrace to meet his eyes. “That had been my intention, but he was otherwise occupied. I was not needed.”

“Not needed? Explain this.” Something was truly wrong. She and Eomer adored each other, it was clear to everyone. Yet here she stood and Legolas sensed the pain she was feeling deep in his own heart.

“He told me to remain behind and I should have heeded him, then I would not know of his betrayal of me. He has someone else to warm his bed this night.”

“Surely you are mistaken,”

“I saw with my own eyes, Eomer was half-dressed and she was naked and they were kissing.”

Legolas could come up with no argument for her conclusion. He would think the same thing. He drew Erienne back up against him, holding her tenderly as she clung to him and continued to cry…..

It took a while but Eomer finally tracked her down, and stopped in his tracks at what he saw. She was in the arms of the elf. She appeared to be crying. His heart lurched, if he could not fix this with Erienne he would carry out his threat to Reyna. The damnable bitch. Irregardless of the outcome he would certainly see to it that her father was informed of her latest escapade. He was long overdue in taking Reyna in hand.

Eomer watched her with Legolas, the shaking of her shoulders as she sobbed out loud, but he would not apologize for something he’d not done. And to a certain extent it was her own fault for defying him that was responsible for her upset. He decided that maybe a taste of her own medicine so to speak was in order.

He would give her a taste of incorrect conclusions. He burst upon them yelling at her for deceiving him with Legolas. The elf stepped back, incredulous at the horselord’s outburst, until Eomer drew close enough for Legolas to see his eyes. There was no anger, but instead there appeared to be determination.

Erienne stammered, “But….but…we have done nothing, he was but comforting me.”

“I will hear none of it, you have deceived me, you lied about coming here, you defied me.”

“I will admit to defying you, but I did not deceive you, you ordered me to stay, you never asked me if I was staying.”

“That is not the point, explain what I see here, what is going between you and Legolas that I find you in his arms.”

“You accuse me falsely, Legolas is my friend, we have done nothing wrong.”

“Neither have I, you accuse me falsely as well.”

“But I saw you…she was naked and you were kissing her.”

“No my love, I did not kiss her, she was kissing me. I did not invite Reyna, and did not know she was there until she came out of a corner already naked. I was trying to push her away and I believe she knew you were here and did it all apurpose to upset you.”

Legolas had heard enough and slipped away. It would all work out, he was no longer needed here.

Erienne stared at Eomer, “Why would she do such a thing?”

“She used to share my bed and will not understand that I no longer want her.”

“And why not mi’lord, she seemed comely enough.”

“Because I no longer like her, much less desire her”


“Yes, the only one I desire in my bed I am looking at.”

Erienne swiped away the last of her tears with the back of her hand, “You are certain of this?”

“Erienne, do you not know how much I love you?” Eomer moved closer drawing her into his arms, leaning in to devour her throat with little bites and kisses.

“I think I’m beginning to know right now,” she murmured distractedly, tilting her head back to grant him access. “Then I am forgiven for my defiance.”

“You will come with me to my tent while I consider the penalty for your defiance. In addition you will as you put it ‘service me’, my sweet.”

Erienne merely grinned, “It would be my pleasure, m’lord.”

Eomer bent to kiss her again. “Rest assured, love, the pleasure will be mine.” He took her head and led her back to his tent…

Reyna seethed in desolate fury that the plan had backfired, she stood in the shadows watching helplessly as Eomer and Erienne were laughing as he lifted the flap of his tent and then let it drop behind them. She didn’t hear him approach so she was startled when he made his presence known. “Have you not done enough for one night?”

“I’m sure I know not what you mean?”

“Does your father know of the despicable things you do?” he stared at her intently.

“I will not be spoken to in such a manner.”

“I shall speak to you anyway I like. Leave them alone.” his tone was menacing, she could not miss the implied threat.

“Or what?”

“I will not say, but do not try me on this—you will not like the result. Do not hurt her again.” With his warning ringing in her ears Legolas walked away.

Chapter 26

Eomer’s mouth descended upon Erienne’s as he attempted the laces on her bodice without looking, she pushed his hands away and opened the bodice for him. His mouth moved across her throat, down her neck as he slid his hands inside, pushing outward to cause her dress to fall at her feet. As always her beauty and innocence took his breath away. He had asked her to remain behind and now all he could do was wonder what had he been thinking. He wanted to touch her, feel her, bury himself within her and then leave for battle with the sweet taste of her in his mouth. But first there was the matter of her disobedience.

She wanted to service him did she? Well if that was her desire then he expected to be serviced and much more by the time they rode for Gondor. She still had a penalty coming, because if he allowed her defy him this time, she might defy him again when it really mattered. He had to make her understand he’d ordered what he had for her own safety, because he loved her. He also intended to make her understand the difference between servicing a man and making love. He decided he could take care of both with one act.

And he knew it was going hurt him as much as it did her. But it had to be done. He removed his hands from her and stepped back. “Undress me.” He made it sound like an order.

Erienne gave him a puzzled stare. His eyes held no emotion, just a demand for her compliance. She didn’t understand but she knew he’d said something about her penalty. She didn’t question him, she reached for his tunic and worked it up and over his head. She looked at him expectantly, but Eomer gave no reaction except to say, “I did not tell you to stop, continue.”

She knelt in front of him and removed his boots, and then her hands came up to undo the laces on his leggings. She looked up at him again. “Finish,” was all he said.

She pushed the leggings down off of his hips, and down his legs and he stood there naked. “Now service me.”

Erienne suddenly understood where Eomer was leading with this. Servicing men was done by whores. She was no whore, and Eomer or no she would not be treated like one, even to let Eomer make a point.

“No.” she said vehemently.

“You refuse me?” Eomer smiled inwardly, Erienne was glorious in her outrage, standing naked before him, her blue eyes shooting sparks of barely contained fury, her breasts heaving. He was proud that she’d called him on this, because if he was honest with himself he wouldn’t have been able to carry through with it anyway.

“I will gladly let you make love to me, with me, but I will not service you.”

“So, you recognize that there is a difference, my love. Reyna is a court whore. She “serviced” me. I do not believe in taking service and leaving the woman wanting. I gave her pleasure in return for the release she gave me. Not all men are of this mind. I hold no affection for her. And if the rumors are even partially true she has bedded half my men.”

Erienne move foward, reaching out to caress him boldly, “Must we talk of her? I can think of much more pleasant things to do?” Her hands ran down his ribcage, across his abdomen and she reached down to stroke his rising manhood.

“And what might that be my treasure?” he teased, knowing full well that they were heading into a long night of intercourse.
“Will you make love to me m’lord.?”
“That is my intention.” Eomer said, pulling her to him to claim her mouth with a sweet, tender kiss. When she melted against him however, he pushed her away. “There is still the matter of your disobedience.”
“But…, but I thought…,” stammered Erienne.
“….that servicing me was your penalty.” he lifted her chin to meet her gaze.
“You refused that option, dearest.”
“You never mentioned options, what other option?
“How did your father deal with disobedience?”
Erienne’s eyes widened in horror, “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Yes I dare and I dare right now.” Eomer drug her over to the bed and despite her struggles managed get her belly down on his knees, one arm held her and the other struck the cheeks of her ass with a resounding slap. Over and over his hard hand found her buttocks until her bottom was red and she was quivering across his lap. He was almost afraid to look, wondering if her soft cries were of contrition or of fury.

He lifted her up to face him and wiped the tears from her cheeks, trying to find the words to make her understand. “When I rode back into that village where I left you, finding it burnt to the ground and littered with dead bodies and charred remains, I nearly forgot to breathe, terrified that you might be dead and if so it would have been my fault. Only I when realized that there were less bodies than when we were there, did I let myself dare to hope you lived. I love you Erienne, and I thought you lost to me forever. My heart froze, and it didn’t warm again until Legolas told me you were alive on the way to Isengard. I cannot go through that hell again. I ordered you to stay behind because I wanted you to be safe. We won our victory at Helm’s deep, but the enemy is still out there. If spanking you now keeps you from doing something like this again rest assured I will not hesitate to spank you again if I find it necessary to do so.”

Erienne’s finger came up to trace the path of the tears that streamed down Eomer’s cheeks. “I am sorry Eomer, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I know that, but my sweet love, I need you do this for me, stay when I tell you to stay. I am going into battle, I cannot be worrying about you and do my best in battle. I am responsible for many lives, including yours. It would be appreciated if you would not go out of your way to tempt fate.”

Erienne’s arms went round his neck as she hugged him close and he embraced her. She whispered against his ear, “Is my penalty over?’
“Yes, why?”
“Are you going to make love to me?”
“I believe that was the plan.”
“Then shut up and get on with it.”

Eomer did as he was ordered, setting her to her feet, and then turning her to face away from him as he feathered soft kisses across her red bottom. Then he scooted to middle of the bed, encouraging her to follow. She joined him, and Eomer quickly settled her beneath him and starting at her neck began to kiss his way down the length of her. He kissed and caressed every inch of her and she matched every touch with touches and caresses of her own.

With the levels of emotion that they been through already it didn’t take long for both of them to want to get down the actual business of joining. He entered her, and her legs went around him. He thrust into her fast and hard, giving way to the urgency of his passion. Erienne met each thrust eagerly, rocking up to meet his strokes reveling in the knowledge that he loved her. And she loved him.

The faint quivering began deep in her core, expanding outward and increasing in intensity as he drove her higher and higher. She crested the waves of pleasures and plummeted over the other side, falling into sensation as he spilled his seed within her sweet depths, crying her out her name as they both came undone.

Eomer settled beside her, gathering her close. Clinging to the woman who held his heart and his soul. And although neither of them knew it yet his seed had long since taken root and Erienne carried his child.

Chapter 27

Eomer and Erienne made love several times throughout the night. As daylight outside penetrated the tent, Eomer eased Erienne’s head from his shoulder, kissing her forehead, and then getting up. He allowed his gaze roam her naked body for a few moments, the silken strands of her hair laying across the pillow, her bare breasts peaking in the early morning chill, her narrow waist and gently curving hips.

Eomer’s manhood swelled again at the sight of her, so peaceful, so beautiful in sleep. He pulled the blanket back over Erienne and forced the urge away, he had Reyna to deal with this morning. He’d had all he was going to take of the girl. He was going to insist that Reyna be disciplined to his satisfaction or he would take the matter into his own hands. He didn’t want to have to do that, he’d much rather not have to think of her at all.

He dressed except for the final layer of his armor. It could wait, he needed to speak with Reyna’s father, and he had no qualms about voicing his complaints about Reyna in front of her brothers. He hoped that Gowain could handle this privately, he certainly did not want to embarrass Gowain’s house publicly, for Gowain and his sons were faithful riders, but if something was not done about Reyna soon, Eomer would take care of the matter publicly irregardless of the shame that it might bring to Gowain.

He found Gowain and his sons breakfasting with a large number of Eomer’s company. He pulled Gowain aside, “I would speak with you in private.”

They moved away from the ears of the rest “You seem troubled, m’lord.”

“Aye, Gowain, that I am, it concerns your daughter.”

A visibly pained expression crossed Gowain’s face, his eyes closing with a cringe, “What has Reyna done now?”

“Suffice it to say that should I catch her even considering setting foot in my sleeping quarters, be it the palace, my tent or under the nearest rock she does so at her own peril. I have no use for her or all her little schemes. I do not want her anywhere near me, nor do I ever want her in my bed again. She is malicious and vindictive and she cares little for the feelings of anyone but herself. She went out of her way last evening to hurt myself and Erienne. Throwing herself naked at me in my tent without invitation, and I believe she did it on purpose to hurt Erienne. I will not tolerate her meddling in my private affairs. Settle this Gowain, one more incident and Reyna’s fate falls into my hands. And I promise neither you nor Reyna will like the result. “

Gowain was startled by his lord’s pronouncement. The girl was going to be the death of him yet. She was obviously a bad seed and he could not longer lay the blame on her mother’s death when Reyna was but yet a child. He’d been lax in controlling her and they were all paying the price now. “My apologies m’lord. I shall take care of it straightaway. “

“I would be a witness to this Gowain.”

“Aye m’lord.”

“Shall we get on with it then?”

Gowain glanced back over his shoulder at his sons, noting that they were watching the exchange between him and the Lord Marshall. Having their attention, he called out to them, “Find your sister and bring her to me at once.”

The two younger men exchanged glances and rose shaking their heads in disgust. Reyna’s escapades were a constant source of embarrassment to both of them, it was bad enough to listen to the talk from the men who had bedded their sister. But she had done something to bring on the wrath of Lord Eomer.
Apparently something was to be done at last. Galen and Eras rose and split up to locate their errant sister…

Reyna was found by Galen who dragged his naked sister from the bed of one his fellow riders. He gave her chemise to her telling her to put it on quickly, that their father was looking for her. She saw the anger flashing in her brother’s eyes and complied quickly. She went to grab her dress, but Galen stopped her; tucking her dress under his arm, and tossing her over his shoulder. She screeched as she struggled against him, “I cannot go outside like this Galen.”

“Whyever not sister? You are wearing more now than you wear to bed with them. Most of them have seen you naked and I am sure by the time you finish the rest will have too. If you are humiliated by this then all the better. It is time that you got a taste of the embarrassment you heap on our family name with all that you do. It far too late to put on airs of modesty. I am ashamed to be your brother. Whatever you have done this time, you have gone too far. You have humiliated father again, and this time his hand has been forced; what the hell did you do to bring about the Lord Marshall’s fury, Reyna?”

Galen was certain he felt a shudder go through his sister’s body at the mention of Lord Eomer. If she was frightened so be it, she would get no sympathy from him. Her punishment was long overdue.

He took her to their father’s tent and set her on her feet before their father.

Gowain did not look at Reyna but at Galen, “Where did you find her?” Given Reyna’s state of dress he was afraid he knew the answer.

Galen confirmed his suspicions, “Naked, in a man’s bed.”

“Why do you constantly insist on shaming me Reyna?” Gowain drew back his hand and sent Reyna sprawling. Reyna looked up at her father in surprise, he’d never struck her before.

The tent flap raised as Eras entered. Seeing Reyna on the ground, and blood trickling from Reyna’s lower lip, he moved forward to help her up. “Do not aid her.”

Gowain’s tone brooked no interference. “Get her on her feet and hold her, this strapping is long overdue”

Reyna’s eyes widened as she realized her father was serious and she began to plead, “Father please don’t do this. I promise, I won’t….”

“Galen shut her up. I don’t wish this to become public knowledge on the eve of a war.”

Galen jerked Reyna to her feet. Eras seemed hesitant but Galen prompted him, “Hold her still.” Eras did as his brother commanded holding Reyna’s arms in his strong hands while Galen tied the gag in her mouth.

Gowain took Reyna’s face is his hand, making his daughter meet his gaze. “I wish more than anything not to have to do this, but my hands are tied daughter, you must learn that there are consequences to your actions. Your behavior risks all that WE have and that I cannot allow. I have no choice in this today but I pray you do not force me to have to do it again.

Reyna felt utterly betrayed as her brothers each took a side and held her up as her father’s belt found her buttocks over and over again. Despite her brothers holding her up eventually Reyna’s legs gave way and a voice sounded out from a dark corner. “Enough.”

Reyna looked up to see who had witnessed her punishment. Eomer stepped out of the shadows.

“I am satisified.” The Lord Marshall didn’t say another word as he departed from Gowain’s tent.

Chapter 28

Eomer went back to his tent. He should have felt better about the situation with Reyna but he didn’t. He could only hope that the strapping had done some good. That she had learned some sort of lesson from this. Instead he knew deep down that nothing was going to reach her. He’d stopped the strapping because of Gowain. And Galen seemed to be enjoying his sister’s punishment a bit too much. Eras had looked like he’d love to be absolutely anywhere but holding his sister still for punishment. There was fine line between a proper punishment and abuse. For that reason he’d stopped the punishment when she could no longer stand on her own. He’d seen the relief of Gowain’s face as he wielded the leather belt against his daughter when he’d finally been allowed to stop. At least Reyna knew that henceforth her actions now had consequences.

The flap dropped behind him and Eomer stared back at his lover, at Erienne who only now was beginning to stir. She’d been exhausted, he’d kept her up most of the night talking and making love. He was hopelessly in love with her, and he knew a time was coming when the battle he would have to fight would not be far away but right here in Rohan, for he would be expected to marry and produce heirs. No matter how delightful Erienne was, how many hearts she won over; he would be expected to marry someone else, of title or of a royal line. The only woman he would ever want was Erienne. He was going to have to fight for the right to love her. He was going to have to fight to make the woman he loved his bride.

He sat down beside her, his fingers tracing the lines of her face, memorizing the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, determined to take the memory of her with him. He leaned forward his lips just grazing across her forehead. She was the keeper of his heart and his heart lurched at the thought of leaving her behind again. She would be safe enough once she was back at Edoras. Eowyn would watch after her.

His fingers grazed across her throat gliding down her breastbone, stroking gently in the valley between her breasts. She stirred again murmuring his name and he removed his hand. He had much to attend to today. This would have to wait. He drew the blanket back up over her and whispered, “Later my love, rest now. Rest sweet Erienne.” He put on the rest of his armor to return to the business at hand. The business of war in Gondor.

He paused at the entrance to the tent looking back at the blonde head above the covers. He would be glad when this horrid war was over and he could plan his future with her. Simply loving her would not be enough. He wanted her to be truly his.

Eomer went about his business, doing his duty as Lord Marshall, his mind straying constantly to the blond beauty he'd left sleeping in his bed.

He was approached later on by Legolas, "Eomer, how fares Erienne this rising?"

"She still sleeps, Legolas."

"All is well with the two of you?"

"Not that it's any of your concern but yes all is well." Eomer knew that Erienne considered Legolas a friend but he found the elf's constant attention to Erienne's well-being a bit inappropriate.

Just a hint of smile played at the corner of Legolas's mouth. So Eomer was a bit jealous. Good, it meant he was unlikely to take Erienne for granted.

Neither of them took the rivalry between them seriously. Both of them knew who held Erienne's heart. Legolas just wanted to make sure Eomer knew he was not alone in his devotion to the girl.
Back in Gowain's tent Eras attended his sister's injuries. Even though he knew of the things his sister did, Eras still felt affection for her. She was family. It had torn him up inside holding his sister for his father's belt. Watching as his father found his mark over and over and over again. He had not known that Lord Eomer was there to witness Reyna's punishment. He still did not what offense had resulted in her punishment. All he knew was the look of betrayal on Reyna's face cut straight to his heart.

Gowain had taken his leave and Galen stood by making snide remarks about what a slut his sister was. His dark eyes, so much like Reyna's glittered with disgust. He even began taunting Eras, 'Leave the whore alone Eras. Do not ease her pain, that defeats the whole purpose of the punishment." Eras wondered if Galen realized exactly how much alike he and Reyna actually were.

"Leave us be Galen. Shall we go off to war, one in which we are unlikely to return and let the last words we have with our sister, our kin, be hateful and violent?"

"Eras, she offended the Lord Marshall, shall we pet her for earning a punishment?"

"Aye, she earned a punishment, and he as is his right was witness and deemed if sufficient. Who are we to second guess our lord. He at least has some compassion, I find yours is sadly lacking. "

"Every time she lifts her skirts she dishonors us. I am so tired of hearing from our fellow horsemen what it is like to lie between our sister's thighs. Any affection I felt for her died a long time ago." Galen strode from the tent in a fury, calling back over his shoulder. "She is nothing more to me than a common harlot!"

Galen had not cared that Reyna heard every word. He wanted to hurt her more. The result of his display was that Reyna's current thoughts were that the men were going off to war and with any luck that Galen would be one of the first to fall.

Chapter 29

The day was long and much had happened. Eomer spent little of the daylight hours with Erienne. He was very much occupied with the business of war. His uncle and Lord Aragorn were disappointed by the number of troops. Less that half of what was expected had arrived.
He’s quarreled with Eowyn about the hobbit Merry. He didn’t think it right that she encouraged him. He felt obligated to spend time with his men, to try a boost their morale when they were going into battle against such overwhelming odds. Lord Elrond of Rivendell had arrived to give counsel to Lord Aragorn.

Then Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas abandoned them, leaving them to face Gondor alone, riding off down the dark path into the mountains that bespoke great evil. No one expected to see them ever again.
He had wiped his sister’s tears of heartbreak, for Lord Aragorn had not only abandoned them all to face Gondor, but had also rejected his sister’s love.

It was late when Eomer finally returned to his tent. He went inside. As expected, Erienne was there. Again she was sleeping, curled up alone in the center of the bed. For a while he just stood beside the bed and watched her sleep. Her pale gold hair was loose and spread around her. How anyone could look at her and deem her unworthy to be his life’s mate was beyond him. He cared not who her parents were, where she’d come from. He only cared that she was everything to him. Without her he had nothing. Without her he was nothing.

From the first moment, he’d seen her, as he’d held her as she cried in grief over the loss of everything and everyone she’d ever known she had touched his soul. Then after the first time he’d made love to her, knowing that forevermore if he should ever take another to his bed, he would always find a need to compare them to his sweet treasure. Day after day in the saddle, with her in his arms, she’d crept into his heart and ruled his every thought. He was in love with her, now and forever. He could never love another the way he loved her.

He loved her beyond reason and desired her with every fiber of his being. He removed his armor, and then his tunic and boots before sitting down beside her on the bed, wearing nothing but his leggings. He reached out, sliding his fingers alongside her face, tracing a mental outline of her face. Sketching a mental picture of this beautiful creature to carry with him in his heart as he went into battle.

She shifted, stretching languidly, evoking such an erotic image, even though she was fully dressed. Her hand came up to close around his and she murmured his name, “Eomer. I missed you.”

“Aye love, and I missed you as well. Would that I could have spent the day naked—with you in my arms rather than wondering and arguing what strategy we will use once we reach Minas Tirith. I am weary of all this talk of war. Give me something else to occupy my thoughts, my sweetling, for I would much like to sleep with peace tonight.“

She reached up to touch his troubled face. “Eomer, m’ lord, my love… I would have that you not leave me at all… but that is a wish that is surely impossible. It your responsibility, your duty and I cannot withhold you from it. I do not wish to entertain thoughts that you might not return. But those thoughts are mine and they do exist. That you go into battle with the knowledge that you are well loved and someone awaits you to return is my fondest wish. That you think fondly of me and do your best to return to me.” Erienne,” his hands found her shoulders pulling her up to his body, his lips brushing against her forehead, then kissing down her face, her nose, her cheeks, then murmuring softly against her lips, “Fondness? Nay, my love, I think not.”

His tongue enticed hers to dance for sweet, tender moments with his, his mouth then moving downward to her throat. “With adoration, sweetling? Tis a certainty.” His fingers pulled the lacings of her bodice.

His fingers skimmed lightly from her collarbone down the valley between her breasts. His mouth returning to hers, whispering against her lips as he cupped a single breast. “With passion and desire? Always, my love, always. With all my heart.”

He took her mouth, delving with his tongue, tasting of her sweetness. Stealing more of the sweet kisses he could not get enough of. Eomer stood pulling her up to her knees on the bed. His hands pushed the dress off her shoulders and down her arms. Soon he had bared her body from the waist up. He crushed her body to his, bare skin to bare skin.

Erienne melted against Eomer, her arms going round his neck, clinging to her lover with blazing desire—cherishing every word of Eomer’s fiery passion, memorizing every searing touch, each burning caress.

Erienne pulled away from Eomer’s kiss, moving her mouth down his neck, raining kisses across his cheek, teasing the his nipples with her teeth. He groaned, almost a growl as he submitted to her assault. He lowered his head to capture one firm peaked breast in his mouth and after considerable attention paid equal worship to the other.

Meanwhile Erienne’s hand found his laces, slipping her hand inside the leggings to caress and stroke the full, hard length of him. His response was a groan of pleasure as her fingers closed around him. For several long moments he stilled as her fingers stroked him, caressing him with featherlike fingertips. He pulled her hand away and worked his way out of the leggings so that he stood naked before her. Her eyes moved up and down his muscled body. Eomer reached forward to push the dress down past her hips and urged her to return to the bed’s center, which she did leaving her dress behind and she too was now fully naked. She sat naked in the middle of the bed, Leaning back on her hands, her hair falling around her in glorious abandon, her nipples erect begging to be suckled and her legs spread wide in mute invitation, He met her gaze, their faces reflecting what they felt for each other; unfettered passion, raging desires, and undying love. Good and pure.

He joined her on the bed, moving over her starting again with her mouth, moving down her body, kissing, stroking, Erienne matching his every touch, each caress, both of them murmuring their love for the other, whispering of secret desires, hidden passions. He worked his way down her belly, his hand moving to touch her, the passage already slick and flowing with her sweet nectar. His fingers gained entry, slipping into a tender rhythm as her juices flowed out around them, he stroked them into her as his mouth found her breasts again. Erienne’s back arched as she cried out his name, riding the waves of orgasm as he continued to stroke her with his fingers, he stroked her even as the spasms around his fingers faded and he withdrew them, then moved downward to replace the fingers with his mouth and tongue. It was only a matter of moments before he sent her beyond the brink again as she shattered in glittering, blinding ecstasy, crying out with such passion, his name on her lips, that his hand came up to cover her mouth to muffle her loud cries. He did not move to take her quite yet instead drawing her to him, holding Erienne’s trembling body against him as she recovered.

As soon as she had recovered sufficiently Erienne moved, pushing herself up off Eomer’s chest. She began at his throat again kissing her way down his chest. Eomer lay back and just absorbed the havoc she was wreaking on his senses, and his swollen cock grew ever harder. Eomer nearly arched off the bed at the first touch her tongue on his manhood. She took him into her mouth her tongue caressing him, slowly stroking his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth, steadily drawing the full length of him down her throat. Eomer’s hips moved thrusting forward, gently fucking the warm heat of her mouth, reveling in the feel of her tongue as the sensations nearly drove him beyond sanity.

He was almost ready to burst when he took her shoulders and pushed her upward, withdrawing from her mouth, tugging her upwards, settling her atop him, and sinking into the depths of the wet passage that was so slick and ready for his entry. She rocked back and forth, grinding herself against him, moving against his now frenzied thrusting as they both came undone, falling with ecstatic abandon beyond the peak, the beating of their hearts and the rhythm of their breathing having become one. His seed spilled within her, as they found completion of their passion and their desires were fully spent.

He held her loving body against his, curling around her, the strength of their love feeding the flicker of hope that goodness would somehow prevail against a world that was being steadily overcome by darkness and fear.

© Copyright 2005 viggomama (viggomama at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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