Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/936512-Twincest-3-Preliminaries
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #936512
From chair to bedroom in two easy steps...
Chapter Three: Preliminaries

Davin’s hands tightened over his, effectively pinning him into place as he leaned in close. “So that’s why, is it?” His brother asked, hot breath caressing his ear as he exhaled the words, making Tom shudder. Davin gave a low, throaty chuckle that sent Tom’s already heated blood to boiling point. He couldn’t hold back a broken moan, which made Davin chuckle again, this time at his weakness. The next thing he knew, his brother’s lips were on his again, but this time Tom couldn’t have broken away, even if he’d wanted to. His brother was holding him too tight, and his bones felt like they’d pretty much melted. All he was capable of was just sitting there and trembling under the searing onslaught.

-Yesss- Hissed through his head, and Tom felt a moment of surprise that The Snake was enjoying this just as much as he. However, he barely had time to register this, as he felt a tightening in his groin that signified a full erection…just from a simple kiss. Oh, he had it bad. Davin’s tongue swept across his mouth and Tom gasped. His brother immediately took advantage of this, tongue slipping past the parted lips and starting to explore hungrily, the slick muscle sliding across Tom’s own, a shudder going through him as his brother tried to coax him into playing with him.

After a dazed and confused moment where Tomas was almost completely unresponsive to the probing kiss, his tongue darted out to caress his twin's mouth. Davin smiled against his brother’s lips. Now that he was sure the other wasn’t going anywhere, he released Tom’s hands and then buried his own in his brother’s silky black hair, sighing blissfully at the feel of it against his hands. He tugged gently, somehow bringing Tom closer to him as he lured the other’s tongue into his mouth with a series of teasing licks and retreats. He needn’t have, for it went willingly into Davin’s mouth, eager to explore, Tom’s arms moving around his brother’s waist, pulling him as close as he could without forcing his Light into his lap. A rather muffled gasp fell from Tom’s lips as pleasure exploded across his tongue; Davin was sucking ferociously on it, and just as Tom got used to the mind-blowing sensation, his brother bit down. Hard. Tom mewled and arched into the kiss, the pain stimulating him into submitting completely to his twin.

Davin sucked on the now bloody appendage for a few moments, enjoying the taste of blood so like his own and yet so different, Tom still mewling his need against him, which made him release the other’s slick muscle and plunge his own tongue back into his brother’s mouth, sharing the sweet taste of his love’s blood. Tom moaned deliriously. Surely he was dreaming? Perhaps he’d fallen asleep when Davin had been screwing the lad, and this was the result? But it felt too real… what he’d dreamed about for so long was finally happening.

Davin drew back, eyes alive with lust and Tom looked at him in a confused manner. Why had he stopped? Had he done something wrong? Davin seemed to read his fears and just rolled his eyes impatiently, then chuckled in that sexy manner he had, grabbing Tom’s hand and tugging him to his feet before practically dragging his rather bewildered brother across the room, towards the bedroom. Tom finally clued in and started walking on his own accord, just as eager (If not more) as his brother. Davin swept a corpse that had been a boy not an hour before, then flung his brother onto the bed. The force of the throw probably would’ve bounced Tom off the bed again had his brother’s body not covered his own about a quarter of a second after he landed. Davin dived back into the kiss they’d started earlier, and Tom couldn’t really do anything but writhe, moan and kiss back desperately under his brother’s near vicious attack.

Then, just as suddenly as it’d started, it was gone. Tom’s eyes flew wide and he clutched at his brother’s arm in an attempt to stop him from getting up, but Davin had no intentions of moving, quite happy to feel his brother’s body (Clothed. He’d have to do something about that) under his own. Tom gazed up at his brother, eyes searching the other’s face for the reason he’d stopped, an open question on his eyes which was answered quickly with another question.

”Are you sure you want to do this?” Came Davin’s voice, and Tom just blinked at him. Was that it? Of course he bloody well wanted to do this… Damn, his brother was such an idiot at times. “After this, I don’t want to stop.” He breathed against Tom’s ear, causing him to shudder. “I mean, I will stop if you ask, but if you have any doubts about where this is going, I want to back out now rather than later, brother,” Davin said in soft, cultured tones before sucking Tom’s earlobe into his mouth, tongue dancing across the sensitive skin seized between his teeth. Slowly, Davin tightened his jaw as he sucked harder, and Tom inhaled sharply, nails scrabbling ineffectually against Davin’s chest. In response to this, Davin’s jaw tightened further, deliciously hot blood trickling into his mouth. Tom squirmed, a loud moan tearing reluctantly from his throat at the pain and the intense pleasure that accompanied and complimented it.

Davin forced himself to let his brother’s ear go before he severed the lobe, and then looked up at Tom, smiling at his appearance. Tom looked completely ravished, and they hadn’t even started yet. His eyes were heavy-lidded, his chest going up and down in quick pants, his hair a ruffled, sexy mess. Tom’s erection strained against his pants in what must’ve been a painful way, creating a tent in them. And almost evil smile crept across Davin’s face. “Do you submit, Tomas?” He asked silkily, the tone of his voice making his brother shiver.

He didn’t have to wait long for his answer. Now, in normal circumstances, Tom would never even considering submitting to another, but this couldn’t exactly be classed as normal, and he trusted his brother completely.

”Yes…” He managed to get out between clenched teeth, and with no hesitation. He didn’t even need to think about it; he knew exactly what it was he wanted, and Davin smiled happily at his response.

”Can we play then, Tom?” He asked and raised an eyebrow. This time, Tom did hesitate. He’d seen there first time together as loving, but he nodded after a second of consideration and Davin took the strong ties that were attached to the bed and looped them around Tom’s wrists before pulling tight, stretching Tom’s arms up and out. He tried the tautness of the string by tugging on one, and Tom hissed as a searing pain went through his strained joints. Davin nodded, considered for a moment, and then decided to leave his feet free in case he wanted to manoeuvre his lower half later. He could see the strain in his brother’s upper body, and he smiled. “You move, and I’ll do it to your lower half as well…” He said, chuckling as Tom groaned.
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