Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/936325-Vengeance
by Ink
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Action/Adventure · #936325
A powerful rider faces a man who killed his family.
Wow, it's been a while since i updated if anyone's still alive to care about it. LOL. Yes, i know it's still not done but here's another section. i'll work on it soon, promise.


The clink of chains was the only sound
as heavy hooves hammered the ground
A massive bay broke through the trees
sending the man to his knees
With mouth hung open he recognized
the man and horse he sat astride

Have mercy Hellhound! he did cry
with panicked tears in his eyes

It wasn’t me that did the deed
I swear I didn’t kill him. Please!

He threw himself upon the ground
the Hellhound, he made not a sound
The man called Rorke, he bowed his head
as fearsome memories filled him with dread

They say the Hellhound, with sword in hand
was stronger than ten times a man
His cunning wit and ruthless skills
could give the stoutest man the chills
His eyes of silver showed no soul
They say his bloods not hot but cold
By his hand men face their deaths
With the chilling cold of Reaper’s Kiss
That’s the name of Hellhound’s sword
Of this sword there is no more
Rorke shook as light played upon the blade
Feverently, one last plead he made

O Hellhound please let me repay
the error that I did today
I swear upon me mother’s grave
I’ll tell you everything they made

Silence he ordered through the gloom
Come here now and face your doom
You’ve killed the ones held dear to me
And thus I shall not let ye free
Then I’ll begin to hunt down him-

Oh no, not him! Rorke broke in
My lord, of power he has well
And will surely kill me if I tell
The name that you have bravely sought
And I will tell of his name naught

Hellhound shrugged as if with ease
You may do with what you please

With that, the Reaper’s Kiss he drew
And pressed it to Rorke `till blood showed through

Now again of you I ask
Who set you to do that task?

Rorke trembled as the blade pressed harder
and shouted out the name he harbored

Cyrus! Cyrus is his name
I swear that’s all the name he gave

He sighed in relief as blade pulled back
But rethought as Hellhound’s eyes turned black

Tell me more! he said in rage
Before I slit your throat with blade

But before Rorke could reply
something shot `cross darkened sky

An arrow whistled through the dark
and quickly found the victim’s mark
Dark blood of red ran from the wound
Rorke’s eyes rolled back, as in a swoon
Through bloodied lips a cry came forth
as Hellhound swung down from his horse
A violent anger rose inside
as Hellhound strode to where Rorke lied
With mounting rage he gripped the shaft
and viciously pulled; with resounding crack
The bloodied arrow he studied grimly
not caring as the blood ran free
In disgust he threw away
the arrow, where the markings lay

Damn thee Cyrus Hellhound said
I’ll serve death to you instead
I’ll have my vengeance, know it well
and send you to the pits of Hell!
May what come I shall defeat
least I die with sword at feet

He threw back his head towards midnight sky
and howled his anger far and wide
Up on horse he galloped west
and thus began the Hellhound’s quest

My Liege said Strife on bended knee
a man who worked for Cyrus’ league

Rorke has been shot jist like yer said
although there might be woe ahead
For Rorke told Hellhound of yer name
afore his throat was sliced with blade

What’s this you speak? demanded Cyrus
Of this man Strife he did detest

What simple task can’t you complete
of dispatching men I do not need?
Must I get another man
to do the tasks I set at hand?

Nay my lord Strife did plead
I only live to serve your need

Leave me ordered Cyrus coldly
Wanting time to think of he

The Hellhound who has vexed him so
Although Hellhound’s a worthy foe

But not for long thought Cyrus harshly
Hellhound will die, to that I’ll see

Cyrus’ fist tightened as he thought
of the setbacks Hellhound had wrought
How in hell could he begin to find
the treasures with Hellhound close behind?

He brooded upon his darkened throne
contemplating over plans to unfold
A thought struck, and Cyrus began to grin
A hellish laugh erupted from him
He rose up from his chair and called
A cry that was heard by one and all

Poor dear Hellhound Cyrus laughed
You won’t get far down your path
For betrayal and lies will overtake
something that seems to be your fate
I’ll set a tangled web for you
and ensnare you, then on to phase two
A companion for you, to that I’ll see
to ‘help’ you on your quest to me

But oh surprises will await
as your sanity begins to break
For everyone wears a mask of lies
Can you get to the truth behind?
You’ll crumble from your fearsome post
like sand upon the ocean’s coast
Then I shall deal the final blow
and send you to Hades down below

An unholy blaze lit Cyrus’ eyes
As lightening streaked `cross darkened sky
The wind did howl a fearsome wail
An ill omen to Hellhound’s tale

On in the night Hellhound did travel
on the pathway straight and narrow
A fortnight of relentless riding east
had taken toll on man and beast

Great beads of sweat rolled from the horse
as eyes rolled back from too much force
Ramrod stiff Hellhound rode through
the pain and fatigue, his discipline held true
With weary eyes he searched the line
for people or town where he could reside
Hellhound grimaced in weary bliss
a lone feed shed he spied through the mist

Hellhound slid down his massive bay
to the feed shed, he made his way

Not what I would call home he said
But it’ll do to rest for days ahead

Trudging to the farthest feed stall
he made a bed with back at wall
Into sleep he fell on hard land
with his trusted sword close at hand
Night sounds lulled the man to sleep
A peaceful scene was but didn’t keep

Eyes snapped open at the sound
at the scuffing of feet on the ground
Hellhound grabbed the Reaper’s Kiss
Rolling to feet he let out a hiss
Someone was going though his things
a foolish man wishing death indeed

Creeping to where the stranger stood
He pressed blade to man before he could

Do you wish death upon you so much
that you would dare court it as such?
Do you not see who you steal from?
The stranger shook his head with much aplomb

My apologies sir, if you were offended
I wanted to know whose shack you attended
I inquire why you did not stay
at a house instead of where you laid?
Could not the most fearsome Hellhound
find willing wenches with which to surround?

Hellhound growled at the man’s amusement
Re-sheathing sword against his better judgment
He spun the irksome man around
and was surprised at what he found

A boy of eighteen was beneath the cloak
Blue eyes peered, quick to provoke
A mass of shocking red hair stood
in all directions, like any boy’s would
A quick smile showed crooked teeth
Under cloak, a lanky frame was beneath
Peasant’s clothing the boy wore
But not the manner, Hellhound was sure

Hellhound sighed in great disgust
A boy, what fate had sent him thus?

Be gone then boy, and rightly know
you have escaped from my death’s blow

With this he pushed the boy away
willing the lad to be on his way

The boy stumbled but held his ground
Taking a breath he turned around

I pray upon your kindness, man
He shifted uneasily with his demand

I wish to travel lands with you
For you see I planned just what to do
I saw you ride along this way
and followed you, hoping to stay
I have no other place to live
but know that I have much to give

Hellhound looked towards dark blue sky
Why me, oh Lord? he almost cried
He interrupted the boy who would have gone on
to talking until two day’s dawn

I do not want nor will I need
A boy to complicate my deeds

At this the boy did raise his chin
He would not go back to where he’d been

I swear upon me honor sir
that I could help he said much braver
My age is of eighteen springs green
A right age for which to accompany

Hellhound opened mouth to reply
but the boy let out a warning cry
He jumped, shoving Hellhound down
before an arrow struck the ground

Curse these arrows! Hellhound roared
That same arrow he’d seen before

His sharp gaze searched along the shed
but the culprit had already fled
He got up snarling in annoyance
The boy stood up smiling in silence

Well boy Hellhound said more to himself
What’d be the name you call yourself

The boy flashed a triumphant grin
Adventures were about to begin

Speak up boy Hellhound did say
I canna stand around all day
Be quick about the name you’d supply
Or do ye not have one to provide?

Hellhound gave a somewhat wolfish smirk
dusting off the grass on his shirt
He continued with his light teasing
surprised to find it was quite pleasing

Mayhap I have acquired a slow lad
A person which I canna have
A stout heart and light on feet
is to help me in my defeats
If ye be that lad I seek
Then I command, loudly ye speak

My name is Gil my lord! he cried
Mordred, a village, is where I reside
I have naught any kin or friend
to miss me when I leave this end
The end of this life he clarified
The statement gave Gil peace of mind

Fer as soon as I am with you
I know life will begin anew
And let me say, I beg my liege
To this will you hear me please?

Hellhound nodded somewhat curtly
Will that boy never cease? he thought gruffly

There is naught a man, like you, so fine
My lord, I must say you are quite divine
With highest respect might I say
yer a legend in each and everyway

Hellhound swelled with his male pride
It was true he was quite divine
Gil continued picking up speed
Never to take in air it seemed

To serve someone as fine as you
brings tears to eyes, oh aye it’s true
What happy days until the end
to just kiss your garments hem
Women faint at your manly sights
as men are in awe of yer fights
Why even the King of yonder land
would fight just to touch yer hand

By now Hellhound began to redden a shade
A cool composure he tried to regain

Cease now boy, you’ve said enough
But Gil continued ignoring the rebuff

Why your sword is like a precious gold
too good for any mortal man to hold
Your wondrous steed is said to be
from the very pits of Hell, you see
And that is truly a fearsome feat
and grants you immortality I think
Thus the hard and godlike face
and physique and the deadly grace

Ye gods I’ve a poet! Hellhound thought in alarm
To stop the talking he’d cut off his arm
How he hated poets of all kinds
Cowardly and melodramatic all the time
He turned his attention back to the boy
who was still talking about his ploys

And what of your skills you say?
I shan’t forget then, oh nay
Your cunning wit and deadly aim
to kill thieves once and again
Your powers to woo any maid
Is legendary, as how oft you get laid

Hellhound sputtered at the declare
at the boy he sent a venomous glare
To kill the boy he had in mind
Instead, his teeth Hellhound did grind

Gil continued to finish his speech
standing within Hellhound’s easy reach

The Holy Lord has smiled on you
in the journeys you’ve been through
And for I to serve such a great legend
is more than I can comprehend

About to continue, Hellhound was through
He wanted to choke the boy `till he was blue

Enough now boy! Hellhound did roar
A command the boy did not ignore

I’ve enough of yer poets talk
Your name was the only thing I sought

The boy nodded a suspicious glint in eye
As he opened his mouth to reply

My apologies sir if offended
To praise you was what I intended
But if you should want me to stop, to please
then I must oblige, for you are my liege

With that Gil threw himself upon the ground
A fitting bow for the great Hellhound
Hellhound let out an irritated oath
Grabbing the boy by his cloak

Get up now boy before you receive
a swift kick that you sorely need
Enough with these mocking words
For I have to get on, have you not heard?

The playful glint was gone from Gil’s eye
Swiftly a serious mood did reside

Aye my lord and what do you command?
I will do the tasks you set at hand

The boy’s seriousness did take
And satisfaction followed in anger’s wake

Aye then lad, yes you will do
Now come, a horse I must have for you
Maybe all will be well, Hellhound thought
But then again, maybe not

Hellhound gave a vicious curse
wondering which fate was worse
A boy who had a poetic side
or one, a horse he couldn’t ride
Back five miles Hellhound had found
the boy a horse, close to ground
For much as Hellhound loathed to admit
when it came to horses, the boy had no wit

Curse you boy now hold your mount!
The number ten Hellhound did count
He wasn’t certain if he would
kill the boy from where he stood

It’s not my fault! Gil yelled outraged
Another horse I’d do well he bade

I don’t have time Hellhound had said
Trying to follow the horse’s tread
The horse that man must surely have had
that fired the arrow at the lad

Hellhound had a thought that he would find
the culprit from the tracks left behind
From there he would coldly demand
answers from the assigned man
For sure that Cyrus was behind this someway
Although what part, he couldn’t say
But later nights Hellhound would surmise
about the problems that that would arise

The sun was sinking beneath the mountains
turning the sky a colorful fountain
Radiant orange and darkest blues
canvassed the sky with brilliant hues
The stars began to appear from overhead
as Hellhound stopped, We rest he said

Strife walked in, in uncertain airs
He knelt, touching hand to hair

What? Cyrus asked in contempt
To give an answer, Strife did attempt

A man, called Lark he paused in fear
He strongly demands for you to hear

About what? Cyrus snapped in aggravation
Moving his hand in a jerky motion

Before you do away with him
He says he has a proposition
About Hellhound he has much to say
as long as you’re prepared to pay

Cyrus’ fist curled around the cup’s stem
as he heard the message about him
Strife had proclaimed that the man who had
shot an arrow at the lad
That he was caught and wished to plead
To be a part of Cyrus’ team
Cyrus raised a hand to dismiss the man
but stopped, a thought close at hand

Send him in Cyrus said coldly
And lock the doors when you leave

Strife bowed, acknowledging the command
At the doors he grabbed a man
The doors locked behind with a grate
Then silenced followed in its wake

Boot heals rang on the stone floors
To Cyrus, the chained man came towards
He stopped, and flashed a joyless grin
giving a mock bow to him

I presume you’re Lark? Cyrus asked
Faint stirrings of interest Cyrus did mask

The man nodded in agreement
An angelic air his blond hair lent

Well sir, I really must begin to say
about the warm welcome I received today
But what the deuce was this for?
He pointed to the chains on the floor

Why shackle me when all I want
is to give you information that you sought

Information that you wanted me to pay
Cyrus said softly, anger not far away

A small fee my lord Lark said smoothly
For all the trouble your men caused me

There will be more trouble if you don’t tell
what information you have withheld

Patience my lord, least you forget
by killing me, information you won’t get

I don’t have to kill you to have my way
Some torture would do well, I say
I relish the screams of men in pain
I’d love to hear those sounds again

Lark’s face paled at the threat
But then regained; he wasn’t done yet

But sir, I know that you would hear
about this man, Hellhound you fear

I do not fear him! Cyrus thundered
The cup he held was torn asunder
A terrific feat, which showed his rage
As wrought of iron the cup was made

Cyrus calmed and pinned his gaze
at the man, his eyes ablaze

So what of this bargain you did propose
about the Hellhound, my worthy foe?

A knowing smirk Lark tried to hide
although a glint was left in eye

You surely know before I tell
about my fees that you know well

Oh aye Cyrus agreed softly
That little matter of your fee

For I won’t talk without my pay
I’ll turn around and walk away

Cyrus nodded pulling out a knife
The fee, you see, will be your life

Lark paled but sputtered a reply
I must protest, you surely lie!

A wicked gleam lit up Cyrus’ eyes
He shook his head I never lie
He continued on, toying with blade
a twisted hellish sight he made

You’ve stated what you want from me
but I’m a noble man you see
I’ll make a generous deal with you
that will completely satisfy us two
I’ll give you all riches you desire

Lark’s heart stopped, his brain on fire
Visions danced around his head
all of which would soon be fed

But what do you get in return?
Cyrus grim smile seemed to burn

Oh something small if you must know
just give me your mind, body, and soul

A heavy silence hung in the air
as Cyrus waited, he didn’t care

Lark licked his lips as he thought
Of Cyrus’ morals he had naught
But the riches! he told himself with glee
Soul be damned in lust for greed

Lark’s eyes turned crafty as he thought
But what if I tell you, I think not?

I’ll say this once, you understand
I’ll strike you dead from were you stand

The ring of truth filled Lark with dread
but still the man did shake his head

Cyrus grinned at the ‘aye’
So we have a deal, you and I?

He held out his hand in no great haste
just one shake to seal Lark’s fate

Lark looked at the hand in fright
A large silver ring met his sight
A death’s head sat atop Cyrus’ hand
The ring’s red eyes flashed at the man

Lark swallowed at his slight unease
but shook the hand; Cyrus seemed pleased
Cyrus’ face broke into a grin
a smile that Lark took no comfort in
He was quite ill despite his new wealth
He had just made a pact with the devil himself

Now tell me everything you found
and why the hell you shot Hellhound!

Lark flinched at the sharp command
but quickly relayed the message at hand
Cyrus listened until Lark was done
He said satisfied So it has begun

Lark waited expectantly
Well my lord, about my fee?

Cyrus shrugged and tossed a gem
Lark caught it and looked at him

That’s all? he asked in whining tones

That’s all you get for what you’ve shown
but there will be more, trust me he said
The statement made Lark cautious instead

Cyrus snapped, and Strife walked in
Take this man to my dungeon

The dungeon! Lark cried in fear
But wait my lord, what about our deal?

Cyrus sneered as Lark was dragged away
I never said where you would stay

You wanted riches, to that I concede
You’ll find them in the dungeon three
I never said how long, have I
you’ll have the treasure before you die?

A lesson Lark that you will not forget;
never make a deal that was this quick
Something that seems too good to be true
will most likely mean death for you

With that Cyrus turned back to Strife
Torture then take away his life

Strife grabbed poor Lark as he screamed out
May you burn in Hell! he did shout

Cyrus’ laugh echoed down the hall
The evil of it made Lark’s skin crawl

Lark heard the laughter as he left
as Strife dragged him to his death

Gil tethered the horses and let them feed
as Hellhound set up camp with speed
The fire popped softly that Hellhound made
the shadows casting harsh light upon his blade

Silently Hellhound watched the lad
wondering about the fate the boy had
By his morals, Hellhound wouldn’t ask
the answers to him were the boy’s task

As if sensing Hellhound’s inner thoughts
Gil straighten his shoulders, head held aloft
The boy shifted and gave a sigh
looking squarely into Hellhound’s eyes

I thank ye my lord fer allowing me
to be your squire, an honor indeed

I am no knight Hellhound replied
They don’t exist; that age has died

Privately Gil thought that was untrue
Hellhound was a knight through and through
Gil waited gathering his thoughts
Before telling answers Hellhound sought

I’m thinking now has come the time to tell
About my past that I know well
About where I hailed from and what was done
That befell me and caused me to run

Hellhound nodded in silent agreement
a coaxing message to Gil he sent

I have been thinking along those lines
so tell your tale for it is time

Well, my lord I must begin
My name’s not Gil, nor has it been
I had to change my name Gil said quickly
Or those killers would have murdered me!

A charged silence hung in the air
As Hellhound pondered thoughts with care

I am, confused by your outburst
Why don’t you start from the beginning first?

Gil nodded and settled down to tell
his devastating tale that did befell
© Copyright 2005 Ink (greenikat89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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