Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/935874-The-Oak
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #935874
Story about being strong for others.Main character is an Oak used to build a warship.
The forest was full of oaks, all shapes and sizes but all of the oaks were squat with branches
Sticking out of their trunks at odd heights and angles. All but one that is, and this one oak was massive. Its trunk was straight and tall and all the other oaks looked like dwarfs next to it. Its branches were straight as arrows and strong as steel. It’s roots dug deep into the good earth to draw every last bit of nourishment to sustain its great bulk. Its forest home was on coastal hills near the coast, overlooking a town whose main source of income was building great sailing vessels.
It was because of that town that all the other oak trees grew like they did, and they harassed the lone tall oak in their mist.
“Why grow tall and straight?” they asked one another “ Those wrenched humans will only cut us down for their for their ships and take us away from our home”
And this was true. In years gone by all the great oaks were cut down and made into sailing ships that plied their trade and made this country what it was. But the oaks that were left had grown soft and weak after their great fore fathers had left them. They decided they didn’t want any part of keeping up the fleet that brought goods to people and defended those who could not fend for them self’s.
“ Such fools” the tall oak said to its brothers.” This is our land too. Yes, some of us we were here long before these people came and started cutting us down to be used for their ships. And some of us are new to this forest, transplanted by the whims of Mother Nature to this peaceful forest. But it is because of us that this country is the great power it is today. They only use what they need to and protect us from harm from those not so thoughtful and from natural predators and fires. It is our duty to give back a little of what this country has done for us. So I WILL grow straight and tall and strong and be ready when the need arises.”
And so on a warm spring day the cutters descended into the forest. They started at the edge and started working inwards and the gossip of the trees started to reach back into the deepest part of the forest where the great oak grew.
“Oh no” the lesser oaks wailed, “ There is trouble afoot. Some other country has attacked this one and the woods men are cutting us down. They need more ships to carry supplies and men for the defense. Why can’t they just leave us alone? Why must they fight this other country? They should just withdraw to their own shores and let the other country do as they may. So what if others will suffer? It’s no business of ours. We want to just stay safe and happy in our little forest home. See, it’s a good thing we didn’t grow straight and tall, at least they will leave us alone now because we are so unthreating to them!”
The great oak’s branches shook with anger at his brothers of the forest who were acting so stupid.
“ I say again, fools, you are all fools. Yes let this other country do what it will and let us just stand back and do nothing. And what if they come here? Should we just stand back too and let them terrorize this land? Once they are here what will you do then? Will you stand and fight or will you give in to it’s demands and become like they are? I say cut this problem off where it lays and never let it’s tentacles reach this shore. My self, I stand ready for the woodsmen saws to do my duty as I see it.” And with that the great oak rested to wait for its destiny.
The following day the woodsmen came.
“ Gawd, look at this sorry bunch of oaks here. All these are good for is the ribs and other small pieces of merchant ships used to haul supplies. None of them but that lone tall oak are strong enough to stand up to the punishment of the ships needed for the defense of the others.”
And so they cut the great oak down. From the heart they made the great bow stem that would lead the ship into battle. One quarter made the keel, which gave the ship its great strength. Another quarter made the ribs, which would hold the weight of, it’s guns. The rest of the trunk was used for planking to keep water out and to protect the men who would man her. It’s many branches made the masts and yard arms that held the sails that would propel this great vessel into harms way so it could protect it’s brethren, even if they didn’t want it.
Finally one fine autumn morning the ship was completed. It sat at rest in the harbor, it’s masts looking like a floating forest, men were climbing those many ladders and mast’s looking like a swam of ants as they made preparations to get under way. Its rakish bow gave the illusion that the ship was making great speed, even though it was only minuets since it’s anchor was raised.
“Prepare to set sail!” the boson called “ We have an convoy to protect, and I’ll be damned it any thing will happen to it on my watch!”
Sails were unfurled, lines were dogged tight and a heading for the open sea and the rest of the convoy was made. The ship leaped forward as the wind filled its sails. The froth of white water at the bow gave the impression of a dog with a bone in its mouth, a very dangerous dog. And the ship shuddered with joy as it raced toward its mission.
Once the great ship was among the slower ships of the convoy, it recognized the voice of other trees that were once in the forest.
“ Well I hope your happy now,” they snapped at him. “ This is what you always wanted isn’t it? To be put to use to intimidate people, and look at us, cut up for these stupid ships so that we can bring supplies up and down this coast to the people who live here, now that other ships have gone on to fight.”
“Happy? No I’m not happy about this at all. I really would rather be back in the forest, hearing the birds chirp in their nests in my branches, feeling the wind in my leaves instead of these sails. But I know my duty, and I will carry it out, you and all the other oaks of the forest who were too weak and afraid to be strong will be safe, I will see to that. And in keeping you safe I will keep this country that is our home safe too, along with all who dwell in it.” And with a sudden gust of wind the great ship made of that great oak tree from the forest surged ahead to sweep the sea before the convoy of any dangers that might lie ahead.
On the third day sails were sighted. It was the enemy. The ships made out of the lesser oaks seemed to slow all on their own.
“Turn us around!” they cried “Or better yet, lets heave to and give this enemy what ever it wants from us, why take chances, if we surrender to them they will leave us alone.”
The great ship made out of the great oak bellowed with rage. “ GO, go for safety you weak hearted ships. Return to port and hide if all you can think of is your safety and well being when the supplies you carry will make life better for the men, women and children of these ports along the coast, I have no use for you. And if you think surrending to these people will bring an end to this madness, you are mistaken. They will use what you carry for their own pleasure and then burn your hulls. And they will not stop with you. They will continue until this entire world is in turmoil, until all men women and children are in their grips. My self, I chose to fight this foe, and stop his ruinous behavior so others will be safe.”
And so the lesser ships turned and ran. On the great ship, men climbed the rigging; sails were unfurled and filled with wind. The stern of the great ship sank deep into the sea as it sped off to protect those who could not protect them self’s. The bow of the ship made out of the stout heart of the great oak drove into the seas pushing aside the water that held it back. Seamen scampered about the deck readying the guns that would spite the enemy ships. The great ship could feel the power in its timbers, could feel the courage of the men who manned it. It could also feel their fear, as it felt it’s own fear, but the ship and those men on her turned that fear into something they could use, something that few felt in their life. It was knowledge that what they were about to do WAS the right thing. That others would be made safe for what they were about to under go.
So the battle was joined. That great ship sped into the mists of its enemy. Powerful broad sides of cannon shot were hurled towards its foe. Cannon balls struck with deadly accuracy, splintering bull works, snapping masts in two, ripping great holes on the canvas sails of the other ships, smashing the men who sailed these ships But the great ship also felt the furry of it’s adversary. Its own planking felt the hammer blows form the guns being fired at it, it’s sails too, became riddled with holes from the projectiles flying through the air. But the great ship and those on her never wavered, never once thought of running away from the on slot of steel raining on it, their only thought was to defeat this enemy so that others could sleep safe this night.
Two days later the ship, which limped into port, looked nothing like the one, which had left days earlier. Its great hull was scorched form fires, its rigging was in shambles, streaks of blood ran down it’s side. But it had lost none of its pride, for it had triumphed over those who sought to spread their misery over the seas. All those who could stand lined her deck in proud tribute to those who gave all for their fellow countrymen. As the great ship passed those lesser ships it heard the cheers from those who ran.
“ Hooray for the great oak ship” their happy cries went up “ We knew you could beat them, now we can go back to sea and safely and continue the work we started.”
But the great ship made out of the great oak tree said nothing. It just let it self are lead to the dock where it’s dead and wounded would be unloaded and the repairs that were necessary would be made. For it knew that the need for it, and the brave men who fought aboard her was not yet over. And when that need was over, it would stand ready again to do its duty whenever called, for not every one has the strength of the great oak.

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