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Rated: · Short Story · Experience · #938734
this is about my true story about love...
Enchanting melody by Innocent

It’s all started on December 1993, I was only at the age of five when I first learned to love. It was Christmas party then when I met that cute guy. A boy who caught my eyes. A boy with fair and soft skin just like a baby. A boy with brown eyes. Eyes that uncover his true identity. His long eyelashes that easily caress me. He was little prince charming the. We danced. The first unforgetful dance with him. I said to myself that there’s no thing to worry about. I felt safe with him by my side. That’s why when they changed my partner, a cried aloud. I cried in the middle of that dance. I’m not comfortable with my partner. I kept on looking at my dad; begging him to return my cute prince.
I tried to sit beside him; tried to know if he still knew me. “ Ms. Ruvie Hotokou! Get back on your sit now” the ugly old teacher’s order when she noticed me sitting beside Jendai Shiziset. Nothing left to do but to return to my sit.

After that day, I didn’t see him. Perhaps, he transferred to a much better school. I was so sad. n oday of wondering “Will I see him again? I wish I will” the voice iside my mind whispered.

I was to step in my grade 1 when cdsad decided to continie my studies in a public school. But my mom has a better plan for me. To stay in a known school, at Yukiskima school.she argued with bhim. The final dedcicsion was made, I will study in Yukishima.
Never knew that it will change my life. Yes1 I’m happy to be in this school. Again, I met Jendai. We had the same service. But the only thing was. I was in afternoon while he was in the morning.

When I was grade 2, my mom decided to put me in the morning class. Yes! Atlas! I will meet him everything.

But I’m too disappointed when he never knew me at all. Deep inside, I wanted to slap his face for him to remember.

Grade 4, he became my bestfriend. Someone who can lean on. Someone who can help me at all times. We were both on section 2 then. The only difference was he was the 1st honor for 4 consecutive quarters while I was the hardheaded gal that time. That’s why I’m sent to section 4 the next year.
But I rebuilt the fame. I tried to reach the second honor in that section. Yes, I’m happy to be on top like him. But I knew his dark side later on, that he don’t what to step on the ground. He wanted to reach more achievements that what he had. That’s why I’m so ASAR on him whenever I saw his face. He said “THE MORE YOU HATE, THE MORE YOU LOVE.” I think he’s right. I had a crush on him.

First love never dies
I just want to say
That I still love you

First love never dies
Through the years of come and go
I still say I love you

Unfortunately, I couldn’t finish my elementary in Yukisihma. My family and I needed to transfer to our new house. But I don’t take this as negative instead positive.I believe that if we are meant for each other, destiny will do a way to find the lost hearts.

Maybe my love will come back someday
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find a way
Only heaven knows
and all I can do is hope and pray
cause heaven knows

Even if hew was not here by my side, inside my mind and heart was him. I’ve graduated elementary, only inspiration was him.

I chose where I would be studying high school.

I chose to study to Nagazaki high. You know why I chose this school? People knew that my ultimate reason is to go away with my responsibilities with my younger brother. But that’s not the sole reason. My reason was to find some one like Jendai. A smart, kind and thoughtful guy like him. Seems like the only place to find that man is to study ther because as what I’ve always heard, Nagazaki is the best school for smart persons like him. So I tried to study ther and find my lucky guy.

There were many rumors that the valedictorian of elementary department still here. This guy named as Rizz Suyishima.

I thought that he was tall, fair and wide. Ewww… yuck… But when my friend pointed the real Rizz, my first expression was “Okay! Nothing’s so special. He’s just a typical guy in town.” But I realize I want a guy who is so smart and kind even though he acts like a lady. Everyone though that he is a gay but no. He’s masculine inside and out.

I met a good friend in the personality of Erinada Sukishima. I enjoyed everytime I accompanied her. I never forget in her was the varieties of foods during lunch. I always taste different kinds of foods whenever she’s there. I really love to be with her when I knew that Rizz was her childhood bestfriend. What! What a cool incidence. The valedictorian of Nagazaki high was her childhood best friend. This was my chance to know him more. This was the time to knock on the door of his heart. But I didn’t take that as my advantage. Erinada kept on saying that she could make Rizz as my friend. But I’m too ashamed. I felt that it is not quite alluring in the eyes of the public to see an angel sitting beside a devil head monster like me.

I was really ashamed to him that even coming near to him was really hard for me. One time, I put my things in a bench in the school. Rizz was waiting for his service to arrive. You what I did? Without any doubt, I left my things there. I planned to get it next day. Hope that no one will take it from there. But thank goodness it was still there. Whew!

I knew that Rizz is the neighbor of Erinada. I took this opportunity to see his house; not only his house but also his parents.

Every Saturday I assured that I visit Erinada in her house. Secretly for me to see Rizz’s house. Because of that, I met Erinada’s mom who was really good to me. She made me assured that I’m comfort in their house. She became my friend also. I felt calm whenever I was there. One time, I said that I had a crush with Rizz. She smiled and voted for me as his girlfriend.. <How nice>.I met the girl who really in love with the brother of Rizz. I thought to myself that we could get the eyes of the two princes.

I remember that time, I cried. That was my first time to cry for a man. Nothing! I was just jealous that time. Every dismissal, I always see him with a very beautiful woman. They always had their conversation. I always kept in mind that he’s just her friend and nothing more. But whatever I said it to myself the jealousy I felt keep on increasing until such time my tears fell down.

One time, I was besidec him. Rizz kept on talking to his classmate which is my friend. I don’t stay that long knowing that he’s only by my side. So I said to my friend that I need to go because I need to wash my clothes. <Palusot>But that’s only an alibi.

I remembered, it was January 2004, I met Ms. Shinten Usui, one of the friends of rizz. She had a problem then because she couldn’t go out in the campus in this campus. One of the policies in Nagazaki high is if you don’t have any gate pass to present, you can’t go out that easy. You must have a pass with principal’s signature.Unluckily, she didn’t have any because she was a service rider. Because of that, I chose to help her by giving my gate pass. We safely went away. That’s the star of our friendship <Another opportunity>.

But It didn’t stop there. The next day, I decided to stay to the school for a while. Unknowingly that Rizz was still there. Like Shinten Usui, he didn’t have any gate pass. With the help of Shinten Usui, Rizz approached me to borrow my gate pass. Of coarse, I gave my gate pass without any hesitation. I felt that I’m in the clouds that day

After that day, I didn’t visit my YM because I was totally satisfied. It’s enough. I found the man for me and I don’t want to search any on chat.

After that day, I could talk to him without feeling shy. I greeted him “GOOD LUCK” for the contest. But he replied me a smile. After that day, I intend to apply his hobby- “TO SMILE”. I made it as a part of my self. I carried it everywhere I go <and it feels good>.

When I see you smile
I can face the world oh, oh
You know I can do anything

When I see you smile
I see the ray of light oh, oh
I see the shadows unto the rain
When I see you smile
Oh when I see you smile at me

We became good friend after that.

Ooops! I forgot someone important. I couldn’t deny that he’s been a part of my life. He’s name is Cairah Shen.

I remember, it was Mama Mary’s birthday. It was dismissal when I decided to write one wish and put it on the pot. I am with Cairah when I wrote that wish. He kept on nagging me and even try to see what I wrote in the paper. It was not too serious wish. It was okay if it will not be granted. I wrote there: “please give me a sign. Will I choose my friend Cairah or my crush Rizz?”

I knew that Cairah love my best friend Hannah Igaru. Hannah is intelligent and much pleasant looking unlike me. He always draw her and even said repeatedly his name that makes me sick. One time, we were stock on the library because we have no letter from our parents. While I opened the page of the book I got, he kept on saying that that animal is Hannah. Hannah, Hannah and Hannah. Waah! Then he opened the next page kept on saying that this is Ruvie, Ruvie and Ruvie. Waah!

Without him knowing that Hannah that time has feelings for Cairah. That time I started to like him. But I chose to keep it to my self and to be silent for the sake of my friend . Hannah always had a story about Cairah. I always replied her a smile and “Talaga”.

One time, I dreamt about a ring. I’m choosing a ring from a store. I could’t choose among the rings in front of me. After minutes of choosing, Hannah came and saw what I’m doing. She took her sit on a wooden wide chair behind me. I noticed that she have someone talking with. I’m surprised when I saw Cairah. I felt the strange feeling that I was with him when I decide to come here <Too weird>.
But one of the behaviors of Hannah was she’s not stick to one. She preferred Eun Sensei than Cairah. Eun Sensei was smart like Rizz and at the same time friend of Shinten Usui. Hannah said “Cairah will later on forget me.”

One of my fears came, Cairah became a friend of Amanama Heyeiki. Amanama is not that good influence. But I kept on saying to myself that he’s not. He’s my seatmate and I know he didn’t change.

Yes, his behavior change without me noticing. But I guess he’s happy with that. If a person wants to change, no one can stop him. If he don’t want to, no matter what you do, you can’t change the person.

I lie awake
I drive myself crazy
Drive myself crazy thinking of you
Made a mistake
I let you go baby
I drive myself crazy
Wanting you the way that I do

I applied for a summer job with Hannah. After that, we went through the place where I live before we transfer, in Hokkaido Town.
We decided to go to the house of Jendai. I expected too much but when I saw his face, five gallons of water in the tank fell from my head. Waah… He turned to be ugly. He had long curly hair <na parang aeta> and many pimples. I took my two steps backward and said to myself “I want to go. Please let me go”.

How could an angel break my heart
Why did he catch my falling star

On our way, Hannah and I saw Shan Miyamoto who was my crush when I was grade 2. She agreed that that man is handsome and even she’s proud to me because I’m a real handsome and cute guys <ang galing talaga pag perfectionist ka>.

But unfortunately, Shan has a family <saying. pwede bang maging kabit? Hehehe>

The vacation went on, I spend my time in summer job. Unintentionally that I may meet Rizz’s father. What! Rizz’s father. Oh my! I have to project good so I can easily catch his attention.

The first day on work, I didn’t notice his father. I knew that he is in vacation. He would return in April 16. I decided to wait for that date.

The day came but I didn’t see his father. 12:00 noon, I decided to sleep upstairs for a while. After an hour, I went downstairs to continue my work. Someone said “Taishi, at last you’re back!” I looked everywhere to see him but I see an old little man on my right side. Unknowingly in my front, there’s a big box and one step ahead, I will bump it. I made a way. Whew! Too close.

I found a time to talk to Mr. Suyishima. He was not that handsome but you could you could recognize that he’s Rizz’s dad because of his smile.

One time Hannah was absent again. I decided to work without her. I’m still positive because I could see his dad again.

The supervisor ordered me to fix the medicines in the counter. It’s the place where Mr. Suyishima was staying. “Where’s your partner?” he said. “Hah… Hannah is absent.” He smiled. The music played was “YOU WERE THERE”. I sang this song close to Mr.Suyishima.

But you were there
You were everything I’ve never seen
You woke me up from this long and endless sleep
I was alone
I opened my eyes and you were there

But my feeling with Cairah still not fade.I dreamt one day that Cairah and I become friends. Aishita Grititaro came and said “Wow! You and Cairah are friends.” Cairah replied plied “this is just the beginning.” <what! Maybe this dream is a great joke>
I couldn’t smile knowing that he is drawing his girlfriend in a piece of bond paper. I felt super “nakakainis” and I don’t know why.

January came, like what my dream said. Cairah and I became friends. I knew later on that he and his girlfriend broke up <how sad>. Is this the time I’m waiting for?
I remembered he’s the first who greeted me in the retreat <nakakatuwa>. I knew something from a friend. Huura is a friend of Cairah and at the same time my friend. She said that Cairah has a crush with his old classmate in elementary. I was sad that day.

But I finally learned now that you can’t find love if you searching for it. Let love come your way and you’ll be happy.

===The end===

© Copyright 2005 Seiya Tai Rowanne (rowanne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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