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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Other · #936376
The second part of my story.......
Chapter Eleven...

I pulled up to the Crab Shanty ten minutes before one-thirty. I noticed Chloe's black Lexus parked in the rear. She always made a point to park away from other vehicles so that she could hopefully avoid car dings. As I got my things together I felt someone watching me again. I looked to my right and then my left. On the left there was a red Ford Ranger parked next to me. I noticed a man sitting in the drivers seat. I wouldn't have thought anything was peculiar about him except that he didn't glance away like other people did when you caught them looking. He just kept looking at me and smiled the whole time. I was the one who looked away first. How queer, I thought to myself. What a jerk. I put my keys in my purse and gave my hair one last flip and stepped out of my Tercel. As I walked inside I looked back at the Ford Ranger and noticed that the man was still looking at me. What a weirdo I thought. I quickly walked into the restaraunt and began looking for Chloe. The restaraunt was set up to where you seated yourself. I spotted her at a corner table chatting with an older man. The man had a wicked look on his face and and Chloe obviously was just talking to him because she had to. When I walked closer to the table I heard the man tell her that he would see her next week and then he gave her a wink and walked away.
"Who was that?", I asked casually.
"Oh, just someone who comes into the club every once in a while. Really strange man though. He likes to get kinky after hours, which I don't particulary like, but he pays well.", she told me.
"Chloe, I really wish that you would get out of the business. It could be really dangerous"
"I know, but my job pays the bills, just like yours will one day. Or should I say has started to. Besides, the Booby Trap wants me to interview with them next month and you know they have a minimum tip of one hundred dollars. Lap dances are at least one fifty. I can't find a regular job that pays that much Bec. You know that.", she explained excitedly.
" I know, but it's degrading my friend and how do you expect to find a man to marry you when you have that kind of occupation?", I asked her.
" Listen, when I'm married I'll be doing the same thing. Except it will be free to my old man, so why not get paid for it now?"
Right then the waiter walked up to our table to take our drink orders. "Hello Miss Brookes, a vodka tonic for you today?", he asked. "Yes please, and an extra shot of vodka today Victor. I've got alot on my mind and I need to celebrate."
"Yeah, I heard. You finally got your book published. That's great."
"I'll have a Bud Light Vic.", Chloe said.
When he walked away, Chloe looked at me intently. " I noticed that you had a weird look on your face when you mentioned something was on your mind. What possibly could be bothering you?"
" Oh, just a phone call I received before I was walking out the door today. Some guy called and it sounded like Jeffrey, but I'm not sure. I told him that I couldn't see him because I was busy and I thanked him for a nice evening. I wasn't rude to him. Anyway's he called back. I thought it was you so I started talking and all of a sudden he called me a Bitch and said that I hadn't seen the last of him, in not so many words. It didn't really sound like him the second time, but you know, when someone is calling you a Bitch, you're not really listening to who they sound like. What do you think?"
Chloe waited for Victor to set our drinks down and take our order before she answered.
"I know it wasn't Jeffrey, Bec. He called me this morning to tell me that he was leaving for Mexico today. As a matter of fact he called me at seven as soon I walked in the door to say goodbye and that he would see me in a couple of days. That's when he told me about your date. So it couldn't be him.", Chloe told me.
" Well, then now I really am worried, because who else could it had been? The man told me that he would see me again, but I haven't been out with anyone besides Jeffrey and the voice didn't sound familiar to me."
"What about that guy from the army you saw a few times? Didn't he keep bothering you for a while? Remember, he did keep coming up to you in public all the time, harrassing you and stuff."
I shook my head vigorously as I took a sip of my double shot tonic. "No, I heard that he got drunk at a bar one night and pulled a pistol on some guy. He's in jail. Besides, he had a Southern accent. It wasn't him."
Right then a waitress seated a touristy looking man next to us. I glanced over and noticed that it was the guy from the parking lot. Great, if he's anything like he was outside, he'll be watching us the whole time.
"What's wrong Bec?", Chloe asked me.
I leaned closer to her and motioned for her to do the same.
"That guy parked next to me in the parking lot. He kept staring at me and wouldn't look away. He's kinda creepy."
"Well the way your tits are pushing against that shirt I'd be staring too. God, Bec, wher'ed you get it? The junior's department at Bealls?", Chloe teased me.
I blushed rapidly, but got her back.
"No, I'm just preparing for a second career if the book thing doesn't work out. You could get me a job right? We could be a team.", I laughed.
"Sorry sis, but this ho works alone, besides you don't look right for the job. One hoot from a man and you'd faint with embarrassment. I know you.", she quipped.
She was right. I was modest and completely different from her. I finished my drink and when Victor brought our food, I ordered another one, this time a single.
"Listen, Gill invited me to go up to his cabin starting tomorrow through Tuesday. I was hoping you would come with me. He says that it's way out in the foothills, about an hour from here, and not far from a little country store. I thought that it would be fun for the two of us to get away from all this crap. We could take some movies, popcorn and some liqour and have some serious girl fun. What do you say?"
Chloe brightened up and said, "Hey, that's sounds neat. Actually I have the next week off. We could leave around nine from your place. I'll just spend the night since I live on the other side of town. We'll take my car too. Just the two of us huh? Kinda like old days. Sounds fun. After we leave here, I'll go home and then I'll meet you back at your place in two hours. Except, do you feel like going out tonight? There's a new band at the Maverick and I hear they're really good.", she asked me.
"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll be so busy when we get back with my new book and all, that I really won't have any time to go out. Fine with me as long as you don't solicit work during your play time. You have got to promise.", I told her.
"Fine mom, I won't work while we play. This is going to be fun."
We finished our lunches and our drinks. I was happy to find that the man didn't stare at us the whole time we were eating and talking. I paid the bill and tipped Victor too.
"Gee, I hope all your books get published!!!", he said.
I just laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "You know I take care of you Vic. You'll always be my friend. After all we did go to school together. I won't forget the man who served me when I was a nobody."
Things were looking up for me. My mom always said that if I wanted to be happy I had to make others happy too.

Chapter Twelve...

I waited until Melody and Chloe finished eating before I left. I left before they did though. I didn't want to look obvious. So, they were going to a cabin for a few days. If I wanted to follow them I had better start packing now, so that I could have this evening to think more about my plans for Melody and myself. I didn't like the idea of Melody out in the boonies by herself. Even though Chloe would be with her, that still wasn't much protection. I needed to be there for her. I needed to be there always. It hurt me to know that she was alone. God, she had looked so sexy in that red tank top. Chloe was right about her breast's. They did look as though they were trying to push through her shirt. When Melody and I were finally together, she'd have to start dressing more modestly. I didn't want every man in the country looking at her like that. She was also right about being much different than Chloe. I didn't like her joking about working with that slut either. She shouldn't even be thinking like that. Once I showed her my plan and how good life could be with me, she'd think twice about her old life. I loved her and I planned on showing her that.

Chapter Thirteen...

When I arrived home there was a message on my machine. I pushed the play button and Gills voice played loud on the speaker:

Rebecca, I've made arrangements for you to pick up the key to the cabin at the country store down the road. The owners know me well and they have been instructed to put any supplies you may need or purchase on my account. Please do not hold back because I want you to enjoy your mini-vaction. I hope you have a good time and don't forget to take your cell phone, because there isn't a phone up there. Not that you'd need it, but just in case. Have fun and I'll see you on Wednsday. Bye!

What a nice man I thought to myself. I was sure lucky when I found Gill. Unfortunately, it was through a client of Chloe's that I got his phone number.
I was really starting to get worried when nobody wanted to support me and my new book. One phone call to him and he agreed to see me right away. Lucky for me when he talked to the publisher that had agreed to read my work, they didn't butcher it up like most publishers did.
I needed a shower. The heat today had made me feel all dirty. I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I walked back to my room and started digging in my closet. The Maverick was a country club. I needed to wear something country. I found my black Justin boots and then chose a tan pair of Rocky Mountains. I'd decide on a shirt later. Right now I just wanted to get into the shower. I removed my clothes and walked into the steamy bathroom. Right away, the steam started pushing away the L.A. smog from my lungs. I always felt better after I had taken a shower.
I climbed into the shower and let the water wash away all the grit. I got my hair wet and reached for my shampoo. I washed my hair and then put conditioner in it. Next, I sat down and shaved my legs. I didn't really think that I had pretty legs. They were a little chunky on top, but Chloe insisted that I looked fine. My problem was that I loved to eat and hated to exercise.
I should probably get out now before Chloe shows up. I hate to wonder what she is going to wear tonight. Chloe is eccentric. She likes to wear revealing clothes no matter where we go. People never guess that we are together because I dress so different.
I got out of the shower and put my favorite towel around me. I wrapped my hair in another towel. I went into the kitchen to fix myself a drink. Even though it was only three-thirty, I wanted another vodka tonic. I don't know why, but I felt a weird feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. Maybe it was all the excitement lately. The alchohol would calm my nerves. I wasn't as much of a heavy drinker like I was before I started writing. Before I started writing, I worked as a bartender at one of the clubs on the strip. If I wasn't working I would party at the club or go watch Chloe dance where she worked. It wasn't a sexual thing, but we could talk when she had a break and I liked the girls that worked the bar there. One girl, Liz, was especially cool. She was from China and had been all over the world. Her stories are actually what gave me the idea to write a book. She brought out my creative style. When Chloe was through with work at three in the morning we'd go hang out with the other girls or at one of the bouncers house's. There we would drink some more, maybe take a dip in the hottub and definitely snort alot of cocaine. There was a part of that time that was particulary harsh for me. For a period of about two months Chloe and I were high all the time. The term is called Skitzin'. We would stay coked up twenty-four hours a day. I lost probably thirty pounds in those two months and Chloe even more. We almost never ate. I didn't know it at the time, but the people we considered our friends, were not really our friends. We found this out because Chloe and I decided to slow things down. I had started missing work and Chloe just kept on a downhill spiral. Chloe was around those people more than I was so she couldn't get away from them. She felt like she had to do it, because it was there. I finally convinced her to quit and get a job at one of the more classier strip clubs down the strip. She did and we both stopped hanging out at the clubs after we had gotten off. Now we both don't drink as much or do as much drugs. I had probably snorted a total of ten lines in the last six months. I know I shouldn't do it at all, but occasionally it is fun. Usually Chloe and I only do it here or at her house before we go out, but not any after that. Just a little something to keep us going until the club closes. We never see those people anymore and if we do, that don't speak to us. Some friends, huh?
I heard the door open and Chloe's voice rang out.
"I'm here!"
"Im in the bedroom, Chloe.", I responded.
I was looking through my closet when Chloe came into the room. Just as I had expected, she was dressed in her usual attire. She had on a black mini skirt with a white tube top. She had chosen a black pair of cowboy boots to finish off the outfit.
"You don't plan on wearing those do you?", she asked pointing to the jeans I had picked out.
"Yeah, what's wrong with them? They're clean?", I asked.
"You always wear jeans Bec. Why don't you ever wear a skirt or a dress.", she asked me.
"Correction. I always wear jeans to the Maverick. I usually wear the other when we're not going out to a Country club. I'm the one who should be asking you about what you're wearing.", I told her jokingly.
"Well I see that you've started early.", she exclaimed looking at my drink.
"It's been a long week, Chloe and if I remember correctly, you had a few beers at lunch."
"Ok, ok. So how long until you're ready? I wanted to go by Smither's before we went out, you know, for a little before drink, drink." she said with a mischevious grin.
"I know what you want to do, and you can do it, but I'm going to pass.", I told her.
"You're no fun", Chloe whined.
"Yes I am it's just that I don't feel like being up all night. You've done it without me before.", I told her.
I finished getting ready around five-thirty. "I still need to pack my things for tomorrow. I know I won't feel like doing it in the morning. Where is your stuff?"
" Oh I left it in the car so I wouldn't have to drag it all back out in the morning. By the way, can we take your car tonight? I don't want anyone stealing anything from mine.", Chloe asked.
"As long as you help me pack my stuff, we can take my car."
It took us an hour to pack my stuff, because we kept joking around around about stupid stuff.
We started to leave when the phone rang.
"I'll get the phone while you find your keys", Chloe said.
When I got back into the living room, Chloe was standing there with the phone in her hand and a weird look on her face.
"Who was it?", I asked her.
"Oh, nobody. Wrong number I guess."
"Ok, then let's go", I told her.

Chapter Fourteen....

I couldn't believe that Chloe had answered the phone. I shouldn't have said anything to her. I just started talking hoping that it was Melody. Chloe seemed to be around alot lately. Always with Melody. It wouldn't be long now until she would be mine. I had a plan all worked out and it would work. I just hoped that Chloe would tell Melody what I had said. When the other line had picked up I had said; can't wait until we see each other at the cabin Melody. I wish you would've invited me instead. And then Chloe had said; who's this? I had hung up. I recognized her voice in an instant. That Bitch. She would pay for that. It was over now. It had been a long day and I needed a drink. I wanted to go out on the town one more time before Melody and I became one. Maybe I would try out her drink. What was it? A vodka tonic. I had better get a move on. Soon, my love and I would be together forever. I couldn't wait.

Chapter Fifteen......

Luke got home at a quarter till five. He had stayed and talked to Gill for about an hour. After that, he had gone to a cafe on the corner down from the office building and from there he went for a drive around town. Most people would think that driving around this town for no reason was a joke. It helped Luke relax though. He needed something to get his mind off Rebecca. He wished that he had never taken this case. Lately she had become a permanent fixture in his mind. He remembered what she had looked like today. Her faded jeans had fit just right on her. They were a little tight in the hips, but that just made her look sexier. The red top she had been wearing had blown him away too. He thought about how when he had ran outside and hid behind one of the palm bushes next to the revolving doors. He had had a perfect view of Rebecca running behind him. Her breasts had moved in a sensual way, not really bounced. Her hair had blown sensually back and forth across her face. She had a great look of determination on her face.
She must've really wanted to talk to him. God, he had just wanted to let her run into his arms today. And now, she was going away for a few days. In a way it was good. There was no chance of him running into her in town or anywhere else. He could check some things out without accidentaly running into her somewhere. He wanted to go to that office where New Horizons Publishing supposedly ran out of. That would be good to get out of the way. Right now he just wanted to relax and watch the six o'clock news, but first he would take a shower. His muscles were so tense and thinking about Rebecca today didn't help. Maybe he would go out for a drink tonight at his favorite bar. He wouldn't have time in the next few weeks to relax and take a break. He planned on getting this case over with and done. No more Rebecca. Once this case was over he would go on a vacation. Maybe even talk to his old Captain down at the precinct about coming back to work. It would be easier solving cases through the department than this. He turned on the shower and rubbed his eyes. Things would be better for him soon. He had to keep reminding himself.

© Copyright 2005 Rebecca Brookes (rainbow_writer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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