Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/938586-Dragon-Slayers-part-2
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #938586
The conclusion of part 1
Chapter 10. The Inner Demon

Jaden screaming in his room woke Justine in the middle of the night. Quickly Justine jumped out of bed and ran for Jaden’s room, she could hear crashing as she opened his door. Turning on the lights, she looked around franticly looking to see if anyone else was in the room with her son. A toy came flying at her crashing in to the wall near her head. She sighed; relieved it was just her son. He was throwing a fit, tears falling down his face. Justine ran in half relieved still worried at what might have made Jaden so upset. She picked him up holding him close. “What’s wrong Jaden? What happened? Calm down before you cant breath honey.” She said trying to sooth him.

Jaden wouldn’t calm down and continued to scream at the top of his lungs. His face going red as he started having trouble breathing.

“Common Jaden, calm down, its alright mamma’s here.” Her words didn’t seem to have any effect as he continued to scream. Justine wished she knew what Lanya and Meeko always said to make him stop. “Meeko.” She yelled to her dragon. She knew he was just in the living room sleeping.

Meeko came running in human form his dark eyes wide with worry; his black hair was all disheveled, the mark on his neck in the shape of a flame could be easily seen as he wasn’t wearing a shirt to cover it up. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know.” Justine said worriedly as Meeko came in to the room and spoke in to Jaden’s ear, speaking dragon. Jaden instantly stopped screaming, catching his breath, he looked around teary-eyed whimpering quietly as tears continued to fall down his cheeks. He clung to his mother for dear life it seemed.

“Balsar Jaden?” Meeko asked. Jaden nodded sniffing. “Far gere?”

“Bahamut baija Lanya” Jaden said shakily.

“Lanya?” Justine’s eyes went wide for a moment only understanding the one word. “I wonder…” She put a protesting Jaden in to Meeko’s arms and ran off for the potions room. Unlocking the door hurriedly and grabbed the mirror wrapped in black velvet off the shelf. Unwrapping it as she moved to the table. Lanya had taught her how to use it once before but Justine had never had a need to.

Lanya had told her to use it, you had to rub a reoccurring pattern over the surface of the mirror, and any pattern would do. Justine’s fingers fumbled as she started tracing a pattern over and over again on the mirror, her mind thinking furiously as she tried to think how to word the second part. She watched the mirror cloud over as the swirls of mist followed her fingers. The second part was to make a spell that rhymed, the mirror was limitless in power almost and was only really limited by what the caster thought he or she could do. “I seek to find, in this time, the keeper of dragons, who resides in another place, show me what is happening at this time and in her space.” Lanya never said it had to be a perfect rhyme. The mirror clouded over as she stopped weaving a pattern over the surface. The clouds disappeared showing her the image of Lanya on the ground looking up at a large figure that towered over her with a sword drawn. She guessed the figure was that of a slayer. For the first time she saw fear on Lanya’s face.

“Oh god, Lanya!” She gasped starring transfixed in the mirror.


For some reason Lanya couldn’t move, she could hear and feel the slayer in her head, for the first time in years she was afraid. She still held the threads of magic on her fingers and fought, trying to make the magic do her bidding. Her eyes glowed gold as she fought her inner fear. Lightning cracked right above her only to veer off at the last moment to hit a tree. Sparks lit up the tree as it started to burn, the hard rain just as quickly putting the flame back out.

“You can’t pull that trick on me wench. I’m going to kill you nice and slow.” The slayer had her right where he wanted her. He swung the tip of his sword nice and slow above her stomach. “Starting with your wretched child.” He said raising his sword above his head the tip aiming for her stomach. Lanya closed her eyes as the sword started to come down toward her. Suddenly the sound of clashing metal on metal could be heard and sparks fell around her. She opened her eyes to see Khi standing there next to her. His sword had deflected the slayers, and now he stood holding off the surprised slayer.

“Get up Lanya.” He yelled pushing the larger slayer back and taking the offensive as the slayer began to attack him instead. “The others need you.”

Lanya didn’t need telling twice as she scrambled to her feet, looking around at the fighting below near the cliff the slayers had climbed. She could see Andrew popping up and disappearing as he helped the others fight the three slayers. He was doing a good job at pissing them off, as they couldn’t seem to hit Andrew. The keepers were farther back casting spells at the slayers keeping them confused enough and unable to make any ground farther in to the island. She didn’t see Moose among them she heard the crashing of a tree behind her in the forest and looked toward the sound. Sniffing the air she caught the scent of Moose, and blood. She ran in to the forest withdrawing a sword with a blue blade, it was comparable to that of the slayers and light enough for her to wield. One of her last presents from her ex fiancé Jaimden. She saw Moose pinned to a tree, the slayer was about to run him threw with his sword. Lanya growled letting herself change in to her demon form. Her hair changed to white as her body grew a foot taller. Her tan disappeared replaced by pale blue skin and her eyes glowed brighter in the darkness, if she wasn’t careful she could loose complete control to the demon within.

The slayer was about to deliver a fatal blow to moose when she moved in between them blocking the slayers sword. She growled and held out her hand that had the magical rings palm out. The rings glowed and the slayer went flying back landing feet away on his back. The slayer quickly got to his feet as Moose collapsed on the ground. He was breathing hard and Lanya could smell him bleeding, the smell driving her mad, her demon side wanted blood, if she couldn’t keep in control any blood would do.

“What the hell are you?” She heard the slayer ask as he began to circle her in an attempt to get back to Moose.

Lanya opened her hand, creating a blue fireball, she quickly threw it at the slayer who jumped back away form it dodging it easily. “Something you should fear.” She said in a low growl, keeping herself in between the slayer and Moose.

The slayer charged at her swinging his sword. Lanya was faster still in her demon form, she ducked his blade stepping to the side as the sword went over her head, her blade moving quickly to slash his leg cutting deep. She heard the Slayer grunt in pain the smell of fresh blood exciting her demon side. She wasn’t exactly his target, as he kept moving toward Moose. Before standing she pulled out a dagger and threw it at the slayer, the dagger landing in his back, the slayer grunted again, now visibly breathing hard and in pain. She stood up holding her hand toward the slayer the rings on her fingers glowed, as she felt the magic grab a hold of the slayer. She made a fist pulling toward her sending the slayer flying back toward her in to a tree, the dagger being embedded farther in to the slayer till its point could be seen sticking out of his chest. Blood dripped down his chest and back and out of his leg. Lanya couldn’t help but grin exposing her vampire like teeth. She stepped in front of him far enough away to be out of reach of the sword. “In what life could you ever beat me?”

The slayers eyes glowed as he tried the same trick with his powers, trying to send her flying. The rings on Lanya’s hand glowed, preventing him from succeeding in throwing her, her cape was effected by his powers and flapped behind her in almost two pieces. The cape still worked and sent them in to even darker darkness that was bone chilling cold. She couldn’t help but laugh, sounding cold and evil to her. She could smell the slayers building fear. Her control over her demon side began to slip as the demon side of her craved blood. She licked her lips in anticipation.

The slayer growled, pushing off the tree he pulled out three throwing stars and threw them at her. “You’re supposed to die.” He said charging at her right behind the stars. Lanya dodged one of the stars that would have hit her in the neck, the second catching her in the lower leg, the third catching her ribs, hitting the bone. She growled in pain, sure that the rib was broken. She didn’t have time to remove the stars as the slayer attacked her. Their swords clashed as she continued to block, loosing ground to the much larger slayer. Soon she was backed up against a large tree. The slayer grinned. “I have you now wench.” He swung his sword at her to cut her head off. Lanya ducked as the sword went threw the tree slicing it in half, she swung her sword up and threw the slayer.

“No I have you.” She said twisting the sword in his gut. The slayer couldn’t make any noise but a squeak. His blood trickled on to her hands. He grabbed her with one hand around the neck lifting her off the ground, choking her. Lanya let go of her sword that was still in the slayers gut, grabbing at his hand trying to loosen his grip. Her fingernails digging in to his skin to the point of making his hand bleed. The tree that he had sliced threw a moment before could be heard creaking as it began to fall. Lanya laughed again the sound echoing in their heads. Letting go with one hand on his arm she made a fist her rings glowing, she gripped the tree with her magic and pulled it toward them. The tree began to fall on them. The slayer looked at the tree his eyes glowing and the tree was pushed away from them to land harmlessly away from them. It was the distraction she hoped for, in his grasp she swung her body kicking her legs with all her strength, one foot landing on the hilt of her sword pushing down to cut him further. Her other foot kicking him just under his chin sending his head back with neck snapping force. The slayer dropped his sword, and her, falling backwards. Lanya fell backwards landing on her back, the soaked ground cushioning her fall, knocking the wind out of her, her chest throbbed as did her leg from the stars. Reaching carefully she pulled the star out of her rib, the rings on her hand glowing again as they started to heal her. Without waiting to catch her breath Lanya sprung to her feet, growling at the pain as she looked at the slayer who was lying on the ground where he’d fallen. Watching him closely she reached down and pulled out the other star.

He was still alive, she could hear him breathing, but he wasn’t moving anymore. She stood to her full height ignoring the stabbing pain in her leg and walked the few feet to the body, nudging it with her foot. When the body didn’t move she walked up to her sword and pulled it out, the blade was purple from the blood on the blue blade. “Pathetic.” She muttered before licking the blade. It was time for blood. She walked around to his head, using her rings she lifted his upper body, his head rolling listlessly to the side. She must have broken his neck. Without waiting she moved up grabbing his head she sunk her teeth in to his neck drinking deep until his heart stopped.

An explosion brought her back to her surroundings. She looked toward the sound, blood dripping down her chin, growling low in her throat. She looked at the slayer still in her hands and pulled out the dagger in his back, letting the body fall to the ground, cleaning off the dagger she stuck it back in its sheath and made her way to the commotion near the cliffs edge, ignoring the form of Moose laying on the ground. Her demon side felt no remorse for the slayer he was merely prey. As she walked out of the forest, she could see Andrew popping up here and there in front of three of the slayers and was doing a fine job at pissing them off.

Again Lanya raised her arms drawing in the threads of natural magic, lightning lit up the sky as thunder rumbled loud enough to shake the ground. Her eyes glowed gold as the magic she was using increased. Lightning touched the ground around the slayers. They had made little ground inland and were still fighting around the cliff. Along with the lightning the air was alight with colors from various spells being cast. Lanya practically glided down the hill toward the slayers. Getting closer to one in particular, she was coming up behind them to have them all surrounded. The air in this area was charged with energy, from all the spells, it reeked of sweat and the smell of magic, if you can imagine magic having a smell. Creeping closer she took out her dagger, tossing it in to the air she caught it by the blade with her fingertips. With lightning speed she swung her arm sending the blade flying quickly threw the air towards the closest slayer. He was turned away from her as the blade sunk in to his side. The slayer screamed in pain whirling around to see who had struck him, he growled starting to move toward her.

“Say goodnight.” Lanya said grinning, she raised her arms again twitching her fingers as she grabbed a few more strands of magic, lightning struck down, hitting the dagger in the slayer’s back, as he ran toward her. The slayer stood upright, a gurgled cry of surprise passing threw his lips as his body then fell to the ground a foot from her, smelling of burnt flesh, his body steaming as rain fell on them. Lanya laughed, walking over she pulled out her dagger; looking at it the handle had been slightly melted.

The other two slayers, hearing the scream ran toward her ignoring the spells that still were being shot at them. They looked at her with a frenzied look of hatred; their swords were out ready to hack her to pieces as they ran. Lanya stood her ground her demon side feeling no fear; she pulled out her sword again holding it ready, the dagger forgotten in her other hand. Before the slayers reached her Andrew popped up between them his arms outstretched, the slayers charged right threw his arms and disappeared a moment later. Andrew stood there a moment frozen for a moment before he stood up strait, turning to look at Lanya, he was breathing hard. “I couldn’t let them kill you kitty.”

Lanya growled at him, he had stolen her prey. She walked slowly toward him baring her fangs at him still growling.

“Kitty?” Andrew asked backing up a few paces as she continued to walk toward him. She jumped at him swinging her sword. The sword passed threw him without harm as he phased out appearing on the other side of her. She whirled around continuing to try and attack her. “Khi, a little help down here.” Andrew yelled up to the hill where Khi was watching them cleaning off his sword, frowning. He walked slowly down the hill as Andrew led Lanya toward him. Khi moved up to Lanya grabbing her wrist that held the sword and twisting it till she dropped the sword. Lanya growled in pain, but before she could react Khi had her, holding her so she couldn’t move. Both arms were being pinned to her as Khi held her from behind. She felt him try to enter her mind but her demon side pushed him out. She growled in frustration, struggling as she tried to get free. She could feel he was using all his strength to keep her still. Suddenly she felt teeth sink in to her neck as he bit her, the familiar feeling bring back a rush of memories that were not the demons, overpowering the demon within. Lanya gasped at the shock, releasing the threads of magic before loosing consciousness.


Justine set down the mirror, shaking, she had watched the entire battle and was worried. Khi had stopped her demon form, but she was worried. Who knows what happened to those slayers. She looked to the doorway where Meeko stood looking worried Jaden in his arms watching her curiously.

“Meeko, get Bailey tell her its urgent.”

Meeko nodded walking in to the room handing over Jaden then walked out of the room toward the front porch. Justine followed with Jaden and watched as he left the house, changing in to a large black dragon and taking off in to the night. He would return with Bailey shortly.


She woke again a moment later, sitting on the ground being held up by Khi who was watching her. The rain had just about stopped. “How do you feel?”

“Oh I hurt.” Khi grinned helping her to her feet. She was back in human form and realized that all the keepers of the island that had been fighting were watching them. With the exception of Moose, who still lay in the forest. Andrew stood off to the side watching her quietly frowning. She looked around at all the faces watching her. “All present and accounted for?” She asked raising her voice to be heard. She watched as they all shook their heads. “Any injuries?” She saw a few nod their heads. “Those of you that are injured go to my cabin and I will fix them up. Someone who’s not go in to the caves and inform those there that the fighting is over.” She glanced at Andrew as the keepers dispersed, a group heading towards her cabin. “So where are those two slayers anyway Andrew?”

“Someplace they wont be able to escape from for some time.” He said shaking his head.

“As long as they don’t pop up back here.” She turned to Khi looking in to his eyes that were still covered by sunglasses. He looked at her with no emotion, if anything he was mad.

“We need to talk.” He said quietly in to her ear. Lanya nodded looking in to the forest.

“Later, now can you help me get Moose, and then help me heal everyone who was hurt?” She watched Khi nod, then started walking up the hill in silence, Khi following along behind.

Moose was still lying where he had fallen. His face was pale and he was cold from the rain, Lanya kneeled down beside him resting her hands on his chest. Closing her eyes, her hands began to glow as she healed his more serious wounds. As her hands faded out she looked up at Khi and saw he was looking at the body of the slayer that wasn’t that far away. Lanya looked toward it and shivered. “Ok Khi we can move him now.” She said quietly. Khi looked back down at her and nodded pulling out his wand, he flicked it toward moose and he was lifted off the ground.

Lanya led the way followed by the floating Moose, and Khi who took up the end as they weaved threw the forest heading to Lanya’s cabin. When they reached it other keepers were already inside waiting for her, holding various wounds, from backfired spells to sword cuts, their faces looking in shock as they watched their leader being floated by and in to Lanya’s room. As she walked back out she held up her hand for silence before any of them could ask what was wrong. “He will be fine, he just needs some rest.” She grabbed her bag of healing supplies pulling out bandages, two bottles of an orange liquid and some cloth balls to dab the orange liquid with. She tossed a bottle and bandages to Khi as he came out of her room a few moments later, and they started bandaging the keepers up, healing the more serious wounds.

A knock on the door and the keeper known as Marta came in carrying a sleepy Syrus. Clio and Asha were following close behind. “Anything I can do to help Lanya?” She asked setting Syrus down in an empty chair.

Lanya shook her head. “No I think we are pretty much done, thank you for bringing Syrus back.

“Sure thing Lanya,” she said eyeing up Khi who was healing up the last person, bandaging up the arm. She quirked an eye at Lanya, in hopes Lanya would tell her something about the stranger.

“He’s a friend from back home.”

“He’s cute.”

“Yeah too bad he’s taken.”

Marta frowned slightly then shrugged. “Oh well, see ya later Lanya.” She said heading out the door closing it behind her. Lanya held out her hand to Syrus who took it quietly, sliding off the chair to his feet.


“Yes Syrus?”

“Is that uncle Khi?”

“Yes it is, why don’t you go say goodnight to him.” Khi was just finishing wrapping a bandage and sending the keeper on his way when he spotted Syrus and smiled. Lanya and Syrus walked over towards him, Syrus still holding on to his mother’s hand. “Someone wanted to say goodnight.”

“Hey Syrus you look tired.” He said crouching down to Syrus’s level. “I hope you have been taking good care of your mother.” Syrus nodded, trying not t yawn.

“Hi uncle Khi.” He said blinking tiredly, leaning against his mothers leg.

“Do you want uncle Khi to put you to bed Syrus?”

“Na” Syrus said shaking his head.

“Then how about a hug goodnight.” Khi asked, spreading his arms for a hug. Syrus let go of his mother and in to Khi’s arms for a hug before returning to his mothers side taking her hand again.

“Bellia, uncle Khi.” He said mixing dragon and English.

“Bellia Syrus.” Khi said imitating the word. Lanya then led the tired Syrus to his bedroom that was next to hers. Syrus climbed in to bed, as Lanya snapped her fingers, putting Syrus in his pajamas as he crawled under the covers. Clio jumped on to the bed lying next to him as he lay down and quickly fell asleep. Lanya didn’t even need to sing him to sleep.

“Taal saln guna eog azh ajahan.” She said wishing Syrus pleasant dreams as she left the room. She walked in to her own room where Moose still lay sleeping. He was out of his wet clothes and under the covers. Khi must have removed his clothes and put him under the blankets to warm up. She sat down on the bed next to him touching his forehead to see how he was. He was warming up nicely. He stirred slightly under her touch. Lanya withdrew her hand and pulled out a bottle of the orange liquid and a few bandages, she dabbed a bit of the orange liquid over the few cuts on his face as he woke up.

“You’re not using your dragon potions on me are you?” He said with his eyes still closed, wincing a little as she continued to dab the orange liquid on him.

Lanya grinned, “Maybe,” Moving to dab some of the liquid on a cut on his arm before taking a bandage to wrap it. “You had it worse you know.” She said taking a more serious tone.

Moose opened his eyes looking at her. “It was a trap, two of them circled around to get you.”

“I know, but I’m alright, thanks to you, Khi and Andrew.” She said bandaging his arm up.

“Was he the one that popped in suddenly?” Lanya nodded. “Your husband?”

Lanya couldn’t help but grin. “No, just a good friend.”

“I see.” He reached up and touched her neck near the bite mark. “What happened here?”

She reached up and touched it. “I guess I got bit.” She said with a shrug.

“Before, I passed out, I saw something strange, this creature with long white hair and blue skin dressed just like you, it saved me before the slayer could kill me. Do you know what it was?”

Lanya frowned, “It was me,” she said putting her supplies off to the side on the bed stand. “Your guardian angel.” She said trying to lighten the mood. Moose chuckled quietly. “Now you’re to stay in bed the rest of the night and I will check on you in the morning, and down worry I’m taking care of everything.” Moose nodded closing his eyes again as she got up and left the room quietly, closing the door behind her. She saw Khi, leaning against the mantle to the fireplace watching the flames burn the rags from healing the keepers. He looked up at her as she walked closer. “You wanted to talk?”

“What the HELL were you thinking Lanya? Were you trying to get yourself killed?”

“Yes, I thought it would be fun to die again.” She said dully hardly batting an eye at Khi yelling at her.

“Damnit Lanya, Justine almost died last time she ran in to a slayer, and she was in perfect health and you, you wanted to take on five bloody slayers at once while you are pregnant. Have you lost your mind? You could have not only endangered yourself but that dragon child you carry…”

“I’m not Justine.” Lanya said raising her voice to stop him from speaking. “I’m not even human anymore, so the same rules that apply to you and the rest of human kind don’t apply to me, I can make my own damn choices, and it was my call to take on the slayers.”

“It doesn’t matter if your not human any more, you still could have been killed, and that, that thing in you that your supposed to be protecting.” He said gesturing at her stomach.

“I can take care of myself.”

“Like you took care of yourself tonight? I believe he was about to kill you when I popped in there and saved you.”

The hatchling inside her lashed out with a violent thought that made Lanya wince and grab her stomach, Khi was instantly at her side supporting her, his strong arms wrapped around her. “I would have thought of something.” Lanya said threw gritted teeth. As he moved her to the couch setting her down gently he sat down close by facing her.

“I want you to quit this Lanya, and come home.” He said his voice getting soft.

“No, I’m staying here.”

“Lanya be reasonable, you need to relax now not take on the entire bloody world.” He said still speaking quietly to her.

“You know,” Said a voice coming threw the front door, “We tried to convince her otherwise, before the battle of course.” Said Andrew, as he appeared in the room not even bothering to use a door.

Khi’s head snapped around, glaring at Andrew. “Get out Andrew.” He yelled pointing back at the door he had just phased threw. Andrew looked shocked and taken aback at being yelled at.

“But I’m her guest.”

“I don’t care, get the hell out.” Khi yelled, standing up.

Andrew shrugged then looked pointedly to Lanya ignoring Khi. “I just came to ask what you wanted done with the three bodies kitten?

“Burn them, bring all their valuables, weapons, money whatever bring it here so I can distribute it to everyone.” Andrew nodded with a slight bow then turned around walking threw the closed door again.

She caught Khi glaring at the door for a moment before he looked back at her. “How can you put up with him?”

“Because its just so amusing to watch him annoy you.” She said rolling her eyes. “How did you know to be here when you were?”

“Bai and Justine told me what I missed and I could feel your fear. I knew you needed me. I’ve never felt fear like that from you before.”

“I guess that’s what I get for letting you feed off me. He was in my head, I couldn’t shake him.” She said looking down and rubbing her oversized stomach. Khi wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

“You need to sleep.” Lanya nodded letting her head rest on his chest, closing her eyes she suddenly felt very tired, aware of Khi pulling a blanket over her and rubbing her back gently.

“Keep my dreams safe.”



Chapter 11. Out of Place

Bailey opened her eyes staring at Justine who was pacing back and forth anxiously “Khi says Lanya’s fine and she’s sleeping now. Would you stop that.”

“You’d be pacing too if you had seen what I saw. I watched the entire thing. She killed, do you know what that means?”

“So she killed a slayer, not like she killed an innocent, she had to?” Bailey said in defense of her friend, slightly pouting as she watched Justine pace back and forth.

“Do you remember what happened last time she killed?” Bailey nodded knowing all to well what had happened.

“That’s why Khi put her to sleep.”

“What if that doesn’t help? And what happened to those two slayers?”

“I don’t know but would you sit down, your makin me dizzy.” Justine stopped her pacing to run her fingers threw her hair, and taking a deep breath before falling backward in to a chair that scrambled to catch her. “Thank you, I can tell Khi to remove the memory from her if that would make you feel better.”

“Only if she starts flipping out again.” Justine ran her fingers over her pendant before running it back and forth against the chain.

“Then it would be too late.”

“Then do it now, but I hate doing it to her at all.” Bailey nodded closing her eyes again to contact Khi.


The two slayers appeared in a strange place knocked out from their trip. The air was stale with no breeze to move it around. A low fog clung to the ground over the moss, rocks and dead trees that were crumbling slowly to the ground. The occasional tree clung to staying up right, its branches decaying fell to the ground long ago, only time would make them fall. There were no creatures around, large or small. Even the absence of bugs was strange. The two slayers woke slowly in this strange place, their heads pounding with a headache from their trip from realm to realm.

“Where are we?” Asked the youngest slayer trying to see clearly.

“Beats me, I don’t like the looks or the smell of this place.” Said the older getting to his feet. The leader suddenly roared. “WE WERE SO CLOSE.” The words echoed around them in this desolate place they had ended up. “Blast that wench, if it’s the last thing I do I’ll kill her.”

The younger slayer held his head to fend off the volume of the leaders voice. Threw clenched teeth he replied. “We have to find her first.” The leader growled and stormed off in any direction. The younger slayer got to his feet and followed, knowing there was no point in arguing with him right now.


Andrew stood in front of the large pyre. The three dead slayers lay atop if each wrapped in a simple black cloth. With a stick Andrew carefully drew a circle around the pyre before starting it aflame. The circle prevented the stench of burning flesh to escape. A few of the keepers watch from a distance not wanting to interfere, as the pyre began to crackle and burn. A new days sun began to appear over the horizon lighting up the sky. Andrew turned to stare in to the sunrise, feeling the heat of the sun he’d never seen. He knew it would do him no good to go back to Lanya’s cabin. She was sleeping soundly in Khis arms. Khi wouldn’t let him stay, so Andrew watched the slayers burn as only a blind man can.


Lanya stood on the cliff overlooking the ocean it was almost dead calm as a light breeze drifted threw the air. She had always been in awe of the big water as Anibus called it. Its ability to change so quickly from a dead calm to a raging storm. Laying a hand on her stomach she closed her eyes and began to hum a dragon tune.

Her thoughts were blurred over the past few days. She remembered bits and pieces of the fight but nothing in any great detail. She figured Khi had tampered with her memory. She had a feeling she didn’t want to know anyway. Khi had decided to stick around awhile and help out while Andrew claimed he hand something to attend to and phased out. She had distributed the weapons from the slayers to those keepers that were interested in having them. Moose had been given one of the swords. She had a feeling he had packed it away. He wasn’t much of a sword person anyway.

She sensed someone approaching and turned to see Khi walking up the hill to her she turned to stare back at the ocean. He stopped next to her looking over the ocean with her, his sunglasses shined in the sun. It was a while before he spoke.

“I’m heading home now Lanya, come with me.” He said it as more of an order than a request.

“No” she said simply watching a dragon glide over the water trying to catch a fish.

“When will you be coming home then? Moose said you could leave now if you wanted to.” Lanya knew she was allowed to go when she wanted to but she was determined to stay.

“I’m staying till she’s born.” She said rubbing her stomach.

Khi looked disappointed but nodded. “Ok Lanya, see you at home.” He turned giving her a hug she hugged him back tightly. As he let go his hand moved up to lift her chin. He bent down and gave her a tender kiss before stepping away, heading back down the hill he disappeared mid step.

Lanya watched after him a moment longer before turning back to staring at the ocean. “Ye misain an na’ath.” She said quietly to no one in particular.


“What? She’s staying there in that condition?” Baileys eyes went wide in shock her red curls bouncing as she sat up strait. “She’s nuts.”

Justine sat back pondering what that might mean. She watched Mari and Jaden playing in the yard. Jaden trying to keep up with the wild child of Baileys.

“She said she wasn’t going to leave yet. I suppressed parts of her memory.” Khi said leaning back in the chair. “She wont be going crazy this time.”

“There are still two more slayers out there.” Justine said blankly tugging at her necklace.

“We don’t know that. We don’t know what Andrew did to the two of them.” Khi said looking at Justine worriedly.

“What is she doing with that twip Andrew anyway? He only causes trouble.” Bailey asked pulling her feet up under her. “You should have done away with that one long ago.” Bailey said matter of fact like.

“I can’t do away with Andrew. He hasn’t done anything as of lately to cause any trouble. Lanya told me he was helping her, and as much as I distrust and dislike him Lanya sees a quality in him. When she was in her demon form she tried to kill him.” Khi grinned to himself.

“You should have let her.”

“I couldn’t let her kill him. She would never forgive me.”

Justine by this point had stopped listening it was going to be another one of those days that they ignored her. Not like she cared she was planning something.


Chapter 12. The Madness of Andrew

“Circles, circles going in circles.” Andrew chanted watching the slayers from a distance. He was in his child form floating in the air. “Round and round and round they go. Where they stop only I know.” He burst in to a fit of giggles as the leader fell up to his chest in a pit of quicksand, spewing out a line of vulgarities. The young slayer was cautious as he helped the leader, finding a branch to pull him out with.

Now he could have all the fun kitty never let him have. He glided closer spinning as he went. He clapped his hands together and a dead vine snapped to life, running along the ground to wrap itself around the leg of the younger slayer. The slayer jumped in surprise with a shout and tried to get away from the vine that was following him before it caught him. Andrew laughed raising his arm the bones of a long deceased creature began to rise up from the ground. Its body structure unlike anything the world the slayers had come from had ever seen.

“This place is cursed.” Shouted the younger slayer taking out his sword to chop up the vine. “I’m getting away from here.”

“Get me out of this muck first.”

“Get yourself out, I’m getting out of here.”

“If you don’t get me out of here, so help me I will hunt you down and rip your guts out while you watch. Now get your yeller arse back here.”

The young slayer groaned knowing perfectly well that the leader would do that if he ever got out. He ran back to the old slayer and with the aid of a stick helped him out of the quicksand.

Andrew glided lazily down to land on the spine of the strange skeleton. It stood on four legs, and was massively large; spikes covered its tail like a dragon. Its teeth were razor sharp in a jaw that was meant for ripping and tearing. Two large tusks descended from the upper jaw. The creature stood on its toes like an elephant, balancing out its weight, with the help of large claws that could give it traction on the ground.

As the young slayer pulled the leader out, the skeleton creature ambled toward them. Andrew still perched on his back watching with amusement. The leader finally free of the mud stood up covered mostly in the stinking mud. He glanced at the approaching skeleton and did a double take at the site of the boy sitting atop it. “It’s his doing.”

Andrew merely grinned as the leader drew his sword, and charged at the creature slashing its legs with his razor sharp sword. The blade cut cleanly threw the front legs of the creature. As it took another step, it only stumbled slightly and continued moving forward. The creatures body being held together by pure magic. With another step it tried to step on the leader.

The slayer dodged out of the way with a jump and a roll before he jumped on to the skeleton and began climbing up its leg his sword still in hand. The young slayer seeing what the leader was after, jumped on the other side of the creature and began climbing up.

Andrew pushed off the back of the skeleton and began floating in the air watching them with amusement. He let his hand drop and the skeleton collapsed on top of the two slayers, pinning them both to the ground under its massive bones. Andrew laughed at the sight of the two slayers seemingly trapped. Both slayers yelling and swearing up at him. “You broke my toy.” Andrew said changing his expression to a pout.

Both slayers stopped in astonishment. “Broke your toy?” The young slayer yelled. “You nearly broke us you little brat. Let us go right now and tell us where we are before we break your scrawny neck.”

Andrew grinned watching them squirm trying to get free. The leader pulled out a throwing star and threw it at Andrew. He blinked his blind eyes and the star was moving toward him in slow motion the slayers hardly moving at all. He waited for the star to get close to him before sidestepping out of the way in the air, letting it pass him before moving back. Blinking again the time returned to normal. To the slayers it would seem as if the star had gone threw him. “Killing me won’t get you out of here.”

“Where is here?”

“Here is here.” Andrew replied with a smirk. “And there is here, and here is there.” He said pointing off in a random direction. Both slayers looked off in the direction as Andrew blinked again, moving to a new location before blinking again. The slayers turned back to where Andrew had been before looking around for him. “You shall be my new toys.” Andrew said behind the slayers still floating in the air. Making both slayers struggle to turn around to look at him.

“No way in Tartarus, am I being your toy.” Shouted the younger slayer as he struggled to get free of the skeleton.

The leader was a bit calmer about this whole ordeal than his younger companion. “So where is here that we cannot get out of?”

The child Andrew did a flip in the air clapping his hands as he smiled at the leader. “I knew one of you must have some brains. You are in my realm there is no way in or out except by me.” He said proudly pointing at his chest.

“So let us out then.”

Andrew laughed. “And let go my new toys? I don’t think so.” In truth Andrew already knew how and when the slayers would get out, but he wasn’t gonna tell them that. It would ruin all his fun. “Time to play.” Andrew said as a giant cheese grater appeared in the air next to him.


Chapter 13. Sorins Fire

The days steadily became shorter and colder as mid September drew closer. Some of the dragons could be heard crooning up at the night sky as they watched aurora borealis flash across the sky. Lanya stood outside on the point above the cliff, holding her new daughter in her arms so she could see the night sky. Her eyes wide with wonder. Syrus stood by her side also watching with amazement. Quietly Lanya began humming with the dragons as they sang. They were singing an old tune about Sorin the great mother of all dragons. The lights flashing across the sky were said to be her flame, revitalizing the world’s magic as well as the dragons.

Zenala had been born a few days before, Lanya wanted to share this one experience with them both before she took them home. Either way she had been planning to leave the next day. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Syrus yawned tiredly. “I guess we better get to bed.” She said quietly turning to head back to the cabin. Syrus watched a moment later before following after.

“Is it really Sorins fire?” Syrus asked as he came up next to her.

“It depends who you ask. That’s what the dragons believe, ancient mortals that lived here believed it was the spirits of the dead, mortals of today believe it is something else entirely, having to do with the sun, and wizards believe that it’s the past duel between two great wizards, Merlin and Madam Mim, for example. Most just call it beautiful.”

“It is.” Syrus said opening the door to their cabin.

“Off to bed with you now.” She said after Syrus as he ran to his room. Lanya walked over to the crib setting Zenala down in to it. The crib was being loaned to her from one of the other keeper’s families. Zenala watched her with big blue eyes much like Syrus’s. She never cried, not even after being born, she didn’t need to. Like Syrus, Lanya could hear her thoughts. Some of the keepers thought that Zenala was mute, although they did determine she heard just fine. What amazed her more was that she often heard Syrus and Zenala talk to each other telepathically, their thoughts bouncing back and forth in dragon. Syrus came back out of his room in his pajamas holding out a book for her to read to him. “Sleep now my hatchling, a new day of adventure awaits you tomorrow.” She covered Zenala with a blanket then took a seat on the couch. Syrus curled up next to her covering himself with a blanket, as Lanya opened the book.


The slayers were shells of their former selves, they hadn’t eaten anything that could be called food in weeks, or had it been months? They couldn’t tell anymore. Both slayers squatted down to a stale pool of water scooping up a palm full to drink before moving on. Both searching for any vegetation that was still alive to eat. The planet was mostly dead not a creature great or small could be found save for the boy that tormented them constantly. Both slayers were covered in old and fresh scars and bruises, from the boy’s playing. The younger sporting a broken arm that had a makeshift cast out of wood and vines. The leader often considered killing the younger slayer for food, but he seemed to take the brunt of the child’s dangerous games. If he should kill the younger slayer he would then be the only one to deal with the persistent child. He sighed sure that the younger slayer had similar thoughts.

It was one of those times the child left them alone and the two slayers were taking the time to rest. The wind began to pick up kicking up some stray dirt, probably the first wind they had ever noticed in this place. The leader sniffed the wind out of habit, and abruptly stood up and sniffed again.

“What is it?” The younger slayer asked watching the leader curiously.

“I smell, human, fresh meat.” He finished with a grin and headed in the direction of the wind. The younger slayer sniffed the wind and quickly followed for all either of them knew it could be another trap set by the child.

The land had been relatively flat all around, now was slightly hilly. They quickly climbed the nearest crest and looked in to the valley below, off in the far distance sat a castle.


Chapter 14. Twisting of Fate

It was the night before Lanya was supposed to come home from Dragons Island. Bailey had come over to keep Justine company for the night. Now Bailey was there watching Jaden and her own daughter Mari. Justine had told her she had an errand to go on, that she couldn’t take her son with. They knew Lanya would be back soon, Khi had told them she had given birth. How he could tell from so far away always struck her as odd. To be so in tune with both Bailey and Lanya made her wonder about the relationship between them, her wonderings made her not want to know.

Once Justine was out of site of the house, she snapped her fingers and spun on one foot, mid turn her outfit changed from her normal white shirt and jeans to a black dragon leather pants and shirt. Two wrist guards made also of dragon leather covered her arms from her hands to her elbows. Throwing stars where half imbedded up the wrist guards that she could pull out quickly and throw. At her wrists lay a dragon stone imbedded in a silver band with Elvin runes etched on to the surface. A large curved sword hung from her waist known as a dragons bow. A gift given to her a while back from the first times a slayer was out to attack her. She didn’t know what to expect where she was going as se headed down the path that would eventually lead to a road. After a while Justine found herself standing in front of a large rock. She tapped the rock with her boot snapping her fingers over it. “Miradalam.” She said waving her hand in a circle over it. White mist flowed from her hand in a circle over it spreading until it was large enough for her to step threw. It wasn’t her normal mode of transportation but it worked.

Without hesitation she stepped threw, a chill ran down her spine giving her goose bumps. She stepped in to a forest much like the one she had left, the trees seemed close to death, many of them loosing their leaves. The air was stale and cool as if nightfall was approaching yet the sky was overcast with no sign of sun or stars she didn’t know exactly what time of day it was here. Pulling out her wand she flicked it saying a small spell, the tip of her wand lit up lighting up the half dark area casting shadows over the half dead trees, the light fell from the tip of her wand and began to rise up in front of her as if waiting for orders.

“Show me the way to the castle of the Dalri.” She told the little light, it hovered a moment longer, floating back and forth before making a decision and heading away. Justine followed the little light threw the forest that soon lead to a clearing that held the massive castle. Its tall spires seemed to be crumbling and the castle wall was rubble. She stood for a moment looking down in awe. “And Lanya wanted to send us here to be safe? It’s a death trap.” She ended the spell of the light with her wand putting it away she pulled three stars out of her wrist guard holding them ready in between each finger.

The place made her uneasy as she walked threw the gates that had fallen from their hinges. The town was deserted. Houses and shops crumbling, some of them having the look of being on fire at one point in time. The wind blew threw the streets, ruffling her dragon cape. She looked around sure she could hear whispers, she looked for anything that moved, turning herself around but she could see nothing. She didn’t like this feeling at all. Taking a deep breath she moved on to the castle. She could still hear the whisperings, and was constantly turning around. The feeling of being watched made her nervous.

The castle doors had fallen down she noted as she stepped over them. A servant moved out of the shadows toward her. A tiny hallowed out man with gray hair. “Who goes there?”

“I am Justine, friend of the Dalri Andrew.” She said standing to her full height and looking down at the servant with as much important’s and courage as she could muster. The servant eyed her looking at her sword and the stars in her hand.

“The lord has no friends, be gone. He doesn’t wish to see you witch.”

Justine threw one of the stars at the servant grazing his ear, the star then hitting the wall behind him with a thunk; it stuck in to the wall. “Are you sure you don’t wish to reconsider?” The servant felt is ear and gulped taking a step backward cowering slightly. “And that was a warning shot.” She said twirling the other two stars in her fingers. When the servant didn’t answer she continued. “Care to see what the sword can do? Or would you like to take me to see the Dalri now?”

The servant nodded wide-eyed and fearful. “I’ll take you now m’lady.” He said with a quick bow as he turned and walking quicker than she would have expected him to. As she followed she pulled the star out of the wall.


The slayers entered the castle walls threw a section that had fallen down. They quickly started scavenging the houses moving inward and finding nothing, they moved to the rooftops. The wind whispered to them setting them both on edge. They were too used to the child’s playing to let down their guard as they wandered over the rooftops of the crumbling city. Trying to scavenge anything they could continuing to follow the smell that drew them this way in the first place. Toward the castle they moved when they picked up the scent of another.

“I smell, dragon, a human female, it smells like…” The younger slayer said sniffing the air again.

“The dragon lady.” The leader finished.

“Vaguely, perhaps someone associated with her.” The leader shrugged and followed the scent on the wind. They stalked her from the rooftops watching her. “Its not the dragon lady,”

“Did you see what’s on her wrists?”

“Dragon stones, so lets kill her and eat her.”

“No she knows a way out and how to find the dragon lady, we follow her.” The leader said decisively.

“But I’m hungry.”

“We can eat the other human.” He said pointing at the castle where the girl was talking to the servant.


Justine was led to a room further from the entrance. Inside sat a boy on a pile of pillows looking to be meditating. His blind eyes staring vacantly at the decorative wall in front of him that was covered in strange artwork. “Andrew?”

“Hello Justine, its not safe for you here now.” He said looking toward her.

“Why not?” She asked walking towards him.

“Because what you were looking for are here inside the castle walls right now.”

“The slayers are here?” she loosened her sword nervously. “If they are here why haven’t they attacked me yet? And why did you bring them here anyway?”

He looked at her with a saddened look. “I couldn’t let them kill kitty. She’s very important to me.” He rolled his shoulder in a half shrug then waved his arm toward the closest wall. The wall lit up in an image of the city from high in the air, Justine could clearly pick out herself and the image of the two slayers following her from the rooftops.

Justine’s eyes went large with fear. “Shit, how do I get out of here?” She asked Andrew. The realization of how dangerous this could be sinking in. She glanced at Andrew as he shrugged again. “Oh sure protect Lanya, but if you don’t get me out of here right now, and they kill me, Lanya will find out and kill you.”

Both heads turned toward the closed door as a scream pierced the air. “There goes my servant.” He said with no emotion. “They were hungry.” Justine made a face of disgust before her fear took over.

“Andrew please.”

Andrew sighed waving his arm again, a door appeared on the far wall. “Take that door follow it till you come to the front doors. Then run, I will stall them if I can.”

Justine nodded running quietly to the door. “Thank you Andrew.” She said before disappearing behind it.


It was too easy, they thought ripping apart the servant, cutting off chunks to feed their starving bodies. They ate greedily, warm blood dripping off their chins and fingers. They were watch full while they fed, waiting for the girl or perhaps the appearance of the boy. For all they knew their only chance for escape was with this girl. The leader was sure she had heard the servant scream and was aware they were there. Their need for food overtaking civilized situations where they would normally cook their food.

Then they saw her sneaking out near the entrance. They ate a few more bites before following her. She saw them coming and withdrew her sword, the long curved blade having the appearance of a claw or tooth. The blade itself reeked of a sulfur like stench, more precisely it smelled like the breath of a fire-breathing dragon. Before they could get close she swung the sword, a light came off of it the same shape as the blade, growing in size till it touched the walls tearing them apart where it hit. The walls began to crumble as the light came at the two slayers. She was one of those people who knew just how dangerous a slayer could be if he got close.

“She’s got a dragons bow! How did she get one of?” The young slayer paused before realizing he was in serious danger. The leader grabbed the younger slayer pulling him in to the closest room pushing them both on to the floor just before the energy of the sword hit them. The wall behind them exploded in a pile of dust and rubble followed by another loud explosion as the energy hit the back of the wall. As the energy blast from the sword began to settle the castle could be heard creaking as if it was going to fall. Both slayers scrambled to their feet and back in to the hall that was completely destroyed. The girl was gone they noticed as they ran for the entrance before the castle fell down on them.


Justine ran holding her side as it sent sharp pains threw her. She was in shape but not for the long running she was doing now as she ran threw the vacant city, trying to distance her self from the two slayers. She hoped the sword had slowed them down enough for her to get away and back threw the portal. She wouldn’t soon forget the look of those two slayers covered in the servant’s blood. She didn’t slow down till she reached the forest. Even then she walked quickly till she came to the portal. Stepping threw with another shiver back in to the darkness of her own forest. Perhaps if she had stayed and swung the sword again the castle might have come down on them, then no one would have to worry about the slayers again.

Out of breath, strength and adrenalin, Justine collapsed on the ground. Adola, the orangish red drake of Lanya’s came across her lying there. The drake was a sort of dragon that Lanya kept around to guard her property, fierce by nature Lanya had trained it to protect those close to her. “Adola take me to the house.” The drake stared and sniffed at Justine a moment before moving close enough to pick Justine up in her front paws, being careful not to poke or scratch her with her claws.

As they reached the house Bailey came out onto the porch. “Justine what happened?” she asked coming to help Justine in to the house.

“Slayers.” Was all Justine said.


The slayers watched as the castle settled, it didn’t fall, or not completely. The dust slowly settled. The slayers moved slowly threw the town till they picked up on the girl’s scent, following it to the forest.

The air above them suddenly cracked and thundered, the wind that was virtually non-existent began to gust, the trees could be heard creaking with the unnatural wind. The clouds lowered in the sky growing darker still. It was the darkest the slayers had ever seen this land of no night. Above the rumble a voice could be heard. Both slayers paused in their tracts and turned to look behind them. There was the child floating in the air looking furious. “You killed my SERVANT!” He unclenched his fingers clenching them again. Lightning attacked the slayers where they stood. The slayers dancing out of the way of the lightning. “And you ruined my castle!” More lightning rained down on the two slayers that continued to dodge the bolts.

“That wasn’t us.” Protested the younger slayer. The leader grabbed the younger slayer pulling him in to the forest.

“Run you moron.”

As they ran threw the forest they could hear trees being uprooted behind them. The child’s fury was growing. A tree to the left of them was uprooted and they veered right to avoid it, running smack dab in to the hidden portal. Loosing their footing as a chill was sent down each of their spines. Both slayers landed on the ground on the other side. Darkness surrounded them with the fresh scent of a living forest. “What was that?” The younger slayer asked quite confused at the change in environment, looking from the portal to the night sky.

“I think that was our way out.” The leader said standing. “Lets not waste the good fortune and…” He sniffed the air suddenly with interest. “This place reeks of the dragon lady.”


Chapter 15. Homecoming

“Justine, I don’t sense anything out there on Lanya’s property that shouldn’t be there.” Khi said lowering his hands from the temples of his head. He had arrived just after Bailey and Justine had gone back to the portal to make sure it was closed, only to find it open. In Justine’s defense she had been too tired and scared to remember to close it. If the slayers hadn’t gotten out before then they wouldn’t get out. “Why did you go there anyway?” He asked looking at Justine threw his sunglasses.

“I wanted to find out where the slayers were from Andrew. I didn’t think they would be there.”

Khi sighed. “Well I think you can relax now. I’ll stick around the rest of the night just in case. So will Bai.” He sighed again. “Kara’s not gonna like this but oh well…” He muttered glancing off in to the forest. It was going to be a long night.


Anibus descended, circling slowly before he landed in the all too familiar home. The welcoming committee was there and waiting as Anibus bugled a welcome that was answered by Adola. They could already see Mari running and jumping with excitement. She caught sight of Khi off in the shadows, Bailey and Justine waiting for her by the porch. Justine was holding Jaden who was squirming to get down.

Lanya sat back in the saddle reminiscing on the morning before they had left. Moose had thrown them a farewell party with the other keepers telling them to come back again soon. Moose had even given her a kiss on the cheek good bye. It had surprised her and given Syrus something to laugh at the rest of the morning. She looked at her son who was smiling glad to be home.

Anibus had barely touched ground before Mari charged toward them. “Syrus, Syrus your back.” She yelled as she tried to climb up Anibus’s leg.

Anibus turned to look at Mari and snorted at her with enough force to knock her down as he stepped back quickly setting a massive claw on her dress, pinning her to the ground. Mari screamed trying to get up, tugging on her dress with no affect. Anibus laid down so Lanya and Syrus could get down.

Syrus laughed as he un strapped himself from the saddle as Lanya leaned back to un hook Asha and Clio, both big cats jumping down hurriedly and shaking before searching their familiar surroundings with interest.

Mari was still tugging at her dress with thoughts of changing in to her wolf form to escape when Anibus snorted at her again. “Let me go Anibus you big meany!”

~Enough~ Was all Anibus said as he looked at her, Mari’s eyes growing wide in shock because Anibus had never spoken to her before.

“But, but, but...” She stammered.

“Anibus let her go.” Bailey said starting to walk over looking slightly worried. “You know better.” Anibus ignored her yawning just right so Mari could see his large sharp teeth. As if to prove his point he snapped his jaw closed quickly. Mari jumped slightly and whimpered tugging on her dress again.

“Yes but Mari should know better than to run up to a dragon like that.” Lanya said sliding down Anibus’s leg to the ground. “Not only could she have gotten hurt on accident, she could also have been a meal if it wasn’t Anibus.”

“But its Anibus the great jell-o ball of love, he’d never hurt anyone.”

“And he hasn’t, Mari isn’t crying or in pain, Anibus is just making his point. Teaching as it were.” Lanya glanced at Anibus grinning. “I think she got the point Anibus you can let her go any time now.” Anibus nodded and lifted his claw as Mari scooted out from under before getting up and running at Syrus, quickly pouncing on him.

Syrus fell over landing with a thud. “Ahh geoff!”

“Don’t ever leave me again.”

“Clio help!” Syrus called trying to pry Mari off him. Clio stopped her searching and charged at them. The cat was easily twice as large as she had been when they left, and the sight of the large cat charging at them made Mari scream. She let go of Syrus and ran, followed closely by the large cat.

Bailey spotted Zenala in Lanya’s arms watching her intently with large blue eyes. “Oh isn’t she darling.” She cooed getting a closer look at the baby. She had a soft spot for any child. She reached out to take Zenala from Lanya. Zenala squirmed slightly looking panicked as Bailey picked her up. Before Bailey could settle her, Lanya winced and held her head at the deafening scream she heard in her head. Anibus and Syrus also flinched hearing the same scream. Anibus letting out a low rumble of annoyance. Then Zenala was gone from Baileys arms.

“Where’d she go?” Bailey asked surprised as Justine and Khi came over to them.
“You alright there Lanya?” Khi asked having seen her flinch.

“Yeah I’m fine, she just screamed.” Lanya looked toward Anibus who was curled around Zenala protectively.

“I didn’t hear anything.” Bailey said pouting slightly.

“You scared her is all, I didn’t think she would do that.” Bailey’s pout deepened as Lanya went back to Anibus to pick up Zenala again.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to.”

“I know Bai, lets just take introductions slow shall we?” She said scooping Zenala back up in to her arms. Lanya headed for the house the others following her with the exception of Mari who was being laid on by Clio. The cat had no intention of getting up without Syrus’s command, and Syrus had no intention of telling the cat to get up anytime soon.

Khi sighed being the last in to the house, snapped his fingers. Mari appeared in his arms. “Thank you Unkie Khi, big bad kitty was squishing me.”

“Sure thing princess.” He said as he walked in to the house.

Lanya set Zenala down in a crib as she looked around curiously. “Your safe here Zenala.” Lanya said quietly as she felt a tug on her leg. She looked down to see Jaden standing there clinging to her leg.

“Daragah, ups!” He said demanding to be picked up, speaking in both dragon and English. Lanya couldn’t help but smile as she bent down to pick him up and hugged him.

“Hello little man, miss me?”

Jaden nodded before looking down at Zenala, pointing a finger at her. “Ez ain sar?” He asked curiously.

“Sar ain mi wiz Zenala.” Jaden leaned over for a closer look, both watching each other intently.

“Kay’tar Denala seieran.” He said not quite able to pronounce her name right. Justine came over to take a peek at Zenala as well. “Cri, Denala seieran” He said pointing down at Zenala while looking at his mother.

“English Jaden please.” Jaden stared hopelessly at his mother for a moment thinking hard.

“Denala blue eyes.” He said finally pointing down at Zenala again. Lanya smiled.

“Good job Jaden.” Jaden turned to smile at his aunt before reaching for his mother. Justine took her son still looking down at Zenala. “She’s beautiful Lanya,” She said glancing at Lanya before looking back at Zenala. “Kaetaa eliaan” She said welcoming her.


The two slayers were waiting patiently, laying low so as not to attract any unwanted attention before they made themselves known. They knew the keeper they were after was now home. They could smell her and her dragon. No one seemed to realize they were there yet which suited there plans perfectly. For now they would wait for the right time, resting. They would wait till nightfall.


Zenala lay in her crib staring at Jaden, she could sense no dragon about him, yet he spoke better dragon than he did english, his thoughts like Syrus worked like a dragons, yet simple like a child’s. Yet there was something about the boy that bothered her, but she couldn’t place a claw on it. Lanya and Syrus had told her she could trust every one here, she wasn’t sure of that either. The little red headed girl that ran around constantly after Syrus made her worried. With a tiny sigh she decided it was best to only trust those that could speak dragon.

She was aware of Jaden then looking in at her threw the bars of the crib holding on to the bars to keep him self standing steady.

“Denala blue eyes.” He said in dragon, a fuzzy brown teddy bear appeared in her crib with her out of thin air.

She jumped slightly before realizing the bear wouldn’t hurt her. Gently she reached out to touch it. The fur was soft under her fingers she looked back at Jaden and smiled speaking to his mind. ~What is it? ~ Jaden tilted his head slightly looking at her. ~Do you not speak mind speech? ~

Jaden shook his head. “How?”

~Talk to me without talking, ~ she said patiently. ~Feel how I am talking to you? Talk back the same. ~ She could almost feel Jaden working on this.

~It’s a teddy bear. ~ His voice came finally to her head quietly.

~Its soft. ~ She said feeling the bear again.

~You can have, to sleep with. ~ His voice was stronger now that he was getting the hang of it.

~How is it you speak dragon? ~ She asked curiously.

~Because I am a dragon. ~ He said smiling. Justine came up then picking Jaden up, as he squealed in protest.

“Bedtime mister.”

“No, is talking with Denala blue eyes.” He squealed in dragon as he squirmed to get down.

“English please Jaden.”

“Is talkin Denala.” He said pouting as he tried to reach the crib. “Denala no sleep”

Lanya came up then with a cup of tea in her hands. “Zenala sleep now too little one.” She smiled when she saw the teddy bear in the crib. “I see your sharing your teddy.”

“That’s nice of you honey.” Justine said brushing Jaden’s brown hair out of his face. “But its time for bed.” She said starting to carry him off Jaden still squirming to get down.

Syrus peeked in to the room, before sneaking over to the crib to look down at Zenala. “Do I have to go to bed too mom? I’m not tired yet.” She looked down at him and smiled.

“No but you can sing Zenala to sleep with one of the lullabies I taught you.” She said gently covering Zenala with a blanket.

“Out loud?”

“Only if you want everyone to hear you.” Syrus shook his head furiously ruffling his dark brown hair. Lanya smiled as she watched him pull a chair over with his magic, taking a seat, he looked at Zenala who was watching him intently. Zenala’s eyes starting to close as Syrus sung her a dragon lullaby to her that only she could hear.


Chapter 16. Return of the Demon

Lanya stared up at the night sky threw one of the living room windows. It had been an interesting day, as tales of summer adventures were told. But now the evening was quiet, Khi and Bailey had gone home for the night, leaving Justine and herself the only ones awake in her house. Even Meeko, Justine’s dragon, had left mid day saying there was no need for him to stay now that Anibus and Lanya were back. She looked over the constellations noticing their difference, she sighed happily glad she was home, and the slayers gone. She was aware of Justine coming in to the room quietly, taking a seat in front of the fireplace. “Did you know that Zenala taught Jaden to thought speak earlier?” She said still staring out the window.

“Zenala can talk?”

“Zenala only does thought speech, she never makes a sound out loud. The keepers on the Island thought she might be a mute.” Lanya said turning around to look at Justine, leaning against the frame of the window.

“Really?” Lanya shrugged. The peaceful quiet of the night was broken by Adola’s sharp scream and the breaking of the window Lanya stood by. Lanya growled holding her arm as blood began to trickle down. Justine was up in a flash and in her dragon hide outfit the throwing stars on her wrist guards glinting in the firelight.

Lanya moved away from the window to lean against the wall as she reached around and pulled a star out of her arm, dropping it to the floor with a clink. The throwing star held the insignia of the slayers. She looked at the star and growled. “Away from the window Justine, the slayers are here.” She snapped her fingers changing in to her dragon keeping clothes that fit her tightly, her dragon hide writs guards with the dragon teeth appeared on her arms, four daggers appearing on her large belt two more on her wrist guards and another set on each boot. With another snap of her fingers her blue sword appeared in her hands and she quickly attached it to her belt.

Justine moved to her side and began to bandage up her arm. “I’m sorry Lanya, its all my fault the slayers are here.” Lanya heard Anibus roar a challenge as another scream from Adola could be heard. The scream was ear piercing, full of anger and pain. Lanya growled again her eyes glowing slightly in anger.

~Anibus get out of here! ~ She told her dragon, as the kennels in the back yard were alive with yelps and whines of pain. If the slayers were to kill Anibus, she would be nothing more than an empty shell since Anibus and her were bound together. “Never mind who’s fault it was we have to get the kids out of here.” She waved her hand at the fire and it went out, as well as the rest of the lights in the house so Justine and herself were surrounded in darkness. Lanya pulled Justine toward the bedrooms letting her go as she opened the door to look in at Syrus, who was already awake and clinging to his cat Clio. He looked afraid and Lanya couldn’t blame him. “Syrus get Zenala and follow me.”

Syrus nodded as he scrambled off the bed and over to Zenala in her crib, he was careful to wrap her in a blanket and grab the sling that his mother often used to carry her in. Justine suddenly appeared next to Lanya holding Jaden who looked scared as well, his dog at Justine’s heels. She ushered them all to the potions room, “Asha, Clio come.” She barked as the two cats appeared following closely, the hall was quite crowded as Lanya unlocked the door and moved in to the potions room. The lights came on before she waved her hand and the lights dimmed to give just enough light to see by. The room had no windows but if the slayers came in the house they could see the light from the room.

“Why are we in here?” Justine asked looking around. Lanya went to the back of the room and pushed a table away from the wall.

“Escaping.” She said tapping the wall with her fist as a panel suddenly disappeared revealing a hidden tunnel that went under the house. “Justine take the kids threw the tunnel till you come to Anibus’s cave then get to him in the clearing he said he’s waiting there.

“What about you?”

“What about me? This is my fight and I’m staying to protect the house.”

“Then I’m fighting too. Its my fault they escaped from Andrews realm.” She said stubbornly. Lanya nodded and looked to Syrus.

“That means you’re in charge Syrus.” He nodded putting on a brave face. Lanya moved to the weapons wall and pulled a red sword off the wall. “This is from Jaimden I was going to give it to you when you were older but I think you need it now. Be careful with it. I’ll see you when all this is over. Now remember get to Anibus.” Syrus nodded taking the sword as he moved toward the tunnel. Then stopped waiting for Jaden.

The windows in the front of the house suddenly crashed and the house began to shake. Lanya placed a hand on the wall the rings on her fingers glowing brightly to stop the tremors. Jaden screamed and clung to his mother. “It will be alright Jaden go with Syrus now.” She said hugging him before placing him on Asha’s back where he clung tightly.

“Cri, Cri.” He cried as Asha moved to the tunnel and inside leading the way, followed by Syrus Clio and Jaden’s dog.

“Everything will be alright Jaden.” She said as Lanya closed the panel and put the table back. They were aware that around the house became deathly quiet.

“They are planning something.” Lanya said withdrawing a dagger. “Grab some of those boxes as well as the splodes, and implodes.” She said grabbing some as well stuffing them in to a bag at her waist. When they were set they quickly left the room locking the door behind them and headed to the living room where all the windows were broken. Since all the lights were out they quickly moved to the kitchen where Lanya looked out the back window toward the kennels. “There’s only two of them, I bet they have the house surrounded you take the front and I’ll take the back.” She whispered to Justine, who nodded as she started back to the living room, knuckling her throwing stars. “Good luck.”

“You too.” She whispered back as she disappeared silently in to the other room.

Lanya waved her hand opening the door but being sure to stay out of the way. No stars came at her so she slipped out the door and on to the porch keeping low and creeping along the wall as she scanned the back yard. The stench of fresh blood filled the air making her nose cringe. She could feel her inner demon wanting out, the smell of blood intoxicating to it. She knew the slayers were hiding somewhere in the forest just beyond her yard. She glanced at the kennels again and winced seeing what the slayers had done. They were probably all dead, if not dead yet they would be soon. Half of the bodies were squished threw the fencing, or torn apart. Parts of tigers, wolves, dogs and other types of cats and dragon like creatures had been slaughtered in the cages. They didn’t have a chance. This was the reason she made Justine go to the front. She didn’t want her friend to see what had happened to the animals she had been training all summer. A growl quietly escaped her lips as her eyes flashed gold. She was quite mad now and wanted to tear the slayers apart.

She heard the swish of stars flying threw the air toward her and rolled out of the way returning to her crouching position as she heard the stars thunk in to the wall one after the other where she had been a moment before. She reached in to her bag pulling out a handful of marble sized splodes, tossing them toward the forest about where she thought the stars had come from. Each splode exploding at it hit the ground or a tree. For a moment she caught sight of the slayer as he moved threw the tree’s avoiding the splodes. The splodes were not the most powerful of her weapons, unless they made direct contact with a person, could they do any damage. The point of them was to confuse and scare who or whatever she threw it at.

“Come on slayer, don’t you have better aim than that?” She taunted as she crept along the porch. She heard a few splodes go off toward the front of the house.

~Your first mistake was leaving your child in the house. ~ Came the slayers voice in her head. ~Where they could burn. ~ She saw a flame light up quickly then fly at her house to land somewhere on the roof.

With a sneer she laughed sharply. “Do you think me foolish enough not to have a flame proof roof with dragons around?” Another ball of flame flew at her house crashing in to the still open door of the house. “Shit!” She said pulling out a small blue box out of her bag. The box had a button on the top that she pressed before she tossed it in to the house. A moment later the sound of gushing water could be heard as water ran out of the door. The water had doused the flame that the slayer had thrown in there.

Without warning the slayer charged at her, his sword ready to cut threw her. She dodged to the side; his sword cutting threw the railing of the porch instead. “Your fast I’ll give you that.” He said walking up the two stairs on to the porch. Lanya pulled out her two daggers getting to her feet.

“Your first mistake, slayer, was coming after me.” Her eyes glowed as she let the demon side of her out. Her body grew a foot taller, as her hair grew longer changing white, and her skin took on a pale blue tint to it. “I shall feast on your blood and revel in taking your soul for my collection.” She said grinning showing off her vampire like teeth.

“As I you, you filthy sorceress witch, now what sorcery have you done to yourself?” He asked as he walked slowly toward her swinging his blade back and forth slowly in front of him. Lanya stepped back till she was up against the side railing. “Pity you will die first, then the hatchling wherever you have hidden the beast and then I think I will kill your dragon then your son…” He said before lunging at her legs and swinging his sword.

Lanya jumped to the side on to the railing next to her before jumping back on to the railing she had been up against a moment before as the slayers sword went threw the bars of the railing under her. Shaking the porch with the force of his swipe. As the slayer stood to take another swipe at her she did a back flip off deck landing on the ground moving in to a defensive position. “No thanks already did, now it’s your turn.” She said tossing one of her daggers in to the air, she caught it by the blade and flung it at the slayer.

“Wench!” He yelled ducking out of the way just before the dagger hit him, the dagger crashing in to a window instead. “They will die first.” He said backing up to the door.

Lanya waved her hand and the door slammed shut in his face, saying a quick spell the door shocked the slayer as he tried to open it. He growled in pain and glared at her with his one good eye. “And the same goes for the rest of the house. You’re not getting in.” She said pulling out another dagger.

“No matter, they will still die.” He ran to the side railing jumping over at her his sword arching in a downward swing. Sparks flew as Lanya caught his sword with her daggers, stopping his downward swing. The force of the blow had knocking her down to her knees. She pushed his sword to the side standing again she swiped at him with her dagger, he dodged out of the way swinging at her again. Now it was a battle of speed and skill as the blades crashed back and forth to see who would get first blood.


Justine swung in to a tree pulling out some more stars as she perched herself on a branch, She threw the stars at the slayer who was tracking her. It was the younger of the two with the broken arm. Her skill with the stars was as good as his was if not better. She grinned maliciously as she heard the slayer grunt in pain as the stars hit him. The slayer ducked behind a tree just before the one she was in began to tremble as the slayer mentally pulled it out of the ground. Justine leaped in to another tree pulling out her sword the dragons bow. The blade glowed in the darkness as she swung it in the direction of the slayer. The blade glowed brighter just before sending an energy blast in the direction of the slayer. The energy blast of the sword cut threw the trees splintering them apart. She watched the slayer run out of the way as her tried to avoid the growing energy blast of the sword. He was fast she thought as she swung her sword in his direction again another energy blast went threw the trees destroying the forest around them. She watched as he dodged out of the way in to a clump of trees that had been left un hit.

Another tree near her began to up root and come crashing down at her. With ease she changed in to her hawk form and flew to another tree closer to the slayer. Before she could change back a star embedded itself in to her wing. She screeched changing in to her human form, falling in to the closest branch, slipping off only to catch herself with her good hand before she fell to the ground. She looked around her for the slayer hearing him laugh before seeing the glint of more stars fly toward her as she hung by one arm in a tree. She swung her legs before jumping to another branch where she hid behind the trunk of the tree seeing the stars fly past her to thunk in to the nearby trees.

She took a deep breath trying to control the pain in her arm. She was about to remove the star in her arm when the tree she was standing in began to shake.


Syrus led them all threw the underground tunnel slowly as he didn’t have much light to see by. Zenala and Jaden were both too scared to make a sound, Syrus trying to comfort them by thought speech. It wasn’t too long before they reached the end of the tunnel, Syrus pushing open the concealed door at the back of Anibus’s cave. Anibus wasn’t there but Syrus could sense where he was. Carefully Syrus led them to the entrance, they could hear fighting and the up rooting of trees. As they exited the cave they saw Justine fall with a tree. Crashing to the ground as the tree began to fall right on top of her.

“Cri?” Jaden yelled as he sat up on Asha’s back watching his mother. He screamed his eyes glowing white the tree suddenly flew to the side away from Justine to crash in to a few more trees that remained standing before falling to the ground with a loud crash.

Justine looked up at them picking her self up off the ground. “RUN!” She yelled at them as the slayer came up behind her with his sword drawn. She notice he was there just in time and jumped out of the way just as his sword grazed her side, ripping her shirt. She winced as she felt the sting of the blade on her skin. She backed up quickly trying to distance herself from the slayer who continued to swing at her with his sword.

Syrus tried to run with the animals tugging on their ears but they didn’t seem to want to as both large cats roared at the slayer. Jaden watched in horror as his mother fought the slayer.


Lanya and the leader had moved in to the woods to continue their fighting. Lanya threw fireballs at the slayer as he threw trees at her. She was quick in her demon form and had only been hit with his sword twice lightly while she had gotten him a few more times. He was hiding at the moment in silence as she lifted her head and sniffed the air. She could smell his blood. “I have your scent slayer, your blood is mine.” Her eyes glowed brighter as she licked her lips and laughed. “You can’t kill me you know.” She said walking slowly threw the forest, working in to his mind trying to find what he feared. From the start they had both put up mental shields to block such attacks. Unfortunately for him his was breaking down. Rubbing her star pendant she flashed images threw the surrounding forest trying to draw him out of hiding. She could hear the crashing of trees off in the distance but ignored them.

She could tell he was near but couldn’t tell exactly where save for the smell of his blood and sweat filling the air. Her dragon senses and powers were useless against him for the most part. She paused closing her eyes, sniffing the air again. He was very close. The bushes stirred next to her and her feet were knocked out from under her. She landed hard on the ground with a grunt. Before she could get up the slayer was kneeling over her his sword at her neck a sneer of triumph on his scarred up face. He grabbed on of her hands twisting her arm painfully so she wouldn’t move, one of his knees on her stomach preventing her from rolling away. “I win.” He growled at her. “Too bad you’re such an insufferable wench or I might have considered sparing your life and making you my slave.”

Lanya began to laugh hysterically showing her vampire like teeth when she was suddenly backhanded. Her cheek burned and she could taste her own blood on her lips. She continued to laugh. “You should fear me wench.” She stopped laughing looking up at him still grinning.

“I fear nothing, least of all you. You old fool.” She was backhanded again even harder. “Go ahead just try and kill me.” She began to laugh again as the leader growled lifting his sword before thrusting it down at her neck. Lanya stopped laughing her eyes glowing brightly as she stared fearlessly up at him. Breaking in to the slayers mind with a vengeance causing him pain. The sword wavered sinking in to Lanya’s shoulder breaking her collarbone. He let go of his sword and of her arm to grab his head as he fell backwards on to the ground.

Wincing in pain Lanya grabbed his sword by the blade pulling it out of her shoulder loosing the strong connection she had when he was holding her down. She quickly got to her feet picking up his heavy sword with her good arm. The slayer still in pain scrambled to his feet, still holding his head in pain as he glared at her with his one good eye. With a quick twirl of the blade and lightning speed she lunged his own sword in to his gut. The slayer gasped in pain doubling over reaching out for her neck his face in shock as blood began to trickle out his mouth. Her hand still on the handle twisted the blade in his gut leaning in close to his ear. “Wrong slayer, I win.” She whispered before leaning back up she kicked him away from her the blade leaving his gut covered in blood. He staggered a moment glaring at her.

“I’m not dead yet wench.” He said pulling out a handful of stars he threw them at her. She growled before ducking behind the closest tree dropping the heavy sword as she moved, just barely missing a few of the stars. She heard the thunk of two of the stars hitting the tree she was hiding behind. She could hear the slayer stumbling around behind her and moved away from the tree as his sword moved threw the tree cutting it in half. The tree came crashing down toward Lanya as she watched, jumping out of the way of the tree as the slayer came charging at her. She didn’t get out of the way in time as the slayer grabbed her around the neck slamming her on to the ground on to her already wounded shoulder. Lanya winced trying to growl but couldn’t as the slayer began to choke her. She clawed at his hands with her one good arm drawing blood but he wouldn’t let go. Her eyes glowed brighter as she suddenly sent a jolt of electricity threw her in to him.

The slayer growled in pain but refused to let go tightening his grip around her neck. She grinned mouthing ‘I win’ over and over without making a sound, not out of tricks yet. Her eyes glowing a brighter gold as the power increased. The throwing stars and his sword began to float in the air behind him, out of his sight. Without warning all the stars and the sword flew toward the slayers back embedding themselves in his skin and bone. The sword piercing his heart from behind, the tip sticking threw his chest as he looked down at her in shock. His grip loosened on her neck and she was finally able to breath again. She pushed him to the side as his body went limp. Lanya laughed getting to her knees as she leaned down close to the slayers face. He was watching her hatred in his eyes.

“Now your soul is mine.” She said with an evil grin as she moved in to kiss him, stopping a half-inch from his face and slowly sucking his soul out of him. His soul came out slowly as a white red and black mist that glowed in the darkness. She sat back when his soul was completely out. Lifting her hand to catch the soul as she blew it back out, her fingers glowed changing the soul from a mist to a silver orb of light. The orb was solid on the outside while the inside glowed and swirled madly as the soul tried to escape. Lanya laughed looking back down in to the vacant eye of the slayer, tossing the orb in to the air it disappeared to her potions room, she grabbed the slayer by the hair lifting him partially up before sinking her teeth in to his neck and drinking deep of his warm blood. She wasn’t a vampire, she didn’t require blood to survive. Her demon side craved it while her human side was revolted and suppressed it as much as she could. In her demon form she had less control, it was instinct alone making her dangerous, like cornering a wild dragon. It would do anything to survive and get the upper hand.

She felt his heart slow as he neared his last breath. She continued to drink until she could feel his heart stop and he took his last breath. She let go of him letting him fall to the ground dead as she licked her lips chuckling to herself, as she stood up her eyes glowing in the darkness. She would come back for the slayers weapons later but for now she had another slayer to kill.


Chapter 17. True Name

Justine lay on the ground unconscious having been hit with a tree branch on her head. Syrus had his sword out defensively as he hid Zenala behind his back in the sling. The slayer laughed as he walked up to her. “Too easy.” He said as he drew his sword to run her threw. Jaden’s watch dog growled as he charged at the slayer, leaping at the slayer, sinking in his sharp teeth in to the slayers arm that held the sword. The slayer growled in pain dropping his sword that landed next to Justine as he rammed the dog in to the closest tree. The dog hit with a sickening thud and a yelp refusing to let go as the slayer slammed the dog in to the tree again. Jaden screamed in protest as the dog fell to the ground bleeding from his head. The slayer looked toward the children. “You know I think I’ll let her live to find your mangled bodies, I think you have something I want anyway.

“Leave us alone.” Syrus yelled letting his eyes glow warningly.

“Oh and what could you do to me pipsqueak? You can barely hold up that toy sword of yours.” He said walking slowly toward them. Anibus couldn’t get to them threw the trees but had informed Syrus that his mother was coming.

Asha and Clio growled holding their ground, Syrus had no choice but to stay. Jaden stared at his dog and his mother. He was angry at this large man and looked at him fearlessly. “You a bad man hurt cri hurt shae. I hurt you.” Jaden’s eyes began to glow as he tapped in to his power.

The slayer laughed before he suddenly went flying back in to a tree hitting off center he fell over a branch before falling to the ground trying to catch his breath. “What the? Your slayer born, I can smell it. I missed it before but I smell it now.”

Zenala was very much aware of what was going on even though she couldn’t see from the safety of behind Syrus’ back. ~Hold hands.~ she said quickly in both their minds. Syrus let one of his hands off the sword as he reached for Jaden’s hand. Together they glanced at the slayer their eyes glowing as the slayer charged at them. Syrus and Jaden acting as a team as they watched the slayer. A tree came flying at them, only to fly upwards and away from them. Suddenly the slayer screamed holding his head as the children broke in to his mind along with the help of Anibus causing him pain. Together they threw him again back in to a tree, keeping him pinned there as he still held his head in pain.

“Taal Sorin pol staera mera nint, bal’aan.” Jaden said lifted his free hand making Syrus’s sword float in the air, turning the blade at the slayer. The slayer had gone still staring blankly ahead of him. With a flick of Jaden’s fingers the sword flew threw the air at the slayer, embedding in to his head. Syrus looked on in astonishment for a moment breathing heavily, he had found for the time being he had stopped breathing. He quickly got his senses back and ran toward his aunt followed by Asha and Clio with Jaden. “Cri, wake up mommy.” Jaden said sliding off Asha and over to his mother shaking her to wake her up. But she wouldn’t wake for them. Together they sat and waited for Lanya to arrive. They didn’t have to wait for long as she came seemingly out of nowhere looking up at the slayer pinned to the tree by the sword in his head.

“Awe he’s already dead.” She said with a pout before realizing the children were there. She grinned looking at them, her demon side knowing neither friend nor foe as her human side struggled for control.

Syrus looked at her wide-eyed, never before seeing her like that. “Cri?” He heard Anibus roar a protest, speaking telepathically to Syrus.

~Say her true name. ~

~But I don’t know her true name.~

~Yes you do, her name is Shaidar Sahgi Sei’za. ~

Syrus gulped watching his mother move closer as she bared her teeth and hissed at them. He got to his feet staring her down. “Change back now Shaidar Sahgi Sei’za.” His mother hissed again stepping back, holding her hands in front of her as if Syrus held a bright light at her. Her hair changed back to the shorter blond as her skin became tan again. When she looked back she was her normal self. She looked around again frowning some before letting her eyes rest on Syrus.

“Thank you Syrus.” She spotted Justine on the ground and moved over quickly kneeling down next to her, tapping her rings together she laid her palms flat over her, letting her hands glow as she began to heal Justine’s more serious wounds. She moaned slightly before opening her eyes and looking around. Lanya being the first person she saw. “Look at you lying down on the job.” Lanya said teasingly.

“Oh my god, the children! Where are they? Where’s the slayer?” She asked franticly moving to a sitting position as Lanya pointed to the other side of her to the children. As Jaden pounced her in a hug, she hugged him back instinctively before looking around a bit more seeing Jadens dog on the ground then the slayer pinned to the tree. She gasped slightly at the sight before looking at Lanya. “Did, did you do that?” She asked as Lanya shook her head.

“Lets get back to the house shall we?” She asked watching everyone nod. “Syrus take Jaden on Asha while I help Justine.” Syrus nodded prying Jaden away from Justine and putting him on Asha’s back before climbing on behind, situating Zenala to lay between them in the sling. Lanya helped Justine to her feet, half carrying her back to the house, making sure to avoid the back yard, not wanting the kids to see what had happened to the animals. Once inside she set Justine down on the couch, letting the kids stay with Justine while she went to the potions room for a sleeping potion, then to the kitchen, bringing out four drinks carrying the tray one handed before setting it down and handing a sippy cup to Jaden and a regular one to Syrus, all four drinks were hot chocolate, three of them containing sleeping potions.

“Why is the floor all wet?” Justine asked as the children drank their drinks in silence unaware of the sleeping potion that would put them to sleep.
((put in healing))
Lanya sat down gently favoring her wounded shoulder, before picking up her drink. “The slayer tried to burn down the house, they did a number on the kennels too.”

“I’m sorry Lanya, It’s all my fault they got here, they followed me from Andrew’s realm.”

“So that’s what he meant.” Lanya said thoughtfully sipping on her hot cocoa.

“Who meant what?”

Lanya shrugged before wincing in pain. “Something Andrew said after he made the slayers vanish on the island. It was a warning that I would fight them again, I don’t see it as your fault really, its Andrew’s for not letting me kill them then.” She looked to Jaden and Syrus who were already snoozing on the couch, Justine was starting to get tired herself. “I was gonna ask if its alright that I alter Jaden’s memory, since it was him and Syrus who killed the slayer, I don’t care to have them remember something like that it might give them nightmares.” Justine nodded looking down at her son.

“Yeah he doesn’t need to remember that.” She suddenly yawned at the potion kicked in fully.

“Lets get you all too bed then.” Lanya took out her wand sending the children to their beds before sending Justine to her bed, with another flick of her wand Justine was in her pajamas and under the covers. Lanya sighed setting down her drink. She had work to do outside and in, her body while wounded didn’t require sleep just yet. Getting to her feet she started with the windows, flicking her wand at them muttering a spell the windows flew back in to place fixing themselves. She headed to the kitchen cleaning the floor of water and fixing the windows. Walking outside in to the back yard she lit a few torches that were there to light up the back yard. She set to work cleaning the kennels and grounds, salvaging what she could from the dead animals before searching the forest for the two bodies of the slayers. Finding Adola in the process ripped in pieces, she knew Adola had fought hard for her. She brought all the bodies out of the forest, setting fire to the slayers and Adola as was custom to her kind to do, along with the other animals from the kennels. Burying only one creature, Jaden’s dog at the edge of the forest, as she worked she sang the dragons song of death. The sun was just coming up when she finished outside, she had a few things left to do.


Chapter 18. The Azh Ky’ath

Justine woke up late that day feeling better, thinking Lanya must have slipped her a sleeping potion. Getting up she walked to the kids room looking in on them. Jaden and Syrus were still sleeping until the sleeping potion wore off on them too. Lanya wasn’t in the house neither was Zenala, a note sat on the kitchen table.

I’ll be back in a few days. I have to take Zenala home, the boys had there memory altered and will be fine,
Give Syrus and Jaden my love, I’ll be home soon.

Justine set the note down and looked outside at the kennels, they were empty but clean. She frowned remembering the night before, gently tugging on her necklace before making herself a cup of coffee.


Zenala stretched her wings happy to be back in dragon form as she sat on Anibus’s head as Lanya made her first stop at Khi and Kara’s a little later that morning. She knocked on the door that was answered by Kara. “My god Lanya what happened? Your arm?” She ushered Lanya in to the house.

“The slayers happened, could you patch me up?”

“Is every one alright?” She asked pushing Lanya to the kitchen and to a stool.

“Yeah, I got the worst of it and Justine did a good job binding the wound but it needs your healing touch, I promise I’ll treat you to a night out at the RDI.” Lanya said wincing slightly as Kara began to remove the old bandages and began cleaning the sword wound.

“Lanya did you know the slayer went threw the bone? Your collar bone is broken, bad.” She nodded slightly as Kara pulled out her wand fixing the bone before continuing to clean the wound and stitching it up before wrapping it in fresh bandages again. Making her arm stay in a sling, the whole process taking a half hour. “When were you attacked?”

“Last night, early.”

“And you waited till now to come to me?”

“I had things to do. And more things left to do that I better get started on.” She said getting up. “Thanks Kara I owe you.”

Kara shook her head. “You owe me big Lanya, and take care of that arm.” Kara called after as Lanya stepped back outside and over to Anibus, climbing in the saddle.

“Where to Zenala?” She asked the little dragon as Anibus took off again.


They arrived in a mist filled area, according to Zenala someplace between places, both close and far away, not quite the real world but not another realm. This was a first for both Lanya and Anibus as they touched down on the soft ground mist curling out of the way. She wondered how a Slayer could ever get in to a place like this, seeing as she needed Zenala to tell her how. Immediately they were surrounded by shadow dragons that weren’t quite as large as Anibus. “Who goes there?” Hissed one of them, the mist moving away from them.

“I am the keeper Lanya, my companion Anibus and the queens daughter Zenala?” Lanya said in dragon bowing respectfully from the saddle as Anibus did the same. Zenala holding herself proudly, as the guards realized it was her they bowed low in great respect.

“The princess has returned.” The dragons shouted leading the trio up to a castle that had extremely large doors that even Anibus could fit threw. Servants to the queen moved to the side bowing as the three of them came threw. There was no need for Lanya to get off of Anibus just yet until they reached the queen. They entered in to a large room that put Andrews castle to shame. At the far end perched atop a massive pile of gold and jewels sat the most regal dragon Lanya had ever seen. She was a dark blue in color and held her self proudly as she watched them come in. The guards moving on ahead bowing low before announcing the arrival of Zenala. Anibus and Lanya bowed again as the guards moved out of the room. Zenala hopping off of Anibus to go sit with her mother on the large pile of gold. Both crooned in welcome.

“So you are the one they call the keeper, are you not?”

“I am your highness.” Lanya said with another bow.

“And I thank you for taking care of her, and I do hope the slayers won’t be any more of a bother to us.”

“They shouldn’t be your highness, seeing as they are all dead now. It was the reason I brought your daughter back to you.” She said with another bow.

“Do you care to stay for the feast in honor of my daughters return?”

“I would your highness but I have other matters that need my attending.”

“Then you may go.” She said dismissively. She bowed again as Anibus did the same before turning around and heading back out of the castle. Before taking off Anibus looked back at her almost disappointed.

“What’s wrong worm?” She asked.

~We should have stayed for the feast they might have served jell-o. ~ Lanya couldn’t help but smile.

“I will give you jell-o at home if you drop me off in the closest town to home.” Anibus nodded taking off and disappearing from the land of the shadow dragons, to appear a few moments later over the large wizard town. He swooped down low as people looked up and pointed. Anibus circled once before slowing his flying and landing on the roof of the Red Dragon Inn. Lanya un strapped herself and slid down his leg landing on the roof she moved to the door up there and inside as Anibus jumped off the roof taking flight again, with one sweep of his wings he moved higher than the other buildings and disappeared.

Lanya walked down the stairs of the almost empty inn, a few early customers sat around tables’ playing cards. A tender she had seen on occasion sat behind the bar reading a newspaper and nodded to her as she walked past and out the door to go walking threw the town. She figured she still looked a wreck and by this time her shoulder had gotten stiff on her. Stopping at the local pet store called Beast A Burden. She went looking threw the canines picking out a half wolf half husky mix that was similar to Jaden’s dog. She took the pup with her as she wandered back threw the streets as they became dark with nightfall. She hadn’t realized how late it had gotten so quickly. With a sigh she headed back to the inn, opening the door it was now crowded with Patrons out of work and looking to relax. She moved threw the crowd the puppy following her obediently laying down at her feet as she took a seat at the bar. She figured after the day she had had she deserved a drink.

Doze was behind the bar with the other tender serving drinks, making his way toward her he set her customary drink if front of her. “Evening Lanya, How was yer summer?” She smiled sipping on the wine. “That’s a nasty looking wound you got there, what happened to ye?”

“I don’t think you would believe me if I told you.”


Zenala sat on the pile of gold deep in thought as her mother did the same before her mother broke the silence. “Zenala, was the keeper the true Azh Ky’ath?”

“No mother I do not believe she was.” She said looking up at the queen.

“Did you discover who was?”

“Yes mother, I believe it is a boy named Jaden, but he wont be ready for many years.”

© Copyright 2005 TheDragonKeeper (lanya at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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