Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/940399-Twincest-5--Pleasure-or-Pain
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #940399
Vampires + Razor = Blood spilled.
Chapter Five- Pleasure or Pain?

Tomas leaned back to survey the hard planes of his brother's body for a moment, eyeing a winged tattoo on a thin hip and the few scars his brother had, telling of a hard mortal life. He then got up slowly, Davin watching, trying to work out what sort of mood his twin was in. It was difficult; Tomas suffered from dangerously swift mood swings. Meanwhile, Tom watched Davin in return, raising an eyebrow and smirking at the look the other male was giving him.

"I'm just getting these leather pants off. Having my cock forced down my leg is getting a little uncomfortable, to say the least. I'm not gonna pull out any hidden toys." He said and sniggered, eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, not yet. I might pull out some oil if you're a real good boy..." He said, Davin watching him as he talked and almost smiling as Tomas slipped the pants off, revealing perfect skin underneath, smooth, pale and soft to the touch. Absolutely flawless. However, Davin's gaze darkened when Tomas turned to fold the pants and put them carefully away, revealing his back to his brother, stretched white scars marring the smoothness of skin, reminders of a time when Tomas had been forced to submit, and had suffered for it, back when they were both mortal, and mere boys. Of course, Davin knew of the marks. He'd been there when they'd been delivered, after all, but he didn't like to reminded of that time; it was far too depressing.

The disturbing memories were wiped from his mind as Tomas walked over to the bed, and Davin sucked in a deep breath as his brother straddled him, skin meeting skin, the bloody fluid leaking from Davin's erection leaving a red streak across his brother's thigh as their groins settled together. Tomas slowly ground his hips into his twin's, Davin groaning loudly at the deliciously teasing friction between their bodies. And then Tomas started talking.

"You're my light, you know." He said conversationally, running the blunt end of the blade he held casually across Davin's skin, enjoying the way his brother responded to the cold metal, noting the way he hissed and how his nipples hardened into pebbles at the brief contact of the blade against them, his skin sensitised by fear and arousal.

"Wha... what?" Davin managed to stutter out after a moment, trying to process words that were making precious little sense whilst dealing with his senses reeling at the way Tom's hips were making miniscule movements against his, grinding slowly against him. This coupled with the cool caress of the blade against his skin was enough to capture his full attention. He made no sense of the words.

In reprimand, Tomas made a light cut just under Davin's right nipple, blood welling quickly in the wound as Davin had only fed about an hour previously. He bent his head, tongue sweeping across the small wound, lapping up the delicious taste of his brother rather eagerly, before it could spill down the other's sides. Davin's chest heaved and he tried to hold back a moan at the sensation, pleasure and pain complimenting and contrasting with each other, making each feeling stronger. He couldn't hold back, and a needy (but rather choked sounding) moan broke free. Tomas lifted his head to look at Davin, lips painted crimson by his brother's blood.

"You're my light." He repeated clearly and paused before deciding to take mercy on the other male and elaborate. "I told you once that I have a darkness in my soul. It's a little voice in the back of my head that tells me to do things. Bad things." He said and paused for effect. "It beckons me into the arms of darkness and insanity, promising oblivion and an end to pain. You're the light that keeps the darkness at bay, Davin. You're the only thing that keeps The Snake from poisoning me with its deadly venom." He explained passionately as he idly ran the razor across the other's stomach, leaving a trail of crimson in its wake, weeping downward like silent tears, Tomas watching with rapt attention.

Davin heard his brother's words, and thought them beautiful. He wanted to mull over them further, but the sensation of hot blood seeping down towards his groin was too distracting, especially since he knew that Tom's tongue would be following the liquid trail. He filed his brother's words away for later and squirmed in anticipation, a plea on the tip of his tongue, though he was too proud to release it.

Finished with his little speech, Tomas turned his attention back to the task at hand. As Davin had predicted, Tom slid erotically down his brother's body, lips following the sweet blood, tongue sweeping across the long but shallow cut, Davin's hands straining against the cuffs as he tried to get free, wanting to force the other male lower. Unfortunately, he couldn't break the bonds, so he growled his frustration, desperately arching his hips towards Tom's cool mouth as the other moved lower, tongue neatly surpassing Davin's dripping erection. It was impossible to tell the blood from the precum, anyway.

Calmly, he forced the other's hips down with one hand whilst making yet another cut into his twin's quivering thigh. Davin made another frustrated sound as Tom completely bypassed his erection, generous lips attaching to the new wound, sucking lightly to draw the blood into his mouth, his cheeks caving in slightly, making his sculptered face seem almost pretty by emphasising high cheekbones. He pulled his lips away from the cut and looked up at Davin, a thoughtful look on his face, as if he were considering something.

"I suppose you want me to suck this?" He asked in a bored tone, nuzzling his brother's erection as he spoke, the bloody precum leaving a smear of red across his thin cheek, standing out in complete contrast to his pale skin.

"Yesss..." Davin hissed out, eyes closing tightly at the brief contact against his aching flesh. "Please, Tomas." He added in a gasp, not completely against pleading with his brother if it meant he got what he wanted.

"As you wish, brother." Tomas said, a wicked gleam in his clear blue eyes. The hand that had been poised above Davin's groin swiftly moved downwards, a long cut appearing from from the tip of the other's erection all the way down to the base. Tom stilled for a moment, allowing blood to gush from the deep wound, rather surprised by his brother's unmanly shriek at the intense and unexpected pain. Tom's lips then lowered and he lapped gently at the wound, licking from base to tip, his greedy tongue pausing to wipe the precum from the sensitive head. Davin shuddered at the sensation, not sure where the pain ended and the pleasure began, his senses swimming, becoming confused.

"Ah... fuck! More, please..." Davin whimpered out, unable to control himself as the intense sensations warred against one another. But what was he asking for more of; Pleasure or Pain? Even he wasn't sure.
© Copyright 2005 Books of Blood (zodiac2003 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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