Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/939883-TRUE-FRIENDSHIP--Part-1
Rated: E · Fiction · Friendship · #939883
a story which tells us the value of true friendship

The day was 13th of June 1994 when it was the beginning of the school year. As the rainy season was going on, it was raining heavily in the New York City of USA. All the students were going to the school as they usually did when suddenly one car dashed one girl who was of my age i.e. 15 year old crossing the street. Everyone was gathered there with their umbrellas to see the matter and I was also one of them. As I saw the car dashing that girl I was the one moving forward to see if that girl was alright or not.

Passing through that heavy crowd along with my umbrella finally I got near that girl. She was lying unconsciously on the floor and was severely injured. That car driver ran away after dashing her without even seeing that girl. I came forward and sat next to her and kept my hand on her chest due to which I came to know that she was still breathing and was alive. So I told one man from the crowd to give a call at some nearby hospital and he did so.

Soon in 15 minutes the ambulance arrived. Two men got down from it and lifted that girl to put her on the stretcher. I too went in the ambulance as no one was there with her.

We reached to the hospital in next 15-20 minutes. Doctor took that girl in ward number 14 for the treatment and one of the sisters found one I-card in that girl’s bag. She handed that I-card to me.

I took a look at that card and so I came to know everything about her. Her name was Jessica Weinberg. Below her name was her contact number written and below her contact number her school’s name was written and below that was her residential address.

I quickly rushed to the counter to give a call at her place. I dialed her number and the phone bell rang twice and then it was picked up.


It was one girl’s voice.

“Yeah hello, this is Ashley Jefferson calling from New York hospital” I said introducing myself.

“Yeah, tell me how can I help you?” she asked.

“Well your family member Jessica has encountered accident just few minutes before” I replied. “So I request you to reach here immediately as she is badly injured.”

“Ok I am coming” she said and hung up.

Few minutes later I saw one 20-22 year old girl walking towards my direction.

“Excuse me? Is this ward number 14?” she asked getting concerned.

“Yes it is” I replied.

“Ok so are you the one who called me?” she asked.

“Yes I am” I answered.

“Can u please tell me how this thing happened?” she asked with a worried expression on her face.

I told her the whole story and then she got more scared.

“Well may I know your name?” I asked.

“I am Pam Weinberg” she replied. “I am Jessica’s elder sister”

“Oh I see” I replied.

“Well thanks a lot for doing such a big favour on us” she said.

“It’s absolutely no problem” I replied.

“Ok then I think I should leave now” I said looking at my watch. “Take care”

“Yeah sure. Thanks a lot once again” Pam said giving me a smile.

Then I left from the hospital and went directly to the restaurant as I was already some half an hour late. Every evening at around 6.30pm I used to go the restaurant as I used to work there as a waitress.

Well actually my financial conditions were so poor that I didn’t had any other alternative rather than working in the restaurant at late evening. I used to get only 45$ per month but then too I used to manage feeding my family along with my studies.
Well actually there were only three people in my family. That was me, my dad and my small 10 year old brother Richard.

But previously our family was big as it had my mom, dad, my small brother Richard and my one more smaller 4 year old brother Kevin. Our family was the happiest family in the whole New York city. My dad was bank account while my mom was also working in some office and so we had a very good income. We never had money problems and so everything was normal.

But one day everything was ruined. My mom encountered an accident while returning from work and died and on the same day my 4 year old brother Kevin fell down from our building’s terrace and died.

I lost my two family members on the same day. It was a real shock for us but somehow I and Richard tried to manage but dad was still in depression. He started drinking and always used to be in his own world. He never cared about us nor even tried to find out how we were surviving.

Since last four years when this incident occurred i.e. when I was 11 and Richard was 6 we started facing these problems.

I had to leave my education but soon after I got the job I was able to manage it as well as Richard’s too.

As I reached the restaurant the manager called me. I went to him.

“Yes sir” I said.

“Do you know that you are late today?” he asked getting angry.

“Yes I do” I replied.

“Do you know that some amount from your salary will be cut just because of this?” he asked

“Yes I do know that sir” I replied. “But . . . . .”

I told him the whole thing but for sometime he wasn’t ready to understand but after sometime he did so and also told me that he won’t cut my salary and so then I was much revealed.

I finished my work as usual at 10.30pm and then I went home. After going home I took some studies of Richard and then I went to sleep as I had to go to school next day.

Next morning as usual I got up and got ready for the school. I came down after getting ready. I saw dad sitting on the couch with a bottle of liquor in his hand.

“Good morning Ashley” he wished as I lifted my school bag.

“Good morning dad” I wished him too and then I left for the school.

As I reached school I saw something strange which really stunned me. I saw my name written on the top of all the notice boards in bold letters. First I got scared as I felt that I have been suspended from the school or what but then I realized that my name was written because of the yesterday’s incidence as I helped Jessica and took her to the hospital at right time.

But I just wondered how this thing must have reached to the school and so I straight away went to my class to find this out where I saw one man maybe of my dad’s age was talking to my class teacher. As I entered the classroom everyone started clapping.

“Well done my dear child, well done” said that man clapping.

“May I know what is going on?” I asked.

“Well its great to know that you have saved someone’s life” said my class teacher. “This is Mr. Peter Weinberg, Jessica’s father.”

“Oh I see” I said giving him a smile.

“He is one of the wealthiest businessmen in whole USA” said my teacher. “He had come here to thank you for saving his daughter’s life.”

Jessica’s father came forward and handed me a bouquet.

“Thank you very much my dear child, may god bless you” he said.

“How is Jessica now?” I asked.

“Well yeah she’s out of danger now but is still unconscious” he replied. “Well if you want to meet her then you can come to the hospital anytime.”

“Well ok I will try to come today if I can” I answered.

And then after sometime he left. Everyone in the school praised me for doing this work.

After the school I went home. I completed my studies and then got ready to go to the hospital and then to the work.

I came down to find my dad but I didn’t see him anywhere and so I went to the kitchen but he was not present there too. Then I went to check his bedroom but he wasn’t there.

I just wondered where he went because since after my mom’s and brother’s death he usually never went out except for buying his drinks but just yesterday he went to buy them then where must he be today?

Then I went again to the living room where I saw his drinking bottles left on the couch. I was surprised. He never went out leaving his drinks aside and today all of them were kept at home and he wasn’t there.

Well I didn’t wanted to be late for my work just because of hospital again and so I hurried to the hospital.

As I reached there I saw Pam standing outside Jessica’s ward and so I went towards her.

“Hi, how are you?” asked Pam just as she saw me.

“Yeah I am fine” I replied. “How is Jessica now? Is she still unconscious?”

“No now she is much better. But like she has got some fractures in her left leg and so the pain is still there.”

“Oh I see. Actually uncle came to my school today to thank me” I said. “But how he came to know about my school?”

“Well actually I think he found it out and then he came” Pam replied.

“Ok” I said.

“Come lets go in, I will introduce you to Jessica” said Pam.

So I went inside with Pam. I saw Jessica lying on the bed with big big plasters on her left leg and one plaster on her left hand and she was sleeping.

“Jess? Jess?” called Pam.

Jessica slowly opened her eyes to see who was calling her. As she opened her eyes she took a glance at Pam and then at me.

“Jess, this is Ashley” introduced Pam. “She is the one who admitted you here at the right time.”

I gave her a smile but she reacted as if she didn’t hear anything. She gave me an aggressive look as if I am one of her enemy and then she started looking in other direction and then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Well first I thought that she isn’t feeling and so she reacted in this way but I was totally wrong and when I found this thing it was too late.

Well I looked at Pam. She tried to ignore me first and then she took me out.

“Well I think she is still not that well” said Pam without looking in my eyes due to which I got a doubt that something was surely wrong but it didn’t affect me so much because till that time I wasn’t much attached to Jessica that I did later because of which I had to face so many problems in my forthcoming life.

I will tell you in detail how it happened.

After leaving hospital I directly went to the restaurant for the work and then after my work at 10pm I went home. As I reached home and opened the door I saw dad sitting in the living room with some files in his hand rather than with the bottle of liquor.

Well this was the first time after my mom’s and brother’s death that dad was involved in work rather than in drinking.

“Hi dad” I said as I entered the house.

“Oh hi Ashley” he replied looking at me and giving me a smile. “How was the day?”

“Yeah it was good” I answered. “Dad what are you doing with these files?”

“I am studying all the documents” he answered. “I have joined new job today.”

I wasn’t able to believe first that he said this. Then once again I asked him the same question and again he gave the same answer getting confused.

“But why are you asking the same question again?” he asked.

“That’s because you said that you are working” I answered.

“What u mean?” he asked with confused expression. “Oh yes I got it now”

“You must be wondering that how I have changed suddenly, rite? Well let me explain this to you. Well when I heard about your help to the accident victim yesterday I really felt good and guilty too. I felt that my daughter alone is working out, helping others and studying too and then I wondered how you can manage all these things together and there I changed my decision and decided to work rather than drinking and so I went to one of my friend’s office today where he gave me the work of an employee.”

“So you mean you will never drink again?” I asked.

“Well I can’t give up drinking but I promise you that I will reduce it to some extent” he answered.
“Alright but just once a day, ok?”

“Yeah I promise, just once a day” he replied. “I know I haven’t done anything for you and Richard and so I want to improve now and so you are not going to work from tomorrow as my salary is well and good. You just concentrate on your studies.”

Well I really felt good when he said that as from now I didn’t had to work because honestly I used to hate working. My dream was to become a writer. I used to write many things when I was small but after my mom’s and brother’s death I didn’t get time to do anything for myself and now here was the chance for me to do whatever I wanted.

Next day as usual I and Richard went to the school and dad went to his work. After the school I decided to go to see Jessica. I took my lunch after coming after and then I got ready to go to the hospital but it started raining heavily.

So I took my umbrella along with me and went to the hospital. As I reached there I saw Pam there and also Jessica’s dad.

“Hello everyone” I greeted as I went to them.

“Oh hi Ashley! How are you?” asked Mr. Weinberg

“Yeah I am fine Mr. Weinberg” I replied.

“Well Jessica is getting discharge tomorrow” said Mr. Weinberg in a happy tone.

“Oh thatz great” I replied. “So she must be absolutely fine now, right?”

“Yes she is” said Pam.

I talked with Mr. Weinberg and Pam for sometime and then I went inside to meet Jessica but she was in the deep sleep. Pam tried to wake her up but I stopped her.

Then I left from the hospital and went home and as usual my day went.


Well my month went very good and normal. Everything was well set now as dad started working. I was able to concentrate properly on my studies and was also able to help Richard in all his activities.
It was month of July when at 3pm I went to my private library. As I said before that my aim was to become a writer besides which I also loved reading. I took the book which I wanted and I was so eager to read it that while walking also I was trying to read it and then I got dashed with one girl.

“What is this, can’t you see and walk?” she asked angrily looking down at her top. “You spoiled my new top.”

“Well I am really sorry” I said and then looked at her. I got stunned when I saw her as that girl was Jessica.

“You just. . . .” she stopped when she saw me. “Hey I think I know you.”

“Yeah even I think that” I teased giving a smile.

She kept on thinking for sometime and then she came to know.

“You are Ashley, right?” she asked

“Absolutely right” I answered. “Hi! How are you?”

“Well I have heard that you had saved my life” she said. “Thanks a lot for that.”

And then she left without even saying bye. I felt something strange about her and then I started laughing because I usually had a habit of laughing at these kinds of aggressive people.

That evening I had to meet dad near one restaurant and so I went there. I was waiting there for 15 minutes but he didn’t turn up. I was looking here and there when I again spotted Jessica with two other girls.

“Hey Jessica” I called and went to her.

She stopped and turned behind to see who called her and then she saw me.

“Hi” I said. “How are you?”

“I have some work to do” she said aggressively. “Bye.”

And then she started walking with those two girls.

“Hold on Jessica” I called. She stopped again. “Why you act so strangely?”

“What is your status?” she asked. “Are you one among the wealthiest families from New York?”

First I didn’t get what she said but then I came to know what she wanted to know. She was a very proud of her wealth and so she was being so rudely with me.

“If you are among the rich families then you can be my friend” she said and then she left.

That night I just kept on thinking about those words of Jessica. She knew that I saved her life but then too she was acting rudely with me and then I came up with an idea.

I had to teach a lesson to Jessica so that she learns to treat all the people equally and then I decided to start working on this plan from the next day.

Next day after the school I went to Jessica’s place. As I reached there and saw her bungalow I got shocked. I had never seen such huge bungalow in my whole life. It appeared as five star hotel from outside with beautiful door and windows.

I was walking towards the entrance when watchman stopped me.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“I have to meet Jessica” I replied.

“Show your I-card” he said.

“Which I-card?” I asked.

“Don’t you know that you need a special I-card to enter this house. If you don’t have it then you can’t enter this house” he explained.

“Oh I see” I said and was about to leave when I saw Pam coming out of the house. She was talking to one of the servants but stopped as she saw me.

“Let her come in” she ordered watchman.

Watchman opened the door and allowed me to enter. I went straight to the Pam.

“Hi Pam” I greeted.

“Yeah hi Ashley” she replied. “How are you?”

“Yeah I am fine” I answered. “Is Jessica there at home?”

“Yeah but I have a doubt whether she will meet you or not” she replied.

“Why?” I asked.

“Well leave it” she said. “You go in and see whether she is free or not.”

“Yeah ok fine” I said and went straight inside.

As I entered the house I came first in contact with living. There were four televisions kept on the four sides of the corners. Then there were 6 sofa sets, 4 showcases and some 8-10 chairs. It was just like the reception of some five star hotel.

“Yes madam, may I help you?” said one of the servant breaking my thoughts.

Well aaa, can I meet Jessica?” I asked.

“Who should I say has come to meet her?” he asked.

“Ashley” I replied.

“You please have a seat, I will tell her” he said and went towards the door which was situated in the middle of the living room. First I thought that it was Jessica’s room but then I came to know that it was lift.

“No wonder why Jessica is so proudy” I said to myself.

I was taking a look at living when that servant arrived from the lift.

“I am sorry madam, she is busy right now” he said.

“But I have to talk to her” I argued. “Please allow me to talk to her just once.”

“Well sorry madam, we are not supposed to disturb her again” he replied.

I got very angry. I straight away went to the lift.

“Madam wait” servant called. “You aren’t allowed to disturb her.”

I closed the door and was about to press the floor number where I got confused. There were 5 floor and I didn’t knew on which was Jessica right now. I pressed floor number one.

As I reached there I came out of the lift. On the left hand side was a passage with four room on each side and same was the condition on right hand side.

After thinking for few seconds I decided to go towards left hand side. I knocked the first door and waited for few seconds but didn’t get any reply. Then I moved towards the second one but from there too I didn’t get any reply. Then I moved to the third one where I heard Jessica’s voice asking,

“Who is there?”

“Yeah this is Ashley here” I replied.

“Well didn’t u understand when I said that I am busy?” she asked.

“Well I have some important work with you” I said. “Please open the door.”

“No I don’t want to talk to you right now” she argued.

“Please Jessica, I beg you” I said.

I didn’t hear anything for 2 minutes and then she opened the door.

“Get in” she said. “Common tell fast I don’t have much time.”

“Why do you talk so rudely with me?” I asked.

“Well I told you yesterday if u remember. I don’t talk to poor people” she said.

“May I know the reason why?” I asked taking a seat on her cot.

“Well because according to me it’s the question of my status” she said. “I don’t like to get embarrass just because of low class people.”

I lost my patience but I tried to control them as I didn’t wanted to spoil my plan. Well I stared at her for sometime and then I decided to put my plan into action.

“Well Jessica, as your wish” I said. “Its your point of view. According to me there is no difference between rich and poor.”

“That’s must be because you will be among the middle class families” she said. “And I don’t allow middle class people to enter my room and house but then too I allowed you and so you should thank me for that.”

“Well yes of course why not” I replied. “But I am not among the middle class families.”

“Then you must be from lower class family” she said.

“Well no” I answered. “I am also from higher class family.”

Jessica started staring at me.

“Oh I see” she said. “Then I would like to be your friend.”

“Thanks a lot” I replied.

I got very happy as I was successful in my very first step. But this was just the beginning. I wanted to go close to Jessica and then when she would start trusting me like anything I would tell her the truth so that she comes to know that there is no difference between rich and poor and I was quite sure that she would change.

“Come lets go for a drive” she said breaking my thoughts. “I will tell the driver to take out the car.”

That day I went for drive with her and really enjoyed a lot. She took me in big big malls, café’s, clubs and so and talked with me a lot. While talking to her I realized that she was very good by heart but it was only her ruddiness that made her bad.

That night when I was helping Richard in studies dad came home from work. As he entered the first question he asked me was,

“Ashley what is wrong with you? Why did you go to Weinberg’s apartment today?”

I was quite sure that he was angry.

“Well dad, I went to meet Jessica” I replied.

“You mean the one whom you saved?” he asked.

“Yeah right” I replied.
“Do you know who those people are?” he asked.

“Yes dad I do know” I replied. “Weinberg family is the wealthiest family in whole USA.”

“If you know all these things then why you went there?” he asked.

“Well dad, Jessica is a bit rude and I want to change her in any case” I answered.

“Why do you want to change her? What relation does she have with us?” he asked.

“Nothing with us dad” I replied. “But then too I want to change her.”

I had an argument with my dad for few minutes and then he went away as I didn’t listen as I wanted to change her in any condition.

Then days after days, weeks after weeks went away. Jessica and I got quite closer. She started trusting me a lot and even I started liking her and got quite attached to her.

It was 14th October 1995 when in the evening she called me at her place. As usual I reached there and went straight into her room.

“Hey Ashley! How are you?” she asked as I entered her room.

“Yeah fine here” I replied.

“Well tell me one thing, when you will take me at your place to show your house?” she asked. “Opps, not house, bungalow right?”

Well I got scared here. I had lied her that I lived in bungalow but I never thought what would happen if she comes to my place someday.

“Hello? What is wrong?” she asked breaking into my thoughts.

“Yeah say, no nothing” I replied.

“Let’s go down” she said.

I went down with her.

“Madam Jessica?” called one of the servants. “There is a call for you.”

Jessica went to attend a call.

“Hey hi Ashley” called Pam who entered the living room.

“Hi Pam” I answered. “How are you?”

“Yeah I am fine here” she replied.

“Pam, may I ask you one thing?” I asked.

“Yeah sure” she answered.

“Why does Jessica behave so rudely with other people?” I asked.

“Well Ashley, she doesn’t like to talk to anyone who of lower status” Pam answered.

“But why?” I argued. “If you can be nice to other people then why can’t Jessica?”

“Well Ashley, you don’t know the truth” Pam explained. “My mom died some 8 years ago just because of her friend who was of lower class.”

“Like, what exactly happened?” I asked.

“My mom had one friend who was her employee in our office. They were quite close and mom used to tell nearly everything to her due to which her friend got all the information about our money and so one day she killed my mom for the sake of money. She robbed nearly 1 million dollars from my mom’s account” she explained.

“Oh God! Really sad to hear that” I replied. “But didn’t you try to find out that lady by police complain or something?”

“Well dad registered a complain but no one ever found out that lady” Pam explained. “God knows where she ran away.”

“Oh I see! That is really bad to hear” I replied.

“And so Jessica feels that all lower class people are cheaters and robbers and so she hates them” explained Pam.

I felt guilty. I was the one who got Jessica wrong. It wasn’t her rudeness but it was the condition due to which she used to behave in this way and it wasn’t her fault at all. If I would have been in her place, even I would have done the same thing. And so I decided to tell Jessica everything today itself.

She came out in few seconds after attending the call.

“Yeah hi again” she said.

“Yeah hi” I replied.

“I will catch you guys in a moment” said Pam and went inside.

“Well Jessica” I started. “I want to talk to you.”

“Yeah say” she answered. “What is it?”

“Well what you will do if you get any friend from lower class?” I asked.

“What a stupid question is that” she answered angrily. “How will I get a friend from lower class if I don’t talk with any low class people?”

“Well like if someone cheats you then” I asked cautiously.

“What exactly you want to say Ashley?” she asked.

“Well” I gulped. “I just . . . . “

I was shivering like anything while saying this to her as I didn’t wanted to loose such a good friend.

“What is wrong with you?” asked Jessica. “Why are you shivering? Feeling cold or anything?”

“Well no” I replied. “Just you know . . . .”

I wasn’t able to take out a single word from my mouth. I many times tried to talk but couldn’t and then I decided to talk with confidence without caring anything now.

“Well Jessica” I began. “I lied you. I am not from high class family as you are. I am from middle class family.”

Jessica didn’t say a single word. She just kept staring at me.

“Well I just wanted to change your mind” I continued. “I just wanted you to believe that there is no difference between rich and poor. All human beings are equal and . . . . .”

“You lied me” Jessica interrupted. “How dare you?”

“Listen to me first” I requested.

“Just shut up” she shouted. “You all lower class people are same. You have the habit of cheating higher class people for the sake of money.”

“No Jessica you are getting me wrong” I said. “Please listen to me first.”

“No you listen to me” she argued. “You just get out of my place right now.”

“Jessica please listen to me” I pleaded. “You have wrong belief about other people. All are not like your mom’s friend.”

“I just don’t want to talk to you. Just get lost” shouted Jessica.

Pam and the servants came out to see what was going on.

“Get out” Jessica ordered.

It was embarrassing to stand this way in front of all the people and so I took a last glance at Jessica and left the place.

I kept walking on the road lost in my whole world. My intention was just to change Jessica’s mind and was not to hurt her or cheat her. It was getting dark and cold.

Everything was ruined. I just kept thinking about what had happened and then I thought of going back to Jessica’s place to make her understand properly about this matter and so I went back.

As I reached there I saw Jessica walking out of her house with two suitcases in both of her hands and Pam following her.

“Jessica wait” I heard Pam saying. “Don’t do this.”

“Please Pam let me go” Jessica replied. “I don’t want to stay here anymore.”

“At least wait till dad comes” requested Pam. “Please listen to me.”

“No” replied Jessica. “I don’t want to stay here anymore. I am leaving for Canada right now.”

I felt guilty when I heard this. Jessica was leaving her place just because of me. I thought of going forward and talking to her but then I stopped myself and turned back from there without seeing anything further.

I walked home straight home and went to my room and started crying. I was awake for the whole night.

Next day the first thing I had to do was to go at Jessica’s place to see what had happened.

I reached there and rang the door bell. One of the servant opened the door.

“Yes?” he asked.

“I want to meet Pam or Mr. Weinberg” I said.

“Well sorry madam” he answered. “None of them are at home.”

“And Jessica?” I asked.

“She went to Canada yesterday” he answered.

“Any idea when she will be back?” I asked.

“I think she has shifted there permanently” he answered. “Pam has also gone with her but you can come late at night if you want to meet Mr. Weinberg.”

“Any idea where Jessica is in Canada?” I asked.

“Sorry madam, we are not allowed to tell you that” he replied.

“Ok fine” I said. “Thanks a lot.”

“Who should I say was come?” asked servant.

“Ashley” I replied.

I went home and told everything to dad. First he got angry as he had already warned me first and also because Jessica left the place because of me but then he cooled down and advised me to forget what had happened. I told him that it wasn’t so easy for me to forget my friend but he said that there is no other alternative except this and then after sometime even I agreed this.

It was better to forget what had happened as it wasn’t possible to search Jessica and if I would have gone to Mr. Weinberg he would have surely throwed me out of his house.

And so as per my dad's advice i started concentrating on my studies as i had to make my carrier in writing and so i started developing my writing skills and wrote many stories, poems and articles. I was selected as an editor in my school for writing the news for my school's weekly newspaper. My stories and poems also started printing in public newspaper and slowly slowly i increased my work. I started writing novels when i turned 20. My first novel 'True Friendship' was printed in new york and was popular all over. I named my writing work as 'Ashley's creations'. In that novel i narrated my own story. I wrote everything as it happened. I ended the story as my and Jessica's friendship ended in real life i.e at the end she leaves for Canada and i didnt stop her.

Everyone felt that i left my story half way and so i assured everyone that the second part of 'True Friendship' will be published soon.

[5 years later]

It was 20th feb, 2004 when i turned 25 years old. I was much happy because it was my birthday and my other novel was going to get published on the same day. After 'True Friendship' i wrote many novels which got very popular but then too people were waiting for the second part of 'True Friendship' as they wanted to know what happend ahead.

I was very much confused because i wasnt getting what i should write in the second part as after that day till today i didnt meet jessica again and i didnt wanted to write something fictious because it was my very first novel where i wrote the real things and then rest all of them which i wrote after 'True Friendship' were based on fiction.

I was lost in my own thoughts when suddely the phone bell rang. Before picking it up i didnt knew that this call was going to change my whole life. The call was from Canada NewsPaper Agency. They invited me to join their publications. They were going to give me the post of editor and the salary was also very good. But first i denied as i didnt wanted to leave my dad and brother here but then i thought i would talk to dad about this. He gave me the permission to go there and also said that he and Richard will also come with me and so i said yes to Canada Newspaper Agency.

I reached at Vancover after a week with dad and Richard. Many people came to take my autographs on the airport. Canadian committee made a special welcome programme for me by inviting many big big authors. We soon got settled down in Canada.

Dad buyed a big flat which was little far from my workplace. But he also buyed a car which made my work easier. I used to work very hard everyday due to which the sale of newspaper was increased. Millions of copies used to get printed everyday and along with this work my novel writing was also in much rapid stage and that is how few days went.

The day was 14th June, 2004 when as usual i was working as usual in office when i got one call.

"Hello" i said as i picked it up.

"Hello" i heard saying that person. From the voice i made out that it was a girl.

"Is this Canada Newspaper Agency?" she asked.

"Yes it is" i answered. "How can i help you?"

"Well madam i am going to join Canada Newspaper Agency from tomorrow" she said. "I have provided with a job of being your assistant."

"Oh yes right" i replied. "Manager told me about this today morning."

"So at what time should i come tomorrow?" she asked.

"Didnt manager tell you about this?" i asked.

"No" she replied. "Thatz why i called you up."

"Oh i see. You can come at 9am from tomorrow" i answered.

"Thanks a lot madam" she said.

"Ok what is your name?" i asked but she kept the phone.

Next day as usual i reached at 8.30am in the office. As usual i started my work. After half an hour someone knocked my cabin door.

"Yeah come in" i ordered.

"Good morning madam" i heard that person saying as she entered the cabin.

"Yeah good morning to you too" i answered. "You are my assiatant right?"

"Yeah right madam" she answered.

"Well please dont call me madam" i requested. "My name is Ashley Jefferson and you can call me by my name."

"Thanks a lot madam, oh i mean Ashley" she said with a smile.

"Please take a seat" i ordered. "May i know your name?"

She didnt say anything for few seconds and was rather seemed thinking something. I also didnt say anything first but then when i saw her thinking something seriously i thought of asking her.

"What are you thinking?" i asked.

"No, nothing" she answered. "You can call me Jill."

"Jill? Well its a lovely name" i replied.

"Well its not my real name Ashley" Jill said. "But all my friends call me Jill and so i have kept it as my pet name."

"Thatz nice" i replied. "But what is your real name then?"

"Well" she began. "My real . . . . "

Someone knocked the door at that moment.

"Yeah who is it?" i asked. "Get in."

I saw manager entering the cabin.

"Good morning sir" i said.

"Yeah good morning Miss Ashley" he replied. "Are you ready with the report which i told you to make yesterday?"

"Yes sir, almost done. Just i will go through it once and then submit it" i answered.

"Ok fine" he replied. "I will be waiting and you Miss Jill, welcome to Canada Newspaper Agency."

"Yeah thanks a lot sir" Jill replied.

"All the best" he said and left the cabin.

I continued with my work and also told Jill about her work. She seemed to be very hard working girl and was also really good by heart and used to help me in all my works. I felt very comfortable with her while talking. On her very first day itself, she helped me a lot in reports and projects and as per her work she seemed to be very talented in writing.

After the work in the evening we both left together. As we went down i told her to come with me in my car but she denied and said that her house is quite nearby and so she left walking.

Next day as usual i came for the work. It was lunch time when i and Jill were sitting in canteen and were talking.

"I always read your works" said Jill. "Really you write quite well."

"Thanks a lot" i replied. "But even you are quite talented in writing. Why dont you develop it?"

"Well i am not that rich Ashley" Jill replied. "Publishing isnt possible for me."

"Well i am not telling you to publish anything first" I said. "But you can make a start slowly by printing your articles in magazines, newspapers and all."

"Well yeah but i am not that confident" she said. "If you really want me to do this, will you help me?"

"Yes of course" i replied. "Write few articles and then get them here."

"I have already written some" said Jill. "I will get them tomorrow if you want."

"Yes of course. Get them" i replied. "So where do you stay exactly?"

"Well just next to City Mall" Jill replied.

"Who all are there in your family?" i asked.

"Me and my big sister" Jill replied.

"And what about your parents?" i asked.

"Well my mom and dad both are dead" Jill replied.

"Oh i see. I am very sorry" i said.

As usual in the evening i went home. Late night while taking the dinner dad came home from work.

"Hi dad" i greeted as he entered the house.

"Yeah hi Ashley" dad replied. "You know what? Today i mate your old friend Jessica's sister."

"Who Pam?" i asked.

"Yeah right. Her name is Pam." dad replied. "I think they are also here in Vancover."

"But where you mate her dad?" i asked.

"Well she came to my office today for the search of job" dad answered.

This put me into confusion. Jessica's family had their own successful company in USA and she was working there some 10 years back when i was Jessica's friend.

"But dad, her father is having his own business company in USA and inspite of shifting here she wont be having any money problems as they are too rich" i said.

"Well i dont know much about this" said dad.

"So did she get the job in your office?" i asked.

"No, there wasnt any vacancy" dad answered. "And so she went away."

"Didnt you stop her?" i asked.

"No dear, i didnt" answered dad. "I was busy in my presentation."

"Dad you should have atleast asked her where she was staying" i said. "Dad if its possible for me to meet Jessica again i would surely go and apologise for what i have done some ten years back."

"Well i dont think so she will talk to you again" dad said.

"But why?" i asked.

"Ten years have been passed and i am quite sure that she must have forgot you."

"I dont think so dad" i said. "Now i will only look out for her."

"But how?" he asked. "Ashley you are a very big author now and i think that you should concentrate on your work rather than on this stupied stuff."

"Its not a stupid stuff dad" i said. "Jessica and Pam left USA just because of me and so anyhow i should go to them once and should apologise."

"But how you will do this alone, Ashley?" dad asked getting concerned.

"Well i wont do it alone dad" i assured. "I have one friend Jill who is my assistant dad. I am sure dad she will help me."

"Assistant?" dad asked.

"Yes dad" i answered. "But we are just like friends dad."

"Oh i see" dad said. "Well but according to me its a waste of time because i am sure that Jessica wont forgive you."

"Well that doesnt matter dad" i said. "I just want to go and apologise to her once, thatz it."

Next day i told everything about this to Jill. She seemed to get stunned after hearing all this and didnt say anything for sometime.

"Well i think you shouldnt apologise Ashley" Jill said.

"But why?" i asked.

"Because according to me its not your fault" Jill said. "You were just trying to improve her nature. Actually its all her fault as she was being rude with other people and that was her problem."

"But then too i had hurt her" i said.

"Well no you didnt" said Jill. "I am quite sure that this thing wouldnt have affected her much as she didnt have any feeling for others. She just had feeling for money, thatz it."

"Well but that she didnt do purposely. It was just because of her mom's murder" i said.

"Well ya agreed but why she blamed other people for that? It wasnt others fault. It was only her mom's friend who was responsible for it."

"Well ya but it was you know a kind of her nature" i explained. "But then too she was very nice."

Jill got quiet for a second. She seemed to be thinking something and also looked confused. But one thing i noticed at that time that Jill was very concerned about me and thatz must be the reason i think i used to feel better when i used to talk to her.

"Jill" i said. "Will you please help me to find her?"

Jill didnt say anything for a moment.

"Jill?" i called again.

"Ya" she replied. "Did you say something?"

"Ya, i was asking whether you will help me to find jessica or not?"

"Well aaaaaaaah, ok" she replied.

"Thanks a lot for that" i said getting very happy.

"But how are we gonna do it?" asked Jill. "You dont even know where she stays."

"Well ya i know" i said. "And thatz what i wanna find out."

"Ok leave this topic for now and letz concentrate on the work" said Jill. "We have to make one important report for tomorrow's issue."

"Ya ok fine" i said and we both started working on the report.

It was late evening when we both were leaving from the office.

"Well Jill" i began. "Letz try out searching on the net."

"Net? Well but aaaaaaaa. . . " Jill murmered.

"We can find something there right?" i asked.

"Well i aaaaaaa dont think so" Jill replied.

"Why not jill? We can find anything there" i said. "Better to try there once."

"No Ashley please dont do this" said Jill.

"But why?" i asked. "Whatz wrong in searching on net?"

"Well aaa no nothing but. . . ." Jill stopped.

"Hey come letz go to my place" i said. "Common."

"No Ashley" said Jill. "I am little busy today."

"Really?" i asked. "You have some work or what?"

"Well aaaaa yeah" she replied. "Its very important."

"Then promise me to come tomorrow" i requested.

"Well aaaa yeah ok i will see" replied Jill.

"Ok fine then byee i am leaving" i said.

"Yeah ok" Jill replied.

"Well then too i will go home and try to find if i get something or not" i said.

"Aaaah ok" Jill replied.

She seemed to be little worried and i just dont know why but i felt that she wasnt much interested in helping me in this work. I waved her and left from there. I directly switched on the pc as i reached home and connected to internet.

I opened a site to find Jessica's information. I entered all the fields as per the requirements and then clicked on search. After 2 seconds net displayed the results.



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