Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/939923-Nursing-Homes-of-the-Future
by JudyB
Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #939923
A Comedic Look Into the Future
The nursing homes of the not-so-distant future are certain to be revolutionized as they become caretakers of that broad class of individuals known as "Baby Boomers."

We came of age loudly proclaiming our zest for life, and as we come of age to join AARP and draw near to the distinction of being called "senior citizens," we continue to take a stand for the causes we believe in and live life to the fullest possible extent.

While none of us denies we are no longer young, that indomitable spirit of youthfulness will always remain, even when our bodies insist we are aging. Most people think I am at least 10 years younger than I am because I don't "act that old". When someone quips, "Oh he's in his second childhood," my reply is, "I'll never be in my second childhood because as a Baby Boomer, I never left my first childhood!"

My thoughts shifted to the nursing home scene when my mother became a resident of an elderly care facility. Without a doubt, in the next 10-20 years, the mainstay of the nursing home population will be the "eternally youthful" Baby Boomers.

While my portrayal here of the elderly Boomer being cared for in a nursing home may be a bit exaggerated (we always did and will continue to do things in a BIG way), the picture is not entirely unrealistic.

I see groups of Boomers wearing head sets so they can listen to their favorite CDs as they relax in a comfy recliner brought from home. Since many residents are still quite functional mentally, personal computers will no doubt be commonplace in residents' rooms. And while the "choppers" may no longer be able to ravage a steak, a tasty hamburger and fries, brought in from a fast food restaurant, will never go out of style.

"Did your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost over night?..." Do you remember that song? As children we made chewing gum manufacturers...not to mention dentists...rich, and our love of gum will also find its way into the nursing home scene. I can well imagine the cleaning staff who will need to add "removal of gum from bedframes, desks, floors, etc." to their list of duties.

Having a good time has always been a number one priority for most Boomers. Yes, we have our serious side and the hardships of life sometimes work overtime to silence it. But laughter was and always will be a healthy part of our diet. Today even medical research realizes the positive benefits of laughter in keeping us healthy, showing that happy people heal faster and have a more efficient immune system.

In keeping with that bent for laughter, nursing homes of tomorrow will be well stocked with comedies to play in resident VCRs or DVDs. There will undoubtedly be far more laughter in the nursing homes of that day than there is today.

And how about exercise? Most of our generation has been keen on fitness. Instead of tedius games of bingo, activity directors will need to lead age appropriate workouts accompanied by music with an intense beat!

For those quieter moments, we will find meditation, soothing massages and relaxation techniques replacing the need for some of those anti-anxiety drugs that are all too often pumped into residents to keep them from becoming restless.

Among the VCRs, CD players and computers, one will also find an assortment of video game machines -- Sega, Sony and Nintendo. Video game competitions will replace the "Sing along with Mitch" fare that is found in the iternary of today's nursing home activity departments.

On the down side, the halls of tomorrow's nursing homes will probably be filled with language "?@#*^!" unsuitable for the ears of younger visitors. Swearing has become as commonplace as eating and will no doubt become obvious as the Boomers begin to take over the nursing homes.

Yes, the Baby Boomers have established themselves as the generation that will never grow old, and as we slowly take over the nursing home scene, that spirit of "eternal youth" is sure to revolutionalize those health care facilities.

"Anyone for 'Trivial Pursuit?'"
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