Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/939534-Slim-the-Princess-Chapter-One
by Moray
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #939534
Fantasy, adventure, a little bit of romance and everything between. Please Rate + Review
Odella and Astella, or Della and Stella as everyone other than my esteemed Mother called them, had gone into town to see the seamstress. They felt the need for yet more fittings for yet more new evening gowns and morning gowns and whatever time of the day gowns that I forgot to mention. The aforementioned Mother accompanied them, leaving me to my own devices. Bored, I started to wonder what would happen if my sisters came home to find they had no clothes in their closets at all. Of course as soon as I started to wonder what might happen, I needed to find out what would happen.

First, I snuck into my elder brother Ademus’s room to borrow a pair of his pants and a tunic for myself. I am as tall as Ademus although he is a year older than I am and not very tall for a boy at that. He is also bigger than I am. I don’t want to say he is fat because he is my favorite sibling and that would be mean so I will just say he is stout, and that I need a belt when I borrow his clothes.

After putting on my disguise I sneak down the hall to my younger twin sisters’ quarters. When I say younger I don’t mean that much younger as they were born exactly a year after me. This fact isn’t important other than this makes my shared birthday a complete disaster for me every year. Making sure there is no one in the corridor I slipped into their room. I grabbed one of Della’s big skirts and loaded her whole wardrobe into it, which was not an easy task as she had so many clothes. I did the same with Stella’s things and had just thrown the lot into the secret passage that unbeknownst to them existed just beyond their little used bookcase when I heard voices and slipped in right behind the bookcase closing it behind me.

My sisters' voices permeated through the wall to where I was listening to what might occur.

“I think I’ll wear my bright blue organza dress with the sheer yellow shawl to dinner on St. August’s Eve.” said Della.

“Why bother? Dear sister, you know as will as I do that no one will be here except us, Mother and Slivinia and of course she’d hardly care if we showed up naked for dinner.”
Stella lamented at length about the poor social climate of Stalworth castle. Even I had to admit it was a bit off the beaten track, the land around here is mountainous and hard to reach.

“Well, that is true, but… Where are my clothes! They are gone, my closet is empty!” Della started screaming. A few seconds later, the guards arrived at the door to the chamber.

Relieved at the insignificance of the problem he found at the source of the screams, one of the head guardsmen, Geole, reassured my sisters. “Why don’t you go inform your Mother of this incident and we’ll find the culprit who stole your things.”

“Oh Yes! Mother.” And off went the twins and everyone else too. At this point I decided to put everything back with no one the wiser for what I had done. I would have gotten away with it too if Geole hadn’t been silently standing in the middle of the room waiting for me.

“Don’t tell! Please.” I begged Geole whom I could usually get to do whatever I wanted. He was the one who had coined my nickname Slim. I liked it much better than my real name Silvinia. He was also the one who was secretly teaching me how to use a sword.

“Not this time.” Geole regarded me sternly. “ It wouldn’t do for the King to think there was a real thief prowling around the castle. Your mother will be here any minute, I will tell her what happened so, you had better use that secret passage and make yourself scarce.”

My Mother and sisters recruited my father the King to mete out my punishment, as if he didn’t have better thing to do being the King of a country and all.

At least he came to speak to me in the privacy of my rooms so the rest of the family was not there to gloat over my punishment.

“Slim, my daughter, you must cease this constant harassment of your sister. I like your spirit my girl but punishment has been called for and punish you I must. From the rise of the sun till the last rays pass from your western window in the evening you may not set a foot through that door there, and he pointed to the door of my quarters. Now Slim, do not make me have to punish you again.” My father sounded like he was making a royal proclamation at all times. It did get a bit tiresome.

“Yes father,” I answered,” I will not set a foot across that threshold” and I too pointed at the door. “Father, are you going somewhere? It is just that I heard Della and Stella talking and they seemed to think you wouldn’t be here for…”

My father interrupted me “Eavesdropping does not become a princess. I must leave before you give me cause to punish you again. Good-bye daughter.” And he left shaking his head.

That is how I came to be alone in my rooms this morning picking at the edge of a tasseled cushion and gazing out the window. Since my room was in a tower I could see what was happening all over the castle through my windows.

Ademus was practicing his swordplay with Geole in the practice yard. I wished it was me out there instead of Ademus. Then everyone could see how skilled I was, but it would have to remain a secret for now.

Years ago Ademus had told me about a liaison that Geole had in Provincile while there on a diplomatic mission with my father and brother. Upon learning this I blackmailed Geole into helping me with my sword practice in return for me not telling his wife about his indiscretion. I think he knows now that I would never have said anything in the first place; At least I hope he does, but our secret practice has become a habit, a daily ritual. Before the sun even comes up we meet in the large barn where the main space is lit with lanterns. At first I could hardly hold a sword it was so heavy, but know I think I could beat Ademus if I had the opportunity. Geole said he would try to make me the best swordsman…er… woman in the land so that when it was discovered that I could fight he could take credit for my training.

” Imagine the reputation I will have for teaching a woman to fight so well!” Geole had laughingly said, “I will be known throughout the five kingdoms as a premier trainer.”

I had missed our lesson today but I could still practice in my room as I often did. Pivots and hand positions can be practiced in a small space quite easily but are very important when it comes to a duel. Little errors can cause big mistakes and mean the difference between life and death.

No sooner had I put my sword away in its chest (which is also my hope chest. Ha ha) when in flounced my sisters.

“Father said I’m to stay in my room today” I said hoping that the threat of his anger would persuade them to leave…quickly.

“We know,” said Della, “ That is why we thought to visit you.”

“We have decided to forgive you for causing us such undue distress” said Stella. Everything they said started with the word we, although, in fact, they often quarreled with each other, but always presented a united front to the rest of the world. There was no getting around the two of them when they decided to do something. One might as well try to turn the tides.

“We thought that we would use this opportunity to help you with your appearance. It is quite embarrassing to have a sister that walks around looking like a servant the majority of the time. Take now for example, how you managed to look like a haystack that has been through a rainstorm and smells like a horse while sitting in your room all morning is beyond us!” Della admonished but her lecture was not over, “First I think we will have you take a bath, then we will personally attend to your hair and dress. I am so curious to know how you will look dressed as a lady. Run along now and don’t be too long, we will be waiting for you. And don’t forget to use soap!” She added as an afterthought. Seeing no way out of this make-over horror I decided to play the meek sister and go along with them after all it might be minutely more interesting than looking out the window for the rest of the afternoon.

I have a private bath in my quarters just off my bedroom, it was a small room but there is a large bath basin inside that is filled with warm water pumped in from a hot springs beneath the castle. Many times I had eased muscles aching from overuse in the warmth and tranquility of this room and this time was no exception.

Two hours of playing Slim the princess dolly later, my sisters had finished my transformation. My raven hair was piled on top of my head and I had been forced into corsets and my mother’s old best blue velvet gown.

“It was mother’s before she was married,” said Della, “She wore it to the ball where she met father. It was love at first sight.”

“No wonder he married her," I said, “Maybe if he had had a chance to get to know her first he would have known they weren’t suited.”

“What a horrible thing to say! We think it is such a romantic story, and Mother is a true lady. We are going to be just like her when we grow up.”

“Just don’t include me in that “we” of yours.” I shivered involuntarily.

“And what are you going to be I wonder? A swordsman? Ha ha!” Della laughed smoothing down her billowing skirts.

“Come look in the mirror” Stella pulled me by the arm across the room trying to prevent another argument. “You look just like a lady right now! A very beautiful one too we have to admit.”

When I did look in the mirror my mouth dropped. “This is not me.” I said in a very tiny, not me voice.

“Yes it is!” said Della proudly, “I knew we were related in some way. No sister of ours could be as ragged and frumpy as you always seem to be.”

“We better go for dinner Della,” said Stella,her forehead crinkling. “It is getting late, we do not want to be confined to our rooms.” They departed giggling.

I gave myself a little shake. Yes, I looked very pretty but what did that mean to me? Very little, but I would file the fact away for later use. After all, I would be expected to snag some sort of husband before I was twenty or become an old maid, neither prospect appealed to me very much but that is just the way life is. Playing pranks was fun, but a little bit childish. One day, I would have to grow up a bit.

I awoke before sunrise the next morning to meet Geole for our lesson.


“Very good Slim! I must say I think you a fit match for your brother now.” Geole congratulated me after on a good practice.

“I’m afraid I must agree” came a familiar voice out of the darkness, “such a shame you can’t continue your lessons.” It was my father. “I was on a routine tour of the castle before my departure tomorrow and what do I find but my own daughter who is still supposed to be confined to her room practicing swordplay.”

“My Lord I take full responsibility for this it is all my fault.” Geole tried to avert my father’s wrath from me but it was no use.

“I am afraid I can not allow you to do that Geole. I know my daughter much too well for that. What was it blackmail or did she pay you? Never mind. I really do not think I want to know the details. I can tell this has been going on for sometime by her apparent skill. I do not understand what you two thought you could accomplish by this. No woman has ever been allowed to duel. Silvinia, to your rooms if you please, I will deal out your new punishment shortly. Geole, stroll with me for a moment if you will.” Geole threw me a look of pure misery, and then he winked. I too thought my father would not be too hard on us. After all I am his favorite daughter. I hope.

At dinner that evening my father was very quiet as was I. My mother and sisters were nattering away to Ademus about who he should chose to wife.

“You know Ademus,“ said mother, “I do believe Lady Alinea has her own horse. Perhaps it would be nice to have a wife who shares one of your hobbies.”

“Too bad she has horse's teeth too,” said Della sweetly.

“Della, I will not have you saying things like that about suitable companions for your brother.” Mother glared at Della.

“Ademus can pick and chose mother,” said Stella “He is in good health, not too old, a bit handsome, a good dancer, not to mention a crown prince. We think he will be the best catch at the Summer Ball this year.”

“I wish we were going with you to the Summer Ball father,” said Della plaintively.” All the nobles and the newest finery, I can only picture it must be so perfect.”

“Speaking of the Summer Ball,” said Father breaking his silence, “There has been a small change of plan. You all know that I had decided to take Ademus to the Ball to search for a wife.” I hadn’t known but, everyone else nodded in agreement. “It seems that Silvinia will be accompanying us as well. I cannot leave her home for fear of what she might do without supervision and it is high time that she began to behave as a lady should. We will delay our leaving for three days so that everything can be made ready.” My father went back to his silence and stein of ale.

Della and Stella were speechless but not for long.

“We shall have to help you pack!” said Della her face reddening with excitement. “We will want you to make a good impression, you must pave the way for us.”

“Yes.” agreed Stella, ”If you make a bad showing noone will look twice at us and it will be all your fault!”

“A trip to the dressmaker is in order” glowed my mother. “Wouldn’t you say so girls?”

“Yes mother,” beamed Stella.

“Yes mother,” echoed Della.

I groaned and sank down in my chair.

After dinner Ademus found me to discuss “the situation” as he called it. Ademus was my favorite sibling, and really an all-around swell person. However, he seemed to have momentarily lost his head today.

“I must say Slim, this is a stroke of good luck. I do not know what you have done this time and I do not think I want to but now you can be my spy,” said Ademus.

“Your spy?” said I.

“Yes, sometimes men are well fooled into thinking a girl is sweet because her appearance is comely, and I don’t want to fall prey to a shrew or a vixen. With you along you can guide me as to the true personality of the ladies or lady I am interested in marrying.” Ademus looked as though he had just had the most brilliant idea ever.

“You make it sound like a trip to the market dear brother. In any case, do you not think that as your sister any interested ladies would not disassemble in front of me as well? I will try my best to guide you however as much for my own amusement as anything else, for I shall expect you to do as much for me.”

“Surely you jest sister, you are not serious about looking for a husband,. I am sorry but that is very laughable.”

“And I am sorry that you feel that way. Do you expect me to be an old maid? Because, if you do it will be left to you to take care of me for the rest of my life. You would be my guardian after father dies.”

“I had not thought of that.” Said Ademus pensively “I will wish you luck in your search for a mate for being responsible for you would not be a task I would relish. I must wonder however at the type of man who could take your heart. I never pictured you taking your lead from anyone.”

“This puzzles me as well brother, perhaps you will end up with me after all”

“God forbid!” Ademus grinned at me. “ What trouble did you cause this morning anyway?”

“Maybe one day you will find out.”

The three days of preparations before we left went very quickly, I hardly had a moment to myself to practice my exercises between dress fittings and lectures on behavior and such as that. When the day finally came it was a relief to pack all my new finery in a chest and to don my traveling breeches, tunic and cape and to tie my hair back in its long dark braid where it seemed most comfortable.

Our procession was very small compared to the entourage of most royal families. It consisted of one wagon for our trunks, a small guard unit of five men, my father, my brother and I. I had never been away from home before and found the country we travelled through beautiful. Once we came down out of the mountains the forests were lush and thick filled with verdant plantlife.

Riding was one of my favorite pastimes and the black horse, Touchstone, that I had been given was a joy to ride. Young enough to be a bit spirited but schooled enough to follow direction well we made a good team.

At night, the stories told around the fire of past escapades were interesting to say the least. Especially when it was forgotten that I was there.

I watched the guards at thier swordsplay daily and although I could not practice at least I could learn by observation.

Once we entered the shady Crimshaw woods, which fall between our land and the Great Center Anaussy where the Summer Ball is held, the atmosphere of the camp changed. The guards were more alert and the talk around the fire all but halted.

"What is going on Ademus?" I asked when I finally cornered him alone. "Is this forest dangerous?"

"Dangerous? No, of course not. What gave you that idea?"

At that particular moment, a man dropped out of the trees right in front of us. His green eyes shone out of his mask. Other men landed from out of the trees surrounding us.

"Surrender." said the first young man waving a sharp knife at us and leveling me with his gaze.

"Give me your dagger." I whispered to Ademus. He gave me a funny look, but he passed it over.

"What do you want?" Ademus glared at the robber.

"What do you have?" he grinned.

"Just leave my sister alone, we will give you anything else that you want." Ademus had decided to play knight in shining armor. Great I thought, the way I look today, no one would have wanted me if he hadn't said that.

We prepared for a fight. It started to rain, hard, and everyone who was fighting started to slip and slide in the muck. Somehow, we managed to fight them off. I even managed to wound the bold one as he tried to kidnap me. He would be limping for quite a while. One of our guards had been killed, but the rest of us were not even injured.

“The nerve,” said Ademus,” Imagine trying to kidnap my sister!”

“I don’t think they had that in mind until you mentioned it,” I said, “ I hardly look like someone important.”

“Speaking of you,” said Ademus, how did you learn to manage a dagger so adeptly?”

“Beginner’s luck.” I smirked.

“Maybe so,” said Ademus.

“No more chatter children," My father spoke, “We must be on to the castle as soon as possible. We mustn’t be overtaken again.”

"We will arrive late this afternoon in Anaussy,” said my father, pulling on his beard. “We will take a break to make ourselves presentable to the court.” He looked rather pointedly at me. “Perhaps some bathing is also in order, this close to Auaussy there should be not danger of bandits. I seem to remember a pool in the stream up there.” My father pointed to me and then in the direction of the pool.

I knew when I was beaten and so off I trudged through the woods, the pond my father had mentioned looked invitingly cool after days of hot travel and I really did need a bath. My sisters had been coaching me in the days before we had left home and I determined to show my brother and father just who was a real lady. I might just try to show the grand court a thing or two while I was at it.

I was washing my hair and daydreaming when I caught my hair on a mossy twig. I was trying to pull it out when I saw him. Sitting on a large rock beside my clothes watching me with his vivid green eyes.

“Should I settle with stealing your clothes? I didn’t have much luck kidnapping you, but last I checked dresses do not wield daggers. Of course, young women usually don’t have knives either.” He laughed.

I turned the red of an autumn leaf and ducked under the water. When I came up for air he was gone. My clothes were not thank goodness. I had never gotten dressed so quickly after a bath and probably will never do so again. I ran down to the wagon as fast as I could.

“I’ll be awhile,” I said as I banished my father and brother from our wagon. I sat down and breathed deeply, trying to calm myself enough to remember what my sisters and mother had taught me.

“You’re entrance is very important” Della had said. “Everyone is watching and they will judge you on how you look and carry yourself.”

“But,” said Stella, “You can’t look too good, you have to save your grand entrance for the ball.”

They had then gone on to organize the new wardrobe. I had spent hours being instructed what to wear when and how, being shown how to do my hair for each occasion. For once, I was glad to have my sisters' advice, I wished they were here with me but I would do my best to make them proud.

"You really should have a ladies maid to help you." My mother had said. "I am sure most of the other ladies will have one."

"I'll just have to make due." I had answered but now, struggling with my hair, I wished so much that I had help. Even my Mother's presence would have been welcome.

After about an hour, I finally finished with my preparations. My hair was up, my deep burgundy dress was perfect and judging from the reactions I got from my father and brother when I finally appeared I’d guess I looked alright.

“Ha!” my father said, “I knew there must be a girl under that dirt somewhere.

“Perhaps you will find a husband after all. Lord help him.” My brother tried to pay me a compliment but fell short as usual.

The first glimpse of Anaussy Castle was very impressive. Perched on top of a hill, a mountain almost, it was visible through the canopy of the forest and dominated the fields around it. Faces lined the windows as we rode across the drawbridge and through the courtyard. The whole yard bustled with activity. Grooms came to attend to our horses and guards came to escort us up to the throne room.

The entire court was present as we were presented to the King and Queen of Anaussy, their three sons and two daughters.

The King and Queen were seated on golden thrones on a dais at the far end of the grand court. We had nothing so fancy back home at our castle. It seemed a bit pretentious to me.

The King of Anaussy was rotund, but not in a jolly rolly polly kind of way nor in the strong but big type way either. He was just fat and rat faced. More rat faced than I thought a fat man could be.

I stood at the back of the room while first my father, and then my brother were introduced to the royal couple, they stood aside and then it was my turn.

“Princess Silvina of Stalworth” A voice announced. I have never been so scared of tripping in my life. Hopefully, I kept my inner thoughts contained. I held my head up trying my best to keep a regal expression on my face.

I could hear the whispers of the court as I walked by. “She’s the elder daughter.” “Quite a beauty, wonder why they kept her locked away for so long.” “Maybe there is something wrong with her.” A slight blush lit my cheeks, to be watched by so many people? Finally, I joined my Father and brother before the dais.

King Reginald Anaussy stood to address us. “Welcome my friends from the north, so good of you to join us once again and we welcome your daughter for the first time. Noone had told us what a beauty she is.” This time it was all I could do to not turn bright red. “May I present my family. This is my wife Queen Charmine Deville Anaussy.”

“Charmed, I’m sure.” said the Queen coldly. How original I thought.

The King went on to introduce his daughters neither of which I thought was anything special. Both were pretty although not beautiful and looked like china dolls, as if when you touched them they would break.

Then, the sons were introduced. The eldest son, the crown prince Reginald the second was a thin rat faced version of his father. There was spit on my hand after he kissed it. It was all I could do not to wipe it off in front of everyone. “You must save me a dance, my sweet.”

The thought of dancing with anyone so well, icky, did not appeal to me. I inclined my head in a very ladylike fashion to make it appear that I would love to dance with him. I did not want to appear rude.

The second prince was a nicer version of the first. Very quietly he told me his name was Robin. He kissed my hand and faded into the background as quickly as possible.

Then the youngest son was announced. “And this is my son Shawn.” When Shawn did not immediately appear his father started to look very irritated. He glanced at his Robin. “Where is your brother? I told him to specifically to be nearby today.” Robin started to shrug his shoulders when there was a voice from behind him.

“Here I am father." The young man said cheerfully. "No need to send out a search party.” He strode up to my father and bowed, shook my brother’s hand and then bent to kiss my hand. “My lady,” he said, “The court is graced by your beauty.” It was a standard line, something he probably said to every visiting lady. Then he looked up at my face. His eyes widened as did mine for his eyes were green, vibrant green and unmistakably familiar. He dropped my hand and retreated back behind his brothers subdued somehow.

He obviously was frightened that I had recognized him, but I wouldn’t give away his secret. Not unless he have me good reason, not with those eyes, the eyes that haunted me.

Dinner followed soon after the introductions. I was seated with the royal sisters, whose names were Chantilly and Rosemary, in tall straight-backed chairs with plush crimson seats. I had judged the sisters as insipid and boring when I first saw them and they did nothing throughout the meal to change that impression. They asked me such stimulating things as where did you have that lovely dress made and who does your hair. When I told them I did my own hair they laughed behind their pale dainty hands. Theirs was not the only attention I received while eating, the crown prince chose to leer at me all through dinner which I pretended not to notice, and those green eyes more surreptitiously followed my every move. I managed to bring even more attention to myself when I spilled red wine all over the white silken tablecloth.

After dinner we were allowed to retreat to our rooms for rest after our long journey. I was given my own suite, with a bathing room, sitting room and bedroom all to myself and, to top it all off my very own ladies maid? Not even my sisters at home had their own ladies maid and they would die with jealousy when they heard, but what was I to do with one?

My maid’s name is Sara; she has long white blonde hair that has been constricted to a braid. She wears a little maid’s cap and apron, and she is cute as a button and almost as petite. I would say she must be around the same age as I.

“What would you require of me mistress” said Sara bobbing a little curtsey at the door of my bedroom. “Well,” I answered,” My room looks perfect so you must have done a lot of work for me already. I could use a cup of Brumbleberry tea. Do they have that here? Bring some for yourself as well. I’ll just let my hair down while I’m waiting.” and get out of this horrid dress I added in my thoughts.

Sara was staring at me with a stunned look on her face, “You want me to have tea too?” she asked.

“Of course. It would be rude of me to sit and drink while you have nothing; besides, it is obvious which of us has done the most work today and I don’t like drinking tea alone. I get lonely with no one to talk to.”

“Right-o then tea for two it is,” said Sara smiling, “If it isn’t too bold of me miss, I think I shall like working for you.”

That’s better, I thought, what a sweetie my new maid is. I’d rather a friend to help me out if I need help than a servant to wait on me hand and foot and spy on my every move. Shortly, Sara came back with the tea, which she insisted on serving. “I wouldn’t want anything to spill,” she said cheekily. It seems news and gossip travel fast in the castle.

“You know,” I confessed to Sara a little while later, “The only reason I’m here at Anaussy at all is because I’m being punished by my father. He found out that I learned to weld a sword and dagger and thus wanted to keep me close to keep an eye on me. He did not trust me to behave if I was left to my own devices.”

“At least you can protect yourself. I never thought I would meet a lady with the good sense to learn to take care of herself. Trust me, I have looked after a lot of ladies these last few years. You should have seen the wilting pansy I took care of last summer ball. She couldn’t even put her knickers on for herself!”

I burst out laughing and Sara joined me. We were still laughing when my brother Ademus walked in.

Sara immediately stopped laughing and jumped up to begin clearing away the tea.

“Ademus, do not you have the good sense to knock? You could scare a body half to death.”

"I feel when you next visitor arrives thou shalt forgive me dear sister. For it is one that I trust not.” There was then a knock at the door that Sara hastened to answer.

"Announcing Prince Reginald the second," Sara hardly had time to introduce him as he shoved his way by her into the room.

"Forgive the impropriety," said Reginald unsincerly, "but, I found that I could not rest until I let you know that you will have the pleasure of accompaning me to the Summer ball."
Reginald had ignored the fact that my brother was in the room up to this point. Upon noticing Ademus' presence Reginald appealed to him, "Ademus, good fellow, please explain to your sister the honor that I have just bestowed on her as I have found that those of the fairer persuasion often do not realize the magnitude of rank of someone of my exalted stature."

Ademus stood struck speechless. As if he had ever been able to tell me anything. Some protector he was!

My mouth started to move of its own volition. "I regret to inform you, dear Reginald, that I can not attend the summer ball with you as I have already given my word to be the escort of another. Would that you had only asked but an hour sooner."

"Surely your escort will understand that the opportunity to accompany the crown prince to the most important occasion of the year would outweigh any such promises." voiced Reginald through gritted teeth.

"My word has been given." I said simply. "A Stalworth is unable to resind their promise no matter how much they yearn to do so."

"Very well," Reginald spit out sharply, "I will however expect you to save me at least one dance." He turned and left without so much as a good-bye.

"I certainly hope you don't expect me to escort you to the ball." said Ademus, "A Stalworth is fully able to escape a promise that was never made in the first place." Quietly, maid Sara gently placed a hot cup of tea by Ademus's elbow. He nodded at her and smiled at her forethought.

"Of course not! Do you think that I would be so stupid to make up a pretend suitor?" Which of course, was exactly what I had done. Sometimes, I worried about my own sanity.

Ademus left after reminding me that tea would be served in the gardens tommorrow at one o'clock. This reminder would have been appreciated had he not insisted on telling me three times how important it was to be well prepared for such events.

"Your brother is a fine gentleman" said Sara hesitantly. "So polite and well-spoken."

"hmmmm," I mumbled not much interested in extolling upon the charms of my brother at the moment.

Sara tried a different subject, "What will you wear tommorrow? I will prepare it for you and then head to the servant's quarters to sleep. If you need me in the night you need only ring the bell."

"The blue dress will do well for tommorrow...." Sara slightly shook her head. "I mean, the green dress would actually be much better. Thank you Sara, I do not think there is anything else I will need before morning."

Alone at last! By this time most of the castle dwellers were asleep and my body longed to fall into the feathery softness of the bed. However, I could not let the first moments of privacy I had recieved in some time to go to waste. It was time to practice my sword and dagger work. Usually, I skimped on practicing with the dagger even though Geole had tried to drill into me how important it was to be properly protected at all times and not just when carrying a sword. The episode with the bandits in the woods had proven to me just how true this was. I wished at the time that I was more proficient with the small weapon and now was the time to start rectifing the situation. I looked about the tapestry covered walls to find something suitable to use as a target. The furniture caught my eye but I didn't want to damage it, it looked expensive.The only other option not covered with fabric or made of stone was the window frame.

Standing about eight paces away from the window I took aim at the window with my dagger. The window was open, adding to the difficulty of my practice. If I missed the dagger would go flying out into the moat and I would never see it again, unless, of course,I felt like taking a swim in the murky, sludge filled water.

The grin of satisfaction that I felt when my dagger thumped into the wood at the bottom of the window quickly turned to shock when a yell filled the night and I realised that not only had I nailed the wood but also, a hand that had suddenly appeared on my windowsill.

Okay, I didn't nail the hand but more like grazed it. I exaggerate sometimes.

It was Shawn. Luckily for him he was standing on a ledge and gripping the windowsill tightly with his left hand, otherwise he could have fallen to his death on the rocks far below. Either way, he was in pain.

"What are you doing?" I inquired covering my surprise by yanking the knife out of the sill.

"Help, pull me up before anyone sees me." Shawn pulled himself up with his good hand and swung his legs over into the room without waiting for my help."Do you enjoy sticking knives in people? You seem to do it quite frequently."

He limped slightly over to a chair offering no explaination for his presence outside my window. My suspicions that he was the bandit from the forest were confirmed!

"How would you know that?" I asked with narrowing eyes although my tone was innocent, "Have we met somewhere before that I am unaware of?"

"Do you have something to use as a bandage? I am bleeding all over the floor." A dark spot of blood was indeed starting to form in the swirls of the intricate carpet. Shawn grinned although it was obvious he was in pain.

I ripped the edge off one of my clean sheets and gently took his callused injured hand. It was quite a large gash. "We should put some ointment on this. I have just the thing." I dropped his hand abruptly causing him to wince, "Sorry." I said as I rummaged through my trunk casually tossing out dresses and petticoats. My sword got in my way so that was tossed out as well. Finally, I found the balm I used to ward off infections in my own cuts.

Taking Shawn's hand once again, I carefully spread the ointment over the cut. Shawn closely watched what I was doing and his steady breathing tickled my arm as I tightly bandaged his hand to stop the bleeding.

"You know who I am." said Shawn simply when I had finished my ministrations and stepped away.

"Yes, you are Prince Shawn of Anaussy, youngest son of Reginald the first."

"No, you know that I mean my other identity."

"So, let me get this straight, when you are sneaking around in the forest, or attacking innocent travellers, or climbing into innocent maiden's chambers you are not Prince Shawn?"

Exasperated, Shawn sputtered "Of course I am still Shawn, I mean, just not officially that is." he paused. "What I am trying to say is that it is very important that all my activities remain a secret. My family would not approve of some of my associations.That's why I came here tonight to ask you not to tell anyone what you know."

"Very well, I will not divulge your secret. You can trust me. I understand the need to hide certain things from one's family." At this moment, inspiration struck me, "However, there is a catch. I also have a small problem that I need you to help me with. I have received an invitation to the summer ball which I had to decline. Unfortunately, I also felt the need to lie and said that I already was attending with someone else. So..."

"So," finished Shawn thoughtfully tapping his uninjured finger on a chair, "You need me to take you to the Summer Ball."

"Yes, that's if it wouldn't be too much trouble."
I reddened a bit I am sure, more from embarassment than anything else.

"No trouble at all," said Shawn his vibrant personality returning, "As long as you don't bring a knife; although, I don't think there are too many body parts left for you to injure. What's next? An arrow through my heart?"

"Why don't you show yourself out through the door like a normal person." I answered grumpily. It wasn't my fault he was always put himself in the way of my knife.

"What's the fun in that?" Shawn said laughing as he climbed back out the window.

"Slim the Princess Chapter Two

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