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Rated: E · Article · Experience · #940188
What do we have to be afraid of?
Why is it, when approaching a new face whether it be a male or female, we are so frightened by the initial, "Hello." Nothing can ever happen without there ever being a beginning. Why is it that we are so afraid? Is it because of the fact that we truly don't know why you're wanting to do this, or rather just the fact that you feel compelled to say something? Not knowing what to do and knowing what you want to do but can't due to fear are two separate things that are often sometimes confused for the other. Life experiences define us and are defined by us as individuals. How a person reacts in a certain situation can tell you everything you'd ever want, or not want, to know about his or herself. And it's what an individual does in that certain situation that influences the outcome, whether it be in their favor or not. As much as we'd like to ignore it, we are all in essence afraid of being rejected. no one wants to be disliked or ignored. We all want to have a good reputation. While we were children, growing up during school, we had our own little groups and our own little crushes. We always had that one person that we always liked based solely on appearance, but it's the one person that we felt most intimidated by, so much so as to deter us from ever making that approach. It deters us from ever capturing that one moment in time where we find out if this is really the one. And just as quickly as that moment appears, it's also gone. We let our fear, our anxiety get the best of us and leave us wondering. Wondering if that was the one meant for me, wondering if that was the last time I would ever get to experience true happiness. Why are we so afraid of something so fragile as a human being. Aren't we also human? When it comes right down to it, it's really nothing to be scared of at all. We think that we are scared of the reaction of the other person, but what it really is, is that we are afraid of our own reactions. We are scared of ourselves most of all. We dwell on the "What if?" what if she says no? What if she leaves? Why does the "What if?" have to always be negative? What if she says yes!? Can we get over ourselves enough to look past the initial greeting to the next level? If we have that positive mindset I think yes. It's not that hard to say."Hi." We've done so since we were children. Value the opportunities presented to us everyday. Take heed of that gut instinct and seize the moment. The most that could happen would be a simple no, nothing more, nothing less. It's the little things in life that make life worth living. We are put here for a purpose. Indulge the fruits of life and be happy in all that you do. When the moment's gone...it's gone.
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