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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Fantasy · #940674
beginning of a book Also note it needs editing and is Unfinished

The world exploded, stars shed their light in radiant collisions through the black of night magnetic twines drawing pieces and chunks together to form planets and stars. One of these planets is where we shall center Jeleen, Land of three Suns. A single egg dropping from the starry night sky unbeknownst where it has come from only that it has come to be here upon this planet. The earth lush with green plants, trees jumping up from the earth as if spurned by some unforeseen force growing, thrusting upwards to claim the light of the three suns for its own. Each tree spreading heavy branches rich with vegetation to the sky above absorbing the precious food the light provides. Waterfalls bursting from rocks to cascade into clear blue pools in the earth below made deeper and deeper by each onslaught of water. Streams dancing through the thick forests watering the trees and grasses that bask in the mineral rich soil. Animals crawling from the depths of the seas to rest upon the ground and inhale their first breath through underdeveloped lungs. Stare upon this egg nested in the thick grasses protected by vines that slash defiantly at anything that nears the nest prepared to draw blood to protect this meaningless mound of shell.

Staring upon this egg night and day creatures black linger in the depths of the shadows taunted by its mere existence. Until one day the shell cracks spindles of crumbs clattering to the bottom of the nest as the creature within strives to be born stubborn already this infant of unknown origin, the only thing know that it fell from the stars above as if the seed of the gods. Bursting from the shell scales of flame enshrouding its body a lizard like creature vulnerable and easy to kill so think the shadow creatures, It turns to face the darkness of the black intelligence shining from the depths of its golden eyes though it be only a few minutes old. A hiss escapes it and jets of flame shoot from its upraised nostrils into the shadowy dark the creatures of black scuttle away already in fear of this being with such strength and intelligence though it be a mere infant. Their words hissed and angered chittering amongst themselves they give this animal a name this lizard its claim, Dragon.

Jeleen prospered and grew evolving nearly daily, something new spouting from the earth and sea within days or at least it seemed as much. The first Dragon gave herself a name Kaleidae and seemed to be blessed with the ability to reproduce without the assistance of a male Dragon. Her body grew in leaps and bounds and she had retained full maturity within the first year of her being upon the planet. The shadow beings hid from her always finding a way to avoid her wrath, though they had been on this planet first had crawled from the soupy depths of the sea before her egg had even landed upon the ground. She still reined the land, until one day they devised a name for themselves, Humans, and so the battle began. They chanted and cried to gods that only they worshiped praying for a way to vanquish this beast from the heavens before she destroyed them. While day after day she fretted upon a nest having laid a small cache of eggs, three of them, one male and two females brewed within the black yolked eggs. Protective she was of her nest never leaving its side food always available at the pool beside which she staked her home nest. Watchful and vigilant over her nest waiting for the day her hatchlings would break free of the shells and rise to the skies above. It was not long in coming that day, the shells cracked and the fiery lizards burst free. One of Sapphire, One of emerald and one of darkest cobalt. Sakeal, The sapphire male, Jeneasa the emerald female, and Felain the cobalt female. For now this story shall center upon one.

Jeleen, The land of Dragons in loose translation, the Land of three suns, The mornings cool breezes begin to wane as the suns move in the sky past the noon hour, the afternoons heat beginning to flare as the ever red suns beat down upon the lush land, The thick ozone protecting it from the harmful ultra violet waves. Dragons used to rule this land it used to be their home of all homes but slowly they have been disappearing the few that cant be seen the few that still reside upon Jeleen can be seen resting beside pools upon mossy beds their wings flaring out as the sun beats down upon them warming the cold blood that races through their black veins. Thick shiny scales covering hard corded sinews absorbing the heat of the red suns on the hard metallic flesh warming the acids that race through their body causing it to boil in murky pools through thick strong veins. Seemingly impervious to attack with the exception of their soft underbellies the one place a sword or a lance can pierce the scales there thinner than the ones that cover their backs and the thick muscular legs. Their bodies made up of seventy five percent acids, Depending on that viscous fluid as not only their life’s blood but a defense mechanism to protect themselves from predators.

Scoffing inwardly as all dragons do, PREDATORS? What creature would dare prey upon a Dragon? But scoff not for there are things out there that prey upon dragons the most powerful and majestic of beings, Those predators are humans, Humans kill them, slaughter them for mere notoriety, To have the title of Dragon Slayer to take trophies and earn a prophet for the slaughter of these large yet peaceful creatures. Yes Dragons may seem imposing, because of their large fang endowed snouts their heavily clawed feet and the acid flames that spout from firm scaled nostrils. In truth they seek only to live a life of solitude taking from the land only what they require to survive. Humans are unable to eat the flesh of Dragons it is poison to them, Yet still they take greedily the lives of Dragons until now they are nearly extinct one by one Dragons fall during grisly battles blood sprayed slayers stand triumphant over discarded carcasses bearing their trophies to maidens and kings to brag of their accomplishments. To be a Dragon Slayer, Is to be a true man, boys of all ages in play pretend to slay the vicious dragon and bring teeth, and eyes, and hearts back to the maiden which they desire in hopes she will return their affections. Hunters that hunt until extinction that is what a human is, at least in this Dragons eyes.

The dragon inhaled slowly her chest filling with air the scales making scraping noises as her chest expanded lifting her wings to give her a wider girth. Jasper stared up at her his knees shaking slightly as she made herself impossibly more imposing than she was before. His eyes widened as the snakelike emerald orbs stared into his face unafraid of the lance he brandished at her chest the steel tip threatening to pierce her heart. She flexed her wings hovering slightly above the ground as she reeled back her lungs now filled to their capacity lurching forward she pushes the air outwards mingling the oxygen with the toxic fluids of her flame pouch a jet of blue white flame issuing forth from her nostrils aimed directly for his head. The black of her scales sparkling in the slowly disappearing light the sky a red orange as the three fiery orb suns descend in the west. Her body rearing upwards pure raw muscles coiled beneath jet plates. Her large elongated snout opens revealing lines of pearly razor sharp fangs a thick congealed acid dripping from the deadly points, her emerald eyes locked upon his sapphire orbs as they stare at each other locked in a battle of mind, body and soul, a battle knowing only one ending, Death.

Digging his heels into the sides of his steed Jasper jerks forward with the jumping motion of the horse as she leaps into action her body stretching and dodging the flame aimed at them. The sinews of her form corded as her muscles scream her body straining to escape the flaring heat at her haunches Her hooves thunder against the packed tundra she lunges forward the lance aimed outwards the long tapered column extending past her snout Jasper=s hand clutching the base his knuckles white his eyes wide in fear and anticipation. Screaming his battle cry Jasper heads straight towards Felain’s chest the dragon rearing up to meet his suicidal charge the lance making impact amidst the scales finding the sweet spot just between her arms one centimeter above her heart.

A sickening crunch fills the air as the scales give way beneath the carefully sharpened tip of the lance the flesh tearing blood spurting from the new wound as the arrowhead tip of the lance cuts inward. Blood sluicing down the length of the lance coating Jasper’s knuckles with its slimy acidic heat her blood unlike humans not crimson but the darkest of black. Screaming in pain as the acidic fluid begins to penetrate the flesh of his hand large chunks of skin melting from his knuckles revealing a bloody white bone beneath. Lifting his arms upwards Jasper pushes the tip down aiming for the heart feeling it pierced easily as if it were butter to a steak knife, With a triumphant cry he shoves the lance in for the final kill the dragon shuddering a keening wail dragged from her throat as jets of flame burst from her nostrils her chest heaving gurgling spouts of acid spraying from her outstretched jaw as she shudders attempting to breathe. The ground smoking beneath her as the acid finds the grass small fires erupting at her clawed haunches Collapsing upon the ground dust and fragments of stone fly through the air as her mass greets the ground this her final battle. Scaled eyelids falling to cover the snake like emerald tone of her eyes as her last breath seeps from her a silent sigh of defeat as her heart contracts one final time torn in twine by the lance tip. The singed lance slipping with a soft wet sound to the ground flames appearing to circle her body as her blood gushes from the now empty wound sizzling and crackling as the grass dies and bursts into flame wherever a stray droplet may fall.

Slipping from the saddle Jasper dusts off the leather of his riding trousers his black cape furling around him with a fluid swirl of darkness as a cool breeze dances over his face. Lifting his face upwards into the wind he inhales deeply savoring the fresh cool air as it sweeps over the dismal scene of battle. Walking in pained silence towards a small trickling pool surrounded by small feathery ferns he dips his acid burned hand into the cooling depths steam swirling from the heat of the wound as the water cools and soothes the damaged flesh. Murmuring softly to himself yet another scar to add to my collection I suppose a sad sigh escaping him as he turns facing the carcass of the once graceful powerful beast now nothing more than a torn dripping bag of bones for the scavengers to feast upon later after darkness has made its claim upon the day.

Dropping his head he sighs murmuring quietly under his breath It is done. Stepping towards the carcass of the slain dragon he searches quietly for a trophy to prove his triumph over the beast that has claimed so many of the town=s cattle, sheep and children. His fingers dip inwards hissing as the acid once again captures his flesh skin melting into her body as he claims his trophy, the still warm mound of her heart. Pulling it free tears fill his eyes as he stares at his hand now merely a skeleton of bone a frame of blood covered ivory bones. Placing the heart in a thick metal box he returns to the pool washing his boned hand clean the once muscled blood pumping digits now bleached white bone. Grasping a glove from the pocket of his trousers he pulls it over the hand rendered useless by the acid of Felain.

Far above in a concealed cave Drake stares down upon the man who slaughtered his mother in cold blood his emerald scales glinting in the stream of light that has found its way into the cave via a small crevice on the ceiling. His body cramped crouched on the cold damp stone his thick black claws digging in leaving large wide scratches embedded deep within the hard gray of the wet stone. His eyes growing dark pained with mourning as he cries silently his tears dropping clattering to the ground in perfect tear drop diamonds a pile forming at his feet as he stares his sadness turning to anger. Standing upright his tail stretching out behind him the thick sinewy cords of muscles strained and aching from being cramped in the dark damp crevice of stone. Rising slightly on his haunches the scrape of scales over the stone of the floor filling the never ending black of night. His snout peering out of the mouth of the cave steam rising from the soft curled nostrils his eyes feline like gold glisten with tears as he leans out of the cave nearly revealing his whereabouts to the Dragon slayer below him.

Sitting back on his haunches his body sinking back into darkness he stares down unblinking at Jasper absorbing every feature of his body, the thick blonde curls clinging tightly to his head, the azure blue eyes, the cocky stance and the slight limp of his left leg, the scar above his eyebrow. The now glove covered skeletal hand clinging to the reins as he mounts ember. Vowing in the silence of the night to avenge Felain, His mother the bringer of life, the only one he has cared for.

J Jasper shivers as if sensing eyes upon him, Eyes filled with hatred, hurt, anger. Staring upwards his eyes fall upon a dark spot in the mountain above him wondering quietly to himself if that is where the feeling is originating from. Mounting Ember once again the black steed rearing up slightly as he grinds his heels into the horse=s tender sides. A loud whinny issuing from the horse as she jumps forward the muscles in her haunches expanding and contracting with every jaunt forward. The fluid tendrils of her coal black mane and tail
streaming out behind her and from her neck as if jet flames flee from her body pushed outward by her momentum, She too senses the eyes upon
Jasper and feels only fear galloping away as if the hounds of hell themselves are nipping at her haunches.

Watching them disappear into the darkness Drake closes his eyes folding his wings around his body in a protective embrace his body shivering with grief and exhaustion his scaled lids falling to conceal golden eyes he drifts into a spasm filled sleep consumed with killing the slayer who has taken his mother from him. His body thrashing in the confines of the cave sending rocks skidding to the ground below scaring the small night animals that have descended upon the corpse of his mother to feed. Waking restlessly his eyes fluttering open he searches the cave for his mother his eyes not finding her form sleeping near his, tears cracking on the cave floor as he once more comes to the realization that she has left the earth and plane upon which he resides. Jumping from the cave his wings furl open blacking out the ground beneath him with their girth soaring towards the draekala forest to seek out a friend.

A low moon hung over the earth the black of night broken by the eerie blue glow. The light cut through the darkness like a well sharpened knife cuts through flesh, clean and brisk. A soft whirring fills the night air scented with fresh water, through the trees bathed in moonlight a pale woman bathes nude in a waterfalls pool the light glinting of her white flesh as she glistens nearly sparkling with droplets of water gracing her flesh. Turning her head slightly to stare at the moon above her face illuminated the glinting light seeming to center upon the slender long pointed ears her eyes almond shaped and curved upwards as her ageless face is radiant with everlasting youth. Aleiana her name she is an elf of the clan draekala. Her eyes staring upwards at the ceaseless darkness of night a soft breeze wafts across her face lifting the soft lavender locks of hair to dance around her heart shaped face her features graceful chiseled and cool as a soft thump occurs from her left the sound of claws upon rock she turns to face him. Her voice melodious as she calls out to greet the small emerald dragon that is slowly moving towards the pool Hello Drake

Chapter One

Drake stared at her admiringly always amazed by the sheer beauty the soft thick lavender tendrils streaming down her back over the pert round curves of her buttocks. Never ending pools of sapphire seeming to pierce his face as she stares at him from the pool her eyes wide and thickly lashed the soft points of her ears peeking from beneath the thick curls of hair surrounding her face. The soft pout of her lips forming a greeting as droplets of water pause and hang from the soft iridescent peaks of her bare nipples. Dropping his eyes in a moment of respect for this amazing being before him Drake murmurs in the soft growling tones of his kind “Hello Aleiana”. Stepping from the pool she grabs a silken white shift and surrounds her nude form slowly turning to face him she crouches sitting in the thick grass her legs crossed her eyes soft and welcoming lift to him “What brings you here so late my friend?” A tear drop diamond falls to her feet as his grief betrays him, his voice sad he relives the tale for her tears streaming down her face as she listens to the story of her oldest friends death her eyes locked upon the creature she has come to see as her nephew.

Dropping her head down slightly her thick lavender curls hiding the soft round peek of her cheek cascading down over her shoulders in a fresh moist scented wave. Her voice ringing out in the darkness soft and quiet “What do you need my friend, why have you come to me this night?” Drakes head drops as if in shame, A I need to grow and mature if I am to take on this slayer who has deprived me of my mother, I want you to turn me, To change me and make me like him, “I want to be human” Lifting her head her almond sapphire eyes widening in shock her voice sounding with tones of disgust “Why do you want to become a Human, I cannot believe you would shame your form as such”. A sigh escapes her as she sees the determine scowl on his face “Ok drake however you will have to stay in the village for the elders to determine that this is indeed the best thing for you to do, and you will have to go on a spiritual journey before they will even consider partaking in this ritual.”

Nodding in understanding Drake wraps his wings about him and settles down on his haunches laying as best he can his tail stretching out in full length as he lumbers to his side. His wings stretching out behind him furled outwards to their girth displaying the pearl white scales of his under body the most tender parts of a Dragons form differing in color as if to flaunt the weakness. Aleiana moves towards him resting a long slender palm on his snout her fingers weaving intricate forms over the hard scales drawing tines of a spell on his flesh, growing groggy his eyes heavy lidded fall to close grief laden eyes allowed to rest.

He struggled against the thick shell pushing and nipping at the coarse hard membrane forcing his nose outwards a cool breeze swirling over his mucus coated snout. His eyes crusted closed by the thick yolk which has protected him and fed him this past year within his residence of this egg. Lifting his small clawed feet he scrapes at his eyes clearing the film from them. The residue breaking from his eyes still they remain foggy as he stares upwards at a large black imposing form his eyes slowly begin to focus falling upon the slender black snout of his mother. His voice high and unadjusted his world now growing larger by the moment overwhelmed his unused wings curl over his face hiding his face from the bright light. Stuttering he whispers “Mother?” a soft growling purr answers him “Yes my son” his eyes squinting closed the light green scales protecting the tender golden orbs, “What is this light this brightness that blinds me?”. She chuckles softly though her laugh sounds more like a roar to the common man but he even as an infant remarkably intelligent as are all dragons, understands laughter. Her clawed foot rests gently comfortingly on his shoulder just above the apex of his wings My son that is the three suns of Jeleen the world that we live upon

Rolling over in the grass soft murmurs escaped drake as if talking to someone he could see, someone he could reach out and touch Aleiana rested a hand upon his snout to console his restless dreams. His body ceases shuddering at the comforting caress of her smooth youthful palm stroking the soft glinting scales. His body stretching out once again from the fetal position or at least the best a dragon can accomplish of that position his wings curling up over his body protectively providing much needed warmth in the cool night air.

Standing at the edge of a cliff he looks down his eyes wide in fear and anticipation. His wings flex outwards testing the currents of air swirling about them. Turning his head slightly he peers at Felain “Mother, I am afraid. Stretching her wings outwards she looks down at him her eyes soft and adoring of this small yet imposing beast that is her son knowing any mortal man would quake in fear at his mere countenance. Looking over the edge of the cliff at the sheer drop beneath them "I know my son but what kind of Dragon would you be if you were unable to fly to soar the skies as the majestic creature that you are staking your claim upon the swirls of breezes that dance under your wings.” Nodding he steps forward his wings beginning to flare against the strength of the breezes. His foot leaves the safety of the ground and he plummets downwards spiraling towards the ground the earth growing closer and closer with each moment. As if instinctively as if nature has deemed him not to fail his wings lift upwards filling with air beneath them his decent downwards trails from a plummet to a soar as the wind carries him upwards. Felain smiles revealing the pearly glimmer of sharp fangs as her heart soars with her son surging through the sky with pride.

Drake woke with start beams of sunlight breaking through the trees above him. Shifting upright quickly he stares around his surroundings momentarily disoriented his eyes falling upon Aleiana a soft exhalation steams from his upraised nostrils. Moving towards him her steps fluid and graceful she rests her hand upon his wing and dips downward brushing a kiss over the smooth emerald scales. “I am glad you rested my friend it was needed for both your body and soul to prepare you for the journey on which you are about to embark”. Stretching outwards he furls his wings and takes a few test flares causing a wind to dance Aleiana shift around her legs baring the sleek tan flesh her calves taut and muscular. A soft giggle escapes her as she smoothed her pale frock down over her legs "Should I call for Seleaine or will you be kind enough to allow me to hitch a ride with you” a rumbling sound emits from his chest as his stomach in turn growls just as loudly “If you call Seleaine I may be inclined to make her breakfast as I am a hungry Dragon whelp." A slight pout crosses the full lips of the elf as she peers at the beast before her, “Surely you would not eat my faithful steed, the horse I love as my best friend who has saved my life during countless battles?” Guilt stricken he looks at her, his golden orbs melting at her countenance “Of course not, I merely Jest, Though I will have to eat something before we leave, the pond here is rich in fish I shall make them my meal.”

Moving to the pond he slips into the water with grace you would not foresee of such a large creature his head dipping under the cool depths as it laps at his scales making them glisten with shimmering droplets. His head bursts free of the depths his jaw gaping filled with the flapping tails of trout as they thrash in his mouth seeking to escape his fanged grasp. Swallowing them whole a rumble escapes his throat as he nearly purrs in content of his hunger being satiated. Turning to her he strides from the pond water sloshing in his wake dripping from his haunches, He crouches down to his knees for her to mount him. Grasping a coiled wing she pulls herself upwards straddling him her thighs clenching around his shoulders as she leans down her arms draping around his neck in a gentle controlled grip. His wings flare upwards a draft of wind causing the trees about them to shiver and quake in the force of his wings as they elongate catching breezes of air beneath them. Curling his legs up into his body his wings now threshing the air lifting upwards with the force of each vibration. Cresting above the tops of the trees his left wing angles downwards turning his body in the direction of Aleiana’s village, an updraft of wind pushing them forwards soaring above the trees.

The village appearing in the horizon small huts clinging to the tops of trees stabilized in branches. Flaring his wings upwards the draft pushing against the sinews slowing their speed he slowly begins to descend, landing in the center of the village the soft hushed voices of elves floating down to his sensitive ear buds. Looking upwards at the homes in the trees above him small medium and large huts showing rank within the village. The windows of the hut flaps that rise up and tie to the roof so that the fresh air of the morning and the cooling air of the evening may enter the small wooden homes. The thatched roofs a darker brown made from thick Peyona leaves an indigenous plant that only grows in the Draekala forest. Small black pits scorched into the earth filled with stones and ash depicting their fires which they cook upon and dance around in celebration. Crouching to his knees he waits until he feels the slight weight of Aleiana leave his back before rising once again to his full height.

A waif like elfin female approaches them her hair the color of the deepest depths of the ocean a blue so clear that it seems translucent her eyes almond shaped the orbs a vibrant green lights bursting from them. Lowering his head in respect his eyes focus upon the moss covered ground beneath his feet a soft smooth palm coming to rest upon his shoulder her voice though quiet emitting the power that she alone has. Shuddering slightly he looks upwards at her “Hello Jeneasa” The emerald tone of her eyes falling to meet his a soft smile crossing the full gentle pout of her lips, “Hello my nephew”. Lifting his head her fingers stroking over his scales as if longingly, Her voice soft so that only he may hear her spoken word “Many days pass, that I desire to resume this form once again, Alas it is unsafe for now at least”. Seeing the sadness within the tender gaze he nods silently in his agreement her fingers curling around a wingtip, “What brings you to Draekala forest nephew?” His eyes lift to her face, “I wish to speak in private about this Aunt”.

Quietly they walk through the forest away from the village the trees creaking around them as a soft breeze rustles through the branches masking their quiet words. Stopping in a soft grassed clearing they turn to face each other and seat themselves within the soft blades of green that sluice through the earthy scented soil. His legs stretched out before him claws embedded in the springy moss his claws sinking into the spongy grass turning his head to the side slightly he peers at his aunt. Lifting her eyes to him her voice soft and understanding “Well Nephew, what brings you here to this forest, to me?” His eyes dropped in shame, a slight frown creasing the scaled contour of his lip ‘You will not be pleased with my request Aunt, though I came to you because of all I expected you to understand it more than any”. Her hand stroked his wing soothingly as she nodded listening to the hushed words escaping him, “You wish to become human my nephew, To grow faster and be able to avenge the death of your mother” A sigh of relief escaping him as she speaks his head inclining in a soft nod at her understanding. Looking deeply into the amber tones of his eyes she nods, “I will have to think about it I will come to a decision in three days, until then stay in the village”.

Aleiana looked up seeing Drake and Jeneasa’s approach her normally soft lips set in a grim line; dropping her head Aleiana’s thoughts weigh heavily upon Drakes request to become human. Watching the dragon stride into the center of the village though still merely a child his form large and imposing even to the elves, though they know he won’t harm them. Settling his form down next to the crackling embers of a dying fire he observes the village his tawny eyes watching as the elves ready for impending darkness. The children racing through the streets laughter surrounding them in a veil of happiness unaware of the war that is brewing on the lands that are around them. The adults climb the ladders to their homes and begin to drop the windows down securing them with thick rope woven from their own ever growing hair. Though they are aware that Drake will protect them from whatever foe may attempt to vanquish them during the pitch black of night. Some still doubtful in their ever cynical minds wondering whom will protect them from Drake.

Drake woke in the morning to the sweet scent of a suckling pig roasting on a spit, his eyes crept open with the groggy overtures of sleep. Peering around the village his eyes resting on the pig a string of drool creeping from the side of his mouth thick and stringy falling to the ground with a moist pop. A nearby elf seeing his obvious hunger pulls the spit from the open flame and offers the sizzling pork to him dropping it onto the grassy ground between his clawed forelegs. His jaw gaping open encompasses the hot pork the flesh melting within his mouth a gelatinous sweet and greasy feeling meat gnashed between his fangs. Chewing soft growling rumbles building up in his chest as he basks in the musky flavor of wild pork as it slides down his throat he looks to the elf who gave him this breakfast smiling appreciatively.

The scent of roasted meat reaching Aleiana’s small curved nostrils draws her outside her home. Staring down off of her balcony like porch she admires the sheen of morning like glinting off of Drakes scales as he hungrily devours the meat offered by her sister Shalana. Sliding on a thick wool robe to warm her flesh under the coldness of the morning’s breeze she slowly makes her way down the steps and walks towards Drake. Hearing her approach in the small indents of his ear buds he looks towards her his scaled lips lifting in a toothy grin bits of pork hanging from between his pearly white fangs. A chuckle escaping her as she sees the meat clinging to his teeth she points at her own mouth “You have something stuck between your teeth friend”
© Copyright 2005 Scarlettfox (scarlettfox at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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